In Swift-iOS How I catch User Authentication erros in AWS Cognito? - ios

I'm trying aws cognito user pool and got stacked in the user sign up process. I already configured my user pool and are executing the sign-up method, but I can find a way to get the error code returned by aws services. Here my user pool instantiation, that is working fine:
let poolConfig = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPoolConfiguration(
clientId: userPool_clientId,
clientSecret: userPool_secret,
poolId: userPool_id)
AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool.registerCognitoIdentityUserPool(with: poolConfig,
forKey: userPoll_App)
userPool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool(forKey: userPoll_App)
Then, in my view controller I have a Button whit a #IBAction with this:
if userPool != nil {
let attName = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType()! = "name"
attName.value = userNome
let attLast = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType()! = "family name"
attLast.value = userSobrenome
let attEmail = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType()! = "email"
attEmail.value = userEmail
var result:Bool = false
password: userPwd,
userAttributes: [attName, attLast, attEmail],
validationData: nil).continue({(task:AWSTask!) in
if (task.error != nil) {
print (task.error!)
result = false
} else {
result = true
return nil
After that code, I test the result to see if it is true or false and take the appropriate action. But...
I'm having different errors in this process and I need to evaluate this errors in development time. For example, the first error that I got was because I misconfigured the AWS region. Ok! Game on!! But the second error was because the password informed by the user did not passed the validation of the pool. In this case, I want to know the error was because the validation process and inform the user to take the appropriate action. I do not want to have this logic in the iOS app. The task.error object just give a localized description property and it is not very helpful.
By the way: I'm using Swift 3.2, iOS 10.2, aws-ios-sdk2 and Xcode 8.

I would like to expand on behrooziAWS's answer.
In Swift 4 you can match the error code with enums like AWSCognitoIdentityProviderErrorType.TheErrorType.rawValue.
Here's a tip for searching your error type, just type "AWSErrorType" and Xcode's autocomplete would show all the enums and then you can look through them.
Here's a code I use.
AWSobject.AWSfunction().continueWith { task -> Any? in
if let err = task.error as NSError? {
switch err.code {
case: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderErrorType.userNotFound.rawValue:
// Handle case
// Handle all other cases here
return nil
// Do stuff on success!

task.error.code will contain a code you can compare to values in this enum. Look here for the particular error codes that can be returned by SignUp.


Catch certain Firebase Error in iOS not working

Updated question
I am trying to manually check if the user is has to be reauthenticated or not. This is what I've come up with:
//MARK: updateEmail
static func updateEmail(email: String, finished: #escaping (_ done: Bool, _ hasToReauthenticate: Bool) -> Void) {
let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser
currentUser?.updateEmail(to: email) { err in
if err != nil {
if let errCode = AuthErrorCode(rawValue: err!._code) {
switch errCode {
case .userTokenExpired:
finished(true, true)
Utilities.showErrorPopUp(labelContent: "Fehler", description: err!.localizedDescription)
finished(false, false)
} else {
finished(true, false)
But this is never going through the .userTokenExpired case even when it should.. What am I missing here ?
There is no API in Firebase Authentication that returns when the user has last authenticated, or whether that was recently. The only built-in functionality is that Firebase automatically checks for recent authentication for certain sensitive operations, but that seems to be of no use to you here.
But since your application is making API calls when the user authenticates, you can also record the time when they do so, and then check whether that was recent enough for your use-case.
If you need to check if user is authenicated - is same as reauthenication. Firebase will do their work to do some lower levels like tokens, etc. We don't have to worry about it.
guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {
//authenicate the user.
if you want to update the email address in user, the logic should be
check if the user is not nil, then update the email address.
If it is nil, then log in (anonymous or regular workflow to sign in), then update the email address.
I use this similar logic to check if the user is signed in, then do something. Otherwise, sign in as anonymous, then do same something.
The issue was quite simple: I caught the wrong error:
The error I have to catch in my case is .requiresRecentLogin . With that, everything is working fine.

