How to test paypal payment using braintree sandbox - ios

I am using braintree in my app for payment(Credit card & Paypal). I am using custom UI. When click on pay by Paypal button, i am using the following code.
braintreeClient = BTAPIClient(authorization: tokenizationKey)!
let payPalDriver = BTPayPalDriver(APIClient: braintreeClient)
payPalDriver.viewControllerPresentingDelegate = self
//payPalDriver.appSwitchDelegate = self // Optional
// Specify the transaction amount here. "2.32" is used in this example.
let request = BTPayPalRequest(amount: "2.32")
request.currencyCode = "USD" // Optional; see BTPayPalRequest.h for more options
payPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment(request) { (tokenizedPayPalAccount, error) in
if let tokenizedPayPalAccount = tokenizedPayPalAccount {
print("Got a nonce: \(tokenizedPayPalAccount.nonce)")
// Access additional information
// See BTPostalAddress.h for details
} else if error != nil {
// Handle error here...
} else {
// Buyer canceled payment approval
It opens this link . It gives me dummy nonce. i want check with my Paypal a/c by login. Right now i am using Braintree sandbox a/c.

Full disclosure: I work at Braintree.
What you have described is the expected behavior for sandbox accounts. See the Braintree docs:
PayPal transactions initiated with sandbox API keys cannot be used for full end-to-end testing. The goal of sandbox testing is to ensure your client and server side configurations are correct and that you are receiving appropriate responses for your requests. If you wish to do end-to-end testing, you will need to do that in your production account.
However, if you have further questions about testing PayPal with your sandbox account, please contact Braintree support to see how your needs can be met.


iOS Firebase OTP verification without Sign Up

I need help verifying the OTP with Firebase.
I Managed to receive a SMS with the OTP but when I verify it I get automatically signed up and I only know if the OTP was valid if I signed up - else I get a popup like "invalid otp".
How can I manually validate the otp? My goal is to open another screen where the user puts in more information.
func verifyCode(){
let credential = PhoneAuthProvider.provider().credential(withVerificationID: self.CODE, verificationCode: code)
loading = true
//here i just want to verify my OTP without signing in...
Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { (result, err) in //here i am signing in...
self.loading = false
if let error = err{
let generator = UINotificationFeedbackGenerator()
self.code = ""
self.errorMsg = error.localizedDescription
withAnimation{ self.error.toggle()}
self.gotoRegistration = true
withAnimation{self.status = true}
There is no way to use Firebase Authentication's phone/OTP provider without automatically signing the user in.
But the fact that the user is signed in to Firebase, does not mean that you have to grant them access to all parts/data in your app. If you want them to provide more information, you can do so before or after signing them in to Firebase, and make it part of the same sign-up flow as far as the user is concerned.
So something like:
// Sign the user in with Firebase
// Check if the user has provider the additional registration information
// If not, send them to the registration information screen
// If so, send them to the next screen of the app
You can also enforce these rules in your back-end code, or (if you use one of Firebase's back-end services) in the server-side security rules.

Getting error of "Publisher identifiers not found" when I enable "debugGeography" in AdMob

I am trying to test my GDPR compliance code and trying to display the consent form for AdMob but I get this error:
Consent info update failed. Error: Error Domain=Consent Code=1
"Response error. Publisher identifiers not found: ca-app-pub-0123456789012345"
I have triple checked, my publisherID is correct, it is something like "pub-0123456789012345".
When I check my AdMob account status I see that
"Your account is active and in good standing."
I have followed the directions of Google to receive user consent for personalized ads. I am in the USA, so use this line:
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.debugGeography = .EEA
When I disable this line, I don't get the error above anymore, but the error below:
Error loading form: Error: request is not in EEA or unknown.
I have tried to use this line instead but nothing changed:
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.debugGeography = PACDebugGeography.EEA
My only guess is that for the reason that my AdMob account is USA based, I get "publisherID not found" error when I enable ".EEA". But how can I do the testing if my guess is true?
I am doing the testing both on simulator and on the phone. I could not manage to display the consent form anywhere.
The code I am using is below:
// advertiseIDOfPhone and publisherID are constants defined elsewhere
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.debugIdentifiers = [advertiseIDOfPhone]
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.debugGeography = .EEA
PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(forPublisherIdentifiers: [publisherID])
{(_ error: Error?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
// Consent info update failed.
print("☢️ Consent info update failed. Error: \(error)")
} else {
print("☢️ Consent info updated.")
// Consent info update succeeded. The shared PACConsentInformation
// instance has been updated.
switch PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.consentStatus {
case .nonPersonalized:
print("☢️ Personalized ads consent NOT given.")
case .personalized:
print("☢️ Personalized ads consent given.")
case .unknown:
print("☢️ Unknown consent.")
guard let privacyUrl = URL(string: "yourWebsiteURL"),
let form = PACConsentForm(applicationPrivacyPolicyURL: privacyUrl) else {
print("incorrect privacy URL.")
form.shouldOfferPersonalizedAds = true
form.shouldOfferNonPersonalizedAds = true
form.shouldOfferAdFree = true
form.load {(_ error: Error?) -> Void in
print("⚛️ Load complete.")
if let error = error {
// Handle error.
print("⚛️ Error loading form: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
form.present(from: self) { (error, userPrefersAdFree) in
if error != nil {
// Handle error.
} else if userPrefersAdFree {
// User prefers to use a paid version of the app.
//buy the pro Version
print("☢️ isRequestLocationInEEAOrUnknown: \(PACConsentInformation.sharedInstance.isRequestLocationInEEAOrUnknown)")
Where can be my mistake here? Is the code I am using good?
It seems that this is a known bug:
Kindly note that we are aware of this issue, and our Engineering team
is already working on a resolution. Rest assured that we are keeping
an eye out on this, and that we will update you for any news regarding
this issue.
Regards, Ziv Yves Sanchez Mobile Ads SDK Team
I didn't expect a bug from Google in such a fundamental aspect of a big product and unfortunately I have spent hours on this problem trying to find my mistake somewhere...
While they work on a resolution, you can use the Google Test Publisher ID:
My account gives me the error but I was able to use the test ID to implement and test the Consent SDK. Just make sure you switch back to your ID before you distribute the app.
I got the Same Issue!
This is not our Code's fault. Admob not serving ads.
Go to Admob Console
In Home There is Dialog Box: "Don't serve Until PaymentDetails Entered"
Click the Learn more and create an AdSense account
after that enter payment details
That's all they will serve ads after 24 hours after the account verified
I have the same issue.
Until I updated my settings on
Go to the webpage, select APP on the left side, go in and activate the app you are using.

