Unable to add device in Apple Developer Program - ios

I am unable to add a new device in the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section of the Apple Developer portal.
I have two developer accounts, one personal account and one account for a company. The account for the company, I am set as a 'member' for the team. This is the account that I am unable to add a new device for. (I am also not able to download the Distribution certificate, which I believe is a related issue that I need resolved too).
I have researched the other similar questions on SO, but neither of them applied to my scenario.
Here is a picture showing the + button disabled (greyed out)

From Apple documentation:
Team members can’t register devices and create development
provisioning profiles using their developer account.
Ask from someone who has Team admin or Team agent privileges to add you.

I figured it out. Team Members are unable to add a new device via the Developer Portal. However, they are allowed to add a new device to the provisioning file via XCode. I was working with Xamarin and didn't know that I needed to go back to XCode in order to add a new device to the provisioning file.
If you're working in Xamarin and experience this problem, you need to create a 'dummy app' in XCode with the same info as your Xamarin app. Then select your team and it should generate the correct provisioning file for you. After that, build and run your app on your device, then a pop up window should display telling you that the device is not in the provisioning file, then asks if you would like to add it. A simple click of 'Yes' will automatically add the device to the provisioning file which is then reflected on the Developer Account.
Hope that helps someone else! I spent many hours trying to figure this out.


Your account does not have permission to create iOS distribution certificates

I want to upload my app to testflight. when I upload the app Xcode shows this error:
your account does not have permission to create ios distribution certificates
Anyone help me?
This seems to be a bug or poorly described feature in iTunes Connect & the Apple Developer portal.
I had a developer that joined my team, initially as a "member", but wasn't able to create certificates, even after giving him admin access. It turns out, that I believe we were only giving him admin access to Itunes connect, but not to the developer page.
The correct fix was to go to the developer portal, click the "People" tab (or go to this URL https://developer.apple.com/account/#/people/), remove his access, then use the Invite as Admins to add him to the account. He then had to go into Xcode and remove his developer account information, add it back in, and then he was finally able to upload builds to Testflight without this error.
This should be the user permission issue. Please note that only user with Team Agent role has permission to generate certificates for distribution of app outside the App Store. I believe, you are not in Team Agent role. Please double check your permissions.
You can even generate a Certificate Signing Request and send it to your Team Agent. Get back the created certificate from the Team Agent and use it to sign apps.
Based on your comment "Yes, we have a developer account for Team" I am guessing that what you have is an Enterprise Developer account. If you have a Enterprise DA you cannot upload to the apple store/test-flight. You will need to create a personal developer account for that. Enterprise accounts are only good for in house testing and not for external. That's why you are getting this error.
Using keychain, export valid certificate on a computer on which iOS distribution signing identity works. You need two files, one is public - <fileNamePublic>.pem file, and other is private - <fileNamePrivate>.p12 file.
Put those files in a folder on computer on which you need signing identity to work.
Open terminal and browse to the folder you've put them in.
First, type: security import <fileNamePrivate>.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Then type: security import <fileNamePublic>.pem -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Open XCode, go to XCode>preferences>accounts>view details and refresh the apple id you are using
You should have signing identities enabled.
Perhaps your iTunes Connect account does not have the correct role?
I was receiving similar error and also, I had a permission to create certificate with my account which has developer role. I tried all of the solutions but none of them worked for me. Therefore, I downloaded provisioning profile from developer account and I used that provisioning profile from manual signing when I was archiving to my build then error disappeared.
Every thing was good with my account, no permission changed as already it was same email id used to purchase the account.
I fixed this problem by removing the account from Xcode preferences and again added it. What i did was immediately added credentials in Xcode preferences right after purchasing the account. I should have to wait for Apple to process the order.
For anyone finding this now: Team Agent no longer exists. If your role is Admin or App Manager you can upload builds and create provisioning profiles, etc. Note that if you get this error when you upload, then ask for the correct permissions and it still doesn't work, quit Xcode and try again!
Perhaps your provisioning profile was expired and even after updating it from Apple's developer website, Xcode doesn't try to fetch the new one.
Here's how to solve it:
Xcode -> preferences -> accounts
Select your Apple ID, and on the right bottom pane select your team and click View Details
Under provisioning profile, find your expired profile, right click, and click Move to Trash
You should be able to sign and upload your app.
If you are getting the same error...Create the .ipa file and upload to https://www.diawi.com/
you will get an link, which you can share with your client.It's not a solution for your question but it will help you.

Development team not showing in Xcode

I am an self-employed iOS developer and so have my own iOS distribution membership.
For a few days, I am working as a developer in a team. My apple account has been added in their iTunes Connect / Users and Roles. It works since I can access to the app details of the current app we develop.
However, I can't get it right on Xcode. And so Xcode says the bundle ID is not right because I don't have the provisioning profiles.
In 'Project>General>Identity>Team', I can only select my own account and I don't see the new team I am part of.
I don't see it neither in the Accounts page of Xcode preferences.
A provisioning profile has been created by the team leader for me. It didn't solve the problem.
Question: How to add new team we belong to in Xcode?
Note - at long last Apple will resolve this insanity,
They are finally fixing it in 2018:
Apple has now unified both AppStore Connect and developer.apple.com systems.
To add profile & certificates capabilities:
Navigate to App Store Connect > Users and Access
Select your user account. (You may need to be a team admin to do this.)
In section "Developer Resources", check the box "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
You will only see this option when your dev account is a 'Organization'
Update: This answer posted in February 2019 is still valid as of September 2021
Overwhelming issue here:
Apple have two totally different fundamental systems,
- the "developer.apple" system
and the
- iTunes connect system
They are completely different. As a rule you need to be in both.
It's the single most confusing (and ridiculous) thing in the whole software industry. It is a source of endless confusion.
When you suffer the problem on this page, 99% of the time the solution is "they added me on iTunes Connect, but they forgot to add me on Developer..." or "they forgot to make me an admin on one or the other."
If you are added to a existing team, Ask for an invitation as Admin
Go in apple developer center: https://developer.apple.com/account
Again, that's developer.apple,
itunesconnect.apple !!!
Once you are in at developer.apple.com/account, be sure you are in the correct team on the top right corner:
Go in section people
Be sure your are admin :
If everything it's ok here. So stop completelly Xcode and restart it.
Be sure your account is added to Xcode in Preference->Account
If not, click on the + on the bottom left corner and add your account.
Now, in your project, go on your target :
And in team, your new team must appear :
To repeat,
Your company has to invite you on the "developer thing" as shown in the images here. If you're "only" invited on the "itunes thing", nothing works. Really silly and bizarre, but that's how it is.
Xcode does not see your development team(it is not a personal team) until admin check in the next setting in AppStoreConnect even if your role is Developer
Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
SOLUTION : My account was not added in the certificates page of the member center of the development team leader.
He just added me and I received an invitation to join. It solved the problem since I can now select my team in Xcode.
For those who live in 2021 but are simply lost, here is where the "Team" button moved !
You’ll simply find it under the section “Signing and Capabilities” instead of “Main”. See the image below:
In addition of what #opyh said, your user must have checked the option "Access to certificates, identifiers and profiles." in https://itunesconnect.apple.com/access/users to see your own team.
After that, you have to add your account in xcode > target > team, and you will show your user is assigned to a team.
For this you have to do following things:
Check whether your apple ID is added into the team on Apple
Developer portal with specific role. If not then it should be added.
After that you have to add your apple account in the
settings of the Xcode at following path. If added then remove and add again
Xcode -> Preferences ->
Accounts -> Add the account by clicking on 'Plus' (+) button on the
left botttom section
If this is done and still have a issue then regenerate the provisioning profile, install and use it.
It seems when Apple merged App Store Connect and Developer accounts, some accounts have been missed, like mine – In my case (I am part of a team, but not the account holder), I had to use a different solution:
Check if your team shows up on https://appstoreconnect.apple.com (as entry in the menu in the top right corner)
Check if your team shows up on https://developer.apple.com/account (as entry in the menu in the top right corner)
If the team is missing in one of the menus, let the account owner remove your membership in App Store Connect and re-invite you. After accepting your new invitation, the missing team should be displayed on both App Store Connect and the Developer portal. Now you can also use it in Xcode.
You may also need the appropriate certificate. without the need to have full access to certifications or to be full admin
you can email the creator of the signing certificate. Ask the creator to export the signing certificate on their Mac so you can install it on your Mac.
Please see the link below for more information:
Apple's documentation of what app signing is
Apple's documentation on how to "Create, export, and delete signing certificates"
I faced into the same issue, after 1 hour trying many ways, they showed your developer program was expired :D. Why don't it show at the first time to save my time.
For me I had to go build settings under Signing -> Code signing identity then changed it to iOS Developer and went under Development team -> select others then add the team key.
I had this same issue. I needed my admin to additionally grant me 'Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles'. The solution was given here by user bruno887 https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/117098
If you recently signed into the account, ensured you have the correct permissions in Apple Developer + App Store Connect, and still can't get a new team to show up, I've had to restart my computer or log out / log in order to get it to appear. Sounds crazy but this has been the only resolution for me on multiple occasions.
Removing the user in App Store Connect, Mac Settings, and re-login the user that worked for me.

How to "select a team" when Xcode thinks I'm not a registered iOS developer? Also, do I need an iPhone to get a provisioning profile?

When I try to create an archive for my finished app, I get this message:
No non-expired provisioning profiles were found. Xcode can resolve
this issue by downloading a new provisioning profile from the
Membership Center.
I click Fix Issue.
I then get:
The selected team doesn't have an iOS Developer Program membership.
Select a team with an iOS Developer Program membership and try again.
I do have an iOS developer program membership but I can't figure out how to "select a team." I've looked around and can't find any resources on how to correct this. Anyone else had this problem?
When I go to Project > General > Identity > Team, my account is correctly associated with the app, and it says that I have an iOS developer membership. Yet no provisioning profile and the above errors persist.
When I click Fix Issue beneath "Team" in the Identity section of Project > General, to correct the lack of provisioning profile, I get a different error:
Unable to create a provisioning profile because your team has no
devices registered in the Member Center. Please connect a device,
enable it for development, and add it to the Membership Center using
the Organizer.
I have a Mac, but no iPhone....does that mean I can't publish the app? Or can I use the Mac? How do I add it? I don't see any option in the organizer.
Per your last remaining road block
Unable to create a provisioning profile because your team has no
devices registered in the Member Center. Please connect a device,
enable it for development, and add it to the Membership Center using
the Organizer.
You need to register a device. If you do not own one, find a friend or relative and ask them to allow you to register their device. It will not create any issues for them. You do not need the device after that for archiving, it just needs to be registered so a profile can be generated.
You can set the device to be a generic iOS device. When I was running an archive with my iPhone as the default target, I would get the team error that you are receiving. Changing this to generic iOS device solved this issue for me.
Firstly you have to purchase iOS Developer Program.(its cost is 99$ Per Year.)
You must Registered For Apple Developer Program.
Then Create app id for Your Application.
Then Create Provisioning profile and Certificate.
Add Provisioning Profile to your project.
while creating provisioning profile you need to add device uuid.
Follow above steps. I am sure your problem will solve.

How to use of certificates in ios

Recently my client gives me access to his "developer.apple" account and told me to use it for further development for his existing project. But still now, i was develop with another "developer.apple" account. In client account all certificates and profile (certificates, identifiers, devices, provisioning profiles ) are ready. Now my question is should i create a new profile (with my keychain request file) for my device as well as iPhone or iPad to develop this project or i could use his certificate as usually by downloading it. Besides if any one give me some tutorials or links about Details about apple certificates and how to use it in devices (mac & iPhone/iPad) and how does it works with xcode, that will be much appreciable. I am new here in iOS..
Thanks, Have a good day..
If you are working with XCode5 then things are easy now. Just log in to your new apple developer account using Accounts section in XCode5.
Press CMD + , on XCode or go to preferences and select Accounts. You can see there your already logged-in account and using bottom option Add Apple ID add your new apple id there. Other things will be automatically done along with your keychain certs and provisioning profiles.
And after this again go to XCode general section and choose your newly added developer account.
Hope this helps.
You dont need to create new provisioning profile. You can use the client' profile. But you have to import the private keys(from the client) in your system. Some nice tutorials are

XCode "Too few items in teams" error when refreshing provisioning profiles

I'm trying to build my apps. I've installed the provisioning profiles that my team has set up. I've installed my developer certificate and the WWDR certificate. But when I refresh my provisioning profile library it throws this error:
I have no idea what to do.
It seems like I had two accounts for apple like most people: 1) email address account and 2) just apple user ID login.
When you sign up for an iOS developer account, only one account gets approved as an iOS developer. It doesn't matter if those two accounts are merged and linked inside apple profile, only one gets approved. You can check this by logging into both accounts separately to their developer website. One account will say you are a member and another will say pay up the fee to become iOS developer.
The problem is that your keychain already stored one of apple id credentials from the past... and you probably signed up for apple iOS developer program using the other apple login. Xcode automatically gets keychain's previously stored credential for 'Teams' section and since that account from keychain was not activated for the iOS developer account, it's complaining that no one is a valid developer in 'Teams'.
To solve this,
delete any, all apple related stuff from your keychain login.
revoke all the problematic profiles, certs, etc from apple website.
just redo provisioning process only using iOS developer approved apple login.
From XCode Organizer's Teams section, click 'refresh' icon at the bottom and follow direction.
This happened to me when I use Apple Developer account which does not have valid iOS developer certificate. The certificate is either expired or never bought in the first place.
Once I log in with the valid iOS Developer account, the problem no longer appears.
My solution was a simple logout from iTunes and Mac App Store. I was loged with an different Apple ID. This Apple ID is different from my Apple ID that I'm using for iOS Program.
I got the message too:
"Too few items in Property/teams/Entity/Developer"
It works now, after adding my account (which is connected with the macbook in itunes and which I used in Xcode) to an "Developer" under "Peoples" at https://developer.apple.com/membercenter/index.action#iPhoneDev
Give it a try.
Just a quick note if somebody from Mac Develop program lands here:
I'm brand new to Apple development, so, maybe this is a common knowledge, but I didn't ran across.
Signed up for Mac Developer program, not iOS, and tried to "Refresh from Developer Portal" with exact same error: "Too few items in teams." Tried all the steps above and elsewhere, with no success.
Ended up calling their support to only find out that this particular functionality doesn't work with Mac Dev only (no iOS Dev) membership profiles. So, manual download/import is the solution as tech on the phone told me that it looks for iOS teams, doesn't find it and errors out.
Hope this helps & saves a couple of hours of frustration for somebody.
Please reference:
Provisioning Profile Refresh Troubleshooting:
If you are receiving the error message:
Too few items in Teams
Perform the steps below:
Open Keychain Access > Passwords category.
Delete the entries for daw.apple.com and daw2.apple.com
Retry the Provisioning Profile Refresh process.
I still encountered the same issue after following the other answers on this page. Here is what I needed to do to get things working.
Make sure that you have fully accepted the invitation email to join the Apple Developer program. Your account admin can verify your status through the management panel.
Click the link inside the "Please verify your email address" email
Click the "submit" button to finish registration
Go to developer.apple.com. In the upper right menu area, select "Member Center." Once in the Member Center, select "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles."
Verify your accounts have not expired; or if new to the program (or renewal) that the order has been processed.
