What does the term "template" mean? - ruby-on-rails

I am learning Rails 5.0, via a tutorial. Learning how to generate view templates, but the term "template" is never explicitly defined. I've searched in the Rails docs, and they seem to mention the word a lot, but also never really define it explicitly.
I know that views are the HTML, CSS associated with what the user sees. But was wondering what is a template and how is it different than a standard webpage?

I don't have an authoritative answer. But this is really rather simple. RoR lets you generate content dynamically. This means, with one template, you could generate different content (html pages). The final html page generated and served by the server is the webpage endusers see. For example, you could have a template show.html.erb with the following line:
<h> Product <%=#product.name%> </h>
From this template, different webpages for each different #product can be generated with that #product's name, depending on the #product variable, which is provided by the controller.
So templates allow you to dynamically generate content and render them as different html webpages.


rails 5.x: add nofollow to all links in 'sanitize'

I am working on a Rails application whose HAML templates frequently make use of a routine called sanitize. I have deduced from context that this routine sanitizes user-controlled HTML. Example:
# views/feed_items/_about.html.haml
%h3 Summary:
= sanitize #feed_item.description
I want to make this routine add 'rel=nofollow' to all outbound links, in addition to what it's already doing. What is the most straightforward way to do that?
N.B. I am not having any luck finding the definition of this method, or the official configuration knobs for it. The vendor directory has two different HTML sanitizer gems in it and I can't even figure out which one is being used. This is a large, complicated web application that I did not write, and I barely understand Ruby, let alone all of Rails' extensions to it. Please assume I do not know any of the things that you think are obvious.
The sanitizer will strip out the rel tags if they exist.
I ran into a similar issue and added an additional helper method - clean_links to the ApplicationHelper module, and called it after sanitizing the content.
# application_helper.rb
def clean_links html
This method looks for all <a> tags, and adds rel="nofollow". The html_safe method is necessary or else the HTML will be displayed as a string (it's already been sanitized).
This solution treats all links equally, so if you only want this for links pointing outside the domain, you'll have to update the REGEX accordingly.
In your view: <%= clean_links sanitize(#something) %>
So, first the content is sanitized, then you add the rel="nofollow" tag before displaying the link.
Actually there's a built-in way:
sanitize "your input", scrubber: Loofah::Scrubbers::NoFollow.new

How to allow users to edit dynamic slim page templates in production for rails 4?

Essentially I'm trying to implement a way so that users can edit slim that is stored in the database.
For example they would use the form to create a new page and insert the html for that page in a text field which would be saved in the database. I want to allow them to edit that page in slim. By the way the html stored is slim not plain html.
If I store slim in the database how do I get rails to render the html properly on the client side in production? So in other words would rails automatically do this since the view is being render like so:
or would I have to figure out a way to convert on the fly? I might be making this more complicated then I should but I'm new to this
If I understand you correctly you want to convert the slim to Html and output that in your views.
This is directly from slims doc. This is how it processes slim files and outputs it.
Slim::Template.new('template.slim', optional_option_hash).render(scope)
Slim::Template.new(optional_option_hash) { source }.render(scope)
so in short
put that in a module to make it prettier and I think you're good. You may want to use rails path helper to get the direct link for the view. You may also want to consider figuring out a way to catch the errors in indentation so that your output doesn't bug out in production. Some kind of validation that prevents it from saving if not properly formatted should help.

ROR: Nested views

I have a page object and various template objects in my application. pages have names, descriptions urls etc and each have a relationship with a template. templates have different numbers of content boxes and relationships with other controllers (like blogs, galleries etc.).
When I am rendering a page I can work out what template is attached to the page, and what the relevant content is based on that. but I am not sure what the best way is to render the nested Items.
Are you meant to somehow render the templates view from within the other view? Or would you have to just rewrite the view altogether? In this case would I have to create an extra template view for each different template, bundle it with the page views, and then only include it if it is the right one?
Would this be the same for galleries and blogs? do they all need to be bundled with the page? Or can it be called from its proper location?
I'm not sure what the best practice is here and haven't had any luck googling it. I'm suspecting that the key words im using aren't correct. Or this is common knowledge that isn't worth documenting.
You can use shared partials to render views. Check out this guide.
In the views, you can render the partials based upon whatever condition you want.
For example:
- if params[:page] == "my_page"
= render "shared/my_page"
Naturally, you will still need to set up the needed data in the controller.
Shared logic for this can be placed in the Application Controller.

Including a .text.erb partial in a .html.erb template? (Invoice)

I'm porting an application to Rails 3.
We're an e-commerce site and naturally we send copies of tax invoices by email. We use plain text, so a .text.erb seems logical.
We also display invoices in an area of the user profile, inside <pre></pre> tags. Is there are way I can share a partial between plain text mailer templates, and views in HTML? If I try to render "shared/invoice" inside my HTML ERB template, it says the partial doesn't exist, and that's because it's a .text.erb partial.
What are my options, without duplicating code?
I haven't tried this in Rails 3, but in Rails 2 you could specify the format of the partial. Might be worth giving it a go on Rails 3.
render :partial => "shared/invoice.text.erb"

Safely rendering a user's template/view?

I have a model which has a template field. This template is HTML and has variables which get substituted. This template is then converted into a PDF using wicked_pdf.
How should I take the template which the user enters and safely do variable substitution? Allowing it to be an ERB template seems to be setting myself up for some huge security holes. What safe solutions are there?
So, for example, I have my template class/model which has two fields, a name and an HTML field. This is a user editable class. There will be specific variables available to the HTML in the template class (Company Name, price, etc.). I am hoping to use a HTML templating system, but since this is user created content, it isn't trusted. Only variable substitution will be done, nothing more.
Rails provides a couple of helper functions, namely hto escape values on display for preventing such behavior.
<%= h #user.name %>
h is an alias of html_escape
