Swift, Firebase, Flashlight, how to store arrays? - ios

I am currently trying to use Firebase, Flashlight and Swift to create an search function to retrieve a random object from my realtime database.
I am trying to perform the following query to Firebase at /search/request
var searchSettings : [Any] = []
if Settings.searchPackage != 99 {
searchSettings.append(["match" : Settings.searchPackage])
if Settings.searchCountry != .world {
if let region = Locale.current.regionCode {
searchSettings.append(["match" : region])
if Settings.searchGender != .All {
searchSettings.append(["match" : Settings.searchGender.rawValue])
let postData = [
"index" : "firebase",
"type" : "test",
"body" : [
"query" : searchSettings
] as [String : Any]
ref.setValue(postData, withCompletionBlock: { (error, reference) in
if error == nil {
FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("search/response").child(ref.key).observeSingleEvent(of: .childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.exists() {
print("found random snapshot based on settings \(snapshot)")
The problem is, as Firebase described in the documentation it does currently support Arrays, therefor the content of "query" will be:
Flashlight will throw an error because it expects the "query" to contain "match" fields and not the indexes of an array of them.
How would I fix this? I want to be able to search based on multiple fields.

Technically, Flashlight doesn't care at all what you put inside the body tag; it simply passes it on to ElasticSearch. So if there is an error generated about the format, it's ElasticSearch that's doing the complaining.
What you're probably running into here is either a) ElasticSearch doesn't like that syntax, or Firebase's array-like behaviors are converting the array to an object.
Note that Flashlight will allow you to pass a JSON string in place of body. So if this is a result of the array-like behaviors, you can JSON.stringify() the query before passing it into ES, and it will come out the other end as intended.
If the problem is the ES syntax (as it appears to me) then you can simply run the queries directly against ES until they work, and then modify your client to submit correct syntax accordingly.

Take a look at this gist:
BodyQuery in Swift
I wrote this in my Android application project and I'm using this to build queries for ES. Here is equivalent in Java for Android ElasticSearch needs a json query, and you can create it easily using Maps (Android)/Dictionaries (iOS). Enjoy :)


Swift & Firestore - appending dictionary to nested array using .arrayUnion()

I am creating a chat application where a user can start multiple chats with a different person (just like the rest of the other chat apps). I'm using Swift with Cloud Firestore.
My database design is the following:
Chat collection: [
"chatMember": ["member1", "member2"],
"createdAt" : Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
"meesages" : []
One chat room will have 'messages' array and it will have message dictionaries aka an object.
Below code is where I am trying to append the message dictionary to the messages array.
The Firebase doc introduces .arrayUnion() <LINK to the document>.
But it gives me an error saying,
"Contextual type '[Any]' cannot be used with dictionary literal"
#IBAction func sendBtnPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
if let messageBody = messageField.text, let messageSender = Auth.auth().currentUser?.email {
// FieldValue.arrayUnion() does not work for this case.
K.FB.messages: FieldValue.arrayUnion([
"sender": messageSender,
"content": messageBody,
"createdAt": Date().timeIntervalSince1970
]) { ... closure }
I can't find any information specifically related to Swift's appending Dictionary to nested array in the Cloud Firestore.
I found a very similar case on YouTube <https://youtu.be/LKAXg2drQJQ> but this is made with Angular which uses an object with { ...curly bracket}. FieldValue.arrayUnion() seems to work on other languages but not Swift.
It'd be awesome if someone who has resolved this issue would help me out.
Thank you in advance.
So basically what you're saying with this code:
K.FB.messages: FieldValue.arrayUnion([
"sender": messageSender,
"content": messageBody,
"createdAt": Date().timeIntervalSince1970
is that you want to append dictionary to array with name that is in K.FB.messages constant. But you don't really want to do that and it isn't even possible. You want to append array of dictionaries to array. This means that you must enclose your dictionary in a square brackets. Like shown below:
K.FB.messages: FieldValue.arrayUnion([[
"sender": messageSender,
"content": messageBody,
"createdAt": Date().timeIntervalSince1970

Checking if database value is greater than local value in Firebase

I think this is simple but can't seem to create the correct query. I'm using Swift with Firebase Realtime Database on iOS.
Consider the following Firebase structure:
I am trying to create a query to find out whether the specific HIGHSCORE number for a level is greater than a local variable. If it is, I want the return to be the higher value from Firebase. If it is the same or lower, I want the return to be null.
I have tried many different queries, here is an example:
ref.child("DATA/UID/LEVEL1/HIGHSCORE").queryStarting(atValue: 5000).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with:
I know this is fundamentally incorrect, but I think it shows what I am trying to do.
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: Here is the actual JSON example:
"DATA" : {
"USERID" : {
"LEVEL1" : {
"HIGHSCORE" : 5000,
The only way I can think of is with an orderByValue:
ref.child("DATA/UID/LEVEL1").orderByValue().queryStarting(atValue: 5000).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with:
But this only works well if HIGHSCORE is the only child node under LEVEL1. Even then: it doesn't have any bandwidth or performance over the more idiomatic approach:
ref.child("DATA/UID/LEVEL1/HIGHSCORE").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.exists() {
val score = snapshot.value as! Int
if score > 5000 {

Get a value from a dictionary given the key of a different field

I'm using the third-party library SwiftAddressBook to work with Contacts in my app. I want to iterate through contacts in my device and extract a few specific values. Namely the twitter and facebook usernames if they exist.
SwiftAddressBook has an object called SwiftAddressBookPerson which represents a single contact. And SwiftAddressBookPerson object has a property called socialProfiles which contains an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains info about available social media account such as the username, url etc. Printing the value of socialProfiles looks like this.
SwiftAddressBook.MultivalueEntry<Swift.Dictionary<SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty, Swift.String>>(value: [
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.url: "http://twitter.com/isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.username: "isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.service: "twitter"],
label: nil, id: 0),
SwiftAddressBook.MultivalueEntry<Swift.Dictionary<SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty, Swift.String>>(value: [
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.url: "http://www.facebook.com/isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.username: "isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.service: "facebook"],
label: Optional("facebook"), id: 1)
I cleaned it up a little by doing this socialProfiles.map { $0.map { $0.value } } which outputs the following.
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.url: "http://twitter.com/isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.username: "isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.service: "twitter"
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.url: "http://www.facebook.com/isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.username: "isuru",
SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.service: "facebook"
What I want now is given the service's name (twitter, facebook), retrieve the username used for that service.
How do I parse through the dictionary and get the value of a different field?
Given that this is an array, I'd use a first { $0.service == serviceName }.
Alternatively, you could loop over the entire array ahead of time to create a dictionary with key as serviceName, and value as the profile property. The advantage of this approach is subsequent lookups would be much faster.
I have named your array of swift address book dictionaries, profiles. The forced unwrapping in the flatMap call is safe because both key and value are tested for non-nil in the previous filter call.
The result is a single dictionary containing username values for the services listed in your interestingServices array.
let service = SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.service
let username = SwiftAddressBook.SwiftAddressBookSocialProfileProperty.username
let interestingServices = ["facebook", "twitter"]
let usernames = profiles
.filter {
let service = $0[service],
$0[username] != nil
else {
return false
return interestingServices.contains(service)
.flatMap { profile in
return [profile[service]!, profile[username]!]

How to query nested elements in Firebase?

"John" : {
"David" : {
"-KIMA0aPsujdAOpkzP0w" : {
"message" : "hallu",
"sender" : "10154053432889835",
"time" : 1463898873196
"Harry" : {
"Christina" : {
"-KIMA0aPsujdAOpkzP0v" : {
"message" : "hallu",
"seen" : true,
"sender" : "self",
"time" : 1463898873195
"Pierce" : {
"-KILZ_GH7Ji9hQYNK-6p" : {
"message" : "Eli there.",
"seen" : true,
"sender" : "179914035712208",
"time" : 1463888795301
"-KIM8yPz2UDOZwHEg_nn" : {
"message" : "hahjajak",
"seen" : true,
"sender" : "self",
"time" : 1463898597847
I wanted to query the count of nodes where "seen" key has value "true" of top node which is John OR Harry There are multiple child node inside it and each child node has multiple child node which has automatic id set.
I just want to know the count of objects which has "seen" key set to true and also count of objects which has "seen" key set to false
I can extract all the values in node as follows:
ref.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snap in
for (key,value) in snap.value as! NSDictionary {
I can loop through the dictionary and count the number of objects manually. But that is not too computationally or data efficient as firebase is volume based.
What I want is to know if there is any query to count the number of objects whose "seen" key in root node is "true" or whose "seen" key in root node is "false".
Data Structure
John and Harry are user unique ID. and the node David which is immediate child of John node is unique ID of person who the user has chatted with earlier.
And the KIMA0aPsujdAOpkzP0w node represent a unique message from user John to/from David.
So what i wanted was to count the number of messages from David to John not seen by John
If you want to get only the "seen" value, you should reconsider your database structure and denormalize where possible to make reading as fast as you can.
Keeping your structure to get "seen" value, each time you read you have to get the entire node and loop through it to get the value, downloading unnecessary data, wasting processing time and making overall operation slower.
You should create a new node and store just the "seen" value the way you are going to get it later. Lets say, the best way to structure your database is based on which read operations are going to do and what data do you need in those operations.
You shouldn't worry about duplicating data. Remember that Firebase has the "updateChildren" method that allows you to update data in different nodes in a single operation.
For more info you can read the docs about structuring data here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/android/structure-data
Not sure if this is the most efficient way to handle it, but for a rapid prototype I've been searching for the answer to this problem as well. I settled on using this strategy to isolate child nodes of the data structure:
ref.observeSingleEventOfType(FIRDataEventType.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for (key,value) in snapshot.value as! NSDictionary {
if (key as! String == "John/David/etc")
let newRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("John").child(key as! String)
newRef.observeSingleEventOfType(FIRDataEventType.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for (childKey, childValue) in snapshot.value as! NSDictionary{
//do whatever you want with child values/etc
Keep in mind I am VERY new to Firebase on iOS and they just changed their documentation so I'm working through it as I can. I'm sure there are way better ways to accomplish accessing child data but this worked for my MVP so I went with it.
EDIT: This assumes that your original reference is aimed at the part of the data tree that you want to target. For example:
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("John")
That way when you did ref.observeSingle..etc, it would look for the values underneath that child object, instead of the entire tree.

(general) why Alamofire (ios) sort query string parameters

I found in Alamofire code base that they are sorting the query string before they encoded it to the url. Is there any reason behind it?
func query(parameters: [String: AnyObject]) -> String {
var components: [(String, String)] = []
// why sort the keys?
for key in Array(parameters.keys).sort(<) {
let value = parameters[key]!
components += queryComponents(key, value)
return (components.map { "\($0)=\($1)" } as [String]).joinWithSeparator("&")
One possible reason is that the traverse order of dictionary is not defined. Therefore the without sorting it is possible the queries can be different even for identical requests. This may cause some undesired behaviour if the parameter order matters (perhaps due to a server bug). It will also make testing harder.
By sorting the parameters, we can guarantee the resulting query string will always be same regardless the OS version and platform.
