Xamarin fails to deploy iOS app to iOS Device - ios

I am trying to deploy my Xamarin iOS app to iPhone. But it fails to deploy into iPhone devices where as it works fine in Simulators. I verified that Bundle Identifier and Provisioning Profiles are matching. Also I deployed another test app into iPhone devices using XCode using the same provisioning profiles. It is getting deployed successfully. Also approved the Developer as trusted in iPhone.
The Exception I see Visual Studio as below
error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'Raja’s iPhone': AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle
returned: 0xe8000067 (kAMDAPIInternalError).
I see this is coming from my Mac Agent. Visual Studio says the App is terminated.

As mentioned here by Tim Wheeler, it is an indication that your device is not in your provisioning profile, or your provisioning profile is invalid.
Basically, iOS will not let you build the app on to the device for security purposes, unless you have registered the device to THAT particular app in the Apple Developer Portal. They have no issues with you installing it on a simulator, so that you can't distribute apps without using the App Store.
In order to fix this, you need to have Access to the Apple Developer Portal of the company under which the app is registered and then go to the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles.
Go to the "Devices" tab and make sure your device is in the list. Then go to "Profiles" tab, and you might see an "Invalid" status under the Expiration column of the Provisioning Profile. Fix it, tap on your app's profile, ensure it includes your iPhone, downloaded the new one to the mac and install it.
Not fixed yet?
If that was not the issue, it could be because you have multiple provisioning profiles installed. Visual Studio is usually set to Automatically determine the appropriate provisioning profile, and it could be using the wrong one if you have a few installed. You could delete the unneeded ones, or you can go to your iOS project settings, set the bundle signing to "Manual", then choose the valid profile.

Try to change Linker Behavior to Link SDK assemblies only

Go to the iOS properties => iOS Build and set "Linker Behavior" to "Link Framework SDKs Only" and "Supported Architectures" to "ARMv7 + ARM64"

Create blank project on your build mac host, or mac, xcode. Set bundle id to xamarin bundle id. Build and deploy from xcode, close and try again with xamarin.


How can I test ios app i coded on Xamarin.Forms on Windows 10 using a real iPhone iOS device?

Currently i don’t have apple developer account. I am developing on Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10. I also have a mac device. I installed xcode on this mac. I run simulators on windows by the help of this mac connection. But i want to test my app on real iphone. How can i do this ?
You cannot run your development app on iOS device unless you have an Apple developer account. After you create the account, you need to create provisioning certificates for the device, download them. Only then you can run it
To be able to deploy on a physical iOS Device, you either need to have an Apple Developer Account or you can get a free provisioning profile from XCode (No Apple Developer Account required).
To get a free provisioning profile,
You have to (on your Mac):
Open XCode > Preferences and add your Apple ID in the Accounts section. You can then close the Preferences tab.
Create a new project and select Single View App. In the Team drop-down list, set it to the Apple Id you just added.
After the creation of the project, target your iOS device for building.
Open General > Identity and make sure the Bundle Identifier matches the one found in your info.plist directly from your Xamarin.iOS app.
Under Signing, select Automatically manage signing and select your Team.
You should now be able to see your provisioning profile when clicking the 🛈 symbol under Signing - Provisoning Profile and you can test the deployment by clicking the run button.
To deploy your app from Visual Studio:
Make sure your Visual Studio is paired to the Mac.
Connect your iOS Device to the Mac
Navigate to iOS Bundle Signing in Your iOS Project > Properties.
For Configuration, select Debug.
For Platform, select iPhone.
Select Manual Provisioning.
Select the provisioning profile and the signing identity created by XCode
You should now be able to run the app. (Don't forget to target your IPhone for Deployment)
For more info, visit (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/get-started/installation/device-provisioning/free-provisioning?tabs=windows)
Plug your phone into your computer using a USB to Lightning connector. Click Trust on your phone. Click on the simulator on XCode and choose your phone name. Click build. You will get an error on your phone saying untrusted developer. Go to settings on your phone, click general then profiles. Click on the only one there and click trust. Now you can open your app.

Is iphone needed just to build an archive in ios?

I'm new in ios development. I have an existing app in android made from flutter that I want to build an os version of. My problem is I have this errors when trying to create an archive build.
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for 'com.build.app' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.build.app'.
I already have an apple developer team but I can't create identifiers. Its always saying
An App ID with Identifier 'com.build.app' is not available. Please enter a different string.
Do i really need to have an iphone just to make an archive? Is there any other way cause I don't have an iphone.

Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS

We are developing a iOS shopping cart application in c# and visual studio 2017 for xamarin. I have an iPad Air iOS 10.3, when I try to publish to real device, I am getting the following error message: "Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS", I have tried to restart my Mac - without result. Give me any suggestion to resolve this issue?
In Visual Studio for OSX, go to Visual Studio Community > Preferences > Publishing > Apple Developer Account and click to + button to sign in and add your developer account. In theory after that automatic provisioning should work.
In Visual Studio for Windows, go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple Accounts, you will get a prompt to install FastLane before your Apple ID will show up under Automatic Provisioning.
You must create a provisioning profile. Search on Google, how to do it.
But, the secret is: when you create a provisioning profile, you must associate an App ID to this profile, like: "com.companyname.*".
When you create your app in visual studio, you must set in the INFO.PLIST file on IOS PROJECT, the Bundle Identifier to "com.companyname.myapp1" or anything else.
If your Bundle Identifier has a name like "com.myapp.app1", you will get this error: Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS, because your profile accept only apps with the names started with com.companyname and you are using a appname different.
For those who just want to deploy/test their app on a real device with "Free provisionning" follow this official guide.
To sum it up :
Create an apple id
Add the previously created apple id to XCode in order to add a provisioning profile.
Create a new empty iOS app with the bundle identifier equals to the one of your Xamarin app (you can find it in Info.plist of your Xamarin.iOS project).
Ensure that your empty iOS app could be deployed, by running it from XCode on your device with your free provisioning profile.
In Visual Studio open Info.plist and click on Bundle Signing Options..., in Signing identity chose Developper automatic and Automatic in Provisioning profile.
Run your Xamarin.iOS app on your device.
You can see what was wrong with your provisioning profile in xCode. Also this procedure will update Provisioning profiles, Certificates, App Ids:
Go to xCode, create blank iOS application, type the same Bundle Identifier, that you had in Visual Studio.
On the same page uncheck "Automatically manage signing".
In Signing (Debug) click on Provisioning profile. You will see Eligible and Ineligible provisioning profiles. You can select each of them and if one is Ineligible, then errors will be shown below. After that you can fix them.
After that you can go to Visual Studio for Mac and create the same project with the same bundle id and check you profile in Project -> Options -> iOS Bundle Signing -> Provisioning profile
After that you will find your Provisioning profile in Visual Studio on Windows
I suggest you read this documentation to learn more about iOS provisioning.
What you want is called automatic provisioning though. It takes care of all the complex things about provisioning for you and just deploys the app.
Visual Studio on Windows has the automatic provisioning feature in preview (called 15.7) right now (preview 3): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releasenotes/vs2017-preview-relnotes#xamarin-provisioning.
I recommend you try that, it should help you automatically add your iPad to the relevant provisioning profile.
Visual Studio for Mac has had automatic provisioning for a couple releases now.
Note: you do need an Apple Developer account to deploy on device (it can be a free developer account).
Unbelievable but true...
To enable the interface, I first had to login with my Apple account under:
and agree the new privacy agreement from Apple. There isn't any error message that points you in this direction ("you first have to agree...").
After doing that, I was able to use the automatic provisioning in VS2017 and connect to the Mac.
All of these answers are right.
There are many reasons the creation of the provisioning profile certs bundle can fail. The one I dont see listed here is referenced in (Apple developer account teams not showing up on VS Mac)
Only XCode can set up the provisioning for you using the free apple dev Id. You need to create a dummy project with the same Bundle Name and Bundle Identifier. Build it in XCode and have XCode create the certs for you.
Only once i did that (on the paired Mac) did it start actually building my iOS target in Windows VS 2017
How did I have to solve this?
First background
I have already provisioning profile for app we are building but every once in a while I have to create a small POC app to prove something. And often I have to use that small app on real provisioned device.
But I was not even able to see my device for that small POC app in the dropdown showing available devices. Only the app I am building with my team will show.
To resolve this, I had to do
In my POC app > Info.plist, make sure your Bundle Identifier is same as for the app that you can deploy to your device
At the same location, under Signing, select "Automatic Provisioning" and you should see your Apple ID show. In Team dropdown, select your team
After this, my device showed, I was able to build and deploy to it and the error was gone.
I have tried all the above-mentioned approaches but didn't work. I was using Manual provisioning.
To identify why it's not showing in VS, I have:
Opened the Xamarin.ios project in Xcode.
Under Settings > Manual provisioning profile,> Selected the appropriate certificate (Note: It should be installed before it appears in the list).
It showed me an error, which said "Selected provisioning doesn't match with the distribution certificate in the keychain"
When I logged into developer.apple.com - I have found a new distribution certificate.
I had to regenerate the provisioning profile with the new distribution certificate (selected) and installed it.
After installing the error went away.
Also, In the Visual Studio's drop-down list the provisioning profile started to appear.
I agree with Meekohi & Vincent Dondain who have recommended choosing Automatic Provisioning, as it's a better option if one is not facing any issues with certifications or profiles as it takes care of everything. However, using the latest Visual Studio for Mac is preferable.
just hit the same problem. didn't find solution in this thread that i came to.
Xamarin app, visual studio for mac . manual signing
didn't use it for few months.
works good on emulator but can't deploy to device for debugging
after reading this thread went to developer.apple.com and found, that my developer profile expired a month ago.
create new provisioning profile
visual studio for mac-preferences-apple developers account-details-download manual profiles
info.plist-bundle signing options-choose correct identity and profile
Answer ( I have had this issue 2 times by switching MACS & adding new applciations )
Issue: Profile not showing up in dropdown below ( Automatic Distribution or Distribution )
As long as you are sure your info.plist is ok and have matching ( com.companyname.something ) & your CERTS are in Keychain then this is what is what cleared it up for me 2 TIMES !
** This seems to be some sort of refresh issue ( where a old profile is cached OR newer profile/bundle not loading in MAC )
[ I use VS on Windows and connect to MAC ]
Open Visual Studio for MAC ( not windows )
Create a new ( blank form ) iOS project
Click Visual Studio in Menu and Click Preferences
Click Apple Developer Accounts ( ADD YOUR APPLE ACCOUNT )
Open info.plist in your Folder View in VS
Check Manual Provisioning & Type in bundle Identifier com.companyname.whatever & App name
10 ********* Go back to Windows right click on iOS Project Select Distribution AND YOUR BUNDLE IS IN THE DROP DOWN !!
[ If bundle not there re-connect to MAC right click and see if its there in your dropdown - remember the bundle must be in your iOS project ( root ) ]
( Automatic distribution will work as your bundle will be in the dropdown below in Windows Visual Studio & RELEASE TO APP STORE ).
One of the reason could be that there is no Provision profile file
For MAC the path is /Users/apple/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
You need to download the corresponding provision file from apple developer account and then paste it here in the above directory
Then, it will start reflecting in Visual Studio
Make sure you have a valid development certificate, it is added to your Keychain, and that you are signed into Xcode (Settings > Accounts).

Could not install the application iPad however it works in iPhone in Xamarin.Forms

I am trying to run my Xamarin.Form application in iPad but it doesn't work. App is terminate. However it is working fine with iPhone and all simulators.
Here is error. Can anybody please suggest?
error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'My iPad pro': Your application failed code-signing
checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle
ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning
profile (error: 0xe8008015).
Please suggest.
Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning profile
When testing your app and wanting to run it on a physical device you will have to register each device in a so-called provisioning profile. Go into the Apple Developer Portal, find the provisioning profile associated to your app and add your iPad to this profile.
Then make sure that the new provisioning profile is downloaded to the machine where you create the build from and create a new build. You should then be able to run it on your iPad.
For a more detailed description, please refer to the documentation page.
Visual Studio on Windows has the automatic provisioning feature in preview (called 15.7) right now (preview 3 released today): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releasenotes/vs2017-preview-relnotes#xamarin-provisioning.
I recommend you try that, it should help you automatically add your iPad to the relevant provisioning profile.
Otherwise you have a couple other options:
Follow this documentation to use automatic provisioning on Visual Studio for Mac. It will take care of adding the device to your provisioning profile.
Register the device manually using this documentation.
Use Xcode on the Mac. Create a new iPad template and deploy it to the device.

How to run iOS application in real device through terminal without a paid apple developer account?

First this not duplicate of Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak
I know it is possible to run app on device using Xcode 7 and free AppleId but i want to achieve this using terminal only Or in other words, Is there any way to generate provisioning profile & certificate using unpaid Apple Id through terminal.
If i will follow mentioned steps then my app installed and run successfully in device but i want to generate IPA using this free certificate and provisioning profile using terminal only.
In Xcode, add your Apple ID to Accounts preferences, described in
Adding Your Apple ID Account in Xcode.
In the project navigator,
select the project and your target to display the project editor.
Click General and choose your name from the Team pop-up menu.
Connect the device to your Mac and choose your device from the
Scheme toolbar menu. Below the Team pop-up menu, click Fix Issue.
Xcode creates a free provisioning profile for you and the warning
text under the Team pop-up menu disappears.
Click the Run button. Xcode installs the app on the device before launching the app.
I am working on some automation task and want to generate and install this signed iPA using unpaid Apple Id through Terminal.
I do not believe this is possible. The challenge is not just extracting the provisioning profile that is created in Xcode. That will not work because Xcode also manages the devices in the profile. So if your devices change, you need Xcode to register the new device and add it to the profile on Apple's servers, before re-downloading it. It also manages the bundle ID.
In theory, if you were to set up the app and all devices in Xcode before grabbing the provisioning profile from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles, maybe it would work.
If you can successfully get the profile. maybe you can use these instructions to build and install on the device as long as it was set up ahead of time: install application in iphone device through command line
