10 seconds install scripts makes a personal install, why? - gnu-parallel

I'm running the 10 seconds install with
(wget -O - pi.dk/3 || curl pi.dk/3/) | bash
but for some reason, it does a personal install. I'm running it in docker with the williamyeh/ansible:ubuntu14.04 image (requires running apt update -qq && apt install curl -yq beforehand).
This is problematic because /root/bin isn't in the path.
Why can't the script make a full install and resorts to a personal install at /root/bin?

You'll also need make to be on the system:
apt update -qq && apt install curl make -yq
If you don't have make it will enter the else branch on line 93 which will cause it to copy the files directly to /root/bin.
This is problematic because /root/bin isn't in the path.
The install script adds it to PATH anyway, so if you want it to work with a local install, you just need to start a new session or run source ~/.bashrc after installing.


Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn in DOCKER while starting MarkLogic application in CENTOS7

I am running a docker file in windows 11 which will do two operations by running two scripts parallelly. So there are 2 bash scripts to do these 2 operations-
Install an application MarkLogic in CentOS7 (marklogicinstall.sh)
Deploy some files in the application server (deploy.sh)
I have written a wrapper script which commands to first run the script1, then the second1
However, I get this below error where the first script ends and before the second one starts-
Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn.
The installation script which is marklogicinstall.sh is like this -
# Get any CentOS updates then clear the Docker cache
#install yum by rpm
#yum -y update && yum clean all
# Install MarkLogic dependencies
yum -y install glibc.i686 gdb.x86_64 redhat-lsb.x86_64 && yum clean all
# Install the initscripts package so MarkLogic starts ok
yum -y install initscripts && yum clean all
# Install MarkLogic then delete the .RPM file if the install succeeded
yum -y install MarkLogic.rpm && rm MarkLogic.rpm
printf "Marklogic installation done"
# Set the Path
exec /usr/sbin/init
service /etc/init.d/MarkLogic start
Is it a problem with the start command?

issue in creating docker image from docker file

Created a Docker file in oreder to install Tomcat server from Unix as bashe os
My Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y #to update os
RUN apt-get dist-upgrade
RUN apt-get install build-essential
RUN apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk # to install java 8
RUN apt-get wget -y #to install wget package
RUN apt-get wget https://mirrors.estointernet.in/apache/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.37/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.37.tar.gz #to download tomcat
RUN tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-9.0.37 # unzipping the tomcat
RUN mkdir tomcat # craeting tomacat directory
RUN cp apache-tomcat-9.0.37/* tomcat # copying tomact files to tomact directory
Command to create Docker Image from Docker file:
docker build -t [img name] -f [file name] .
On execution, while installing java package am getting like this:
'''After this operation, 242 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y'''
You are getting the prompt because the command is awaiting user input for whether or not to install a package. The -y flag you're using for a few of them (like wget) allows bash to assume a yes. Add this flag to all your installation commands.
By the way, there's quite a few potential issues with the Dockerfile you posted.
For example, you have RUN apt-get wget ...
Are you sure that is what you want to do, and not just RUN wget ...? Unless wget is a command that apt-get takes, which it isn't, it will cause unexpected behavior.
You also seem to be missing the command to start the Tomcat server, which can make it so that nothing happens when you attempt to run the image.
I think you should add DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive when running the apt-get commands, something like this:
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install build-essential -y
Also, it's considered bad practice to use multiple RUN steps which could be consolidated into one. More about Dockerfile best practices can be found here.

Run "From .." docker image inside Dockerfile

I'm building a image that builds a Jenkins and I try to use a plugin over the Jenkins when it is running, so, I need get run Jenkins before my plugin execution.
I execute it like docker build -t dockerfile and the error wich I am obtaining:
jenkins.JenkinsException: Error in request: [Errno 99]
Cannot assign requested address
I think the problem is when the plugin is executed it guess Jenkins is running and not.
FROM foxylion/jenkins
MAINTAINER Mishel Uchuari <dmuchuari#hotmail.com>
RUN /usr/local/bin/install-plugins.sh workflow-remote-loader workflow-aggregator build-pipeline-plugin
USER root
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get install -y apt-utils
RUN apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN apt install -y linuxbrew-wrapper
RUN useradd someuser -m -s /bin/bash
USER someuser
RUN chmod -R 777 /home/someuser
RUN brew install libyaml
USER root
RUN apt-get install build-essential
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
RUN pip install jenkins-job-builder==
RUN pip install PyYAML python-jenkins
RUN mkdir /etc/jenkins_jobs/
COPY jenkins_jobs.ini /etc/jenkins_jobs/
COPY scm_pipeline.yaml /etc/jenkins_jobs/
RUN jenkins-jobs --conf /etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini update /etc/jenkins_jobs/scm_pipeline.yaml
I had the same issue myself when using it under Docker:
File "/src/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jenkins_jobs/builder.py", line 124, in get_plugins_info
raise e
JenkinsException: Error in request: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
That was caused when it tries to retrieve the list of plugins, I went overriding plugins_info to short circuit the code path:
jjb = JenkinsJobs(args=['test', config_dir, '-o', output_dir])
jjb.builder['plugins_info'] = [] # prevents 99 cannot assign requested address
I had the issue with python 2.7.9 on Debian Jessie. If I remember correctly that is no more an issue with a later python version eg 2.7.13 from Debian Stretch.
(the patch on which I encountered the issue):
RUN brew install libyaml
brew is a package manager for Mac OS X. Also PyYAML gracefully skip compilation when the lib is not availble. So you probably do not need that one. And I guess it would work without installing build-essential.
RUN pip install jenkins-job-builder==
RUN pip install PyYAML python-jenkins
I am surprised you have install PyYAML and python-jenkins explicitly. Supposedly installing jenkins-job-builder should install all the dependencies (eg PyYAML and python-jenkins).

Docker commands require keyboard interaction

I'm trying to create a Docker image for ripping CDs (using abcde).
Here's the relevant portion of the Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:17.10
MAINTAINER Graham Nicholls <graham#rockcons.co.uk>
RUN apt update && apt -y install eject vim ruby abcde
Unfortunately, the package "abcde" pulls in a mail client (not sure which), and apt tries to configure that by asking what type of mail connection to configure (smarthost/relay etc).
When docker runs, it's not appearing to read from stdin, so I can't redirect into the docker process.
I've tried using --nodeps with apt (and replacing apt with apt-get); unfortunately --nodeps seems no-longer to be a supported option and returns:
E: Command line option --nodeps is not understood in combination with the other options
Someone has suggested using expect in response to a similar question, which I'd rather avoid. This seems to be a "difficult to google" problem - I can't find anything.
So, is there a way of passing in the answer to the config in apt, or of preventing apt from pulling in a mail client, which would be better - I'm not planning in sending updates to cddb.
The typical template to install apt packages in a docker container looks like:
RUN apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
eject \
vim \
ruby \
abcde \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Running it with the "noninteractive" value removes any prompts. You don't want to set that as an ENV since that would also impact any interactive commands you run inside the container.
You also want to cleanup the package database when finished to reduce the layer size and avoid reusing a stale cached package database in a later step.
The no-install-recommends option will reduce the number of packages installed by only installing the required dependencies, not the additional recommended packages. This cuts the size of the root filesystem down by half for me.
If you need to pass a non-default configuration to a package, then use debconf. First run you install somewhere interactively and enter the options you want to save. Install debconf-utils. Then run:
debconf-get-selections | grep "${package_name}"
to view all the options you configured for that package. You can then pipe these options to debconf-set-selections in your container before running your install, e.g.:
RUN echo "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select No configuration" \
| debconf-set-selections \
&& apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
or save your selections to a file that you copy in:
COPY debconf-selections /
RUN debconf-set-selections </debconf-selections \
&& apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \

Could not run Calabash-android on docker

I am integrating a Calabash-android test on docker. The entire setting up and running Calabash in my local was quite easy and when it comes to docker I could not run the test yet. I have been trying this for the past two weeks and did not get any positive response while trying to run the emulator. Finally according to the suggestion from an android expert I have end up using the below-given docker file,
FROM tracer0tong/android-emulator
RUN apt-get -y install python-software-properties && apt-add-repository -y ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng && apt-get update && apt-get -y install r uby2.2
#install android dependencies
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev
RUN gem install calabash-android
ENV ANDROID_HOME /usr/local/android-sdk
ENV GRADLE_HOME /usr/local/gradle
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
After building the image by using the above dockerfile everything seems installed properly but whenever I try to run the emulator it is raising an error as if the emulator does not exist. And the below one as well. It would be appreciated if someone come forward to give a helping hand to fix the blocker.
appt is not found
