Lua : copying a table efficiently (deep copy) - lua

I try to make efficiently a copy of a lua table. I have written the following function copyTable() that works well (see below). But I imagined I could have something more efficient using the "passing by value" mechanism of the functions. I made a few tests to explore this mechanism :
function nop(x)
return x
function noop(x)
return x
function nooop(x)
return x
function copyTable(datatable)
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do tblRes[k]=copyTable(v) end
return tblRes
print(tab) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3}
print(nop(tab)) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3}
print(noop(tab)) -->table: 0x1e76f90 tab={1,2,3}
print(nooop(tab)) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3,4}
print(tab) -->table: 0x1d387e0 tab={1,2,3,4}
print(copyTable(tab)) -->table: 0x1d388d0
We can see that the reference to the table is transferred unchanged through the functions (when I just read it or add things) except within noop() where I try a radical modification of the existing.
I read Bas Bossink and the answer made by Michael Anderson in this Q/A. Regarding the passing or tables as arguments, they emphasized the difference between "arguments passed by ref" and "arguments passed by values and tables are references" with examples where this difference appears.
But what does that mean precisely ? Do we have a copy of the reference, but what difference does that make with a passing through ref since the data pointed and therefore manipulated is still the same, not copied ? Is the mechanism in noop() specific when we try to affect nil to the table, specific to avoid the deletion of the table or in which cases does it trigger (we can see with nooop() that it is not always the case when the table is modified) ?
My question : how the mechanism of passing tables really works ? Is there a way to make a more efficient way to copy the data of a table without the burden of my copyTable ?

The rules of argument passing in Lua is similarly to C: everything is pass by value, but tables and userdata are passed around as pointers. Passing a copy of a reference does not appear so different in usage, but it is completely different than passing by reference.
For example, you brought this part up specifically.
function noop(x)
return x
print(noop(tab)) -->table: 0x1e76f90 tab={1, 2, 3}
You are assigning the value for the new table[1] into variable x (x now holds a new pointer value). You didn't mutate the original table, the tab variable still holds the pointer value to the original table. When you return from noop you are passing back the value of the new table, which is empty. Variables hold values, and a pointer is a value, not a reference.
Missed your other question. No, if you want to deep-copy a table, a function similar to what you wrote is the only way. Deep copies are very slow when tables get large. To avoid performance issues, you might use a mechanism like "rewind tables", which keep track of changes made to them so they can be undone at later points in time (very useful in recursive with backtrack contexts). Or if you just need to keep users from screwing with table internals, write a "freezable" trait.
[1] Imagine the {} syntax is a function that constructs a new table and returns a pointer to the new table.

If you are sure that those 3 assumptions (A) are valid for "tab" (the table being copied):
There are no table keys
t1 = {}
tab = {}
tab[t1] = value
There are no repeated table values
t1 = {}
tab = {}
tab.a = t1
tab.b = t1
-- or
-- tab.a.b...x = t1
There are no recursive tables:
tab = {}
tab.a = tab
-- or
-- tab.a.b...x = tab
Then the code you provided is the smallest and almost as efficient as possible.
If A1 doesn't hold (i.e. you have table keys), then you must change your code to:
function copyTable(datatable)
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k)] = copyTable(v)
return tblRes
If A2 doesn't hold (i.e. you have repeated table values), then you could change your code to:
function copyTable(datatable, cache)
cache = cache or {}
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
if cache[datatable] then return cache[datatable]
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k, cache)] = copyTable(v, cache)
cache[datatable] = tblRes
return tblRes
This approach only pays off, though, if you have lots of repeated large tables. So, it is a matter of evaluating which version is faster for your actual production scenario.
If A3 doesn't hold (i.e. you have recursive tables), then your code (and both adjustments above) will enter an infinite recursive loop and eventually throw a stack overflow.
The simplest way to handle that is keeping a backtrack and throwing an error if table recursion happens:
function copyTable(datatable, cache, parents)
cache = cache or {}
parents = parents or {}
local tblRes={}
if type(datatable)=="table" then
if cache[datatable] then return cache[datatable]
assert(not parents[datatable])
parents[datatable] = true
for k,v in pairs(datatable) do
tblRes[copyTable(k, cache, parents)]
= copyTable(v, cache, parents)
parents[datatable] = false
cache[datatable] = tblRes
return tblRes
My solution for a deepcopy function which handles recursive tables, preserving the original structure may be found here:


Is there a way to duplicate a table in lua that is alterable without it affecting the original? [duplicate]

Recently I wrote a bit of Lua code something like:
local a = {}
for i = 1, n do
local copy = a
-- alter the values in the copy
Obviously, that wasn't what I wanted to do since variables hold references to an anonymous table not the values of the table themselves in Lua. This is clearly laid out in Programming in Lua, but I'd forgotten about it.
So the question is what should I write instead of copy = a to get a copy of the values in a?
Table copy has many potential definitions. It depends on whether you want simple or deep copy, whether you want to copy, share or ignore metatables, etc. There is no single implementation that could satisfy everybody.
One approach is to simply create a new table and duplicate all key/value pairs:
function table.shallow_copy(t)
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2
copy = table.shallow_copy(a)
Note that you should use pairs instead of ipairs, since ipairs only iterate over a subset of the table keys (ie. consecutive positive integer keys starting at one in increasing order).
Just to illustrate the point, my personal table.copy also pays attention to metatables:
function table.copy(t)
local u = { }
for k, v in pairs(t) do u[k] = v end
return setmetatable(u, getmetatable(t))
There is no copy function sufficiently widely agreed upon to be called "standard".
To play a little readable-code-golf, here's a short version that handles the standard tricky cases:
tables as keys,
preserving metatables, and
recursive tables.
We can do this in 7 lines:
function copy(obj, seen)
if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end
if seen and seen[obj] then return seen[obj] end
local s = seen or {}
local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(obj))
s[obj] = res
for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[copy(k, s)] = copy(v, s) end
return res
There is a short write-up of Lua deep-copy operations in this gist.
Another useful reference is this Lua-users wiki page, which includes an example on how to avoid the __pairs metamethod.
The full version of deep copy, handling all the 3 situations:
Table circular reference
Keys which are also tables
The general version:
local function deepcopy(o, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if o == nil then return nil end
if seen[o] then return seen[o] end
local no
if type(o) == 'table' then
no = {}
seen[o] = no
for k, v in next, o, nil do
no[deepcopy(k, seen)] = deepcopy(v, seen)
setmetatable(no, deepcopy(getmetatable(o), seen))
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
no = o
return no
Or the table version:
function table.deepcopy(o, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if o == nil then return nil end
if seen[o] then return seen[o] end
local no = {}
seen[o] = no
setmetatable(no, deepcopy(getmetatable(o), seen))
for k, v in next, o, nil do
k = (type(k) == 'table') and k:deepcopy(seen) or k
v = (type(v) == 'table') and v:deepcopy(seen) or v
no[k] = v
return no
Based on the's and Alan Yates' functions.
An optionally deep, graph-general, recursive version:
function table.copy(t, deep, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if t == nil then return nil end
if seen[t] then return seen[t] end
local nt = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if deep and type(v) == 'table' then
nt[k] = table.copy(v, deep, seen)
nt[k] = v
setmetatable(nt, table.copy(getmetatable(t), deep, seen))
seen[t] = nt
return nt
Perhaps metatable copy should be optional also?
Here's what I actually did:
for j,x in ipairs(a) do copy[j] = x end
As Doub mentions, if your table keys are not strictly monotonically increasing, it should be pairs not ipairs.
I also found a deepcopy function that is more robust:
function deepcopy(orig)
local orig_type = type(orig)
local copy
if orig_type == 'table' then
copy = {}
for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = orig
return copy
It handles tables and metatables by calling itself recursively (which is its own reward). One of the clever bits is that you can pass it any value (whether a table or not) and it will be copied correctly. However, the cost is that it could potentially overflow the stack. So and even more robust (non-recursive) function might be needed.
But that's overkill for the very simple case of wanting to copy an array into another variable.
