How to develop people count of office? - image-processing

I would like to count how many persons are in 1) conference room and 2) Office for 100 persons. I would like to have bar graph for room or office occupancy.
I learned from vendor like Viametrics that camera like thermal camera must be installed to roof outside of conference room to count in and out of traffic. It seem regular camera can be used or some kind of mats as well.
I tried Azure Cognitive Emotion API for people counting, but it is reliable only if camera sees whole face. Result of experiment was that we cannot use Emotion API.
I would like to know that if I had camera and RaspBerry(or Arduino) plus Azure or Bluemix or VM, how to build people counting solution. Do you know any library or API?

I am not aware of a cognitive service like that. I think you'll have to develop your own service.
This is the way I would go about this:
Train or fine-tune Fast-RCNN or Yolo model to identify a person on a photo. See examples here and here.
Then put a simple script on top that will count number of identified objects.
Create a docker container that will contain simple server. That server would listen to particular camera / or set of cameras and score your model.
Use Azure Container Service / Kubernetes to put your containers in Azure, and also to create scaleable service.


Using ARCloudAnchor for multiuser who are not in the same place

I want to make a multi-user application with AR Cloud API but possible to see the anchors even if a person is in an other country.
Like create a virtual room for an international team that they will see all the anchors placed by each user of the team.
Yes, it's possible, but when both real-world rooms (a.k.a. environments), where tracking will be performed, is visually identical (even if these rooms are in different countries). To create two identical and proper 3D feature maps, that are able to share a common AR Cloud Anchor, two users have to move both Android devices around identical environments for up to 30 seconds.

Possible use case/real application for mobile distributed version of Tensorflow?

I'm developing this project where I'm trying to create a distributed version of Tensorflow (the actual open source version is single node) and where the cluster is entirely composed by mobile devices (e.g. smartphones).
In your opinion, what is a possible application or use case where this could be useful? Can you give me some example please?
I know that this is not a "standard" Stack Overflow question, but I didn't know where to post it (if you know a better place where to post it, please let me know it). Thanks so much for your help!
TensorFlow can be used for image identification and there is an example using the camera for Android.
There could be many distributed uses for this. Face recognition, 3D space construction from 2D images.
TensorFlow can be used for a chat bot. I am working towards using it for a personal assistant. The Ai on one phone could communicate with the Ai on other phones.
It could use vision and GPS to 'reserve' a lane for you on the road. Intelligent crowd planned roads and intersections would be safer.
I am also interested in using it for distributed mobile. Please contact me with my user name at gmail or Skype.
I think all my answers could run on individual phones with communication between them. If you want them to act like a cluster as #Yaroslav pointed out there is Seti#home and other projects running in the BOINC client.
TensorFlow could be combined with a game engine. You could have a proceduraly generated Ai learning augumented reality game generating the story as multiple players interact with it. I have seen research papers for each of these components.

How does Buzzfeed's "Pound" work?

A week ago Buzzfeed announced a new viral traffic tracking tool called "Pound" (Process for Optimizing and Understanding Network Diffusion). Whereas marketers and webmasters are currently used to seeing social traffic in aggregate buckets per source, Pound promises to help us visualize the actual person-to-person sharing of content and the traffic resulting from each step... sorta, apparently the tool can't (or opts not to) match individual users to their corresponding node in the network:
Pound does not store usernames or any personally identifiable information (PII) with the share events. Each node in the sharing graph is anonymous. We are not able to figure out who a user is by looking at the graph data.
Interesting. I assume Buzzfeed is keeping this anonymous to preempt complaints when the company uses Pound to sell ads. More interesting, the hint the Buzzfeed engineers provide as to how this tool works:
Pound data is collected based on an oscillating, anonymous hash in a sharer’s URL as a UTM code.
How might this work? Does the UTM code mutate every time a link is shared or reshared? I don't understand how this is possible. If it's not, how might this functionality be possible?

How do I write a "find nearest" algorithm? e.g. a store / branch locator by address / zip / "my location"

My need is simple and commonly implemented in any location based app today, display to a user a list of all "things" in his/her area (or by a zip code / address)
Using Google Maps API (especially the new "store locator library") sounds like the safest bet, but if I would like to develop something on my own, is there a "standard" way to do so? what are the options? Yahoo geo-location API (and reverse lookup)? (Google Maps API require to use their map, not just API) purchace ZIP code files? other 3rd party services? online? offline? what is the secret?
Hmm. Zip codes can be handled a number of ways, and it helps to get a general background on how they work:
I'd purchase a USPS database with GPS coordinates, and work from there. A simple SELECT SQL query, with a LIMIT or TOP 10 (or however many search results you'd like) when calculating the magnitude of the vector should work here.
It's been a while, but the algorithm for vector calculation is fairly simple, and should be easy to implemented in SQL:

Good examples of MapServer / OpenLayers

I want to convince some clients to use MapServer and OpenLayers. Please can anyone suggest attractive websites to show off the possiblities!
The clients will be impressed by:
A density map (otherwise known as a heat map, colour-shaded grid coverage, contour plot...).
The ability for the user to download the underlying data for the density map, restricted to the area being viewed, in some format such as netCDF.
Standard OpenLayers stuff. Zooming, panning, scale bar, overview map...
Different base layers. Could be WMS, Google, Bing...
Searching for a placename, map is panned to display the place.
Exposing the heatmap data for other people to use in mashups as WMS or WCS is back up but seems to be down right now :( But from memory their examples didn't have the "wow" factor. The OpenLayers examples demonstrate only one or two features per example - I want something to wow the clients by showing all the capabilities in one example.
PS If you have good examples that use some other open source tools, post them by all means. But just JavaScript please: customer says no rich client.
EDIT Come on StackOverflow, someone must have an example that uses a density map?? I'm even offering a bounty now...
Note this answer is no longer relevant. The open source maps have since been replaced with a commercial alternative by a different company - mapping onshore and offshore wind speeds and farms in Ireland - mapping geothermal temperatures in Ireland, and borehole data
uses WMS services (and TileCache) for all the layers, so can be accessed by other client GIS's (well once I've set up metadata etc..)
has a variety of different base maps to choose from
built using MapFish / ExtJS
has drop down gazetteers for County and Townland (an Irish administrative unit)
all the basic map navigation tools and a simple info tool
right click on a layer to set transparency
uses MapServer opensource back-end, plus SQL Server 2008
The systems (and a third more complex Bioenergy Intranet system) got a mention here: openlayes + geoxt
would it be possible to create a template map for the client with a bunch of data on it, census, socio, create some simple fake buffers.
Maybe have a look at the HeatMapAPI for Google Maps (not sure you'll wow the client with that though).
Another density map: (showing the use of GlassFish around the world).
We're using the OpenLayers Heatmap layer, mostly because (for us) it handles large data volumes better than the Google Map version (your mileage may vary)
By large data volumes, I mean location datasets with 100K+ rows
It also works nicely as an ASPX page with dynamic realtime data retrieval from an SQL Server database. I've used a stored procedure to pre-process the data into the array format, grouped by Latitude & Longitude.
For those that need a translation table to convert their UK Postcodes into Latitude & Longitude, here's a good source:
The OneGeology Portal ( has been online for about 10 years, currently running OpenLayers 2, with an OpenLayers 3 version in development.
The portal attempts to create a geological map of the world by pulling together disparate OGC services provided by data suppliers (mostly Geological Surveys) from across the globe. The portal provides access to data from WMS, WFS (simple and complex feature), and WCS. The portal uses CSW to help manage which functionality is available to a user, and provides the ability to style WMS layers through the application of custom SLD. Map contexts can be saved, shared and loaded using WMC.
There is a gazetteer to help you zoom to a location of choice, the ability to change projections, and scales, and the ability to create a KML file to allow the service to be used in Google Earth. Transparency can be changed on all layers.
There are currently 353 layers.
When the OneGeology project started, all documentation was geared to the support of services provided by MapServer, and many of the services in the portal are MapServer services. However, because the portal utilises open standards, any software that can provide services to those standards can be included.
This is an example of a classified grid generated in MapServer and displayed by OpenLayers:,townlim,ownership,roads. The raw, unclassified slope data can also queried by map click.