Stripe SDK integration using swift and flutter

I am trying to integrate Apple Pay in iOS using flutter. I am using method channels to communicate with swift and get the payment process completed. I have followed the documentation which is in this link
However, I believe I have stuck in the very ending part which I don't understand how to continue the flow. Since I am using flutter UIs, I don't need iOS ViewControllers.
This is the code that I have tried so far in the AppDelegate.swift:
func handleApplePayButtonTapped(result: FlutterResult){
let merchantIdentifier = ""
let paymentRequest = Stripe.paymentRequest(withMerchantIdentifier:merchantIdentifier, country:"US", currency:"USD")
paymentRequest.paymentSummaryItems = [
PKPaymentSummaryItem(label:"Fancy Hat", amount:50.00),
PKPaymentSummaryItem(label:"iHats, Inc", amount:50.00),
if Stripe.canSubmitPaymentRequest(paymentRequest){
//next steps ???
result(String("Can submit payment request"))
result(String("Can't submit payment request"))
I am calling this code in flutter UI using this code:
Future<void> _doPayment() async {
String returnMsg;
try {
final bool result = await platform.invokeMethod('checkIfDeviceSupportsApplePay');
final String status = await platform.invokeMethod('handleApplePayButtonTapped');
returnMsg = '$result';
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
returnMsg = "Failed: '${e.message}'.";
I already have a Stripe publishable key as well as a Heroku deployed backend. If you checked my swift code, you will see where I am stuck at the moment.
As I have understood the flow, what is remaining to be done is
send the card details to the backend and get a token
using the token, send the payment details to the Stripe server
I am very new to swift language and code samples will be greatly helpful for me to continue with.
Thank you.
It looks like you're following the Stripe Custom iOS Integration, using the native PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.
You should read through the integration steps here:
Basically, your next steps would be
instantiate a PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController with the paymentRequest
Set yourself to its delegate
present the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController
implement the relevant delegate methods to get back an Apple Pay token (PKToken)
convert PKToken to STPToken (a Stripe token)
All these steps and more are detailed in the link above.

Braintree take time in opening PayPal

I am implementing braintree on IOS Client in order to receive payments through credit cards and PayPal
But whenever I tap on PayPal it takes times to open it on browser, so in this mean time I want to show Loader so user can't feel any thing weird.
I am unable to find any delegate methods of BTDropInController which allow me to show loader when user press PayPal option.
Thanks in advance.
Happy Coding :)
You need to start your activity indicator when you call paypal request from braintree. Below is the code for your reference:
SVProgressHUD .show(withStatus: "Proccessing")
let payPalRequest = BTPayPalRequest(amount: "1.20")
payPalRequest.currencyCode = "USD"
payPalRequest.landingPageType = .default
payPalRequest.intent = .authorize
payPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment(payPalRequest) { (tokenizedPayPalAccount, error) -> Void in
if let tokenizedResult = tokenizedPayPalAccount{
print("Get a nonce: \(tokenizedResult)")
SVProgressHUD .dismiss()

iTunes app rejected: missing feature to deliver subscription content

I'm implementing the In-App Purchase feature in my iOS app for the first time. I passed all test phases correctly and I submitted the app to review, but it was rejected for this reason:
Your app offers a content subscription but does not have a mechanism in place to support the requirement that the subscription content be available to the user on all of their iOS devices.
To fix the issue I have to:
include an optional user registration feature to deliver subscription content to all of the user's iOS devices.
My app don't require a user registration, so I'm wondering if it's really necessary.
Assuming the answer is "YES!", I don't know what really I have to do.
After the user registration, I need to save the receipt data on my host and then retrieve the data if the user change device?
Actually I get the receipt data in this way:
func validateReceipt() {
let receiptUrl = NSBundle.mainBundle().appStoreReceiptURL
let isSandox = receiptUrl?.absoluteString.containsString("sandboxReceipt")
if let receipt: NSData = NSData(contentsOfURL: receiptUrl!) {
let receiptdata: NSString = receipt.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
let transaction = GTLAppleTransactionBeanApiAppleTransactionBean()
transaction.receiptData = receiptdata as String
transaction.sandbox = isSandox
ReceiptService().validate(transaction, completion: validated)
} else {
receiptDetected = false
The "GTLAppleTransactionBeanApiAppleTransactionBean()" is my GAE Bean and "ReceiptService()" call my GAE Endpoint service. This service check the receipt data with Apple.
A Swift example will be very much appreciated. :P
Sorry for my English.
Thanks, Alessio.
