Team Foundation Server 2017 Build and Release - tfs

I'm trying to setup TFS 2017 in my company.
Everything is fine until I came to release tab.
I'm little bit confused.
How on earth I need to deploy everything to my local server. I read a lot of articles regarding this but still confused how to use artifacts.
Right now I have setted up source control and created build definition and stuck on release.
Anybody manage to setup release in TFS 2015 or 2017? Any help would be great!

I found this article that explains how to build and deploy web project on premise. Hope this will help somebody.
Need to use this arguments in Visual Studio Build task
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish
/p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=True
It will create in Artifacts folder with website that can be simply copied to remote machine in Release definition.

You should view artifacts as single deploy able packages, so if your application has a front end website and a database you can package them up the website as one artifact and the database as another during the build. When it comes to a release, your release could deploy the website to one server and the database to another or even the same server, the choice is yours. I tend to have development environments hosted on a single server but pre-production and production are load balanced, the only change from development to production is the name of the server to deploy the change to.


Build and Deploy a Web Application with TFS 2015 Build

We have just installed TFS 2015 (Update 1) on-premise and are trying to create a Continuous Integration/Build system using the new TFS Build system. The build works fine, and gives me a green light, but when I look at the default build it has only built the binaries from the bin directory, and there seems to be no easy way to deploy the app on-premise to a local server.
There are two deploy options for a filesystem copy, and a powershell script, and it would certainly be easy enough to use them to copy files to a new server, but since the build only built the binaries, I don't see a tool to gather up the Web artifacts (cshtml, images, scripts, css, etc..) for this.
After an exhaustive google search, I've only found one article which talks about this at:
However, this uses WebDeploy and creates a rather messy deploy package.
How can I deploy the site (standard MVC web application, in fact my tests are using the default boilerplate site created by the create project wizard) complete with artifacts to a local server in the easiest possible way? I don't want to have to install WebDeploy on the servers, and would rather use PowerShell or something to deploy the final artifacts.
The build is just the standard Visual Studio build template, with 4 steps (Build, Test, Index & Publish, Publish Build Artifacts).
We use "Visual Studio Build" step and as Arguments for MSBuild we use following line:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=$(DeploymentConfiguration)
On Variables tab page DeploymentConfiguration has to be configured. It must be the Name of the publish Profile (filename of the pubxml file). If the file Name is Build.pubxml the publish profile is Build.
for example:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=Build
I wanted to add that Ben Day has an excellent write-up that helped us package quickly and then release to multiple environments through Release Manager.
His msbuild arguments look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=True /p:publishUrl=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\for-deploy\website
The difference between this and the accepted answer is that this parameter set stages everything in an artifacts folder, and then saves it as part of the build. We can then deploy exactly the same code repeatedly.
We capture the web.env.config files alongside the for-deploy folder and then use xdt transforms in the release process to ensure everything gets updated for whichever environment we're deploying to. It works well for all our web projects.
We use WebDeploy/MSDeploy for 40+ applications and love it. We do install WebDeploy on all our servers so we can deploy more easily but you could also use the Web Deploy On Demand feature which doesn't require WebDeploy be pre-installed.

Customize TFS Auto Builds and Deploys

We use TFS 2012 as our Source Control Repository and we also use it to deploy our Web Applications (primarily ASP .NET MVC applications with Entity Framework Code First Databases) using TFS Build and Deploy from Team Explorer within Visual Studio.
Our's is a fairly small and new setup, so up until now, we developers have been deploying code to the production servers. But from an Audit point of view, it has been decided that code installation will be handed to a separate group. At the moment, before we deploy code using TFS Automated Deploy we do a couple of steps which are manual steps
- Log on the production server, backup the individual application within IIS using IIS --> Export to export it to a zip file.
- Stop application pool for the IIS application where new code is being installed
- Install new code from Visual Studio --> Queue new Build
- Get back on the server to restart the application pool and do tests to see if the application is working as expected.
I wondering, if anyone can guide me, if there is any way to change the Automated Build and Deploy template / process / workflow to do these manual steps before it does these steps before and after it deploys the code? Basically, the new team doing the code install to the Production Server and they will still click and install code automatically but the buid templace / process / workflow will do these steps as a part of the Build / Deploy process.
if you can code it, Powershell, bat etc. then you can add it to the template.
Identify where in the workflow you need to add your new steps. you can then add an invoke process activity to call out to your scripts, that will do the currently manual steps.
I would have thought most of the IIS steps can be automated using powershell and iis appcmd
Also it may well be worth looking at Release Management 2013 as your deployment pipeline, it will give a more Auditable stream and allow for sign off to approve deployments.

TFS 2012 Update 3 Continuous Integration and automatic deployment

I'm hoping someone can help me with putting me in the right direction for setting up automatic deployment from my tfs server to my web server.
I have a build definition set up with the following MSBuild arguments:
/p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=[profileName].pubxml
I get the ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED message. If I add
/p:Password=[passwordHere] for the password of the account in the publishprofile
then it deploys succesfully. Is there a way I can do this so I don't have the password in the build definition?
I saw this post: How do I configure MSBuild to use a saved publishProfile for WebDeploy?
which looks like it can be done, however it's not clear to me how so. If i can somehow use Windows Authentication that would be nice instead of Basic. I have tried adding the /p:AuthType=NTLM but this doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried passing an empty username as some have suggested, but that does not work either. Tried following this as well How do I deploy using MSDeploy and TeamCity with Integrated Windows Authentication?
The destination Web Server is Server 2012 IIS 8 and TFS/Build Server is running Win 2008 SP2 with TFS 2012 Update 3 and both have web deploy v3.5 installed.
You really want to be doing the release independent of the compilation. You will need to promote the same build through your environments. You can do this OOB using the LabTemplate.xaml and configuring environments. That is however not the only way:
Custom build process - hard to maintain and automate
Standard Environments -
Octopus Deploy - Best cheap solution out there
InRelease - OOB in TFS 2013 this tool adds lots of workflow goodness
Check out :

TFS Build vs local build

I really don't understand the meaning of tfs build although MSDN provides many definitions.
For example, I have an project. If I passed the local build on my local machine and I checked in the code. Everything is fine.
I used to copy(publish) the code to the server, that's it.
Why we need tfs build? What is different between tfs build and local build. You might to say, there are build history that can be reverted to an old one. But I think that since code was versioned, we can checked it out and rebuild in the local machine and republish the project to the server.
When I was using TFS, I could run local builds on my local machine. And then when checking in code, TFS would automatically perform a build on the build server (this is specified via a build definition). In that case, the build server was located on the machine which housed the master copy of the TFS source repository.
It's not enough for each developer to build locally as they may not have the latest code. I think the point of a TFS build is that it will run a build on the build server which has all the latest code. I think the idea is that if the build is successful on the build server, then it's deemed safe to check in the code.
That's how I understood it anyway. It's useful if there are multiple developers working on a project. If there is only one developer on one machine, a separate build may not be necessary.
Did that answer your question or did I misunderstand?
The answer of CiaranG is indeed one way to look at it.
Also the TF Build server has the possibility to build your code with signed 3rd party DLL's and put everything in a place as it is every time a new version of your software. This can be then useful for testers that need to test your software and don't need development tools.
Besides CiaranG's description of the Continuous Integration benefits, there is also the security and cleanliness. Allowing production code to be built off of developer machines where there is a chance for virus/malware may be present and the configuration is not known/documented is just poor policy. By building it off a protected server, from which no surfing is ever done, you are ensuring a safe, clean, reproducible environment which adds professionalism to your code deployments. TFS also adds in reporting build metrics over time, accountability, and archiving.

MSBuild or TFSBuild Conditional for One Project?

I have a long-time-to-build (setup) project in a Visual Studio 2010 Solution. It is set not to build in the Solution configuration. That way, when a developer builds locally they are not burdened with waiting for the setup to compile in Visual Studio.
However, I am looking for a way to change the configuration in tfsbuild or msbuild files so whenever things are built on the server, the setup project is always built, regardless of what the setting might be when a developer checks in their solution. TFS 2008 is the source control system but just a plain Server 2008 (with devenv fully installed) is the build server.
All clues appreciated.
I would suggest creating a new configuration in your solution, named e.g. Release_Setup, that way you have seperate configurations for developer and setup build (note that developers can choose that config and build everything locally if they so choose, which is quite nice when all Build agents are busy and you want to check that everything's fine).
In Solution Properties->Configuration Properties->Configuration you can even tell it to build the normal Release Configuration and still choose which projects to build and which to exclude.
Hope this helps. I haven't actually tested this, so please try it and comment back if there are any problems or this doesn't solve your specific question.
