Why am I not getting any results for my simulation? - abaqus

I've been trying to run a dynamic/explicit simulation of the response of a small building under a combination of stresses to a scenario where a supporting column is suddenly lost.
However, when the simulation completed I did not get any stresses or deformations in the results.I applied the dead load and live load of 2,500Pa to each floor, however in the results I am not getting any reactions or stress distributions in the model at all.
What might be the problem?
I am still quite new to the Abaqus, so I might be missing something obvious.
Thank you

One guess could be your loading magnitude. Increase your loading to see if your problem remain or not!

Make sure you have created a field output
in CAE
select the "Step" Module
click the "Create Field Output" button
this allows you to select the outputs you want to view from your analysis
I would guess you require displacements and stresses


How to avoid data averaging when logging to metric across multiple runs?

I'm trying to log data points for the same metric across multiple runs (wandb.init is called repeatedly in between each data point) and I'm unsure how to avoid the behavior seen in the attached screenshot...
Instead of getting a line chart with multiple points, I'm getting a single data point with associated statistics. In the attached e.g., the 1st data point was generated at step 1,470 and the 2nd at step 2,940...rather than seeing two points, I'm instead getting a single point that's the average and appears at step 2,205.
My hunch is that using the resume run feature may address my problem, but even testing out this hunch is proving to be cumbersome given the constraints of the system I'm working with...
Before I invest more time in my hypothesized solution, could someone confirm that the behavior I'm seeing is, indeed, the result of logging data to the same metric across separate runs without using the resume feature?
If this is the case, can you confirm or deny my conception of how to use resume?
Initial run:
run = wandb.init()
wandb_id = run.id
cache wandb_id for successive runs
Successive run:
retrieve wandb_id from cache
wandb.init(id=wandb_id, resume="must")
Is it also acceptable / preferable to replace 1. and 2. of the initial run with:
wandb_id = wandb.util.generate_id()
It looks like you’re grouping runs so that could be why it’s appearing as averaging across step - this might not be the case but it’s worth trying. Turn off grouping by clicking the button in the centre above your runs table on the left - it’s highlighted in purple in the image below.
Both of the ways you’re suggesting resuming runs seem fine.
My hunch is that using the resume run feature may address my problem,
Indeed, providing a cached id in combination with resume="must" fixed the issue.
Corresponding snippet:
import wandb
# wandb run associated with evaluation after first N epochs of training.
wandb_id = wandb.util.generate_id()
wandb.init(id=wandb_id, project="alrichards", name="test-run-3/job-1", group="test-run-3")
wandb.log({"mean_evaluate_loss_epoch": 20}, step=1)
# wandb run associated with evaluation after second N epochs of training.
wandb.init(id=wandb_id, resume="must", project="alrichards", name="test-run-3/job-2", group="test-run-3")
wandb.log({"mean_evaluate_loss_epoch": 10}, step=5)

OPENCV OPENVINO cv2.rectangle

I am using opencv and openvino and am trying to figure out when I have a face detected, use the cv2.rectangle and have my coordinates sent but only on the first person bounded by the box so it can move the motors because when it sees multiple people it sends multiple coordinates and thus causing the servo and stepper motors to go crazy. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Generally, each code would run line by line. You'll need to create a proper function for each scenario so that the data could be handled and processed properly. In short, you'll need to implement error handling and data handling (probably more than these, depending on your software/hardware design). If you are trying to implement multiple threads of executions at the same time, it is better to use multithreading.
Besides, you are using 2 types of motors. Simply taking in all data is inefficient and prone to cause missing data. You'll need to be clear about what servo motor and stepper motor tasks are, the relations between coordinates, who will trigger what, if something fails or some sequence is missing then do task X, etc.
For example, the sequence of Data A should produce Result A but it is halted halfway because Data B went into the buffer and interfered with Result A and at the same time screwed Result B which was anticipated to happen. (This is what happened in your program)
It's good to review and design your whole process by creating a coding flowchart (a diagram that represents an algorithm). It will give you a clear idea of what should happen for each sequence of code. Then, design a proper handler for each situation.
Can you share more insights of your (pseudo-)code, please?
It sounds easy - you trigger a face-detection inference-request and you get a list/vector with all detected faces (the region-of-interest for each detected face) (including false-positive and false-positives, requiring some consistency-checks to filter those).
If you are interested in the first detected face only - then it could be to just process the first returned result from the list/vector.
However, you will see that sometimes the order of results might change, i.e. when 2 faces A and B were detected, in the next run it could still return faces, but B first and then A.
You could add object-tracking on top of face-detection to make sure you always process the same face.
(But even that could fail sometimes)

Roku: How to detect a slow device from a fast one

I have a channel that I want stop animations from happening if running on a slower device like Roku Express and keep them on a faster device like Roku Premiere. Except I'm not sure what's the best way to go about it.
I wanted to filter by the amount of available ram, but I couldn't find an api that gives me available ram for the system that I could run in my code.
I could filter by model name, but I would then need to keep an update list of model names, which I prefer not to do.
Any help/insight appreciated.
Re graphic capabilities, try roDeviceInfo.getGraphicsPlatform() - if it returns opengl, that high performing engine that can do arbitrary rotations vs directfb being limited.
Re CPU, you can run a mini benchmark on start of your program, something like
ti = createObject("roTimeSpan"): s=""
for i = 1 to 1000: s = s + right((i^3).toStr(),2): end for
time = ti.totalMilliSeconds()
Have you considered using Animation.optional=true?
It won't stop them from happening on Roku Express (since it is a Littlefield) but it will "skip animations on lower performing Roku devices (Paolo, Giga, Jackson, Tyler, and Sugarland)".
Animation also contains an undocumented field called "willBeSkipped" which will be true on slower devices when "optional" is set to true.
I had the similar problem with the animations. Unfortunately, You must filter by model name. I didn't find another way.
You can store the list of devices in database so it would be easier for You to maintain.
You can set the optional field on the animation node to true. This is supposed to take care of that. I have set this field to true before and it does not seem to have an effect. I'm sure they'll get around to fixing it eventually.
The efficiency of the animations also depends on how many animation nodes you have. You should only need 1 animation node to handle all of your animations for a particular component. Add an interpolator for each individual type of animation you want to occur (i.e. scaling, rotating, color-shifting, translating).

Assigning labels to triples

I am currently trying to do stream reasoning using Jena, so I want to be able to reason over a certain set of triples that have occurred in a particular window of time, also taking into account some background static knowledge.
My problem is that I have an ontology that I read from several files, however I wish for the triples I obtain to have time stamps for when I receive them, which I thought I could just do by applying labels to the triples (I am just giving them all random time stamps for the moment as this is only a test).
While I didn't think that this would be problem, I am struggling at the initial step of just applying a label to an existing triple and selecting it. I cannot not seem to be able to access triples from the ontModel without having to transform it into a Graph, and while I could then create quads with the extra value being some literal for time, I can't find a way to then reason over this graph.
Any light that people can shed on this issue would help. I hope I am being clear.
I'm not sure exactly how you're putting labels on your triples, but you can get Statements from an OntModel, and Statement implements FrontsTriple through which you can access a corresponding Triple.

Best way to detect and store path combinations for analysing purpose later

I am searching for ideas/examples on how to store path patterns from users - with the goal of analysing their behaviours and optimizing on "most used path" when we can detect them somehow.
Eg. which action do they do after what, so that we later on can check to see if certain actions are done over and over again - therefore developing a shortcut or assembling some of the actions into a combined multiaction.
My first guess would be some sort of "simple log", perhaps stored in some SQL-manner, where we can keep each action as an index and then just record everything.
Problem is that the path/action might be dynamically changed - even while logging - so we need to be able to take care of this fact too, when looking for patterns later.
Would you log everthing "bigtime" first and then POST-process every bit of details after some time or do you have great experience with other tactics?
My worry is that this is going to take up space, BIG TIME while logging 1000 users each day for a month or more.
Hope this makes sense and I am curious to see if anyone can provide sample code, pseudocode or perhaps links to something usefull.
Our tools will be C#, SQL-database, XML and .NET 3.5 - clients could also get .NET 4.0 if needed.
Patterns examples as we expect them
User #1001: A-B-A-A-A-B-C-E-F-G-H-A-A-A-C-B-A
User #1002: B-A-A-B-C-E-F
User #1003: F-B-B-A-E-C-A-A-A
User #1002: C-E-F
etc. no real way to know what they do next nor how many they will use, how often they will do it.
A secondary goal, if possible, if we later on add a new "action" called G (just sample to illustrate, there will be hundreds of actions) how could we detect these new behaviours influence on the previous patterns.
To explain it better, my thought here would be some way to detect "patterns within patterns", sort of like how compressions work, so that "repeative patterns" are spottet. We dont know how long these patterns might be, nor how often they might come. How do we break this down into "small bits and pieces" - whats the best approach you think?
I am not sure what you mean by path, but, if you gave every action in a path a unique symbol, you could reduce the problem to longest common substring or subsequence.
Or have a map of paths to the number of times that action occurred. Every time a certain path happens, increment the count for that path. Then sort to find the most common.
Pseudo idea/implementation so far
Log ever users action into a list/series of actions, bulk kinda style (textfiles/SQL - what ever, just store the whole thing for post-processing)
start counting every "1 action", "2 actions", "3 actions" up til a certain amount (lets say 30 levels)
sort them all, by giving values of importants to some of the actions (might be those producing end results)
A usefull result perhaps?
If we count all [A], [A-A], [A-B], [A-C], [A-A-A], [A-A-B] etc. its going to make a LONG and fine list of which actions are used in row frequently, and thats in the right direction, because if some of these results gets too high, we might need a shorter path. Problem is then, whats too few actions to be optimized and whats the longest needed actionlist to search for? My guess is that we need to do this counting first, then examine the numbers.
Problem is that this would be part of an analyzing tool we are developing and we dont have data until implementation, so we dont know what to look for before its actually done. hmm... wondering if there really IS an answer to this one.
