I'm using TCPDF to create PDF documents and need to render a superscript character without using HTML as the multicell option. No HTML because I need to align the words vertically at the bottom of the cell which doesn't work when the cell has HTML endabled.
Any ideas?
According to Jakuje's hint, I'm using this code to convert the unicode-characters:
$unicodeTable = array('<sup>1</sup>'=>'U+00B9', '<sup>2</sup>'=>'U+00B2', '<sup>3</sup>'=>'U+00B3', '<sup>4</sup>'=>'U+2074', '<sup>5</sup>'=>'U+2075');
function replace_unicode_escape_sequence($match) {
return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $match[1]), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2BE');
function unicode_chr ($chr) {
$x = explode("+", $chr);
$str = "\u".end($x);
return preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/i', 'replace_unicode_escape_sequence', $str);
foreach($unicodeTable as $uKey=>$uValue){
$text = str_replace($uKey, unicode_chr($uValue), $text);
This works in pure php/HTML - but when I use this code with TCPDF, all I get is the unicode-code (e.g. \u00B9)
You can use UTF8 superscript, if it is some "common" letter, such as
x² or xⁿ
I found the following works with TCPDF
json_decode('"\u00B3"') // for PHP 5.x
"\u{00B2}" // for PHP 7.x
Based on this stack overflow article Unicode character in PHP string
TCPDF 6.2.13 with PHP7.1.4
I am using jsPDF to create a pdf file from a webpage. I like to add a text but if use ä ö ü it won't be rendered correctly.
I tried to add Unicode characters to my pdf using the documentation, but the docs they have added for the library related to the Unicode part doesn't include any examples. It would be great if you could provide an example.
This is my code:
function doDocData(doc) {
var number_of_pages = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages()
var pdf_pages = doc.internal.pages
for (var i = 1; i < pdf_pages.length; i++) {
var strl = 'I like to add Ä Ü Ö';
doc.setFontSize(10);// optional
doc.text(strl, 20, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 10);//key is the interal pageSize
var str = 'Seite ' + i + ' von ' + number_of_pages;
doc.setFontSize(10);// optional
doc.text(str, doc.internal.pageSize.width - 80, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 10);//key is the interal pageSize
For utf-8 encoded Characters like Ä, Ö, Ü you need to include a font, that is utf-8 encoded (like it is stated in the Documentary: Use of Unicode Characters / UTF-8) since jsPDF by default contains only ASCII font.
A font like this (ARIAL utf-8 ATTENTION: opens download of arialuni.ttf) can be converted by jsPDF own fontconverter.
You can find a code example how to include the converted font here: setFont in jsPDF
I encountered a problem with setting the page header text containing ampersand like ‘a&b’. The text after ‘&’ disappears in the pdf maybe because it is the reserved key in Aspose. My code looks like this:
PageSetup pageSetup = workbook.getWorksheets().get(worksheetName).getPageSetup();
//calling the function
setHeaderFooter(pageSetup, parameters, criteria)
//function for setting header and footer
def setHeaderFooter(PageSetup pageSetup, parameters, criteria = [:])
def selectedLoa=getSelectedLoa(parameters)
String firstLine = selectedLoa.substring(0,110);
String secondLine = selectedLoa.substring(110);
secondLine = secondLine.substring(0,122)+"...."
selectedLoa = firstLine+"\n"+secondLine.trim();
def periodInfo=getPeriodInfo(parameters, criteria)
def reportingInfo=periodInfo[0]
def comparisonInfo=periodInfo[1]
def benchmarkName=getBenchmark(parameters)
def isNonComparison = criteria.isNonComparison?
def footerInfo="&BReporting Period:&B " + reportingInfo+"\n"
if (comparisonInfo && !isNonComparison){
footerInfo=footerInfo+"&BComparison Period:&B " +comparisonInfo+"\n"
if (benchmarkName){
footerInfo+="&BBenchmark:&B "+benchmarkName
//where I encounterd the issue,selectedLoa contains string with ampersand
pageSetup.setHeader(0, pageSetup.getHeader(0) + "\n&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074&BPopulation:&B "+selectedLoa)
//Insertion of footer
pageSetup.setFooter(0,"&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074"+footerInfo)
def downloadDate = new Date().format("MMMM dd, yyyy")
pageSetup.setFooter(2,"&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074" + downloadDate)
//Insertion of logo
def bucketName = parameters.containsKey('printedRLBucketName')?parameters.get('printedRLBucketName'):null
def filePath = parameters.containsKey('printedReportLogo')?parameters.get('printedReportLogo'): null
// Declaring a byte array
byte[] binaryData
if(!filePath || filePath.contains("null") || filePath.endsWith("null")){
filePath = root+"/images/defaultExportLogo.png"
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath))
binaryData = is.getBytes()
}else {
AmazonS3Client s3client = amazonClientService.getAmazonS3Client()
S3Object object = s3client.getObject(bucketName, filePath)
// Getting the bytes out of input stream of S3 object
binaryData = object.getObjectContent().getBytes()
// Setting the logo/picture in the right section (2) of the page header
pageSetup.setHeaderPicture(2, binaryData);
// Setting the script for the logo/picture
pageSetup.setHeader(2, "&G");
// Scaling the picture to correct size
Picture pic = pageSetup.getPicture(true, 2);
pic.setWidth(Math.abs(pic.getWidth() * (pic.getHeightScale() / 100)).intValue());
}catch (Exception e){
In this case, I get only ‘a’ in the pdf header all other text after ampersand gets disappeared. Please suggest me with a solution for this. I am using aspose 18.2
We have added header on a PDF page with below code snippet but we did not notice any problem when ampersand sign is included in header text.
