So I'm trying to prepare myself for coding interviews by doing HackerRank's test case samples. If you're familiar with the process, you usually take a standard input that has various lines of strings and you extract the information based on what the question is asking. I have come across numerous questions where they will give you a line (as a String) with n number of integers separated by a space (i.e. 1 2 3 4 5). In order to solve the problem I need to extrapolate an array of Int ([Int]) from a String. I came up with this nifty method:
func extractIntegers(_ s: String) -> [Int] {
let splits = s.characters.split { [" "].contains(String($0)) }
return { Int(String($0).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces))! }
So I code it in my Playground and it works fantastic, I even run multiple test cases I make up, and they all pass with flying colors...then I copy the code to HackerRank and try running it for submission. And I get this:
solution.swift:16:29: error: value of type 'String' has no member 'trimmingCharacters'
return { Int(String($0).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces))! }
So... okay maybe HR hasn't updated everything for Swift 3 yet. No big deal! I have an idea for an even cleaner solution! Here it is:
func extractIntegers(_ s: String) -> [Int] {
return s.components(separatedBy: " ").map { Int($0)! }
....AAAAANDDD of course:
solution.swift:15:12: error: value of type 'String' has no member 'components'
return s.components(separatedBy: " ").map { Int($0)! }
So now I'm forced to use a really sloppy method where I loop through all the characters, check for spaces, append substrings from ranges between spaces into an array, and then map that array and return it.
Does anyone have any other clean ideas to work around HR's inadequacies with Swift? I would like any recommendations I can get!
Thanks in advance!
The String methods
func trimmingCharacters(in set: CharacterSet) -> String
func components(separatedBy separator: String) -> [String]
are actually methods of the NSString class, defined in the Foundation
framework, and "bridged" to Swift. Therefore, to make your code compile,
you have go add
import Foundation
But a slightly simplified version of your first method compiles
with pure Swift, without importing Foundation. I handles leading, trailing, and intermediate whitespace:
func extractIntegers(_ s: String) -> [Int] {
let splits = s.characters.split(separator: " ").map(String.init)
return { Int($0)! }
let a = extractIntegers(" 12 234 -567 4 ")
print(a) // [12, 234, -567, 4]
Update for Swift 4 (and simplified):
func extractIntegers(_ s: String) -> [Int] {
return s.split(separator: " ").compactMap { Int($0) }
In The Swift Programming Language, it says:
Functions can also take a variable number of arguments, collecting them into an array.
func sumOf(numbers: Int...) -> Int {
When I call such a function with a comma-separated list of numbers (`sumOf(1, 2, 3, 4), they are made available as an array inside the function.
Question: what if I already have an array of numbers that I want to pass to this function?
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
This fails with a compiler error, “Could not find an overload for '__conversion' that accepts the supplied arguments”. Is there a way to turn an existing array into a list of elements that I can pass to a variadic function?
Splatting is not in the language yet, as confirmed by the devs. Workaround for now is to use an overload or wait if you cannot add overloads.
Here's a work around that I found. I know it's not exactly what you want, but it seems to be working.
Step 1: Declare the function you'd like with an array instead of variadic arguments:
func sumOf(numbers: [Int]) -> Int {
var total = 0
for i in numbers {
total += i
return total
Step 2: Call this from within your variadic function:
func sumOf(numbers: Int...) -> Int {
return sumOf(numbers)
Step 3: Call Either Way:
var variadicSum = sumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
var arraySum = sumOf([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
It seems strange, but it is working in my tests. Let me know if this causes unforeseen problems for anyone. Swift seems to be able to separate the difference between the two calls with the same function name.
Also, with this method if Apple updates the language as #manojid's answer suggests, you'll only need to update these functions. Otherwise, you'll have to go through and do a lot of renaming.
