This action could not be completed. Try Again (-22421) (Xcode) - ios

I have tried to upload my app to App Store (iTunes Connect) to test my app in TestFlight, but always appears the same error message. I don´t know what I´m doing wrong. It´s the third day I´m trying to upload my app.
Also read that this is a problem from Apple's servers, but every day is the same problem.
Please help me with this problem.

I have done it with Application Loader. First export the .ipa file, and then proccesed in Application Loader to visualize in iTunes Connect. Never works with Xcode.

You can try following solutions:
Use Application Loader to upload your app, as Xcode organizer can't upload file (rejects IPA) sometimes, without genuine reason and it's frequently occurring issue, with Xcode Organizer, that apple could not resolve permanently.
Solution to error code: 22421
Apple app upload server is not working properly (not in
connection or lost connection during file upload). Just wait and try
again later (may be after a day).
Fluctuation in your network
connection, during file upload.
You may not have added privacy
statements in your info.plist file.
Cocoa Keys: Here, is list of keys that you should consider to add in your info.plist file, if you have used that service in your application.
Nowadays, you may also face, this error code: 90186 (with app loader)
Outdated application loader can be reason of this error. Use latest Xcode tool and use application loader from Xcode Tool.
Incorrect/invalid provisioning profile, associated with your build. Ensure, your have used correct provisioning profile (A provisioning
profile with Distribution/Production mode is require. A Development mode provisioning profile won't allow your to upload app on store.)
You can find latest Application Loader Tool from latest Xcode Tool: Xcode ▶ Open Developer Tool ▶ Application Loader

try this
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/


How to solve: Xcode Archive upload failed with error 22421

I tried everything but I cannot upload a build to iTunes anymore. It worked for over a year perfectly, but since I had to re-install macOS Sierra, I get this error and trying over and over again doesn't help.
I have the latest Xcode from the App Store and I can run the App on my developer phone, the app is actually already in the App Store, I can use the simulator, no build errors, but the moment I try to upload a new build I get the 22421 error without any detailed description.
Does anybody know how to solve this?
I found this solution (in Terminal) on the official developer forums:
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
You can try following solutions:
Use Application Loader to upload your app, as Xcode organizer can't upload file (rejects IPA) sometimes, without genuine reason and it's frequently occurring issue, with Xcode Organizer, that apple could not resolve permanently.
Solution for error code: 22421
Apple app upload server is not working properly (not in
connection or lost connection during file upload). Just wait and try
again later (may be after a day).
Fluctuation in your network
connection, during file upload.
You may not have added privacy
statements in your info.plist file.
Cocoa Keys: Here, is list of keys that you should consider to add in your info.plist file, if you have used that service in your application.
Nowadays, you may also face, this error code: 90186 (with app loader)
Outdated application loader can be reason of this error. Use latest Xcode tool and use application loader from Xcode Tool.
Incorrect/invalid provisioning profile, associated with your build. Ensure, your have used correct provisioning profile (A provisioning
profile with Distribution/Production mode is require. A Development mode provisioning profile won't allow your to upload app on store.)
You can find latest Application Loader Tool from latest Xcode Tool: Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader

iOS - Error: This action could not be completed. Try Again (-22421)

I am trying to upload an iOS App to the App Store, using Xcode >> Organizer, but I got the issue This Action could not be completed. Try Again (-22421) as in the below image.
I tried to re-upload app many times but same error occurred
Here is snaps for an issue I'm getting :
What to do next? How can I upload my app successfully on store?
Tried using Application Loader app and now getting another error
Error ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid.
Use Application Loader to upload your app, as Xcode organizer can't upload file (rejects IPA) sometimes, without genuine reason and it's frequently occurring issue, with Xcode Organizer, that apple could not resolve permanently.
There are few other reasons also for such kind of error, like
Apple app upload server is not working properly (not in
connection or lost connection during file upload). Just wait and try
again later (may be after a day).
Fluctuation in your network
connection, during file upload.
You may not have added privacy
statements in your info.plist file.
Cocoa Keys: Here, is list of keys that you should consider to add in your info.plist file, if you have used that service in your application.
Solution for error code: 90186
Outdated application loader can be reason of this error. Use latest Xcode tool and use application loader from Xcode Tool.
Incorrect/invalid provisioning profile, associated with your build. Ensure, your have used correct provisioning profile (A provisioning
profile with Distribution/Production mode is require. A Development mode provisioning profile won't allow your to upload app on store.)
You can find latest Application Loader Tool from latest Xcode Tool: Xcode (Menu) ► Open Developer Tool ► Application Loader
This works fine with application loader. You will have to create ur ipa from the Xcode organizer and use application loader.
I am facing this issue for the last week. finally uploaded using application loader.

Unable to upload app to iTunes Connect - iTunes Store operation failed. Authentication timeout

I'm trying to upload my app to iTunes Connect with Xcode. I chose product > archive, choose my account, it compiles and when I try to upload it hand for a long time on:
Uploading Archive
Sending API usage to iTunes Connect...
Then it shows an error message:
I've restarted Xcode and the entire machine but still it keeps repeating itself.
What's wrong here?
This usually happens to me when the phone is connected while uploading the archive, and removing the phone so far has been solving the issue for me.
My solution was to install Application Loader. At first it seemed like it's stuck as well, but after about 10 minutes it started uploading.
I solved this issue.
There is a checkbox "include bitcode" at the bottom of the Summary screen (when you validate Archive) or Send XXX to Apple screen (when you upload to App Store) where the Organizer show the Binary and Entitlements together with Provisioning Profile. In XCode 7 it is checked by default. I unchecked it and re-run Validation - worked fine. As soon as checked the checkbox back on, it started failing with same error.
I have also unchecked the other checkbox on the same screen - symbolis upload.
Successfully uploaded the binary using the Organizr just now.
Here the solution that helped in Xcode 8, summary screen:
Still getting the same error despite "unchecking" bitcode and also archiving with the bitcode under Basic Profile turned off in the info.plist.
It would only work if I used Application Loader, like this:
First, export the application Archive from Xcode's Organizer window (it saves this into a directory on the Desktop).
Then, from Xcode:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
My guess is that there is a bug somewhere either with iTunes Connect back end or xCode itself.
A couple of Xcode restart didn't resolve the issue but Application Loader solved it for the very first attempt. Also, Application Loader, is more descriptive for letting one know what's going on during the whole upload process. Plus simultaneous apps upload is possible via Application Loader.
I got this error when trying to upload an app to App Store Connect (01/20/2020). Restarting Xcode fixed the issue for me.
I've had the same issue.
Tried to upload the app with Transporter with no success.
Restarting of Mac and Xcode didn't help.
Solution was to logout from Xcode and log in back
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Select your Apple ID and click on "-" below
To submit to App Store use Application Loader but after creating the "App-Specific" password as the following:
Log in to and enter your 2FA (TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION) code.
Then in the Security section on the bottom right area, you'll see: APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS.
Generate Password... Click the link to create an app-specific password, Enter your password.
Copy the app-specific password. Enter the password into the Application Loader.
Choose the exported ipa to submit it.
For developers uploading apps with Xcode: simply change network and restart your Mac.
I solved this issue with Transporter, native Apple application. You can download it from AppStore.
This application has a much more information about uploading process and possible errors.
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Choose the exported .ipa file into the transporter and press "Deliver".
I was getting the same error. Application Loader didn't work. I couldn't open any Apple Developer/Forum webpages either to find an answer there. And iTunesConnect wouldn't let me log in. I thought the site was down and I couldn't even access the Apple Status pages.
My VPN was connecting outside the US. After turning off the VPN everything returned to normal. I have been letting the VPN connect to random places around the globe, probably should keep it in my area.
In my case, The build with the same number (e.g. Version 1.0(1.6)) was already been uploaded to AppStore. I found that after logging into itunes and checked the TESTFLIGHT BUILDS -> iOS and there I saw 1.6 (Processing)
Note: 1.0 is the version number and 1.6 is build number.

Xcode stuck at “Your application is being uploaded”

I am facing an issue while submitting my app from Xcode to the App Store. I have done everything regarding my project, and its running fine on my iPhone and iPad. But when I submit my project I am facing a huge problem.
First after archive I have done the validate. Now my archive file in Organizer is showing status pass validation as well. So I believe I am at the final step of submitting the app.
I have clicked on distribute and selected submit app to app store.
After login I have selected provisioning files as well.
I am stuck here. You can see in the screenshot below. And I have never seen any
progress bar where I can see the submission progress or something like that.
Only screen I can see is:
It was near about 1.30 hours. And internet connection is working. My ipa file is only 3.5 MB.
And last when I tried Application loader to upload the same I received the following screen as well for a long time in Authenticating with the iTunes Store... ..
What should I do now?
As I felt a serious issue on this. I believe this answer might be helpful.
After trying for around 10 to 12 hours to fix this issue and as everything else regarding my project and coding was fine enough, it became a headache for me. But after getting some valuable comments from some of the expert users of stack-overflow and after doing some more search on the internet, I have found some quality answers.
This answer helped me the most:
application loader stuck at the stage of "Authenticating with the iTunes Store"
If you are going to upload it through Application Loader and it gets stuck on "Authentication with the iTunes Store..."
You are going to upload it through XCode and it stucks on “Your application is being uploaded”
Then just keep your head cool and check this first method:
Check if your firewall protection is off. If not then turn it off. It maybe blocking you to connect your computer with iTunes
Try a different internet connection. The purpose for trying a different internet connection is that your current internet connection maybe blocking a required port for connection to Apple servers.
If the above steps doesn't help you then follow this second method:
Xcode needs java runtime for uploading your apps to the App Store.
enter 'java -version' in the terminal, java version should be 1.6 .If not then download
latest compatible java only from apple download center:
If this still doesn't help then follow this third method:
This method enables the application loader to use the HTTP port instead of HTTPS.
Go to
Application Loader java folder :
Open file using any text editor application like text mate or sublime text
Change this particular line : #https.proxyPort=443 proxy port to
Save the file. And that's it !! You can easily upload your binary file to App
store now.
If the above methods still doesn't help then follow this fourth method: Regenerate your certificate
Goto iOS developer portal (
Revoke current certificate which is used by your App for signing.
Remove current "iOS distribution provision profile" from Developer
Regenerate the iOS distribution certificate and add them in developer portal.
Regenerate "iOS distribution provision profile" for app store
distribution and download to mac.
Install it.
Try again using xcode/application loader to upload the build.
There is definitely a problem if your app stuck on "application stuck process". I suggest you to go with Application loader rather than Xcode itself as Application loader shows the activity status. You can clearly know in which step you stuck.
The most frequent issue faced is to stuck on the "Authentication with the iTunes Store..." step.
There are possible two work around which I followed and finally submitted my app to app store. You can try both. For me both worked at least once.
Method One : This method plays with proxy port to use http connection over https
Go to Application Loader java folder : /Applications/
Open file with "sublime text" or "text mate"
Change "#https.proxyPort=443" proxy port to "https.proxyPort=80"
Save the file and reopen Application Loader and Try again.
Method Two : Regenerate your certificate and iOS distribution provision profile and Try to upload
Delete previous certificate referenced by your App for signing.
Revoke your distribution certificate and download it to your mac. And install it by double clicking it.
Delete current "iOS distribution provision profile" from Developer portal.
Regenerate "iOS distribution provision profile" for app store distribution and download to mac.
Install it by double clicking it.
Try again using application loader to upload the build.
Edit: I again got this problem while uploading new build. Both of above methods were followed but was stucking in "Authentication..". Restarted the mac book and it worked. When you restart, the previous itunesconnect connection (which you might have opened in browser prior to submit your app) are reset which allows restarted mac to easily authenticate iTunes Connect. Yesterday (jan 26, 2014) the iTunesConnect authentication step proceeded within 2 mins. Hope this helps someone who is loosing patience while stuck on authentication step.
Edit 2: Before deleting distribution Certificate, try only regenerating "iOS Distribution Provision Profile". It worked for me else you can redo as above.
I Hope this helps. All the best.
I tried all the steps from Rajan's solution; none worked. However, this threads on apple dev forum ( gave me the solution in my case :
Try this, it fixed it for me. Open Terminal and run:
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
iTMSTransporter will then update itself, then you can try uploading in XCode again.
For me, just logging out from ituneconnect website and does work.And just using xcode to upload. No need to restart
I got this issue today. But finally I found it's caused by my wrong settings.
In 'Build settings' of the target, change settings "Code Signing Identity -> Release" to your production certificate, and "Provisioning Profile -> Release" to your distribution provisioning file.
Then archive and distribute it again.
You can try to cancel the upload and retry. If that does not work you may want to try the Application Loader from Apple. It essentially does the same thing, but does not resign the binary. You can download the application loader from itunes connect. See (Getting Started, Page 9)
I had the same issue.
I cancelled and ran a validation check. It turned out I had written a URL Scheme incorrectly.
Xcode did not gave any errors when uploading and simply got stuck but validating gave the error.
So, try validation first. Hope this helps someone.
try this on terminal
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
worked for me after hours of researching
This is Happened Due to the iTMSTransporter
Try this, it fixed it for me. Open Terminal and run:
Use these commands one by one on the terminal. Hope it will help you
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
iTMSTransporter will then update itself, then you can try uploading in XCode again.
I met this issues many times, I tried all steps but it still not working (home network) and try other network work fine (company network).
I fixed this problem by update latest Java SE from 1.6 to 1.7 and it work like a charm
To be honest, this may not be an answer but it really worked for me.
I launched Application Loader and started submitting. While sumbitting was going on,
I launched Organiser and select Distribution over archiver in Xcode as well and started uploading concurrent.
They worked together and 2nd one completed the submission.
Just my experience.
For me the issue was that I've changed my Dev. Account at some point of time and Application Loader itself was not authorized anymore. You have to manually to go it (Xcode -> Open Developer Tools -> Application Loader) and fill in your account details
I had the same issue. I as able to fix it by:
Remove/delete all distribution certificates and provisioning profiles from my machine.
Revoke distribution certificates and delete distribution provisioning profiles from Member Centre at
Create a new Distribution certificated by generating a new certificate signing request from keychain access
Create a new provisioning profile for app store distribution
Download newly created certificate and add it to keychain access
Download newly created provisioning profile and add it to xcode. OR sync from Xcode from account settings.
Try to upload again.
This is some silly issue that Apple needs to fix asap. I wasted 2 days from something as silly as this.
I had the same issue. Trying all these answers may work sometimes, but usually it takes much time and may not work at the end like in my case.
I figured out a solution which will probably work for all.
Create your .ipa file by: Product -> Arcive -> Disribute(Save for Enterprise or ...) -> Next and save .ipa at target
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader -> Deliver your app -> Pick your .ipa file
Withing few minutes your app will submit to iTunes. Good luck
All i did was duplicate my Application in /Applications and ran both Application loaders at the same time.
I had the same issue after updating Xcode5 to Xcode6. After hours of craziness, the one and only thing that helped me was to delete my account in Xcode preferences and add my account again.
Last week I had the same issue after update to Xcode7, this helped me again...
If you are running inside a virtual machine (e.g. VMWare or VirtualBox), try setting the network adapter mode from the default NAT to Bridged.
This worked for me:
Logout from iTunes portal in all the browsers.
Restart your Mac machine.
Open Application Loader
Click on your Apple Login in the Top Right corner of the Application Loader Window.
Clicking Next will succeed your authentication process.
Now, do your process as usual by clicking upon the "Deliver Your App" and following the procedure beyond that.
My problem was I forgot to change the Bundle Identifier in info settings for the target. Hope it help someone.
I had similar issue while uploading iOS apps through application loader.Then once after i opened iTunes parallel all of the sudden uploading apps was faster.Not sure if iTunes has any dependency with application loader.
None of the answers worked for me and my upload was hanging for days without any error. (my build was generated using Expo). Here's what I did to make this work:
In the apple's guideline, it says one way to upload the build is to use the Transporter.
Using the Transporter, it was able to detect and output the error.
It turns out the root cause for me was the XCode version was 9 but it has to be 10.
I hope this helps others who are struggling on this issue.

Bundling app for app store distribution in Xcode 4.3

I can't believe how difficult it is to figure out the final process for building an app and getting it into the app store.
I've already prepped iTunes Connect with my app and it shows up in Application Loader.
I finally figured out how to "archive" the app, although none of the guides I found, including Apple's, seemed to really describe this process in complete detail.
Now I've got a .xcarchive package. For some reason, Application Loader will not let me select that kind of file. I read somewhere about needing to archive as a .zip file, so I tried that. Now Application Loader allows me to select the file, but after I click Send, it gives me this error:
"The application wrapper must end in .app."
What exactly is the process of archiving from Xcode 4.3 and getting the application uploaded into the app store?
In the XCode Organizer, does the 'Archives' tab allow ou to 'Distribute'? You should then have the option to 'Submit to the iOS App Store'.
This is described in more detail in Distributing Your iOS App.
The submission process doesn't get a lot of description because, when it works, it's quite simple. You never need to manually locate the '.xcarchive' package or '.ipa' file for your app store submission, only for testing or backups outside the app store. (You do need the archive package, but it's just quietly created and then uploaded by XCode.)