The (unfortunately lightly documented) stdlib project has a number of valuable extensions to several of the libraries shipped with the standard Lua distribution. Among them are several variations on the theme of table copying and merging.
This library is also included in the Lua for Windows distribution, and should probably be a part of any serious Lua user's toolbox.
One thing to make sure of when implementing things like this by hand is the proper handling of metatables. For simple table-as-structure applications you probably don't have any metatables, and a simple loop using pairs() is an acceptable answer. But if the table is used as a tree, or contains circular references, or has metatables, then things get more complex.
Don't forget that functions are also references, so if you wanted to completely 'copy' all of the values you'd need to get separate functions, too; however, the only way I know to copy a function is to use loadstring(string.dump(func)), which according to the Lua reference manual, doesn't work for functions with upvalues.
local function table_copy (tbl)
local new_tbl = {}
for key,value in pairs(tbl) do
local value_type = type(value)
local new_value
if value_type == "function" then
new_value = loadstring(string.dump(value))
-- Problems may occur if the function has upvalues.
elseif value_type == "table" then
new_value = table_copy(value)
new_value = value
new_tbl[key] = new_value
return new_tbl
table.copy = table_copy
I think the reason why Lua doesn't have 'table.copy()' in its standard libraries is because the task is not precise to define. As shown already here, one can either make a copy "one level deep" (which you did), a deepcopy with or without caring of possible duplicate references. And then there's metatables.
Personally, I would still like them to offer a built-in function. Only if people wouldn't be pleased with its semantics, they would need to go do it themselves. Not very often, though, one actually has the copy-by-value need.
Warning: the marked solution is INCORRECT!
When the table contains tables, references to those tables will still be used instead. I have been searching two hours for a mistake that I was making, while it was because of using the above code.
So you need to check if the value is a table or not. If it is, you should call table.copy recursively!
This is the correct table.copy function:
function table.copy(t)
local t2 = {};
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == "table" then
t2[k] = table.copy(v);
t2[k] = v;
return t2;
Note: This might also be incomplete when the table contains functions or other special types, but that is possible something most of us don't need. The above code is easily adaptable for those who need it.
That's as good as you'll get for basic tables. Use something like deepcopy if you need to copy tables with metatables.
In most of the cases when I needed to copy a table, I wanted to have a copy that doesn't share anything with the original, such that any modification of the original table has no impact on the copy (and vice versa).
All the snippets that have been shown so far fail at creating a copy for a table that may have shared keys or keys with tables as those are going to be left pointing to the original table. It's easy to see if you try to copy a table created as: a = {}; a[a] = a. deepcopy function referenced by Jon takes care of that, so if you need to create a real/full copy, deepcopy should be used.
Use penlight library here:
local pl = require 'pl.import_into'()
local newTable = pl.tablex.deepcopy(oldTable)
Just use the
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
list2 = {unpack (list)}
This might be the simplest method:
local data = {DIN1 = "Input(z)", DIN2 = "Input(y)", AINA1 = "Input(x)"}
function table.copy(mytable) --mytable = the table you need to copy
newtable = {}
for k,v in pairs(mytable) do
newtable[k] = v
return newtable
new_table = table.copy(data) --copys the table "data"
In my situation, when the information in the table is only data and other tables (excluding functions, ...), is the following line of code the winning solution:
local copyOfTable = json.decode( json.encode( sourceTable ) )
I'm writing Lua code for some home automation on a Fibaro Home Center 2. The implementation of Lua is very limited with no central library of functions you can refer to. Every function needs to be declared in the code so to keep the code serviceable, so one line solutions like this are favorable.