You can cast the function:
typealias Function = [Int] -> Int
let sumOfArray = unsafeBitCast(sumOf, Function.self)
sumOfArray([1, 2, 3])
You can use a helper function as such:
func sumOf (numbers : [Int]) -> Int { return numbers.reduce(0, combine: +) }
func sumOf (numbers : Int...) -> Int { return sumOf (numbers) }
I did this (Wrapper + Identity Mapping):
func addBarButtonItems(types: REWEBarButtonItemType...) {
addBarButtonItems(types: { $0 })
func addBarButtonItems(types: [REWEBarButtonItemType]) {
// actual implementation
I know this response does not answer your exact question, but I feel its worth noting. I too was starting to play with Swift and immediately ran into a similar question. Manojlds answer is better for your question, I agree, but again, another workaround I came up with. I do happen to like Logan's better too.
In my case I just wanted to pass an array:
func sumOf(numbers: Array<Int>) -> Int {
var sum = 0
for number in numbers {
sum += number
return sum
var someNums = [8,7,2,9,12]
sumOf([10, 15, 20])
Just wanted to share, in case anyone else was thinking like me. Most of the time I would prefer pass the array like this, but I don't think the "Swiftly" yet. :)
Swift 5
This is an approach with #dynamicCallable feature that allows to avoid overloading or unsafeBitCast but you should make a specific struct to call:
struct SumOf {
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [Int]) -> Int {
return args.reduce(0, +)
let sum = SumOf()
// Use a dynamic method call.
sum(1, 2, 3) // 6
// Call the underlying method directly.
sum.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [1, 2, 3]) // 6
characters - an instance property of String, is deprecated from with Xcode 9.1
It was very useful to get a substring from String by using the characters property but now it has been deprecated and Xcode suggests to use substring. I've tried to check around SO questions and apple developer tutorials/guidelines for the same. But could not see any solution/alternate as suggested.
Here is warning message:
'characters' is deprecated: Please use String or Substring
I've so many string operations are performed/handled using property characters.
Anyone have any idea/info about this update?
Swift 4 introduced changes on string API.
You can just use !stringValue.isEmpty instead of stringValue.characters.count > 0
for more information you get the sample from here
for e.g
let edit = "Summary"
edit.count // 7
Swift 4 vs Swift 3 examples:
let myString = "test"
for char in myString.characters {print(char) } // Swift 3
for char in myString { print(char) } // Swift 4
let length = myString.characters.count // Swift 3
let length = myString.count // Swift 4
One of the most common cases for manipulating strings is with JSON responses. In this example I created an extension in my watch app to drop the last (n) characters of a Bitcoin JSON object.
Swift 3:
func dropLast(_ n: Int = 0) -> String {
return String(characters.dropLast(n))
Xcode 9.1 Error Message:
'characters' is deprecated: Please use String or Substring directly
Xcode is telling us to use the string variable or method directly.
Swift 4:
func dropLast(_ n: Int = 0) -> String {
return String(dropLast(n))
Complete Extension:
extension String {
func dropLast(_ n: Int = 0) -> String {
return String(dropLast(n))
var dropLast: String {
return dropLast()
let literalMarketPrice = response.USDRate.dropLast(2)
print("literal market price: \(literalMarketPrice)")
//rate:7,101.0888 //JSON float
//literal market price: 7,101.08 // JSON string literal
Additional Examples:
print("Spell has \(invisibleSpellName.count) characters.")
return String(dropLast(n))
return String(removeLast(n))
You'll often be using common methods such as dropLast() or removeLast() or count so here is the explicit Apple documentation for each method.
counting characters
Use this characters because String stopped being a collection in Swift 2.0. However this is still valid code in Swift 4 but is no longer necessary now that String is a Collection again.
For example a Swift 4 String now has a direct count property that gives the character count:
// Swift 4
let spString = "Stack"
spString.count // 5
Examples for String and SubString.