Add Extra Parse Log In Field

I am making an app that logs you in to a certain group, Currently I have it where you log in as such:
let loginUser = PFUser()
loginUser.username = username.text!
loginUser.password = password.text!
PFUser.logInWithUsername(inBackground: loginUser.username!, password: loginUser.password!, block: { (user, error) in
if user != nil { //Continue with code
but what I'd like to do would be to add in my group login ID field so that I do not have to make an additional call to match their groupID TextField with their currently set up groupID. I don't know if you can and I couldn't find it in documentation. Something Like:?
let loginUser = PFUser()
loginUser.username = username.text!
loginUser.password = password.text!
loginUser["groupID"] = groupID.text!
PFUser.logInWithUsername(inBackground: loginUser.username!, password: loginUser.password!, login["groupID"]: login.groupID block: { (user, error) in
if user != nil { //Now Checks login AND for group id...
Now obviously I know it's not that easy but does anybody have a mildly easy work around for this? Right now afterwords i'm comparing the
user["groupID"] == groupID.text! {
// Then Login to group is a success!
// Segue to next View Controller
} else {
// Let the user know the Log In was "unsuccessful" even though they logged in but they got their groupID wrong
// Log User Out
// Clear groupID Text Field & Display alert so they can reattempt log in
Any help would be appreciated!
I suggest you to use "cloud code", you might want to create your own login method using some other language like javascript.

How to sign up a user and verify their phone number with Cognito User Pools in Swift?

So far I can only find how to do this in the AWS documentation in objective c, not swift. I am successfully creating users in the User Pool in swift with the following code:
let userPool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool(forKey: "myApp")
var name = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType() = "name"
name.value = nameEntry.text
var phone = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType() = "phone_number"
phone.value = "+1" + phoneNumberEntry.text!
var email = AWSCognitoIdentityUserAttributeType() = "email"
email.value = emailEntry.text
userPool.signUp("goats", password: passwordEntry.text!, userAttributes: [name, phone, email], validationData: nil)
Doing the above code creates a user in the Cognito User Pool as expected.
Furthermore, the above code successfully sends a verification code to the phone number provided. However, I have been unable to then successfully pass this verification code back to AWS and verify the phone number. I have tried both of the following lines after the user has been created in the User Pool, neither of which are changing the phone number to being verified:
user.verifyAttribute("phone_number", code: verificationEntry.text!)
for what it's worth I am setting the user variable to the following, after the user has signed up:
self.user = userPool.getUser()
None of this is working and AWS's objective c documentation isn't helpful. Any ideas on how to verify the user's phone number?? Thanks
You should use userPool.getUser(username: String), not userPool.getUser().
In your case:
self.user = userPool.getUser(nameEntry.text)
Otherwise, you might get following error.
[Debug] AWSURLResponseSerialization.m line:63 | -[AWSJSONResponseSerializer responseObjectForResponse:originalRequest:currentRequest:data:error:] | Response body:
{"__type":"InvalidParameterException","message":"2 validation errors detected: Value at 'username' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or equal to 1; Value at 'username' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{S}\\p{N}\\p{P}]+"}
After signup, you should call confirm signup to confirm the user and mark the phone/email (where you got the code).
You can do get user to confirm whether the attribute was marked as verified.
P.S.: If you are having issues please PM me your user pool id, user name and signup time frame.
You need to specify the user to whom the verfication code was sent. So use getUser() with the username. Then you call confirmSignUp().
#IBAction func confirmButtonPressed(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if confirmationCodeTextField.text != nil {
let pool = AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool(forKey: "UserPool")
let user: AWSCognitoIdentityUser = pool.getUser("userName")
user.confirmSignUp(confirmationCodeTextField.text!).continue(with: AWSExecutor.mainThread(), withSuccessBlock: { (task: AWSTask<AWSCognitoIdentityUserConfirmSignUpResponse>) -> Any? in
if task.error != nil {
// Error
} else {
// handle the success response
return nil
} else {
// Ask user to enter the confirmation code.
The above method will help you to confirm the user sign up. While getting the user you must specify the "user Name". This code is written in swift 3.

How do I run a Cloud Code on Heroku?

With the Parse's announcement of their retirement, I have migrated my Parse Server onto Heroku. With my still neophyte knowledge of Heroku, I do not know if they have a similar function to that of Cloud Code, but I do know that a few months ago Parse Introduced a Heroku + Parse feature that allows you to run Cloud Code on any node.js environment, particularly Heroku.
My dilemma is, I have already migrated my server from parse to Heroku prior to learning about this feature :/ , so I cannot run any parse cloud code form my terminal because there is no existing server there anymore. So the question is, how can I emulate this following Cloud Code in Heroku & How do I adjust my swift?
Cloud Code:
// Use Parse.Cloud.define to define as many cloud functions as you want.
// For example:
Parse.Cloud.define("isLoginRedundant", function(request, response) {
var sessionQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Session);
sessionQuery.equalTo("user", request.user);
sessionQuery.find().then(function(sessions) {
response.success( { isRedundant: sessions.length>1 } );
}, function(error) {
and here is my swift back in xcode:
PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground(userName!, password: passWord!) {
(user, error) -> Void in
if (user != nil) {
// don't do the segue until we know it's unique login
// pass no params to the cloud in swift (not sure if [] is the way to say that)
PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("isLoginRedundant", withParameters: [:]) {
(response: AnyObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
let dictionary = response as! [String:Bool]
var isRedundant : Bool
isRedundant = dictionary["isRedundant"]!
if (isRedundant) {
// I think you can adequately undo everything about the login by logging out
PFUser.logOutInBackgroundWithBlock() { (error: NSError?) -> Void in
// update the UI to say, login rejected because you're logged in elsewhere
// maybe do a segue here?
let redundantSession: String = "you are already logged in on another device"
self.loginSecond.userInteractionEnabled = true
} else {
// good login and non-redundant, do the segue
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("loginSuccess", sender: self)
} else {
// login failed for typical reasons, update the UI
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.loginSecond.userInteractionEnabled = true
if let message = error?.userInfo["error"] as? String
where message == "invalid login parameters" {
let localizedMessage = NSLocalizedString(message, comment: "Something isn't right, check the username and password fields and try again")
}else if let secondMessage = error?.userInfo["error"] as? String
where secondMessage == "The Internet connection appears to be offline." {
I would first checkout the example repo and read the parse-server documentation. Parse server supports cloud code out of the box and you simply specify which file contains your functions and triggers in the parse-server config. The link you posted with the integration between parse and heroku is not relevant for parse-server.

How to check if a user upgraded using parse?

My app has a login and signup. Once the user is logged in he can then choose to upgrade the account. When the account is upgraded, a new class in parse is created called "Upgrade". Here it has a bunch of subclasses with stored information. Then once the user is upgraded it brings him to a special page that only upgraded users have access to. But how can I check on login if the user is upgraded, and if he is, automatically bring him to the special page.
In my parse, I have the User information stored with subclasses "Username" and "Password". Then in a separate class I have the upgrade information stores with subclasses "Address", "Phone Number", and I have a linker to link back to the user who created it.
my current code for login is:
#IBAction func loginButton(sender:AnyObject) {
var username = self.usernameTextField.text
var password = self.passwordTextField.text
if(password.utfCount <5) {
var alert = UIAlertView(title:"Invalid", message: "Password must be greater than 5", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle:"OK")
else {
PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground(username, password: password, block:{(user, error) -> Void in
if ((user != nil) {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("LoginSegue", sender: nil)
This is the basic code but it does not check to see if the user is upgraded.
I tried:
if(PFUser.currentUser() == PFQuery(className:"Upgrade")) {
But obivously this didnt work due to the current user not equaling that class.
What kind of code could I user to check if the user made a Upgrade class within parse?
I have tried messing around with fetchinbackground code and enter code hereobjectinbackground but I can't seem to make those work.
I don't know the Swift very well, so sorry if there are errors, but try something like:
var query = PFQuery(className:"Upgrade")
query.whereKey("user", equalTo:currentUser.objectId)
query.getFirstObjectInBackgroundWithBlock {
(object: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil
println("The getFirstObject request failed.")
} else if object == nil{
//No Upgrade object with that user's ID
} else {
// The find succeeded, user has created an Upgrade object
println("Successfully retrieved the object.")
You could also set up your code to store the pointer to the Upgrade object on the user, rather than the other way around. You could set a bool value on the user to see if they have upgraded. If it is true, then take them to the upgrade screen, or fetch the Upgrade object, whatever you need first.
