instantiated class is nil when called inside viewdidload() - ios

I am trying to learn the VIPER architecture model and one thing I can't figure out is when I do the following:
Instantiate promotionPresenter class
Instantiate promotionsViewController
assign promotionsViewController.presenter = (instantiated promotionPresenter class from step 1)
try to access the instantiated presenter class from inside viewdidload() function within promotionviewController class.
presenter is nil.
Why is presenter nil? I already instantiated it.
import UIKit
* The Router responsible for navigation between modules.
class PromotionsWireframe : PromotionsWireframeInput {
// Reference to the ViewController (weak to avoid retain cycle).
var promotionsViewController: PromotionsViewController!
var promotionsPresenter: PromotionsPresenter!
var rootWireframe: RootWireframe!
init() {
let promotionsInteractor = PromotionsInteractor()
// Presenter is instantiated
promotionsPresenter = PromotionsPresenter()
promotionsPresenter.interactor = promotionsInteractor
promotionsPresenter.wireframe = self
promotionsInteractor.output = promotionsPresenter
func presentPromotionsIntefaceFromWindow(_ window: UIWindow) {
//view controller is instantiated
promotionsViewController = promotionsViewControllerFromStoryboard()
//presenter of view controller is assigned to instantiaed class
promotionsViewController.presenter = promotionsPresenter
promotionsPresenter.view = promotionsViewController
private func promotionsViewControllerFromStoryboard() -> PromotionsViewController {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "PromotionsStoryboard", bundle: nil )
let viewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "promotionsViewController") as! PromotionsViewController
return viewController
import UIKit
class PromotionsViewController : UIViewController, PromotionsViewInterface {
// Reference to the Presenter's interface.
var presenter: PromotionsModuleInterface!
var promotions: [Promotion]!
* Once the view is loaded, it sends a command
* to the presenter asking it to update the UI.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// getting error because presenter is unwrapped as nil
func showPromotionsData(_ promotions: [Promotion]) {
// need to implement
import Foundation
class PromotionsPresenter : PromotionsModuleInterface, PromotionsInteractorOutput {
// Reference to the View (weak to avoid retain cycle).
var view: PromotionsViewInterface!
// Reference to the Interactor's interface.
var interactor: PromotionsInteractorInput!
var wireframe: PromotionsWireframe!
func updateView() {
func PromotionsFetched(_promotions: [Promotion]) {
// need to implement

I suggest you take this boilerplate ( and read this post ( in order to learn not only how to correctly initialize your VIPER modules, but also how to automate VIPER files creation and initiazlization


How to notify a change from a class to multiple ViewControllers?

I'm writing because I'd like to know what's the best method to notify a change from a class to multiple ViewControllers. At the moment I'm using delegate method but I'm sure It's not the best one for this purpose. I created a class where I receive data and after a bit of processing I need to send the processed message to some ViewControllers (any one shows a piece of that message.). At the moment I have a singleton for the class and I assign its delegate to a different ViewController when I load it through a menu. What's your suggestion to do this job?
Here is an example of my actual code:
import Foundation
protocol MyClassDelegate {
func receivedData(_ sender: MyClass)
class MyClass: NSObject {
// create the var for delegate
var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
// save the single instance
static private var instance: MyClass {
return sharedInstance
private let sharedInstance = MyClass()
static func getInstance() -> MyClass {
return instance
func processData() {
// at the end of the process
class Menu: UIViewController {
private var containerView: UIView!
private let myClass = Myclass.getInstance()
private var vcOne = VcOne()
private var vcTwo = VcTwo()
override func viewDidLoad() {
containerView = UIVIew()
// set containerView position and dimensions
func selectViewController(previous: UIViewController, next: UIViewController) {
// remove actual loaded ViewController
previous.willMove(toParent: nil)
// assign the delegate
myClass.delegate = next
// add the new ViewController
next.didMove(toParent: self)
class VcOne: UIViewController, MyClassDelegate {
func receivedData(_ sender: MyClass) {
// data received
class VcTwo: UIViewController, MyClassDelegate {
func receivedData(_ sender: MyClass) {
// data received
You can use NotificationCenter to broadcast a message. or use KVO. Generally I consider notification center much easier.
simple example:

How to set Struct Variable data from one view controller And Getting same value from Another view controller

Im new in swift. I have create a struct class with one variable. Im trying to set value of that struct variable from my first view controller which is working perfectly but when im trying to get that same value from second view controller its give me nil value.
below is my some codding
//Struct class
import Foundation
import UIKit
struct CompanyData {
var companyName : String?
mutating func setData(name : String)
companyName = name
import UIKit
class SelfCompanyNameView: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var companyNameTxt: TextfieldDesign!
var company = CompanyData()
var comName = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func compnyBtnPress(_ sender: Any)
if companyNameTxt.text?.count == 0
Alert.showAlert(on: self, with: "Required", message: "Please enter your company name")
comName = companyNameTxt.text!
company.setData(name: comName)
let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SelfAddressView") as! SelfAddressView
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
import UIKit
class SelfAddressView: UIViewController {
var company = CompanyData()
override func viewDidLoad() {
You need to pass your model to secondView Controller like following code
let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SelfAddressView") as! SelfAddressView = company
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
import UIKit
class SelfAddressView: UIViewController {
var company: CompanyData!
override func viewDidLoad() {
You need to declare a static variable as a shared instance of your struct. And use that while setting and getting your value.
struct CompanyData {
static let shared = CompanyData()
var companyName : String?
mutating func setData(name : String)
companyName = name
While setting the value, use as:
company.shared.setData(name: comName)
And while getting the value, use as:
I would rather use Protocols and delegators. Here is a great tutorial will help you understand the concept Sean Allen Swift Delegate Protocol Pattern Tutorial - iOS Communication Patterns Part 1

Using prepareForSegue to pass data to ViewController later in app

I was wondering, when passing data using prepareForSegue, can you pass data to a View Controller later in the app? For example on the first ViewController I have the user enter their name. It's not until the very end, so a few views later, do I need to display their name. Is there a way to pass their name without having to go to the end view right away?
Use a Coordinator.
It's really easy to decouple your ViewControllers:
instead of using segues give every ViewController a delegate
create a coordinator object (this object knows your screen flow, not your screens)
the coordinator creates the ViewControllers (it can use UIStoryboard instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:) so ViewController A does not have to know that ViewController B exists
instead of calling performSegue you just call your delegate and pass in the data
Simple to use
Easy to reorder screens in a flow
Highly decoupled (easier testing)
Very nice for A/B testing
Scales a lot (you can have multiple coordinators, one for each flow)
Let's say you have 3 VCs, the first one asks for your name, the second for your age and the third displays the data. It would make no sense that AgeViewController knew that NameViewController existed, later on you may want to change their order or even merge them.
Name View Controller
protocol NameViewControllerDelegate: class {
func didInput(name: String)
class NameViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: NameViewControllerDelegate?
#IBOutlet var nameTextField: UITextField!
//Unimportant stuff ommited
#IBAction func submitName(sender: Any) {
guard let name = nameTextField.text else {
// Do something, it's up to you what
delegate?.didInput(name: name)
Age View Controller
protocol AgeViewControllerDelegate: class {
func didInput(age: Int)
class AgeViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: AgeViewControllerDelegate?
#IBOutlet var ageTextField: UITextField!
//Unimportant stuff ommited
#IBAction func submitAge(sender: Any) {
guard let ageString = ageTextField.text,
let age = Int(ageString) else {
// Do something, it's up to you what
delegate?.didInput(age: age)
Displayer View Controller
class DisplayerViewController: UIViewController {
var age: Int?
var name: String?
class Coordinator {
var age: Int?
var name: String?
var navigationController: UINavigationController
init(navigationController: UINavigationController) {
self.navigationController = navigationController
fileprivate lazy var storyboard: UIStoryboard = {
return UIStoryboard(name: "MyStoryboard", bundle: nil)
//This works if you name your screns after their classes
fileprivate func viewController<T: UIViewController>(withType type: T.Type) -> T {
return storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: String(describing: type(of: type))) as! T
func start() -> UIViewController {
let viewController = self.viewController(withType: NameViewController.self)
viewController.delegate = self
navigationController.viewControllers = [viewController]
return viewController
Coordinator + Name View Controller Delegate
extension Coordinator: NameViewControllerDelegate {
func didInput(name: String){ = name
let viewController = self.viewController(withType: AgeViewController.self)
viewController.delegate = self
navigationController.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
Coordinator + Age View Controller Delegate
extension Coordinator: AgeViewControllerDelegate {
func didInput(age: Int) {
self.age = age
let viewController = self.viewController(withType: DisplayerViewController.self)
viewController.age = age = name
navigationController.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
Not really. You can pass view by view the item but it's not a proper way of doing things.
I suggest you to have a Static Manager or this kind of stuff to store the information globally in your app to retrieve it later
All the solution are pretty good. Possible you can try the below model also
1. DataModel class
1.1 Should be singleton class
1.2 Declare value
Step 1 : ViewCOntroller-one
1 Create the Sharedinstance of singleton class
1.1 Assign the value
Step 3 :ViewController-two
1 Create the Sharedinstance of singleton class
1.1 Get the value

Updating a UILabel via protocol results in crash (found nil)

I want to implement the MVP pattern for a new app. So the View shouldn't have any logic besides one that exclusively concerns UI elements. Therefore I want to request initial data from an "Interpreter" (interpreting user input in later code), which in turn requests data from my model and gives it to the "Presenter". The presenter holds a protocol with functions of the view.
The problem is: Calling updateUIData() from the presenter results in a
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
while calling the function from within the View at the same position is working just fine.
I suspect the error comes from the initialization of the specific MainViewController in the init of the presenter, but I don't know how to resolve this, if my guess is right.
Here's my (relevant) code:
class MainViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var interpreter = Interpreter() // lazy needed b/c Interpreter holds Presenter which holds MainViewController
#IBOutlet var dateLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var totalTimeLabel: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// updateUIData()
func requestData() {
extension MainViewController: MainViewSetters {
func updateUIData() {
dateLabel.text = "Data"
totalTimeLabel.text = "loaded"
MainViewSetters (Protocol):
protocol MainViewSetters {
func updateUIData()
class Interpreter {
let presenter = Presenter()
func requestData() {
// normally: get data from model and pass it to presenter
class Presenter {
let mainView: MainViewSetters
init(withMainViewController mainVC: MainViewSetters = MainViewController()) {
mainView = mainVC
func presentData() {
Your problem here is that you are not passing the reference to MainViewController to your instance of Presenter.
This code :
lazy var interpreter = Interpreter()
Should be more like this : (Type is needed here because with lazy the compiler can't infer properly)
lazy var interpreter: Interpreter = Interpreter(for: self)
You then have to create a special initializer in Interpreter which will pass the viewController instance to its presenter property :
class Interpreter {
let presenter: Presenter
init(for viewController: MainViewSetters) {
presenter = Presenter(withMainViewController: viewController)
func requestData() {
// normally: get data from model and pass it to presenter
I also highly suggest you to remove the default value to Presenter's init method, it's very unlikely you'll want to assign a random instance of MainViewController as mainView of any Presenter object.
Finally, please note that this code is creating a retain cycle and neither your MainViewController instance nor your Presenter instance will be deallocated. This is due to the fact the Presenter class holds a strong reference to the MainViewController instance with its property mainView. To fix this you have to mark the mainView as weak as well as making it optional.
Please see the fixed implementation below :
class Presenter {
weak var mainView: MainViewSetters?
init(withMainViewController mainVC: MainViewSetters) {
mainView = mainVC
func presentData() {
For weak to be acceptable on a property of type MainViewSetters (which is not a real type but only a protocol) you have to specify that its a protocol that will only be applied to classes :
protocol MainViewSetters: class {
func updateUIData()
You are initializing interpreter passing a default MainViewController().
Change that code from:
lazy var interpreter = Interpreter()
lazy var interpreter = Interpreter(withMainViewController: self)

#obj protocol delegate method not working in second class. Swift

Im trying to call protocol delegate in an additional class. The first class (ViewController) works but the second one I have implemented it in doesn't show any data. I added it with the autofill option so its not giving errors. It just doesn't do anything.
sender class
#objc protocol BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate{
#objc optional func walkthroughPageDidChange(pageNumber:Int) // Called when current page changes
#objc class BWWalkthroughViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate, ViewControllerDelegate {
// MARK: - Public properties -
weak var delegate:BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate?
var currentPage:Int{ // The index of the current page (readonly)
let page = Int((scrollview.contentOffset.x / view.bounds.size.width))
return page
// MARK: - Private properties -
let scrollview:UIScrollView!
var controllers:[UIViewController]!
var lastViewConstraint:NSArray?
var shouldCancelTimer = false
var aSound: AVAudioPlayer!
var isForSound: AVAudioPlayer!
var alligatorSound: AVAudioPlayer!
var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer?()
var error : NSError?
var soundTrack2 = AVAudioPlayer?()
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
var audioPlayerAnimalSound = AVAudioPlayer?()
var audioPlayerAlphabetSound = AVAudioPlayer?()
var audioPlayerFullPhraze = AVAudioPlayer?()
var audioPlayerPhonics = AVAudioPlayer?()
Code removed to save space carries on:
Update the UI to reflect the current walkthrough situation
private func updateUI(){
// Get the current page
pageControl?.currentPage = currentPage
// Notify delegate about the new page
receiver class
class BWWalkthroughPageViewController: UIViewController, BWWalkthroughPage, ViewControllerDelegate, BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate {
Function in second Class.
func walkthroughPageDidChange(pageNumber: Int) {
println("current page 2 \(pageNumber)")
walkthroughPageDidChange does work in the viewController class however. Please can you help me see what is wrong?
Your weak var delegate:BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate? is an optional variable and it is not assigned anywhere in your presented code, hence it will be nil. You have to instantiate it somewhere for it to work.
A good way to do so is:
class BWWalkthroughViewController {
let bwWalkthroughPageViewController = BWWalkthroughPageViewController()
var bwWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate : BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate!
init() {
bwWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate = bwWalkthroughPageViewController as BWWalkthroughViewControllerDelegate
A thing to note is that it is often good practice to name the delegates with meaningful names. The keyword "delegate" is often used for many classes and is restricted. A more verbose name will eliminate the chance of overriding an original delegate and will help identify each one if you have more than one.