Swift 4 String now directly get Element that gives the first character of String: (string.characters.first)
let spString = "Stack"
let firstElement = spString.first //S
Using SubString get first character.
let spstring = "Welcome"
let indexStartOfText = spstring.index(spstring.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let sub = spstring.substring(to: indexStartOfText)
print(sub) //W
That warning is just a top of the iceberg, there were a loot of string changes, strings are again a collection of characters, but we got soemthing new and cool, subStrings :)
This is a great read about this:
Just remove characters
For example:
You can also use this code for dictionary grouping without using { $0.characters.first! }.
let cities = ["Shanghai": 24_256_800, "Karachi": 23_500_000, "Beijing": 21_516_000, "Seoul": 9_995_000]
let groupedCities = Dictionary(grouping: cities.keys) { $0.first! }
func validatePhoneNumber(number:String) -> Bool{
if number.count < 10. //deprecated ->(number.characters.count)
return false;
return true;
You use directly .count and characters is deprecated.
Equivalent functions in Swift 2 of Java's charAt() and indexOf() ?
Firstly read this article about Swift strings and think about exactly what you mean by characters.
You can use the character view (or the utf16 view if that is the sort of characters that you want) of the string to see it as a collection and if you really need to get characters by index (rather than by iteration) you may want to convert it to an array but normally you just need to advance the index.
let myString = "Hello, Stack overflow"
// Note this index is not an integer but an index into a character view (String.CharacterView.Index)
let index = myString.characters.indexOf( "," )
let character = myString[myString.startIndex.advancedBy(4)] // "o"
This is O(n) (where n is the number of characters into the String) as it needs to iterate over the array as Characters may vary in length in the encoding)
Old answer below. The character array may be quicker for repeat access still as the array accesses are O(1) following the one off O(n) conversion to array (n is the array length).
let cIndex = 5
// This initialises a new array from the characters collection
let characters = [Character](myString.characters)
if cIndex < characters.count {
let character = characters[cIndex]
// Use the character here
Obviously some simplification is possible if the index is guaranteed to be within the length of the characters but I prefer to demonstrate with some safety on SO.
You can extend the String class with the missing charAt(index: Int) function:
extension String {
func charAt(index: Int) -> Character {
return [Character](characters)[index]
You have to convert the input string to an Array then return the character from the specific index here is the code
extension String {
func charAt(_ index : Int) -> Character {
let arr = Array(self.characters);
return (arr[index]);
This will work same as Java's charAt() method you can use it as
var str:String = "Alex"
Did you read the NSString documentation? String and NSString are not identical, but as mentioned by this answer most functions are more or less the same. Anyway, the two exact functions you ask for are right there:
Java's charAt:
func characterAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> unichar
Java's indexOf:
func rangeOfString(_ searchString: String) -> NSRange
The NSRange data type contains just 2 variables: location and length that tell you where the substring is in the original string and how long it is. See the documentation.
"abc".indexOf("b") => 1
"abc".rangeOfString("b").location #=> 1
you can used it instead of CharAt() in swift 3:
func charAt(str: String , int :Int)->Character{
let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: int)
return str[index]
Just downloaded Xcode 7 Beta, and this error appeared on enumerate keyword.
for (index, string) in enumerate(mySwiftStringArray)
Can anyone help me overcome this ?
Also, seems like count() is no longer working for counting length of String.
let stringLength = count(myString)
On above line, compiler says :
'count' is unavailable: access the 'count' property on the collection.
Has Apple has released any programming guide for Swift 2.0 ?
Many global functions have been replaced by protocol extension methods,
a new feature of Swift 2, so enumerate() is now an extension method
for SequenceType:
extension SequenceType {
func enumerate() -> EnumerateSequence<Self>
and used as
let mySwiftStringArray = [ "foo", "bar" ]
for (index, string) in mySwiftStringArray.enumerate() {
And String does no longer conform to SequenceType, you have to
use the characters property to get the collection of Unicode
characters. Also, count() is a protocol extension method of
CollectionType instead of a global function:
let myString = "foo"
let stringLength = myString.characters.count
Update for Swift 3: enumerate() has been renamed to enumerated():
let mySwiftStringArray = [ "foo", "bar" ]
for (index, string) in mySwiftStringArray.enumerated() {
There was an update for Swift 2 on using enumerate().
