Mirror MacBook Desktop on iPhone? - ios

I was wondering if anyone have any ideas of how you could mirror a MacBook desktop on to an iPhone. I'm not looking for an app to install but a way to program it myself. What would be the best approach?
And to clarify, I'm not looking for a way to mirror my iPhone to my computer, but the other way around.
Thanks for any answers you might have

What you are talking about can be achieved in a number of ways. You need a server component running on the MacBook, which vends a video stream of the MacBook display(s) over a suitably secure network connection, and your app on the iPhone behaving as a client to this video stream. VNC (Vertual Network Computing) is the established, open, system for doing this. Conveniently macOS has a built in VNC server (Screen Sharing in the Sharing preference pane), so the server side is already done. Your app will need to implement the VNC client. I suggest you start by looking for existing open source implementations for this functionality, http://cocoapods.org


Ios filesharing without iTunes or an internet connection

I am working on developing an enterprise application for ios 7 that needs to work offline and then sync with a desktop client (that I also need to write) for data transfer.
My company does not allow wireless or cell data in this area, and would strongly prefer to not use iTunes either.
The question is, how do you transfer data from an iPad over the usb cable to a custom windows program, without iTunes.
The simplest answer would be: iExplorer (http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/) plus some kind of a script to automate the data sync.
Otherwise, you can use the ExternalAccessory framework to communicate with the desktop via a USB tether. This would necessitate a desktop client running simultaneously to communicate with the device.
peertalk (https://github.com/rsms/peertalk) does what you want, however the computer side library is only for mac os. Maybe you can port the protocol to windows by looking at that (the license is BSD)
Edit: this guy managed to have it run under linux. It sits on usbmuxd, which also has a windows port, so it shouldn't be impossible.

Demonstrate intranet laptop site on iPad

We have an application which is intended for intranet use. It's not available on the web and we'd prefer to keep it that way.
In house the iPad can connect to the wifi and we can demonstrate the website that way. At a customers is there any way of connecting the iPad to the laptop and showing a website running on IIS off that laptop?
The only way I can think of is by attaching a router to the laptop and running a local network that way, not sure if customers would be entirely comfortable with that
We could also look into some kind of VPN arrangement? It would be so much easier if we could connect the iPad and laptop though
(Edit) Is Bluetooth a possibility?
I did a huge kludge when I needed something like that. I don't really recommend it because it's annoying, but it works to some level.
Connect your phone to the laptop, sharing the 3G connection via USB.
On the laptop, share that USB connection via WiFi.
Connect the iPad to the laptop's access point (WiFi)
The iPad should now be able to "see" the webserver that runs on your laptop

Telnet iPhone Application that connect through iPhone USB port

I am looking for a weekend project to do and I was wondering if this was possible. I have these radios that are programmed using Telnet (to set the frequencies, output power, etc.) and I normally do this with my computer in the terminal. The radios have an RS-232 connector on them and I use a USB converter to connect to my computer. Having a small, portable device to program them with instead of a big, clunky laptop would be great, so what I am hoping is possible is to be able to create a telnet connection with my iPhone. Is it possible to create a Telnet application for my iPhones that can connect to these radios through the USB/lightning port on the iPhone? I know normally when people write Telnet applications for the iPhone, they are using over the air connections like WiFi/3G/4G to connect to the internet, but this radio is not connected to the internet but its own private network of other radios. If it is possible to connect the iPhone to the RS-232 port and accomplish the Telnet connection (also without frying my iPhone with too much current) that would be fantastic. Also, if it is possible, how would I access the lightning port? Thanks!
EDIT: Another possible connection is the iPhones lightning port to an RJ-45 connection. That would work as well. Is this possible? Thanks!
As far as I know, you can always study the specification of the lightning connector, you can find it here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_(connector). You can try to play with the SDK, trying to send commands from the iPhone and receiving information through the cable. The problem of that, and I was working in several medical applications with the 30 pin connector and the lightning as well, is you have to spend a lot of time to deal with the specification. The most important part is to understand how the connector works and what can you send and receive through the cable. If not, you would have to build your own connector, which is interesting and can help to learn a lot, but it´s not an easy thing. In a project I was working, we had to build several cables to adapt the signals to connect with the device, in my case an iPad1 and recently an iPad 4 although it works with the iPhone as well. As you know, or you should, you will have to learn about MFI.
You can find some information regarding that point here : Create an iPad app that can send/receive data via the USB cable?, but bear in mind everything goes through MFI, so it has its pros and cons....most of them cons. You can find several information here : https://developer.apple.com/programs/mfi/
good luck :)

How can I programmatically interact between iOS and OS X apps?

This may sound a little strange, so I have to tell you why I am making this app. I just got a very old iMac that has very low processing power. I am attempting to make an application for my iPod Touch that can make it act as an external processor for OS X Panther. I have almost everything worked out, but I need the iPhone to be able to interact directly with the OS X app I am making, like iTunes does.
To be clear, I only want the iPod to work as an external processor by moving data from my OS X app to the iPod app, complete the code blocks, and send it back (thats the easy part). It does not have to work with any other OS X app. What I need to know is how I can send data through the cable to my iOS app directly. If this cannot be done, I have a backup data transmitting solution, but the cable would be much faster. Any ideas?
Good idea, don't post good idea's online ;-)
I'm going to tell you up front; unless you are lucky I don't think you will be able to get this to work.
I know that someone once found out that iTunes uses some kind of daemon program to communicate with your iDevices. I'm not sure if this is still true, but that daemon is undocumented but 'available'. I have no more clues than this, maybe you get lucky and find something on Google.
I'd go with wireless communication, I don't think speed is such an issue if we're talking about small instruction sets.
Also there's this, but I'm not sure if that will be of any help to you.
found this post: Where is the mount point for the iPod/iPhone in Mac?
Which should help you write to the iDevice disk. You should be able to continuously look for filesystem updates on your device to process the data, and vice versa, to establish some kind of transfer system.

Remote Access a PhoneGap App

I wanted to make an application for the iPad that will be controlled from an iPhone-app. Is there a possibility to access the PhoneGap-App on the iPhone?
I don't want to use an external server because the app should run offline in an Ad-Hoc network.
First I thought of creating a local webserver on the iPad, but I couldn't find anything PhoneGap related. Any Idea?
You were probably on the right track with the web server idea.
I am not sure how well the various solutions are supported in PhoneGap, but I would think you could use some sort of WebSockets implementation for the bi-directional communication between the iPhone and iPad apps.
