according to apple my App crashes on ipv6 network on iPad but unable to find and resolved it - ios

I have done the setting on my Macbook Pro given on below link:
Screenshot of setting
, now my mac has bacome hotspot for my all testing device , but how to confirm is it ipv6 or ipv4 network ,
but how to find that crash which apple had pointed.

After you set up your mac for NAT64 Network according to the documentation that you linked, connect another device with your app installed to the wifi network. Then run the app and see if it crashes. If it crashes, you can check where the error is and see if it is at the same place in the crash log that Apple Review Team should have sent along with the app review rejection.


Not able to connect to apple tv !! "Making apple tv ready for development" dialog shown

I'm trying to connect apple tv with my xcode to debug my app. But I'm getting below dialog and it will never go. So I tried following steps to fix but no use.
Waited for 10 mins and checked but still the same.
I restarted/reset apple tv and checked but no use.
Tried with different versions of xcode but no use.
Tried using wifi, mobile hotspot with different networks.
Some times I will get this dialog and it will never go.
If I try to run app in this state then I will get this alert in xcode
So I'm not understanding the why its behaving like this. And how to fix this issue ?
Wireless Debugging on Apple TV
Dive has some great recommendations about using Apple TV with your machine, connected via Ethernet. So far this is also my preferred way to connect, develop and deploy to Apple TV, however debugging on Wifi isn't the best experience.
Here are a few things you could try.
Remove current pairing by using Device and Simulator window.
Try downloading Apple Configurator 2 and use that to first pair your Apple TV to your machine. This is great tool to ensure you can connect to your iOS/tvOS devices for some super user type setup. ( Main Menu -> Paired Devices)
For this to work you have to be on a specific screen on your Apple TV.
Settings -> Remote and Devices -> Remote App and Devices ( This uses multipeer connectivity)
If you are successful pairing your TV using apple configurator then it's a good sign as you can rule our networking issues with your Wifi.
Try pairing with Xcode after it's paired with your machine in the step above. The dialog window you see above is expected and takes some time ( longer in some cases) but should eventually complete.
If step 3 wasn't a success, unpair from Xcode and Apple Configurator ( if they show as connected but not aren't really paired), restart your machine and Apple TV and start the same steps again.
Lan Set up :
You can connect to your Apple TV via a switch or usually Modem/Routers have inbuilt switch ( extra ethernet ports).
Try the same steps and you should be able to pair with Xcode.
Troubleshooting: Try using Console app on your machine if you still can not figure out the root cause and this should help you debug the pairing issue.
There is a helpful instruction from Apple - Pair a wireless device with Xcode (iOS, tvOS) and I assume that you did as they recommend.
Such issues usually appear due to the following reasons:
Something is wrong with your network configuration. The easiest way to check is to try to wirelessly connect your iPhone to be sure that you do not have the same problem. If this is the case then try to white-list the IP address for the Apple TV on your router and open necessary ports;
About port, Apple recommends the following configuration: Communication to network devices uses port 62078. Some networks block specific ports. You may need to check your network settings or ask your system administrator to open this port;
Your Xcode version has to be in sync with tvOS. From the screenshots, I see that you have tvOS 13.3.1. It means that it is better to use Xcode 11.3.1 in this configuration. But you mentioned that you already tried this.
The option that always works to me is to use an Ethernet connection. I connect my AppleTV via the ethernet cable to my router and access it from my MacBook without problems:
Connect the device to the same network using an Ethernet cable.
For an Apple TV, connect using the Ethernet port in the back of the device.

iOS App rejected by apple related to ipv6 connection

Apple rejected my app with the following message:
"We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.3.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, an error was displayed when we tried to login.
To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review."
On my tests I ran the app on the ipv6 network they help you create with a local machine on ethernet, and what happens is that I can't access the server for request due to "no internet connection".
I also tested the address I'm throwing my requests to and it looks like it is not IPv6 ready.
Could it be that the server side needs to be IPv6 ready?
I'm using NSURLSession for the tasks and my devices are running the latest ios.
From what I read this sounds like an issue we faced. We are in the UK which has limited IPv6 support at an ISP level. Apple rejected our app because our server which handled calls from the app was IPv4.
We resolved this by getting some IPv6 hosting from a company in the US and directing the requests from the app to it, and then across to our code on our IPv4 network here.

Application crash at launch while downloading from test flight

After submitting the application for review I got a rejection saying that application crash on launch, I tested the same build through test flight and its crashing at launch but the same application works when running through Xcode in all devices irrespective of OS versions.
How can I debug the issue with the Testflight build? Anything missing while creating an archive for upload?
iTunes Rejection Details
Performance - 2.1
We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.
Next Steps
Please revise your app and test it on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to ensure it will launch without crashing.
For additional information about supporting IPv6 Networks, please refer to Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks and Supporting IPv6-only Networks.
For a networking overview, please see About Networking.
I also got this issue of iPv6 from iTunes, because of nil value of device token when don't allow push notification alert ,so check some thing going nil on your side.

iOS app rejected because app crash on iOS 10.2 on ipv6

I have uploaded my app to Apple store. I am using iOS 10.2. After upload, I got a rejection message:
Your app crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we:
Specifically, we found that the app crashes after sending messages on Wi-Fi
How can I solve this?
If you app contains webservices and you have implemented NSURConnection then please convert all NSURLConnection to NSURLSession . .
My App got rejected for the same reason, but it was not the issue. The reason my app got rejected because it got crashed on login button click.
It was working when i compile and run with xcode (ie xcode 8.2.1) but apple said it was crashing.
So i tried running it in release mode because we usually run our app in debug mode when we run on xcode.
And my App crashed when i ran it on release mode and i found the bug, it happened when the compiler tried to optimise a decryption function.
I think there is some issue with the new llvm 8.0 compiler.
Now my App got even approved by AppStore.
The answer is fairly simple, you're going to have to try and reproduce the crash and fix it.
Apple won't let apps into the App Store of which it finds crashes for. I'd recommend finding a friend/family member who has an IPv6 enabled network (if you can't enable it yourself) and attempting to use your app in various conditions under that network.
The App Review network, like the networks deployed by service providers, does support IPv6-to-IPv6 connectivity. Thus, if your server supports IPv6, your app will talk to it directly, without going through the NAT64 translator.
Please check your link is support ipv6 or not use this LINK
and read more
Just add a CDN (Example: Cloudflare) to your domain, change nameservers accordingly and make sure IPv6 compatibility feature is turned ON. This worked for me

App Rejected with iOS IPv6 network

Yesterday, I submitted my app for review, but I got this message from Apple:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad iPhone running iOS 9.3.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, upon review we have found the application still experiences a loading issue and unable to review the application content.
My app uses ionic framework, how can I fix this problem?
I already used domain to access my server, but this problem still exists.
Yes. According to apple's policy , your application must supports IPV6. so, please check your application supports IPV6. Supporting IPv6 in iOS 9
To test, if your application supports IPV6 or not please check this ,
Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
To check with creating follow this steps , which indicate on apple's page .
To set up a local IPv6 Wi-Fi network using your Mac
1) Make sure your Mac is connected to the Internet(with ethernet), but not through Wi-Fi.
2) Launch System Preferences from your Dock, LaunchPad, or the Apple menu.
3) Press the Option key and click Sharing. Don’t release the Option key yet. (don't forget to press option key)
4)Select Internet Sharing in the list of sharing services.
5)Release the Option key.
6)Select the Create NAT64 Network checkbox.
7)Choose the network interface that provides your Internet connection, such as Thunderbolt Ethernet or Only Ethernet.
8)Select the Wi-Fi checkbox.
9)Click Wi-Fi Options, and configure the network name and security options for your network.
10) Select the Internet Sharing checkbox to enable your local network.
11)When prompted to confirm you want to begin sharing, click Start
12) Now your mac mini is working as a hotspot and useing IPv6 NAT64 network
(looks like above image when hotspot created)
Now connect your iphone with your mac mini's hotspot. and Test your Application it's working properly or not.
I hope this answer is helpful you.
Edit :- Don't forget to add below frameworks.
1) WebKit
2) CFNetwork
You will find all the information on this link related to ipv6 policy. Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
We also faced the same issue.
Just registered your website with any CDN like cloudFlare and your app will be approved next time no need to shift the whole site to any other server. This is the easiest way to get approval from app store.
I think Apple has something wrong with this error!
I have an app (ionic app) rejected 3 times (during Nov 2016) for the same error and lastly accepted without making any change related to IPv6!
You may need to check your app for startup errors if you think that you have nothing to do with IPv6.
By the way: I did not check IPv6 compatibility on my app, and even more the app - in its inner views - has a connection to a webpage that hosted on a shared host with no IPv6 support!!
Please note that sometimes the mobile app works in the test environment but not in the Apple own test environment. Following this and this link can be very helpful in determining what's the problem with apple rejections.
It is clearly stated that the test environment is not exactly the same
