Search option in multi-select listbox document property - listbox

I am trying to create a multi-select list box document property with unique values in a column. But, I don't see a search box feature like in the default list box property.
Please advise as how should I include this option in the list box document property that I created.
For the default listbox filter, we can choose if the search option to be included or not (as shown in the screenshot below). Don't we have this option available for document property?
Thanks for your help!

You can use any Jquery Plugin (check here - Here or Here ) or any JS library like Check this .


SaveDialog suggested filenames to match extension filter

When my program displays a SaveDialog to save a file I can use the Filter and Filter Index properties to restrict the files displayed to certain extensions. Also, when I set the DefaultExt property then, as the user types a filename, matching files in the folder are displayed as suggestions in a dropdown box and one can be selected with the mouse.
For example if the filter is set to "*.xml" then only filenames matching that extension appear in the the dialog list of files. But if the user type "Test", then you will get a dropdown list of suggestion files like:
(if those files are present in the folder)
But I would like the suggestion list to only contain the files that match the filter, such as *.xml. Is that possible? The problem is that users can hit the wrong suggestion and save their file with the wrong extension.
TSaveDialog internally uses the IFileDialog interface of Windows. That interface doesn't offer any way in which to change how to filter files in suggestion dropdown text box of File Name field.
You can :
Implement own dialog from scratch
Use component like DexExpress which is not free
Check result of save dialog after execution of it and validate the user selection file and show proper message to user if the file is not valid

Can you include an input field in a drop down list using select-2?

I am using select-2 for a list of states. I think its great and love the search input field it provides. I'm wondering though, is it possible to include another input so someone can manually enter information ~ I am hoping to add an "Other" or "International" field to this drop down so instead of including all the states / provinces / territories of the world I provide a field they can manually enter if the territiry if it's not included in the drop down list.
Is an input in a drop down even possible? I would like to try and stick with Select2 as I like the added features it provides.
You can add items manually to the select2 dropdown using the "tagging" function. See the link for more information:

Sitecore webforms for marketers and general link

I have a webform that has a "create item" action. The target item has a "general link" field. I can't find the correct way to populate this field. the other fields are saved correctly, the general link is always blank.
The easiest way to go here would be to create the item of the template you're creating programatically and then put a link value into it using one of the link options.
If you then go to 'View' and tick the raw values option you can see how it formats the link. If you're using a General link field, you'll likely find that the formatting needs to be in a specific way. If you do some searching on the web/Sitecore doco, you'll be able to find some examples of people handing all the various link options.
as opposed to just plonking your link into a single line text field or something like that which is just plain text..

Umbraco drop down list with content entered by admin - xpath dropdown?

In Umbraco 6.1, I need to add a field to a Document Type that gets it's possible values from a list that an admin user can add to via the back end.
I figured I'd do this by creating a Developer/Data Type of type XPath DropDownList and have that point to a folder in my Umbraco content through the XPath Expression //Configuration/lookup-lists/course-availability. I've set the Type of Document and Value to Node Id/
This drop down list isn't displaying the SimpleTextItems that are within this folder (its empty).
Any ideas?
I believe you're looking to select content from a specific folder in your content-tree, is this correct? Look into the Multi-Node Tree Picker in this case as you can configure this pick 1-n nodes in any specific folder or type..
If the above is not what you're looking for, you might also check the uComponents dropdown that an admin with access to the Developer section can edit the 'pre-values'.
Whatever you're looking for exactly - some data type in the uComponents package is most likely the answer. If not (u'd be surprised!), you may have to code your own .
Your XPath is incorrect.
your Xpath should be something like (loads all existing documents with doctype:SimpleText and in first level of Umbraco tree)
Please take a look at here to see correct Xpath samples for your dropdownlist

SmartGWT: Checkbox Tree - the proper way to get selected checkbox value

SmartGWT has this property for a TreeGrid object:
This by default 'prepends' every nodes (including root) with checkbox.
(Just making myself clear.)
Also, I am aware of this similar solved question:
GWT tree with checkbox:How to get all checked tree items?
However, I do not seek this kind of solution..
What I'm looking for is a more efficient way, where I don't have to loop through 1000 items.
Is there any way to do this, if possible, using the widget I am using now?
If not, is there any other way, using other widget?
Thank you very much!
I think as you use SelectionAppearance.CHECKBOX you tell to the grid that the selected records are marked by the checkbox field value. So every time you check one you select a record.
You can get the set of selected records by either getSelection() method or getSelectedRecords(boolean) because of deprecation of the previuous one.
You can have a look at the code of this example of the smartgwt showcase.
