Create a UICollectionView that scrolls with another UICollectionView - ios

I have already built out 2 collection views, 1 horizontally scrolling (at the top) & 1 vertically scrolling (at the middle - bottom) that are used to view 2 different sets of content in my Objective-C iOS application similar to this Instagram screenshot:
I am trying to add functionality to make it so that the horizontally scrolling Collection View disappears when the user scrolls up on the vertically scrolling one. What is the best way to accomplish this task? I have looked up tutorials on adding a collection view in another collection view's cell but I cant find anything on just adding a collection view to the 1st cell of another collection view. What would be the best way to accomplish this functionality?

I think you should you use UITableView with UICollectionView. On the screeshot, I think horizontal collectionview is embedded in first cell of the tableview. And when use starts to scroll tableview, first row is gone as you want.
Create uitableview with 2 prototype cells. Create horizontall collectionview and embed it in first cell of tableview, this is first prototype cell. Then create second prototype cell for images. And when user will start scroll the tableview first cell will gone, as you want.

If you don't want to go with the other suggested method of embedding the horizontal collection view into the top cell of the vertical collection view, you could use the vertical collection view's scrolling callbacks (scrollViewDidScroll, since UICollectionView subclasses UIScrollView). When the vertical collection view scrolls, you can apply a transform to the top collection view to move it off the top of the screen based on the contentOffset of the vertical collection view, and then have it reappear once the contentOffset approaches 0.
Keep in mind that with this approach, the vertical collection view's frame will likely be the height of the screen minus the height of the horizontal collection view. Therefore, you will need a bit of extra logic to expand the vertical collection view's frame to take up the whole screen once the horizontal collection view has disappeared from sight. Otherwise, you will have an awkward blank bar at the top of the screen where the horizontal collection view initially was while you scroll.

You have two scroll view lets call it "cvHorizontal" and "cvVertical".
You can manage scrollViewDidScroll method to hide cvHorizontal when scrolled up and show cvHorizontal when scrolled down.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
if (lastContentOffset > scrollView.contentOffset.y){
[self showCategory:YES];
lastContentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.y;
} else if (lastContentOffset < scrollView.contentOffset.y) {
[self showCategory:NO];
lastContentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.y;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.6 animations:^{
if(cvHorizontal.hidden ){
cvHorizontalHeight.constant=65.0f;//manage the cvHorizontal height and all the other constraints calculation if any
}else {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.6 animations:^{


Multiple UICollectionView

Hi Is it possible to create a Collection View with different scroll direction?
First section should scroll Horizontally and the second section will scroll Vertically.
I'm planning to create an app that shows the featured item image(array) in the first cell and user can swipe horizontally to see the next image and the rest is 2 cell per row and will scroll vertically.
EDIT: It should be treated as 1 view (for scrolling purposes)
Yes. You can simply create 2 different collection views. One will has horizontal direction. Another one will has vertical direction.
If you wanna move out the top collection view. I'd recommend you to implement UIScrollViewDelegate on the second collection view (UICollectionView is subclass of UIScrollView) and when user starts scrolling just moving top collection view out.
yes you can add a first collection view on view controller and add a header to collection view and add a another collection view on that and manage it with tag call the delegate method on the base of tag .
While scrolling, do you want the top part (IMAGE) to be scrolled or remain there at top?
If you want it to remain at top than create 2 collection views separately. One horizontally scrolling other one vertically scrolling.
If not then create one collection view (which moves both horizontal and vertical) with items/2 + 1 sections. First section will have multiple items and have another layout so that it will move horizontally. And the following sections will have 2 items but fit to the screen so that wont move horizontally.
Ya, its posible to create two UICollectionView, first is top and second is bottom. set the scroll direction flow horizontal or vertical.
your design is created below,
select the UICollectionView then see right side, select the Attribute Inpector set the scroll Direction Horizontal or Vertical.
GreenColor is one UICollectionView, GrayColor is second UICollectionView. < and > is UIButton
Use the scrollview delegate methods its scroll top side
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
GreenView.hidden = Yes;
//update the GrayView frame its helpful
/* CGFloat x = self.mainCollectionView.contentOffset.x / self.mainCollectionView.bounds.size.width * SM_IPHONE_THUMB_CONTAINER_SIZE; // cell width + spacing 48 + 8
CGFloat y = 0;
CGPoint contentOffset = CGPointMake(x, y);
self.thumbsCollectionView.contentOffset = contentOffset;
CGFloat x = self.thumbsCollectionView.contentOffset.x / self.thumbsCollectionView.bounds.size.width * SM_IPHONE_THUMB_CONTAINER_SIZE; // cell width + spacing 48 + 8
CGFloat y = 0;
CGPoint contentOffset = CGPointMake(x, y);
self.mainCollectionView.contentOffset = contentOffset; */
hope its helpful

Pause TableView scrolling

I have ViewController that have a UIView view and a TableView table inside it. View has big height so i want to hide it when user starts to scroll table - so table is now taking the whole screen.
To do that I use this method.
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
//hide view or decrease it height
I hide view with animation - so it takes few moments to hide. The problem is - when user start to scroll table and view is begin to become smaller - some of top cells of table are already not showing because they are in top.
I want to pause scrolling - so that it can begin only after the view height is decreased. Also - I am afraid that it can be strange for users.
You need to make the height change as per user scroll to make it efficient.
override another delegate function
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
myView.heightConstraint = myView.originalHeight - scrollView.contentOffset.y;
The contentOffset property gives you the current amount of x,y scrolled in the scrollview from the origin.
What you can do is, you can give your tableView the entire screen and make another view with whatever height you want and make it as a header view of your tableView. So now the view will scroll as your tableView scrolls. Is this what you are looking for?
[tableView setHeaderView:<your-custom-header-view>];

Nested Scroll view vs Table View or something else for this requirement

I have a requirement in which I need to have the following functionality -
1)I have a custom segmented control. In order to implement paging to the segmented control I have used horizontal scroll view. Each page has its own vertical scroll view.
1)The image should hide as user scrolls up in the respective pages and should show down when user scrolls down in respective pages but keeping the custom segment always at the top of the screen when image is hidden irrespective of the individual page selection-
What I have tried so far -
1st Method
I tried putting the image as header of a table view.
Created a single section with one cell & gave the section header as the custom segment. And in the cell I placed the horizontal scroll view with the cell's height adjusted to cover all portion left out of the superview but it didn't work out as when I scroll the vertical scrolling of individual pages it was not in sync with the table view.
2nd Method
I tried setting the segment initially with a fixed distance from the top & I increased & decreased the constraint inside scrollViewDidScroll(). But it too didn't work as when the user scrolled rapidly ,the changing of constraint value didn't follow correctly.
So is there any other way to achieve the same ?
Please suggest as I can't make out what to do?
You add a tableView and your UIImage on top of it inside a scrollView. The tableView must have the same height & width than your scrollView. Then you disable the pan gesture of the scrollView : = false
Then you have to implement a custom scroll in scrollViewDidScroll' of yourtableView`'s delegate:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if self.scrollView.contentOffset.y <= 100 {
self.scrollView.contentOffset.y += scrollView.contentOffset.y
self.tableView.contentOffset.y = 0
} else {
// let the tableView scroll normally
Or, you can have a try with ;)
It's a great component that can handle many type on animation in the header based on the position of a scrollView.

Mirror scrolling of UICollection

I have created a UICollection with a custom layout to allow for scrolling both vertical and horizontal. It is a grid of equal sections and items in each section (ie 10 x 10, 20 x 20, etc). I would like to be able to put two headers that remain in view, one along the top and one along the left side. I have not found a way to do this within the UICollection itself. So, I set up UICollection along the left and another along the top. However, as the user scrolls the grid left and right and/or up and down, I want these two collections to mirror those movements.
So, my question is: Is there a way to mirror the horizontal movement of the main UICollection to the top UICollection and then mirror the vertical movement of the main UICollection to the side UICollection?
UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView. It sends its delegate all of the messages defined in the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol.
The message you want to respond to is scrollViewDidScroll:. When your main collection view sends this message, you want to respond to it by getting its contentOffset and applying the offset to your margin collection views as appropriate.
// Implement this in your main collection view's delegate.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[self synchronizeCollectionViewContentOffsets];
- (void)synchronizeCollectionViewContentOffsets {
CGPoint offset = self.mainCollectionView.contentOffset;
self.leftMarginView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, offset.y);
self.topMarginView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(offset.x, 0);
So, I figured it out. Using self.mainCollectionView.contentOffset always returned (0,0), so tried to use the object name I actually assigned to it through the Storyboard and the view controller. This worked.
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[self synchronizeCollectionViewContentOffsets];
-(void)synchronizeCollectionViewContentOffsets {
CGPoint offset = myCollectionView.contentOffset;
myLeftMargin.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, offset.y);
myTopMargin.contentOffset = CGPointMake(offset.x, 0);
Where myCollectionView, myLeftMargin and myTopMargin are linked to the UICollectionViews through the Storyboard.

Make UIView scroll with UITableView but pin to top out of view

I currently have a view controller that is comprised of a Navigation bar, followed by a UIView that has two UIButtons added as subViews. There is then a UITableView underneath that begins at the bottom of the container UIView.
At the moment, when the user scrolls the UITableView it goes behind the UIView and UIButtons. What I actually want to happen is for the UIView and UIButtons to move up with the table view but only by the value of their height which in this case is 58 pixels. The flow would be like this...
1) Table scrolls and the UIView moves with it for the first 58 pixels.
2) The user continues to scroll the table but the UIView "pins" itself just out of view under the navigation bar.
3) When the user scrolls the table back down the UIView is then picked up and dragged back into view. I believe the new Facebook app does something similar in the timeline.
I don't want to set the UIView as the TableHeaderView of the table as I also have a pull-to-refresh which then sits above the buttons and looks terrible. I've tried playing around with the contentOffset properties of the underlying scrollview of the table but have hit a brick wall.
Any advice on where to start would be appreciated.
EDIT: I am gotten a little further and using this code to move the frame of the UIView.
-(void) scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
NSLog (#"Content Offset: %f", self.tableView.contentOffset.y);
NSLog (#"Button Frame: %f", self.btnBackground.frame.origin.y);
if (self.tableView.contentOffset.y > 0)
CGRect newFrame = self.btnBackground.frame;
newFrame.origin.x = 0;
newFrame.origin.y = -self.tableView.contentOffset.y;
[self.btnBackground setFrame: newFrame];
The problem now is that the scrollViewDidScroll delegate method doesn't get fired quickly enough if the table view is scrolled fast. The result is that the UIView doesn't quite make all way back to its original position when scroll quickly.
The scroll content offset is a good idea. Also if you tableview has only one section one approach is to do a custom header view representing the top level widgets. If there is more than one sections create an additional empty section which would return your custom header.
You can refer to this stack overflow post.
Customize UITableview Header Section
Well Asked Question (y)
well , for me i would first : use a main UIScrollView that contains both your topView and the tableView under it and that has the same width as your top UIView and UITableView and set its height to be height(tableView) + height(topView).
Second : since UITableView is a subClass of UISCrollView you can use scrollViewDidScroll delegate to know if the tableview is scrolled up or down.
in this cas you will have Two cases :
1) tableview is scrolled up = > you set the content offset of the main scrollView to be
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 58) animated:YES];
2) when the table view is scrolled down you can reset the content offset again
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 0) animated:YES];
