Google Fusion Tables upload - google-fusion-tables

Trying to follow instructions from google and upload a csv for a new fusion table. The page throws a very helpful error 'Import failed. Please retry.', and the dev console shows the server actually returned an http 405 error 'HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL'
Is there another way to upload csv files?

Your link suggests that you're trying to upload a 228mb file. I think I had some issued with large CSVs too. You could cut it up into smaller files until the error goes away, but IIRC the maximum file size is something like 5mb.
My preferred work-around is importing via Google Sheets. Upload your CSV to Drive, re-save it from Sheets, then import the Sheet into Fusion Tables.


How do I connect an ATOMSVC file to Google Sheets?

Currently, I am using PowerPivot to get the data from the ATOMSVC file and then having that automatically upload the results of the connection to Google Drive. I was wondering if there is a way to use one of the import functions instead with the link inside of the ATOMSVC file?

Download embeded google sheets

as I'm not a web developer by any means, this is me just asking a question for that I have not found a solution for.
I have a google sheet with multiple pages/sheets within it. the file is embeded in an iframe inside a webpage and I pulled the url and can open it directly using the url. the following link is just an example as I can't share the actual link since I am not allowed to:{key}/pubhtml?widget=true&headers=false
I have tried this:{key}
and is not working I get an error:
Sorry, unable to open the file at present.
Please check the address and try again.
the file is not meant for anyone to download nor share. Furthremore, since it is continuosely manually updated by author and I need to keep track of updates, taking screenshots is not efficient since the file is too big.
is there any way I can download the actual sheet to my device (so I can compare file updates over the long run)
Thank you.
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to download a Google Spreadsheet.
You are the owner of Google Spreadsheet.
The Spreadsheet is published as the Web publish. So the URL of Spreadsheet is
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, the Google Spreadsheet cannot be directly downloaded as the Google Spreadsheet. It seems that this is the current specification. In this case, it is required to export the Google Spreadsheet as other mimeType. For example, it's XLSX format, PDF format and CSV format. But the URL of cannot directly export. So, in this answer, as a workaround, I would like to propose to use the URL for exporting Google Spreadsheet as other mimeType.
When your URL is used, the URL for exporting is as follows.
Modified url:
In this case, when you access to above URL using browser, your Spreadsheet can be exported as a XLSX file.
When output=xlsx is modified to output=pdf and output=csv, you can export as a PDF file and a CSV file, respectively.
When you want to export the specific sheetm please use the sheet ID like gid=0. The URL is as follows.
When you want to make users downloading the Spreadsheet, you can add the tag a as follows.

Google sheets returns random versions of a published document

Google sheets allows everyone reading published documents as CSV. I edited a document then I execute the following CLI command repeatedly and I get different content (document versions) each time. Only after 5+ minutes it starts producing actual content stably.
Q: Is there a way to retrieve actual information by that link rather than random?
# the curl command is like this
# the URL is picked from the "publish to the web" UI dialog
curl ""
Background: wanted to try the Sheets as a tiny DB.
I noticed that using queries we can avoid that (caching?) randomness. This solves the problem + the changes are applied immediately.
curl ",B,C,D"

Not able to convert .docx file to pdf using microsoft graph api

For my project need, I need to convert MS format documents in to pdf. I started exploring microsoft graph API. For easiness I started with graph explorer(using my corporate and personal login) on
I have added sample document in drive and using, I got itemId of my file.
Now, I am trying to convert it into pdf using{itemId}/content?format=pdf. But I am always getting response as Failure - Status Code 0
Anyone has an idea how to fix this issue?
Here is an attached screen shot of microsoft graph explorer
Note: I found similar problem here but it is not solved
According to your description, I assume you want to convert .docx file to pdf using Microsoft graph API.
Based on my test, we can use{itemId}/content?format=pdf.
It will return a failure response when run it in graph explore. However, when we use the develop control panel, we can get this request and response.
Location properties are in the response headers. It is the address of the converted file.
We can use this URI to review or download the document that converted.
The request URL:{itemId}/content?format=pdf
The response may like this:

Google Sheets is unable to open an XML spreadsheet

I have an XML spreadsheet generated using
I want to open it into Google Sheets, but Google is unable to perform this, and throws the error "Unable to convert".
Is there any way to open an XML spreadsheet using Google Sheets?
Here's what you can try. As suggested in this google forum try to convert your XML file to Excel sheet first. One of way to do this is use an online converter - XML to Excel Converter. After that, you can now try to open the Excel file using Google sheets.
For anyone coming here later, I just successfully converted a 96MB XML file using The other sites I tried did not allow such a large file, understandably.
