Spotify docker-gc: prevent auto stop after first run - docker

I tried to use docker-gc for automatically collecting unused docker images and containers. I tried this config in docker-compose for running:
container_name: docker-gc
build: ./docker/docker-gc
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /etc:/etc
When I first run, all unused docker images and containers are removed automatically. But after that, this container exit. I want this container runs and check periodically.

Just another approach:
Use cron to run docker-compose periodically.
About exiting container:
Containers run a script/service until its finished/killed.
For example library/nginx runs nginx service. The container will be in running state until the nginx service stopped/killed. