I can not test my App on my device anymore - ios

I updated my Xcode 8 to Xcode 8.2 to make it work with iOS 10.2, but now when I try to run my app on my device, I get the following error:
`The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file are invalid, not permitted, or do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).`
I have spent hours on this, but haven't really found any solution.

Has your Apple Developer Program membership expired? If so, that would disable some entitlements. For example, you cannot send push notifications without a valid Developer Program membership, among other capabilities like CloudKit and Apple Pay.
I used to know of a table on the Apple Developer site which listed the differences, but I can't find it now. If I track it down, I'll edit with a link.
Other than that, you'd probably also want to try signing out and signing back in under Preferences > Accounts. Perhaps something odd just randomly happened with the provisioning profile.


Distribution Profile requesting a Developer certificate

Using Xcode 9.1, after building an iOS app, I try to archive it.
But I get the following error message:
Provisioning profile "MyAppProfile" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: My Name (X1YZ2AB3CD)".
After looking closer, I see that MyAppProfile is a Distribution Provisioning Profile (this is what I want) and X1YZ2AB3CD matches a Developer certificate.But when building MyAppProfile (for App Store) I was provided with the choice of a unique Distribution certificate (No Developer certificate). So why do I get this message complaining about MyAppProfile not including a Developer certificate. I am kind of lost. Anyone can shed some light here?
In case I give up with manual signing, here is what I get when trying to upload to appStore:
Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "MyApp.app" target's entitlements.
Switch to manual signing and resolve the issue by downloading a matching provisioning profile from the developer website. Atlernatively, to continue using automatic signing, remove these entitlements from your entitlements file and their associated functionality from your code. Then rebuild your archive and try again.
Provisioning profile failed qualification
Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement.
I finally was able to upload.
Here is what I did:
I enabled in-app-purchase in the list of Application Capabilities and disabled it right after. (Giving up in-app-purchase at least temporarily)
There is a lot I don't understand here, but I am just giving this info in case it may be useful for someone with similar problems.
Remove certificates from your keychain access which doesn't include private keys. I mean the certificates which does not have arrow(play button type) on left side of name.
and then from your xcode select your team from general and unable automatic code signing and then try!
You can refer this post or this post
None of the advice anyone else has given has worked for me.
Finally, I just "unchecked" the "Automatically manage signing" box and then used the drop-downs from my Apple developer account to fill in the signing correctly as CLEARLY the automatic feature is flawed. Do yourself a favor and just don't use it!

xcode uploading to app store - No matching provisioning profiles found

I am having difficulty with uploading my app to the app store, I get the error "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets: No matching provisioning profiles found for..." I'm not quite sure what this error means or how to fix it. I am somewhat new to xcode and the app store uploading process.
To my knowledge I've created everything necessary on the developer website to upload an app, and non of my certificated have expired. I've done some research and read other posts but so far everything others have suggested has not worked for me.
Hopefully I'm making a simple beginner's error that can be easily corrected.
It shows the actual reason in the error message you posted your matching profiles do not contain the same entitlements as your app says is requesting.
Check your Project -> Capabilities and see which are set to on. Then on your provisioning portal check that your app has the same capabilities set.
If you don't need those capabilities simply turn them off and you should be able to build. If you do then you will need to set them up in the relevant App IDs on the provisioning portal. Identifiers-> App Ids -> app -> Edit
Some of these changes will require you to regenerate your provisioning profiles which you can do by clicking edit and then re-generating from the provisioning profiles section of your apple developer account.

Entitlements mismatch error - where to get details?

I've got the infamous
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements
error, and there have been other questions about it, but the message doesn't seem t have enough detail to fix it, or to explain the cause. It says
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing
Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning
but which entitlements file, and which provisioning profile?
My app was fine, it's on the store, but one day I got this error and am completely stuck ever since. I don't know what I did!
My app has a main iOS app, a Now app, a watch kit app, and a watch kit extension, each with an entitlements file (I use an application group to share data). All the files have the same content. And of course, each of these targets have build settings with a code signing section. The provisioning profile is set to automatic on these. But which profile is it using?
Over time, various provisioning profiles have built up, some made by me, some made by XCode. I've got "XC" prefix ones for each target made by XCode, "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" ones, and ones I created and named. So I don't know which profiles are being used. When I set specific ones, it doesn't seem to help.
Finally when you look in the profiles, they say enabled services are "App Groups, Game Center, In-App Purchase", the first is necessary, the latter two aren't but seem to be automatic.
So. Where can I look for details about what is being matched against what, and what to change to fix this? It seems this error frustrates many, I hope Apple can add some details to this error. For example, didn't XCode, when you set the code signing settings to "Automatic" used to add which one it was using, like "Automatic (myapp development profile)"?
In your General if your bundle identifier and signing identity(Debug) and signing identity(Release) contains different provisioning profile then you get this error so make sure you have entered the same provisioning profile on both the places and always check yes to Automatically manage sigining

No matching provisioning profiles

Though I had been a while without seeing such an error, I recently got this message, when trying to archive an app written in Objectiv-C:
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.
No matching provisioning profiles found for "Applications/myApp.app"
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.
I haven’t changed anything in my settings, and this error seems to appear with recent versions of Xcode. I am using Xcode 6.3.2.
When I wanted to archive an app written in swift, I did not have this problem.
I do not see why the language would be related to the provisioning profiles, but that just something I noticed.
I tried to use a brand new provisioning profile, but it didn’t make any difference.
I also tried Refresh accounts from Xcode preferenced, but again with no luck.
Of course I looked for some solution on the net, but everything failed.
Refresh Provisionning profiles from XCode - Preferences - Accounts - View Details - refresh button
Connect to Itunes Member Center to agree on the new Apple Developer Agreement
It will take some minutes to propagate through the network if you click on the agree button (I had to wait 10 minutes)
eventually refresh again your provisioning profiles in XCode And eventually, check that your Distribution certificate is still valid in the iTunes Member Center

Xcode 6 invalid entitlements in my project

I want to distribute my app, but when I run it it shows me message:
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).
I already watch my distribution account and Capabilities in Xcode and
entitlements in them are the same. In what can be problem?
I also get this exception few times when I did something with provisioning profiles or capabilities, In my case its always in iCloudkit (xcode 6) issue, for some reason in app id (if you check in developer center) it assigned invalid or unwanted icloud containers to the app id. So i remove them and only added one correct container to fix this issue.
I had this problem recently, You will find many questions here with the same issue, check this question for the approved answer The executable was signed with invalid entitlements (iPhone build)
For me, I didn't do this. I tested the app on the device using the development certificate and the ad-hoc one, Then submitted it using the disruption certificate after making sure that there is nothing wrong with my certificates.
You probably need to check your Bundle ID value in both your .plist file and also here:
(This really is the most developer-unfriendly environment in use in 2016...)

