Home button in PowerPoint to show on mouseover using VBA - hyperlink

I use a home button on most of my slides with a link back to the agenda for quick jumps during my presentation. That way I avoid flipping through the individual slides and get straight back to the overview.
However, I don't want the home button in my lower right corner to show on each page as it spoils the clean look. I tried to use the mouseover event in combination with a macro but can't get it to run. I thought about making the home button completely transparent and on mouseover I would set the transparency to zero so the button shows up. When I click on it, it would follow the link.
Any help to get me there is highly appreciated.

You do know that you can simply press 1 then Enter to return to the first slide in the show, right?
But to follow up on your "I thought about .." idea, why not add a shape on the slide master in a place that won't get covered up by content in any of the slides, then assign it a Go To Slide 1 action setting. After testing to make sure it does what you want, give it any color you like then make it 99% transparent.
As long as you don't forget where to click, you're good to go.


How to delete item from Swift UI List in UI Test

Is it possible to delete a Swift UI List item from a UI test?
For the user they can press the edit button which puts the list into edit mode (screenshot 1), then press the red circle with the white line, then press Delete.
Alternatively the user can swipe delete the list item.
Even with the accessibility inspector on I can't see what the icon is (the red circle with the white line). It doesn't show anything when I hover over it. Also the recorder doesn't record anything if I try using that tool.
If I try with .swipeLeft() to try to delete using the swipe gesture instead, it actually "taps" on the list button instead of swiping and just opens the detail view.
Any ideas? What am I missing here? Or is this not actually possible?
Ok I found a way to make it work with the swipe method. It's pretty simple. Just need to let the test know to swipe a bit slower.
app.staticTexts["Test"].swipeLeft(velocity: XCUIGestureVelocity.slow)
Using that I'm able to then tap on the delete button and assert that the item is gone.
I'm not super fussed right now about the other method, as long as there's a way to test deleting (and as long as I'm allowing swipe delete). However would be good to know if someone has the answer.

How to Have a Side Menu Slide Along With Finger?

I'm building an app in XCode with Swift, and right now I have a side menu that appears when the button is tapped, and it disappears when the button is tapped again (or the dim area is tapped):
Home View <--------------> Side Menu
I'd like to be able to slide the menu out from the side, and slide to close it (like plenty of popular apps do), where the edge of the menu kind of follows the finger as you slide. How can I achieve this?
For anyone looking to an answer for this, I recommend using a Cocoapod called "SideMenu." The API is quite simple and it makes side menus a whole lot easier.

How can I get hyperlinks on Google Slides to open in the same window?

I'm a kindergarten teacher trying to post a set of Google slides to support online learning. I have a very modest understanding of HTML. I want students to move to new slides by clicking hyperlinks, not by scrolling through like a presentation, so I made each slide (10-12 total) its own presentation. It works, but every time you navigate from one to the other, it opens it in a new tab, which quickly turns into too many tabs. I don't see a way to create links that open in the same window.
campus (only READING link is set up at the moment)
There is code you could add to a SINGLE presentation slide that would open in a 'preview' tab which is a little different than present mode. You would have to put all slides back into 1 slide presentation(file). Replaced everything at the end including the word edit.
Then I would replace the above with--look at the end of the code.
Now clicking the links would keep the user on the same slide deck throughout all their clicks. They can advance or go back depending on your links inside the presentation

How to hide components when clicking outside your area

I have a form with green edit, when the user clicks the search button, the components in red are displayed on the screen. But I want that when the user clicks out of the component area, they disappear. I have no idea how to do this. I saw some people using a layout to cover the whole screen, but wanted to know if there was another way.
Or use the
OnFormclick event with object.visible:=false;

Animate only a part of an element

how can I animate only a part of an element?
I show/hide a div using jquery-ui's show method but I'd like to start/end the animation from/to a given height of the element.
My dev website can be seen here (link removed). When clicking on the 'Contact' button the contact page shows up or hides if it's already open. Since I couldn't find how to starts my animation from a given height I added a fixed button when it's closed, but when the contact button of the contact page overlaps the fixed button when it's closing...
Any help welcome!
looking for something like this??
You can also add any fade or whatever effects. This is using a single button to animate both open and close. You could also attach a attribute to the button tag to define it's current state.