Instead of enumerate(...), people should use
... .enumerate()
The reason is that many global functions have been replaced by protocol extension methods and they will get an enumerate error.
Hope this helps.
All the best.
I know this is a old thread but I've just been messing around with Swift 2.0 and Playgrounds and I came across the same problem I thought I'd share a solution which uses the enumerate() method for a String
// This line works in Swift 1.2
// for (idx, character) in enumerate("A random string, it has a comma.")
// Swift 2.x
let count = inputString.characters
for (idx, character) in count.enumerate() where character == "," {
// Do something with idx
Hope this helps
With Beta 3 all worked fine, now I get a strange error, and I have no clue how to fix it. Tried all the solutions for similiar problems.
Here is my code:
if !name.isEmpty {
var splitted: [String] = name.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
for curPart in splitted {
if !curPart.isEmpty {
acronym += curPart.substringToIndex(1) //Error
if (acronym as NSString).length > 2 {
acronym = acronym.substringToIndex(2) //Error
Both marked lines gave me the same error:
Type 'String.Index' does not conform protocol 'IntegerLiteralConvertible'
Can someone help me? Or is Beta 4 bugged?
In beta 4, Swift's String.Index handling changed yet again -- you now can't supply an Int when a String.Index is expected. The way to handle it is by creating the String.Index you need using the advance method:
if !name.isEmpty {
var splitted: [String] = name.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
for curPart in splitted {
if !curPart.isEmpty {
acronym += curPart.substringToIndex(advance(curPart.startIndex, 1))
if countElements(acronym) > 2 {
acronym = acronym.substringToIndex(advance(acronym.startIndex, 2))
This is all based on making sure Unicode strings are handled properly - since different Unicode characters can have different sizes, pure integer indexing would hide the fact that Strings aren't random access.
Swift's notion of string components and iteration has changed in Beta 4. From the guide, we see:
Every instance of Swift’s Character type represents a single extended grapheme cluster. An extended grapheme cluster is a sequence of one or more Unicode scalars that (when combined) produce a single human-readable character.
This has some interesting side effects:
let str1 = "abc"
let str2 = "\u{20DD}def"
countElements(str1) // 3
countElements(str2) // 4
countElements(str1+str2) // 6 ≠ 3+4 !!!
That's because the c and \u{20DD} combine to form c⃝. Also notice that we're using countElements. In order to figure out the length of the string, Swift actually has to iterate through the whole string and figure out where the actual grapheme divisions are, so it takes O(n) time.
We can also see the effect on different encodings:
Array((str1+str2).utf8) // [97, 98, 99, 226, 131, 157, 100, 101, 102]
Array((str1+str2).utf16) // [97, 98, 99, 8413, 100, 101, 102]
Another issue, as your error says, is that String's IndexType is no longer convertible from an integer literal: you can't perform random access on the string by specifying an offset. Instead, you can use startIndex and advance to move forward some distance in the string, for example str[str.startIndex] or str[advance(str.startIndex, distance)].
Or you can define your own helper functions in the meantime:
func at<C: Collection>(c: C, i: C.IndexType.DistanceType) -> C.GeneratorType.Element {
return c[advance(c.startIndex, i)]
func take<C: protocol<Collection, Sliceable>>(c: C, n: C.IndexType.DistanceType) -> C.SliceType {
return c[c.startIndex..<advance(c.startIndex, n)]
at(str1+str2, 3) // d
take(str1+str2, 2) // ab
Obviously there are some improvements that could (and probably will) be made in future updates. You may want to file a bug with your concerns. In the long run, supporting grapheme clusters correctly was probably a good decision, but it makes string access a little more painful in the meantime.
For Swift 2.0
Using the example above: