I'm trying to login a user by using the username or email. Right now my code works to log the user in by only Username. I'm using a "PFUser.logInWithUsername", but I'd also like to login with the users email. I'm trying to change my code to allow the user to have the choice to either email or a username. Here is my code.
#IBAction func LogInButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {
// login functions
PFUser.logInWithUsername(inBackground: UsernameOrEmail.text!, password: Password.text!) { (user:PFUser?, error:Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
// remember user or save in App Memeory did the user login or not
UserDefaults.standard.set(user!.username, forKey: "username")
// call login function from AppDelegate.swift class
let appDelegate : AppDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
// Delay the dismissal by 5 seconds
let delay = 1.0 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)
var time = DispatchTime.now() + Double(Int64(delay)) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: time, execute: {
} else {
You can use a regex pattern to detect if the user enters an email. If the detection returns false, then you "know" that the user entered their username.
This is what I use in my applications(works ok):
//A function that returns true or false based on the input. True if email, false if something else.
func isValidEmail(email:String) -> Bool {
let emailRegEx = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}"
let emailTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", emailRegEx)
return emailTest.evaluate(with: email)
//check if user enters email or not:
if isValidEmail(email: user!.username){
//email adress detected
//username detected
As I understand your problem the function above will solve your problem. I have provided a some code for you to test out.
I do not know what PFUser is capable of, but I assume there is a function for login with username and another for email.
//A function that returns true or false based on the input. True if email, false if something else.
func isValidEmail(email:String) -> Bool {
let emailRegEx = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}"
let emailTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", emailRegEx)
return emailTest.evaluate(with: email)
#IBAction func LogInButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {
//check if user enters username or email
if let usercredentials = UsernameOrEmail.text { //get the username from textfield
if isValidEmail(email: usercredentials){
//user did enter his email as login credential
PFUser.logInWithEmail(inBackground: usercredentials, password: Password.text!) { (user:PFUser?, error:Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
//do your login stuff here
} else {
//user did enter his username as login credential
PFUser.logInWithUsername(inBackground: usercredentials, password: Password.text!) { (user:PFUser?, error:Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
//do your login stuff here
} else {
//textfield not accessible
I'm trying to understand where i may be going wrong with the following code. I have tried to look up a way to check if the users collection contains a string within one of it's documents within a username field.
Structure looks something like this
What i am trying to check is if within users, and within any document, does the string exist in the username field. Found a possible solution to this question (among others) here by calling a function to query for the username.
I created the function in an extension:
extension UITextField {
func checkUsername(username: String, completion: #escaping(Bool) -> Void) {
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference()
usernameRef.child("users").queryOrdered(byChild: "username").queryEqual(toValue: username).observeSingleEvent(of: DataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot: DataSnapshot) in
if snapshot.exists() {
else {
and called it on the text field within textFieldDidEndEditing so it can perform the check upon the user attempting to claim a username.
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if activeField == usernameField {
textField.checkUsername(username: usernameField.text!) { isExist in
if isExist {
print("Username exists")
} else {
print("Username does not exist")
However, this always returns 'Username does not exist' to the console, even when the username does exist.
There is currently 1 username within the database called test, so attempting to enter test should return 'Username exists' and entering testtwo should return 'Username does not exist'.
What can i be missing here? I am assuming its not querying the database correctly?
Thanks to Frank for pointing out i was calling the Realtime Database rather than Firestore. Updated my code to return a true or false value when checking documents for anything stored within 'username' and thought i would share my updated code if anyone else is attempting to check 'usernames' within their Firestore DB.
Created an extension on the UITextField which is called when i require checking a username is available:
func checkUsername(field: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
let collectionRef = db.collection("users")
collectionRef.whereField("username", isEqualTo: field).getDocuments { (snapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting document: \(err)")
} else if (snapshot?.isEmpty)! {
} else {
for document in (snapshot?.documents)! {
if document.data()["username"] != nil {
Then on the UITextField textDidEndEditing, i call the function is the active field is the username field:
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if activeField == usernameField {
if textField.text?.isEmpty == false {
textField.checkUsername(field: textField.text!) { (success) in
if success == true {
print("Username is taken")
// Perform some action
} else {
print("Username is not taken")
// Perform some action
This then returns 'Username is taken' if i attempt to enter a username that exists in any of the documents username field, or 'Username is not taken' if nothing is found.
If anyone has any feedback to improve the code or any questions, let me know. I'll happily update for reference. :)
I have simple login method which returns bool, depends on success of user login. I have problem with order of the responses and execution of the code. I've read about completion handlers, which I think are a solution to my problem but I'm not sure. Here is my method:
//perform user login in, setting nsuserdefaults and returning the bool result
func login(username: String, password:String) -> (Bool) {
var success:Bool = false
//sending inputs to server and receiving info from server
let postRequest = postDataToURL()
postRequest.link = "http://pnc.hr/rfid/login.php"
postRequest.postVariables = "username=" + username + "&password=" + pass
postRequest.forData("POST") { jsonString in
// getting the result from the asinhronys task
let result = convertStringToDictionary(jsonString as String)
if let loggedIn = result?["loggedIn"] as? Bool where loggedIn == true {
let userType = result?["userType"] as? String
let token = result?["token"] as? String
//if user is logged - setting parameters in Key Chains and redirecting them to the menu view
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject(loggedIn, forKey: "loggedIn")
defaults.setObject(username, forKey: "username")
defaults.setObject(userType, forKey: "userType")
defaults.setObject(token, forKey: "token")
success = true
else {
success = false
print ("class - " + String(jsonString))
print ("classIN - " + String(success))
print ("classOUT - " + String(success))
return success
I would like to make return of success variable inside if statement which checks variable loggedIn is equal to true. But in that case I get error.
Then I have made this method. The problem is that method returns the variable success quicker than the POST request has been done. So it will be false in every case. I have printed variables to see the order of the code execution and method first prints the "classOUT", returns the variable, and then sets up variable value and print "classIN".
How can I wait until the code which logs user gets executed so I can get the right value of the variable success?
Perform user login in, setting nsuserdefaults and returning the bool result
completionBlock: is that block which will get executed when you call it like any block but you get to choose when and what all to pass through that block.
func login(username: String, password:String,completionBlock : ((success : Bool)->Void)){
//sending inputs to server and receiving info from server
let postRequest = postDataToURL()
postRequest.link = "http://pnc.hr/rfid/login.php"
postRequest.postVariables = "username=" + username + "&password=" + password
postRequest.forData("POST") { jsonString in
// getting the result from the asinhronys task
let result = convertStringToDictionary(jsonString as String)
if let loggedIn = result?["loggedIn"] as? Bool where loggedIn == true {
let userType = result?["userType"] as? String
let token = result?["token"] as? String
//if user is logged - setting parameters in Key Chains and redirecting them to the menu view
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject(loggedIn, forKey: "loggedIn")
defaults.setObject(username, forKey: "username")
defaults.setObject(userType, forKey: "userType")
defaults.setObject(token, forKey: "token")
else {
when you call it would look something like this:-
login(username: String, password:String,completionBlock : { (success) in
you could do something like this
func login(username: String, password: String, completion: (Bool) -> ()) {
and then call it
login(username: anonymous, password: ******) { authStatus in
if authStatus == true {
print("user in")
} else {
print("try one more time")
What I want to do: I have a login screen, the user fill the username and password, and then it press the login button. An async call to the server is done to check if user is registered and password is okay, and if yes (async function set a bool to yes) then do a segue to the next view controller. Simple as that, I've tried many ways but with always the same problem, the main thread runs the shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier method, do the async call and check the global bool var (false by default) before the background thread has updated it, so the segue is not performed because the global variable is set to true AFTER. Only if I use sleep(1) the UI is refreshed but I don't want to use this. Is there a way to do this without sleep?? Every method I run has a completion handler.
I don't know how to sync the main with the background thread. I've read it's posible to update UI from async call so this should be posible. I've been looking questions for a while and tried lot of snippets, and still haven't found a solution for my problem.
This is the code I have so far:
override func shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier(identifier: String, sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
let apiCall = webApi()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
apiCall.callCheckIsUserLogged(nil, password : self.passwordField.text, email: self.mailField.text){ (ok) in
//sleep(1) if I uncomment this, my method works because it will return true
return userIsLogged
apiCall.callCheckIsUserLogged() :
typealias successClosure = (success : Bool) -> Void
//Make a call to check if the user exist, server returns json with success or failure
func callCheckIsUserLogged(username: String?, password : String?, email: String?,completed : successClosure){
userApiCallUrl = "http://apiurl.com/users/login"
let call = asyncCallClass()
call.doAsyncCallWithParams(userApiCallUrl, calltype: "POST", username: username, pass: password, mail: email){ (success) in
completed(success: true)
call.doAsyncCallWithParams() code:
internal typealias completion = (success : Bool) -> Void
private var flagCompletion : Bool = false
//Handle async class with this method
//var callType is aditioned everytime an arg is not passed nil.
//callType == 3 it is a call to check if user is logged
//callType == 2 is a call to register a new user
func doAsyncCallWithParams(url : String, calltype : String, username : String?, pass : String?, mail : String?, completed : completion){
var callType : Int = 0
//Set Async Url
//Set Post Params
if let user : String = username{
self.username = "username=\(user)"
callType += 1
if let password : String = pass{
self.password = "password=\(password)"
callType += 1
if let mail : String = mail{
self.email = "email=\(mail)"
callType += 1
//register a new user
if(callType == 3){
paramString = "\(self.username)&\(self.password)&\(self.email)"
//check if user is logged, send email and password
if(callType == 2){
paramString = "\(self.email)&\(self.password)"
//Do call
callWithCompletionHandler { (success) in
self.flagCompletion = true
completed(success: self.flagCompletion)
callWithCompletionHandler() code:
private typealias completionAsyncCall = (success : Bool) -> Void
private func callWithCompletionHandler(completed : completionAsyncCall){
//Set async call params
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: self.url!)!)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
let trimmedPostParam : String = self.paramString!.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
request.HTTPBody = trimmedPostParam.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
guard error == nil && data != nil else {
// check for fundamental networking error
if let httpStatus = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse where httpStatus.statusCode != 200 {
// check for http errors
print("statusCode should be 200, but is \(httpStatus.statusCode)")
print("response = \(response)")
let responseString = NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let result : AnyObject = responseString!.parseJSONString!
if let nsMutableResult = result as? NSMutableArray{
if let nsDictResult = result as? NSMutableDictionary{
self.flag = true // true if download succeed,false otherwise
completed(success: flagAsyncCall!)
On login button press call :
apiCall.callCheckIsUserLogged(nil, password : self.passwordField.text, email: self.mailField.text){ (ok) in
if ok {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("Identifier", sender: self)
} else {
print("User not logged in")
Because your callCheckIsUserLogged method already returns if user logged in or not.
internal typealias completion = (success : Bool) -> Void
I am working on a function that handles user registration and in the process, check if the selected username entered by the user is taken or not to inform the user to select a different one. I have the below code to accomplish this scenario:
#IBAction func proceedPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
/**********************Perform Validation************************/
if(self.emailTxtField.text != "" && self.passwordTxtField.text != "")
print("Email and Password not empty")
self.usernameValidation({(result) -> Void in
if(result == false)
print("Result False")
self.usernameErrorLabel.text = "Username Taken"
print("Result True")
//Username is available...Proceed
self.usernameErrorLabel.text = ""
FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail(self.emailTxtField.text!, password: self.passwordTxtField.text!) { (user, error) in
if(error == nil)
print("Creating User with Email")
/*Create the user object as submitted*/
self.dbReference.child("users").child(user!.uid).setValue(["username": self.emailTxtField.text!,"name":self.nameTxtField.text!, "email":self.emailTxtField.text!, "mobile":self.mobileTxtField.text!, "homeAddress":"N", "workAddress":"N", "otherAddress":"N", "profilePictureRef":"N","telephone":"0","friendsCount":0, "retailersCount":0])
print("Error occured: \(error?.description)")
}//end of createUserWithEmail
print("Error: Email or Password field is empty")
and to check the username:
func usernameValidation(completion: (result: Bool) -> Void)
print("Username is: \(self.usernameTxtField.text!)")
dbReference.child("usernamesTaken").queryOrderedByValue().queryEqualToValue(self.usernameTxtField.text!).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot!) -> Void in
if(snapshot.childrenCount == 0)
print("result is true in username validation")
//Username Available
print("result is false in username validation")
//Username Taken
The problem with the above is that the full code doesn't seem to execute. When button pressed, I get the following messages in console:
- Email and Password not empty
- Username is: [value entered in usernameTxtField.text
and then nothing more. Although I wrote many print statements to try and see where this is stopping, but this is the furthest the code went in terms of printing the statements.
Is there something wrong here that I am missing out?
Thanks in advance.
I did some more testing and then discovered the issue through the xcode console. I copied the following from the firebase website to test fetching the data:
ref.child("users").child(userID!).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
let username = snapshot.value!["username"] as! String
let user = User.init(username: username)
// ...
}) { (error) in
The above showed an error that is "Permission Denied". Following that I edited the Rules in the database section in the console and allowed .read and .write and that did it. I thought I would post the details just in case someone else gets stuck.
I am relatively new to iOS software development.
I am trying to add security for user objects in my parse app.
But have no idea on how to add it to the project.
Should it be like this?
func logInViewController() {
PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground("myname", password: "mypass") {
(user: PFUser?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if user != nil {
// Do stuff after successful login.
let user = PFUser.logInWithUsername("my_username", password: "my_password")
user.username = "my_new_username" // attempt to change username
user.save() // This succeeds, since the user was authenticated on the device.
// Get the user from a non-authenticated method.
let query = PFUser.query()
let userAgain = query!.getObjectWithId(user.objectId!) as! PFUser
userAgain.username = "another_username"
// This will crash, sinse the PFUser is not authenticated
} else {
// The login failed. Check error to see why.
let currentUser = PFUser.currentUser()
if currentUser != nil {
// Do stuff with the user
} else {
// Show the signup or login screen.
or like this?
func userOnlyNameChange() {
let user = PFUser.logInWithUsername("my_username", password: "my_password")
user.username = "my_new_username" // attempt to change username
user.save() // This succeeds, since the user was authenticated on the device.
// Get the user from a non-authenticated method.
let query = PFUser.query()
let userAgain = query!.getObjectWithId(user.objectId!) as! PFUser
userAgain.username = "another_username"
// This will crash, sinse the PFUser is not authenticated
or have I just done it completely wrong?