Setting a meta table: Advantage of reference vs inline?

I was wondering if it would make sense to pass a meta table by reference vs declaring it in-line in setmetatable() when you want to use the same meta table for multiple tables.
My goal is to save memory, but only if it really makes a significant difference.
What I'm talking about is this:
-- Passing the meta table by reference:
JSON1 = {
metaTable = {
__index = function (t, k)
-- ...
__call = function()
-- ...
parse = function(filePath)
local fakeParsedJson = {}
setmetatable(fakeParsedJson, JSON1.metaTable) -- Right here
return fakeParsedJson(filePath)
-- Passing the table in-line:
JSON2 = {
parse = function(filePath)
local fakeParsedJson = {}
setmetatable(fakeParsedJson, { -- Right here:
__index = function (t, k)
-- ...
__call = function()
-- ...
return fakeParsedJson(filePath)
I tried to find out if there is a significant difference in memory usage, but the only way I could find was to compare the gcinfo:
local start1 = gcinfo()
local example2_1 = JSON2.parse('example2_1.json')
local example2_2 = JSON2.parse('example2_2.json')
local example2_3 = JSON2.parse('example2_3.json')
local example2_4 = JSON2.parse('example2_4.json')
local example2_5 = JSON2.parse('example2_5.json')
print(gcinfo()-start1) -- Prints 1
local start2 = gcinfo()
local example1_1 = JSON1.parse('example1_1.json')
local example1_2 = JSON1.parse('example1_2.json')
local example1_3 = JSON1.parse('example1_3.json')
local example1_4 = JSON1.parse('example1_4.json')
local example1_5 = JSON1.parse('example1_5.json')
print(gcinfo()-start2) -- Prints 1
Here's my fiddle:
It doesn't really look like there is a difference. But I just don't know what is actually happening under the hood.
When you call setmetatable(myTable,myMetaTable), will that write a complete copy of myMetaTable somewhere into myTable or will it just store a simple reference? Because if it would just store a reference, then it would make a lot of sense to have all my tables pointing to the same meta table.
(On x86_64, in Lua 5.3) every (empty) table costs 56 bytes. Every key/value entry in the table costs 32 bytes (but the number of entries is rounded up to the next power of two). (Byte counts may differ for different versions/platforms, but will be roughly the same +/- a power of two or so.)
If you have two entries in the metatable, that's 120 bytes per metatable. (You're also creating closures (function() … end), so it may actually be even more.)
Having the table constructor in argument position for the call to setmetatable means that every time that call is executed, a new independent table is created (+ new closures for the functions, …). (Also read the section on table constructors in the reference manual.) There is no smart compiler / no de-duplication / … In fact, there can't be, because other code could (potentially) modify a metatable, and then there's a clear semantic / observable difference between a single shared metatable and one metatable per thing. If that's not obvious, compare
Foo = { __name = "Foo", dump = print } ; Foo.__index = Foo
function newFoo( ) return setmetatable( { }, Foo ) end
function newFoo( )
local mt = { __name = "Foo", dump = print }
mt.__index = mt
return setmetatable( { }, mt )
If you say
t = { newFoo( ), newFoo( ), newFoo( ) }
getmetatable( t[1] ).dump = function( self ) print "<Foo>" end
for _, v in ipairs( t ) do v:dump( ) end
the first version will print
while the second one will print (e.g.)
Foo: 0x1267010
Foo: 0x1267120
which is clearly different behavior. So the compiler/… can not de-duplicate identical metatables, because other code (that was not yet seen) might modify one of the metatables, and then the observed behavior would be different.
▶ This means that if you create multiple (meta)tables, they must be kept somewhere. Storing several tables necessarily uses more memory than storing a single one, so having a table constructor in argument position for the call to setmetatable will use more memory than creating a table first and then passing a reference to it in the call.
That said, worrying about memory use should not be your primary concern. The semantics / "meaning" / observable behavior of your code are more important.
If you modify the metatable, should the behavior of all "objects" / values change? Or do you want to determine object types by metatable identity (getmetatable( x ) == Foo)? Then you must use a shared metatable (or an equivalent construction).
If you modify the metatable, should the behavior of only a single "object" change? Then you must construct & use separate metatables per "object" / value.
Only if you know that you will never modify the metatable, will not compare metatable references to determine object types, will not …, then these different approaches will show the same externally visible behavior, and only then you are free to choose based on secondary concerns (like memory usage, convenience / code brevity, …).
(In general, needing separately modifiable metatables is very rare, so using shared metatables (create first and pass the reference to setmetatable) is the usual approach – it saves memory and is nicer for debugging.)
Aside: gcinfo is very old and only returns integer approximations to the amount of memory used. Use collectgarbage "count" instead, and then you'll see a difference. (It returns kilobytes used, so multiply by 1024 to get bytes.)

