View Facebook Live in iOS App - ios

I think I understand that the API allows for broadcasting to Facebook live from app, but is it possible to listen for a particular user and VIEW the live video within an app? I've never seen an example of an app doing this, but was just curious if it is possible to do so.


Is making a video calling and live broadcast app possible in Swift?

I am new to Swift and I want to integrate video calling in my app using Swift. I want to make a live broadcasting video app where one host will come live and other clients can join him/her.
I tried several third party apps like but it didn't work for me. Do you guys have a better suggestions?
Try quickblox. It is a very smart solution, it can manage everything for you, your only task is to present the UI and the buttons. It is relatively cheap, even free for low user count. We have used it to create an "intercom" like application
Quickblox website

Can you make an app interact with instagram in background?

Is it possible to create an app in xcode that, when browsing the instagram app, can run in the background and cause changes in the instagram app itself? Is something like this available in the instagram API? I can't seem to find it but I'm kind of a beginner so yeah. Basically the app would induce changes in the instagram app itself while you're using instagram. Is this possible?
I have developed a quite successful Android app using Instagram official API's .
There are no such API's exposed by Instagram .
Moreover Instagram API's have become much more strict after Facebook Acquisition.

Get user activity information from other applications

My question is that is there any way possible to get what users are listening to using other music services, such as Spotify or Pandora?
iOS have everything sandboxed so apps do not mess around with data of other apps. A little while back it was absolutely impossible for 2 of your own apps to share some information with each other.
iOS 8 has changed that by Inter-App Communication but not to the extent where you want it. Even in iOS 8, the recepient app has to provide the functionality and should handle your incoming request to see what music they are playing.
Your better course of action would be look up if Pandora or Spotify have some API which let's users login, and share their listening history with your app.

Wallet Instant Buy in webview

My app will use Wallet Instant-Buy on Android. It's being used for physical goods. I'd like to use something similar on iOS.
Does anyone know if I can use the web-version of Wallet Instant Buy inside a UIWebView in my iOS app? Will cookies be persistent across app sessions? i.e. user won't need to sign-in repeatedly.
No you cannot use the Instant Buy web API from a webview either or iOS or Android.
You should use a mWeb site for iOS users.
The list of supported browsers are available at

ios 6 opening app directly from mail as youtube links

Even though the YouTube app is now not a built-in app by Apple, it looks like when tapping a youtube link (in mail, for example), which starts with, opens the YouTube app right away.
Is there a way to this for custom apps in iOS 6? I only know of custom schemes as the way to launch an app via URL.
The best solution i came across is in this post = >
Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?
But this is not as good as youtube integration. Requires user interaction via a confirm dialog etc. I wonder if IOS treats youtube links special and custom apps won't be able to use it?
Since you are talking about iOS6, then I think this answers your question:
Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners
