Jmeter : Reading variable from csv and pass it into another varaible - parsing

I want to read a variable from CSV and use that value into another variable.
I have a variable as:
${url}: wwww.$(value_from_csv}.com
and secondary url ${url}/xyz
In my Jmeter script, ${value_from_csv} is not passed.
What I am missing?

Observed that CSV Dataset Config values are not passed (not available) to any of the Config Elements irrespective of the order of the components (Config Elements) in JMeter Test Plan (checked with User Defined Config & MongoDB Source Config), though passed to Samplers.
so, suggested the OP to define the value in instead of a CSV file, so we can access in MongoDB Source Config.
Add in
Restart Jmeter
Add ${__P(,)} in Server Address List field in MongoDB Source Config
Note: In case of running JMeter script from Jenkins, property will be picked by the script, from jmeter.properites file.

MongoDB Source Config is initialized before any JMeter Variables so the only way to make it dynamic is using JMeter Properties instead.
You can set a JMeter Property in 2 ways:
Define it in file like:
Pass the properties via -J command-line arguments like:
jmeter -Jserver.address.1=some.ip.or.hostname.1 -Jserver.address.2=some.ip.or.hostname.2 ....
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on using JMeter Properties


Fluent-bit Variables in Key configuration

I'm creating a custom Fluent-Bit image and I want a "generic" configuration file that can work on multiple cases, i.e.: it should work with a forward input sometimes and with tail input some other times.
I thought about using environment variables so to only have one input but it seems we cannot set variables in the key part only on the value side (see following code).
When I set the corresponding environment variables in a docker-entrypoint file with corresponding conditions
export INPUT_PATH="/myLogPath"
export INPUT_PATH_TYPE="path"
export INPUT_NAME="tail"
This is the error message I got
[error] [config] tail: unknown configuration property '${INPUT_PATH_TYPE}'. The following properties are allowed: path, exclude_path, key, read_from_head, refresh_interval, watcher_interval, rotate_wait, docker_mode, docker_mode_flush, docker_mode_parser, path_key, ignore_older, buffer_chunk_size, buffer_max_size, skip_long_lines, exit_on_eof, parser, tag_regex, db, db.sync, db.locking, multiline, multiline_flush, parser_firstline, and parser_.
I'm looking for a way to make it dynamic so either to have a single file with dynamic configuration or multiple files which can be included dynamically (#Include requires a static filepath from what I've seen).
EDIT: the only option I see is to have multiple input files (for each use case) and call it dynamically when starting fluent-bit in the docker-entrypoint file
I use a docker-entrypoint and split the input, filters to different files and then depending of the environment variables in the entrypoint I create a symbolic link to the corresponding file

Jmeter parametrize WebSocket variable

I doing test backend application (also Java and Node JS, communication: WebSocket in NodeJs part and http in Java part) in JMeter
I must parametrize url, to switch between development url, production and prepod
I did it by CSV file. I created folder CSV, in folder where I have Jmeter 5.0. I prepare 3 csv file
1.development are:
protocol, host
protocol, host
protocol, host
I set this that:
CSV Data Set Config
Filename ${_P()/usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/5.0/libexec/CSV/development,development}.csv
variable Names ; protocol,host
WebSocket Open Connection
Server name or IP ${host}
Switch Controller
Switch Value ${protocol}
HTTP Request Default - server name or ip ${host}, protocol http ${protocol}
User defined variables
name value
protocol . ${_P(protocol,)}
host . ${_P(host,)}
Questions are:
What is wrong in my set this? what and how i must improve?
I project test save in desktop,but Jmeter 5.0 i have in others places in my computer - in users is folder jmeter 5 - if this could be a problem?
Does anyone know why it does not work for me and how to fix it?.
Everything is wrong
Given you defined protocol and host variables in the CSV file you don't need to declare them in the CSV Data Set Config, just leave the field blank
JMeter supports CSV files which have a header line defining the column names. To enable this, leave the "Variable Names" field empty. The correct delimiter must be provided.
Don't use full paths to CSV files as most probably it will make running tests on other machines, in distributed mode or in continuous integration server impossible.
so go for something like ${__P(environment,development)}.csv
Double check that protocol and host variables have expected values using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
If you don't see them - check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries, most probably JMeter cannot find .csv file and read variables from it. See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for more details.
I fail to see any WebSocket URL schema (ws or wss) in your CSV files so I doubt your WebSocket Open Connection Server will ever be successfully executed.

Unable to see 快乐 characters in HTTP Response Data tab or in Debug Sampler

As you can see in the screenshots, I am setting some user defined variables using 2 byte characters. I'm submitting the HTTP request to create this customer using UTF-8 encoding. The customer is being created with the correct double byte character characters because I can see them in the web app and in the DB. The problem is that I cannot see them in jmeter. It either shows little boxes or ??? question marks instead of the characters in the response data and in the debug sampler. The User defined variables is showing the characters correctly. I've added this to my file but that did not help:
How can I see these special characters in the response so I can Assert the record was created correctly? Any advice is appreciated. I am using jmeter 3.1 and JSON endpoints.
User Defined variables
Now you need to ensure that JMeter itself is using UTF-8 encoding.
Configure Debug Sampler to show System Properties
Look for file.endoding property
If you see something different - override the existing property value using one of the following ways:
Permanent: add the next line to file (in JMeter's "bin" folder)
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up
Temporary: set the "file.encoding" property via -D command-line argument as
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -n -t ....
Java - Supported Encodings
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

In DropWizard, can we have a default YAML configuration file?

We are using DropWizard v0.8.1 and we're wondering if we can have a YAML files with default values that will then get overridden by the specific environment file (such as dev.xml).
Spring boot works this way, where the application.yml file act as a template for default values and then application-dev.yml will override duplicate properties.
We don't want to duplicate all the repetitive properties and only want to update in one file the defaults.
You can write your own ConfigurationProvider that combines 2 InputStreams and use yaml merge directives
You can use a configuration management tool, such as Ansible, to manage your configurations files.
Set up a template .yml file, and substitute the variables per environment as needed.

How to set Environment Variable so that it can be used in Jenkins

I am using an Environment Variable so that that it can be modified and Recipient List will consume that environment variable.
So this value is passed as a build parameter:
Followed to that I am modifying it. Just as an example:
Now I am accessing this value in the recipient list:
Unfortunately Jenkins is not able to get this new value. It is using the old value. How this behavior can be fixed?
We need to use the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file.
Create a property for the email list in the file:
echo "email_list=``">
It will create the properties file in the job workspace directory.
In Recipient list access this variable using the following:
