iOS Development Security advice - ios

I want to create a new iOS app.
and for this app I have some security questions
The first start the user log in with username and password. When the log in is correct The user receive a api code. Just This code Will be stored in the app
So every time they use a make a request to the side like calling for the use a list I don't send the username and password I will send the api code for authentication.
Like this{APICODE}/getUserList
The answer will be json
So my Questions are
- how to securely store the api code in the app
- is there a better way to make the requests
- I will store the requested data in the app, what is the best way, SQLite or plain files with json
The reason is That the app works without Internet
Thanks for help

Save secured data in the Keychain. For other you may use UserDefaults, files, SQLite DBs, CoreData


Securing login credentials in an iOS app bundle

I am writing an iOS app and have a dilemma. The app will be used to test the BLE protocol of devices coming off our production line. It needs to be very simple, It is a one button app that automatically connects to devices and tests commands in our protocol and gives a pass or fail result. If it passes the device id is sent to our API to be entered in our database.
My problem is I don't want the user to have to login, but I need to send a username and password to the API to log in. This means the username and password has to be included in the app. I am trying to find out the most secure way to do this. I initially thought I would include a plist in the app with the credentials, enter them in keychain, then delete the plist. However I don't believe you can delete a file included in the app bundle (I get a 513 permission error).
I have 2 questions. Is it secure to include credentials in code? Is there a better way to do this?
Use API to retrieve credentials and store to keychain. Simple call to firebase could solve this. Or use your own backend with your custom “security”.
But even obtaining via API don’t give you 100% security. Everything depends. API solution gives you flexibility and ability to support different versions with different credentials.

Authenticate Username and Password iOS

I have a website that users can log into to see their account info.
I would like to build functionality into my iOS app that allows them to log in and see their info in the app. The usernames and passwords are stored in a SQL database.
How can I authenticate the username and password the user types into the app with the database?
If you have better atuthentication system in your web..
then i would prefer you to use the WEBVIEW for your login page. and continues the other using the normal app flow.
there are lot of tutorials for creating username and password login Function in IOS. i dont know whther you are basic or new progrmmer. But try this you may get some idea.
You can go with JSON serialisation, if you experienced to load data from server.
There are multiple ways you can go about this but at the end of the day you need an endpoint for your iOS application to talk to your web server. This can be done with a TCP connection (little more complicated) or with a RESTful HTTP API endpoint which is generally the way most developers will go.
To get you running up and quickly on the client side have a look at AFNetworking to do the heavy lifting on your HTTP requests. You will then need a URL on your website that the iOS application can query. Abstract things to keep your API on a different subdomain, say for instance by creating a subdomain to handle your API requests. A login example could look like this
For a PHP based REST API here is a tutorial for you, PHP API or you could use a Node.js framework such as Restify
The general practise is to use JSON encoded data when sending requests back and forth from the server, iOS 7 has built in JSON encoding/decoding, node and PHP also have pretty good support.
Once you are able to send and receive HTTP request from your iOS device to your web server it is just a matter of checking the username and password match up on the server side (seems you already know how to do this?) to the ones in your database and sending back a authentication BOOL and option error message if failed.

Protect server URL in mobile app

I know this can sound absolutely stupid, but I could not find any way to solve this problem.
Say I've a mobile app: from this app, after purchasing an item, since the item is downloadable from a server, I make the user download a file to his device. Problem is it looks like it is very easy even for not so smart people, to get the URL of the file, so, without purchasing anything, the not-so-smart-guy can eventually download the same file for free (using a common browser).
Apart from the language I use (it is not important here, it can be JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, whatever), how can I prevent this issue WITHOUT developing an authentication system?
Generate a token for successful purchase, store it in the server side session or database. Add the token as a query string parameter for the file download request. Implement an filter for the file download request to validate the token.
To make sure that the URL is not share able - find some unique attribute of the device that can't be spoofed easily, hash(url,token,unique property) and add it to the url.

Smartphone login with device

To my understanding creating a smartphone apps based on a site is to simply create an API for the website and to output the data in XML, JSON. In my case JSON has Ruby on Rails has it built it in it. In theory all I have to is to read the event.json page and read the attribute and on phonegap to read it and build a logic from it.
However, in my phone app, I would like to allow user to log in before entering and in fact on the web-base I am using the devise gem to manage my user management. How am I supposed to allow user to log in from device using phonegap? Should I read an API JSON that showcase all users but then that may cause a lots of security issues, is there a device documentation on that specific issue, or should I scrap device and just make an authentication system from scratch?
Devise provides for an auth-token to be used for login. This works well with JSON APIs as you can set a header to include the auth-token to identify the user. Your login form would just be responsible for getting an auth-token from valid credentials. SSL can help to secure this information on the wire.
I created a Gem based on rack_iphone which store the session
in the localStorage and and upon opening a application from a home screen shortcut
the application take the cookie if present from the localStorage and the sent it to the server
Hope this work for you

How to store a secret API key in an application's binary?

I am creating a Twitter client for Mac OS X and I have a Consumer secret. It's to my understanding I should not share this secret key. The problem is that when I put it as a string literal into my application and use it, like this:
#define QQTwitterConsumerSecret #"MYSECRETYOUMAYNOTKNOW"
[[QQTwitterEngine alloc] initWithConsumerKey:QQTwitterConsumerKey consumerSecret:QQTwitterConsumerSecret];
It is in the data section of my application's binary. Hackers can read this, disassemble the application, etcetera.
Is there any safe way of storing the Consumer secret? Should I encrypt it?
There is no real perfect solution. No matter what you do, someone dedicated to it will be able to steal it.
Even Twitter for iPhone/iPad/Android/mac/etc. has a secret key in there, they've likely just obscured it somehow.
For example, you could break it up into different files or strings, etc.
Note: Using a hex editor you can read ascii strings in a binary, which is the easiest way. By breaking it up into different pieces or using function calls to create the secret key usually works to make that process more difficult.
You could just base64-encode it to obfuscate it. Or, better idea, generate the key instead of just storing it - write something like this:
char key[100];
++key[0]; ... ; ++key[0]; // increment as many times as necessary to get the ascii code of the first character
// ... and so on, you get the idea.
However, a really good hacker will find it no matter what; the only way to really protect it from others' eyes is using a secure hash function, but then you won't be able to retrieve it, too :)
You should not use a secret api key in an application that does not run solely on your server.
Even if it's perfectly hidden.. you can always snoop on the data going through the wire. And since it's your device you could even tamper with SSL (man in the middle with a certificate created by a custom CA which was added to the device's trusted CA list). Or you could hook into the SSL library to intercept the data before actually being encrypted.
A really late answer...
If you setup your own server, you can use it for helping you desktop app getting authorized by users on twitter without sharing (i.e.: embedding) your secret key.
You can use this approach:
When a user installs you desktop app she must register it with twitter and with your server
*) The app asks the server to generate the token request URL
*) The server sends the generated URL to the app
*) The app directs the user to the authorize URL
*) The user authorizes your app on twitter and pastes the generated PIN into it
*) Using the PIN you app grabs the token
*) All further communication uses the token and does not involve your server
Note: the app logs to your server using the user credentials (e.g.: id and password) for your server.