Lua equals function and tables [duplicate]

Recently I wrote a bit of Lua code something like:
local a = {}
for i = 1, n do
local copy = a
-- alter the values in the copy
Obviously, that wasn't what I wanted to do since variables hold references to an anonymous table not the values of the table themselves in Lua. This is clearly laid out in Programming in Lua, but I'd forgotten about it.
So the question is what should I write instead of copy = a to get a copy of the values in a?
Table copy has many potential definitions. It depends on whether you want simple or deep copy, whether you want to copy, share or ignore metatables, etc. There is no single implementation that could satisfy everybody.
One approach is to simply create a new table and duplicate all key/value pairs:
function table.shallow_copy(t)
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2
copy = table.shallow_copy(a)
Note that you should use pairs instead of ipairs, since ipairs only iterate over a subset of the table keys (ie. consecutive positive integer keys starting at one in increasing order).
Just to illustrate the point, my personal table.copy also pays attention to metatables:
function table.copy(t)
local u = { }
for k, v in pairs(t) do u[k] = v end
return setmetatable(u, getmetatable(t))
There is no copy function sufficiently widely agreed upon to be called "standard".
To play a little readable-code-golf, here's a short version that handles the standard tricky cases:
tables as keys,
preserving metatables, and
recursive tables.
We can do this in 7 lines:
function copy(obj, seen)
if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end
if seen and seen[obj] then return seen[obj] end
local s = seen or {}
local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(obj))
s[obj] = res
for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[copy(k, s)] = copy(v, s) end
return res
There is a short write-up of Lua deep-copy operations in this gist.
Another useful reference is this Lua-users wiki page, which includes an example on how to avoid the __pairs metamethod.
The full version of deep copy, handling all the 3 situations:
Table circular reference
Keys which are also tables
The general version:
local function deepcopy(o, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if o == nil then return nil end
if seen[o] then return seen[o] end
local no
if type(o) == 'table' then
no = {}
seen[o] = no
for k, v in next, o, nil do
no[deepcopy(k, seen)] = deepcopy(v, seen)
setmetatable(no, deepcopy(getmetatable(o), seen))
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
no = o
return no
Or the table version:
function table.deepcopy(o, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if o == nil then return nil end
if seen[o] then return seen[o] end
local no = {}
seen[o] = no
setmetatable(no, deepcopy(getmetatable(o), seen))
for k, v in next, o, nil do
k = (type(k) == 'table') and k:deepcopy(seen) or k
v = (type(v) == 'table') and v:deepcopy(seen) or v
no[k] = v
return no
Based on the's and Alan Yates' functions.
An optionally deep, graph-general, recursive version:
function table.copy(t, deep, seen)
seen = seen or {}
if t == nil then return nil end
if seen[t] then return seen[t] end
local nt = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if deep and type(v) == 'table' then
nt[k] = table.copy(v, deep, seen)
nt[k] = v
setmetatable(nt, table.copy(getmetatable(t), deep, seen))
seen[t] = nt
return nt
Perhaps metatable copy should be optional also?
Here's what I actually did:
for j,x in ipairs(a) do copy[j] = x end
As Doub mentions, if your table keys are not strictly monotonically increasing, it should be pairs not ipairs.
I also found a deepcopy function that is more robust:
function deepcopy(orig)
local orig_type = type(orig)
local copy
if orig_type == 'table' then
copy = {}
for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = orig
return copy
It handles tables and metatables by calling itself recursively (which is its own reward). One of the clever bits is that you can pass it any value (whether a table or not) and it will be copied correctly. However, the cost is that it could potentially overflow the stack. So and even more robust (non-recursive) function might be needed.
But that's overkill for the very simple case of wanting to copy an array into another variable.
The (unfortunately lightly documented) stdlib project has a number of valuable extensions to several of the libraries shipped with the standard Lua distribution. Among them are several variations on the theme of table copying and merging.
This library is also included in the Lua for Windows distribution, and should probably be a part of any serious Lua user's toolbox.
One thing to make sure of when implementing things like this by hand is the proper handling of metatables. For simple table-as-structure applications you probably don't have any metatables, and a simple loop using pairs() is an acceptable answer. But if the table is used as a tree, or contains circular references, or has metatables, then things get more complex.
Don't forget that functions are also references, so if you wanted to completely 'copy' all of the values you'd need to get separate functions, too; however, the only way I know to copy a function is to use loadstring(string.dump(func)), which according to the Lua reference manual, doesn't work for functions with upvalues.
local function table_copy (tbl)
local new_tbl = {}
for key,value in pairs(tbl) do
local value_type = type(value)
local new_value
if value_type == "function" then
new_value = loadstring(string.dump(value))
-- Problems may occur if the function has upvalues.
elseif value_type == "table" then
new_value = table_copy(value)
new_value = value
new_tbl[key] = new_value
return new_tbl
table.copy = table_copy
I think the reason why Lua doesn't have 'table.copy()' in its standard libraries is because the task is not precise to define. As shown already here, one can either make a copy "one level deep" (which you did), a deepcopy with or without caring of possible duplicate references. And then there's metatables.
Personally, I would still like them to offer a built-in function. Only if people wouldn't be pleased with its semantics, they would need to go do it themselves. Not very often, though, one actually has the copy-by-value need.
Warning: the marked solution is INCORRECT!
When the table contains tables, references to those tables will still be used instead. I have been searching two hours for a mistake that I was making, while it was because of using the above code.
So you need to check if the value is a table or not. If it is, you should call table.copy recursively!
This is the correct table.copy function:
function table.copy(t)
local t2 = {};
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == "table" then
t2[k] = table.copy(v);
t2[k] = v;
return t2;
Note: This might also be incomplete when the table contains functions or other special types, but that is possible something most of us don't need. The above code is easily adaptable for those who need it.
That's as good as you'll get for basic tables. Use something like deepcopy if you need to copy tables with metatables.
In most of the cases when I needed to copy a table, I wanted to have a copy that doesn't share anything with the original, such that any modification of the original table has no impact on the copy (and vice versa).
All the snippets that have been shown so far fail at creating a copy for a table that may have shared keys or keys with tables as those are going to be left pointing to the original table. It's easy to see if you try to copy a table created as: a = {}; a[a] = a. deepcopy function referenced by Jon takes care of that, so if you need to create a real/full copy, deepcopy should be used.
Use penlight library here:
local pl = require 'pl.import_into'()
local newTable = pl.tablex.deepcopy(oldTable)
Just use the
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
list2 = {unpack (list)}
This might be the simplest method:
local data = {DIN1 = "Input(z)", DIN2 = "Input(y)", AINA1 = "Input(x)"}
function table.copy(mytable) --mytable = the table you need to copy
newtable = {}
for k,v in pairs(mytable) do
newtable[k] = v
return newtable
new_table = table.copy(data) --copys the table "data"
In my situation, when the information in the table is only data and other tables (excluding functions, ...), is the following line of code the winning solution:
local copyOfTable = json.decode( json.encode( sourceTable ) )
I'm writing Lua code for some home automation on a Fibaro Home Center 2. The implementation of Lua is very limited with no central library of functions you can refer to. Every function needs to be declared in the code so to keep the code serviceable, so one line solutions like this are favorable.

In Lua, is there a function that given a function, it returns its name as a string?

Sorry if this is too obvious, but I am a total newcomer to lua, and I can't find it in the reference.
Is there a NAME_OF_FUNCTION function in Lua, that given a function gives me its name so that I can index a table with it? Reason I want this is that I want to do something like this:
local M = {}
local function export(...)
for x in ...
local function fun1(...)
local function fun2(...)
export(fun1, fun2, ...)
return M
There simply is no such function. I guess there is no such function, as functions are first class citizens. So a function is just a value like any other, referenced to by variable. Hence the NAME_OF_FUNCTION function wouldn't be very useful, as the same function can have many variable pointing to it, or none.
You could emulate one for global functions, or functions in a table by looping through the table (arbitrary or _G), checking if the value equals x. If so you have found the function name.
a=function() print"fun a" end
b=function() print"fun b" end
function NameOfFunctionIn(fun,t) --returns the name of a function pointed to by fun in table t
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if v==fun then return k end
print(NameOfFunctionIn(a,t)) -- prints a, in t
print(NameOfFunctionIn(b,t)) -- prints c
print(NameOfFunctionIn(b,_G)) -- prints b, because b in the global table is b. Kind of a NOOP here really.
Another approach would be to wrap functions in a table, and have a metatable set up that calls the function, like this:
print("Hello from "
print("Arguments received:")
for k,v in pairs{...} do print(k,v) end
print(fun1) -- or print(tostring(fun1))
This will be a bit slower than using bare functions because of the metatable lookup. And it will not prevent anyone from changing the name of the function in the state, changing the name of the function in the table containing it, changing the function, etc etc, so it's not tamper proof. You could also strip the tables of just by indexing like which might be good if you export it as a module, but you loose the naming and other tricks you could put into the metatable.
Technically this is possible, here's an implementation of the export() function:
function export(...)
local env = getfenv(2);
local funcs = {...};
for i=1, select("#", ...) do
local func = funcs[i];
for local_index = 1, math.huge do
local local_name, local_value = debug.getlocal(2, local_index);
if not local_name then
if local_value == func then
env[local_name] = local_value;
return env;
It uses the debug API, would require some changes for Lua 5.2, and finally I don't necessarily endorse it as a good way to write modules, I'm just answering the question quite literally.
Try this:
tostring( x ) should hopefully be what you are looking for
If I am not wrong (and I probably will, because I actually never programmed in Lua, just read a bunch of papers and articles), internally there is already a table with function names (like locals and globals in Python), so you should be able to perform a reverse-lookup to see what key matches a function reference.
Anyway, just speculating.
But the fact is that looking at your code, you already know the name of the functions, so you are free to construct the table. If you want to be less error prone, it would be easier to use the name of the function to get the function reference (with eval or something like that) than the other way around.

Use a table's content as a key

Is there an easy way to create a dictionary-like collection, i.e.
Tables can be used as keys
Tables with the same content are considered equivalent (instead of the default pointer comparison)
e.g. after
t = createCustomTable()
k1 = {'a','b','c'}
k2 = {'a','b','c'}
t[k1] = true
t[k2] should evaluate to true.
Also t itself should be usable as a key in the same way.
Is there any way to do this without
Re-implementing hash tables
Converting k1 and k2 to strings? (this is what I am currently doing.)
Serializing the two tables into strings is the solution Roberto Ierusalimschy (chief architect of Lua) recommends for indexing by content in Programming in Lua 2nd Edition.
If all of your key tables are arrays of strings (with no embedded nulls), this can be done quickly with table.concat(t,'\0'). (Obviously, your table will need to be sorted if you want index-independent identity.)
If the tables to be used as keys are fixed and their contents do not change you could build a SHA2 digest on demand in a newindex metamethod for t and use the digest as the real key. The digest would be cached in another table indexed by the real tables.
You can implement and set the __eq method in the metatable of the two tables.
k1 = {'a','b','c'}
k2 = {'a','b','c'}
for k,v in pairs(a) do
if b[k]~=v then return false end
for k,v in pairs(b) do
if a[k]~=v then return false end
return true
assert(k1==k2,"Table comparison failed")
function newDict(orig)
if orig then
return orig
local mt2={}
local lookup ={} -- lookup table as upvalue to the metamethods
mt2.__newindex = function(t,k,v) -- Registering a new table
if type(k)~="table" then return end
if v then -- v ~= false
local found
for idx,val in pairs(lookup) do
if k==val then
end -- If already seen, skip.
if not found then
lookup[#lookup+1]=k -- not seen before, add
else -- v == false or nil
local to_erase
for idx,val in pairs(lookup) do -- Assume there is only one match in the dict.
if k==val then
end --don't continue after this, next will be confused.
mt2.__index = function(t,k) -- looking up a table
for idx,val in pairs(lookup) do
if k==val then
return true
return false
return setmetatable({},mt2)
t1 = newDict()
t2 = newDict()
-- Test multiple entries in 1 dict
assert(t1[k1b],"t1[k1b] did not return true")
assert(t1[k2b],"t1[k2b] did not return true")
-- Test confusion between 2 dicts
assert(not t1[k3b],"t1[k3b] did return true")
assert(not t2[k1b],"t2[k1b] did return true")
The comparison can be implemented faster because now common entries are checked twice, but you get the point.
I can't comment on performance as it does use metatable lookups rather heavily, and needs to go through all tables on each comparison or assignment, but since you don't want to hash the tables or convert them to strings (aka serialize them) it's the only way. If I were you I'd seriously consider checking against a serialization of the tables instead of the above approach though.
This("Keys are references" section) says that keys are references to objects so using an identical table like in your example won't work. I think the way you are currently doing it may be the best way, but i could be wrong.
If you can stand a library dependency you could use something like Penlight which seems to offer sets