// open document
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
// create text stamp
TextStamp textStamp = new TextStamp("a&bcdefg");
// set properties of the stamp
// set text properties
textStamp.getTextState().setFont(new FontRepository().findFont("Arial"));
// iterate through all pages of PDF file
for (int Page_counter = 1; Page_counter <= document.getPages().size(); Page_counter++) {
// add stamp to all pages of PDF file
// save output document
document.save(dataDir + "TextStamp_18.8.pdf");
Please ensure using Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8 in your environment. For further information on adding page header, you may visit Add Text Stamp in the Header or Footer section.
In case you face any problem while adding header, then please share your code snippet and generated PDF document with us via Google Drive, Dropbox etc. so that we may investigate it to help you out.
PS: I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.
Well, yes, "&" is a reserved word when inserting headers/footers in MS Excel spreadsheet via Aspose.Cells APIs. To cope with your issue, you got to place another ampersand to paste the "& (ampersand)" in the header string. See the sample code for your reference:
Sample code:
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
String headerText="a&&bcdefg";
PageSetup pageSetup = ws.getPageSetup();
pageSetup.setHeader(0, headerText);
Hope this helps a bit.
I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.
I want to use a string variable which could contain the values h1, h2, h3 etc to build some html. This works fine for the opening tag, but does not work nicely for the closing tag. If I write
#{ var tag = "h1" ; }
<#tag>some title here</#tag>
I end up with the html
<h1>some title here</#h1>
A work-around which seems to work is
<#tag>some title here<#("/"+tag)>
but it's pretty ugly. Is there some escape sequence I need to use here?
You can use Html.Raw.
string lineTemplate = "<h{0}>{1}</h{0}>";
for (int tagCounter = 1; tagCounter < 7; tagCounter++)
#Html.Raw(string.Format(lineTemplate, tagCounter, "Header "+ tagCounter));
i am not sure which Razor version you are using
but i tested your code in my MVC4, it works perfectly
it will render <h1>something</h1>
I want to html escape the content from #pre. Output from {#pre key="property-key" type="content"/} is this contains " and ' in sentence. I want this to be escaped as this contains & #34; and & #39; in sentence.
I tried {#pre key="property-key" type="content" filters="h"/} but not working.
Because {#pre} (I assume this one) returns a Chunk, you can't directly modify the output.
You could wrap this helper in your own helper that HTML-escapes the return value.
dust.helpers.escapePre = function(chunk, context, bodies, params) {
return chunk.tap(function(data) {
return dust.escapeHtml(data);
}).helper('pre', context, bodies, params);
{#escapePre key="property-key" type="content" /}
This example helper just invokes the pre helper, and taps the output through a function that escapes all data passed to it.
First, I know, there already is a Markdown parser for PHP.
I also took a look to this question but it doesn't answer to my question.
Obviously, even if the title mention PHP, if it's language agnostic, because I'd like to know what are the step I've to go through to do that.
I've read about PEG, but I've to admit, I didn't really understand the example provided with the PHP parser.
I've also read about CFG.
I've found Zend_Markup_Parser_Textile which seems to construct a so called "Token Tree" (what's about it?) but it currently unusable. (Btw, Textile is not Markdown)
So, concretely, how would you go to this?
Obviously I though about using Regex but, I'm afraid.
Because Markdown supports several syntaxes for the same element (Setext and atx).
Could you give some starting point?
You should have a look at Parsedown.
It parses Markdown text the way people do. First, it divides texts into lines. Then it looks at how these lines start and relate to each other. Finally, it looks for special characters to identify inline elements.
There is PHP Markdown Extra that seems to be popular, you could start by looking at its source.
Also, there is an object-oriented implementation of Markdown which is faster: markdown-oo-php
Ciconia - A New Markdown Parser for PHP is a good one I found.
You just need 3 things to do :
1.Install Ciconia and parse file according to the document.
2. Add corresponding css theme to make it nice, like github markdown style or here.
3. Add syntax highlighting javascript, like google Javascript code prettifier.
Then everything will look pretty good.
If you want a complete example, here is my working demo for github style markdown:
header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8");
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ciconia\Ciconia;
use Ciconia\Extension\Gfm;
$ciconia = new Ciconia();
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\FencedCodeBlockExtension());
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\TaskListExtension());
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\InlineStyleExtension());
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\WhiteSpaceExtension());
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\TableExtension());
$ciconia->addExtension(new Gfm\UrlAutoLinkExtension());
$contents = file_get_contents('Readme.md');
$html = $ciconia->render($contents);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Excel to Lua table - Readme</title>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/google/code-prettify/master/loader/run_prettify.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./github-markdown.css">
.markdown-body {
box-sizing: border-box;
min-width: 200px;
max-width: 980px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 45px;
<article class="markdown-body">
# Put HTML content in the document
echo $html;
Using regexes.
* Slimdown - A very basic regex-based Markdown parser. Supports the
* following elements (and can be extended via Slimdown::add_rule()):
* - Headers
* - Links
* - Bold
* - Emphasis
* - Deletions
* - Quotes
* - Inline code
* - Blockquotes
* - Ordered/unordered lists
* - Horizontal rules
* Author: Johnny Broadway <johnny#johnnybroadway.com>
* Website: https://gist.github.com/jbroadway/2836900
* License: MIT
class Slimdown {
public static $rules = array (
'/(#+)(.*)/' => 'self::header', // headers
'/\[([^\[]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/' => '<a href=\'\2\'>\1</a>', // links
'/(\*\*|__)(.*?)\1/' => '<strong>\2</strong>', // bold
'/(\*|_)(.*?)\1/' => '<em>\2</em>', // emphasis
'/\~\~(.*?)\~\~/' => '<del>\1</del>', // del
'/\:\"(.*?)\"\:/' => '<q>\1</q>', // quote
'/`(.*?)`/' => '<code>\1</code>', // inline code
'/\n\*(.*)/' => 'self::ul_list', // ul lists
'/\n[0-9]+\.(.*)/' => 'self::ol_list', // ol lists
'/\n(>|\>)(.*)/' => 'self::blockquote ', // blockquotes
'/\n-{5,}/' => "\n<hr />", // horizontal rule
'/\n([^\n]+)\n/' => 'self::para', // add paragraphs
'/<\/ul>\s?<ul>/' => '', // fix extra ul
'/<\/ol>\s?<ol>/' => '', // fix extra ol
'/<\/blockquote><blockquote>/' => "\n" // fix extra blockquote
private static function para ($regs) {
$line = $regs[1];
$trimmed = trim ($line);
if (preg_match ('/^<\/?(ul|ol|li|h|p|bl)/', $trimmed)) {
return "\n" . $line . "\n";
return sprintf ("\n<p>%s</p>\n", $trimmed);
private static function ul_list ($regs) {
$item = $regs[1];
return sprintf ("\n<ul>\n\t<li>%s</li>\n</ul>", trim ($item));
private static function ol_list ($regs) {
$item = $regs[1];
return sprintf ("\n<ol>\n\t<li>%s</li>\n</ol>", trim ($item));
private static function blockquote ($regs) {
$item = $regs[2];
return sprintf ("\n<blockquote>%s</blockquote>", trim ($item));
private static function header ($regs) {
list ($tmp, $chars, $header) = $regs;
$level = strlen ($chars);
return sprintf ('<h%d>%s</h%d>', $level, trim ($header), $level);
* Add a rule.
public static function add_rule ($regex, $replacement) {
self::$rules[$regex] = $replacement;
* Render some Markdown into HTML.
public static function render ($text) {
$text = "\n" . $text . "\n";
foreach (self::$rules as $regex => $replacement) {
if (is_callable ( $replacement)) {
$text = preg_replace_callback ($regex, $replacement, $text);
} else {
$text = preg_replace ($regex, $replacement, $text);
return trim ($text);
echo Slimdown::render ("# Title
And *now* [a link](http://www.google.com) to **follow** and [another](http://yahoo.com/).
* One
* Two
* Three
## Subhead
One **two** three **four** five.
One __two__ three _four_ five __six__ seven _eight_.
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
More text with `inline($code)` sample.
> A block quote
> across two lines.
More text...");
Origin https://gist.github.com/jbroadway/2836900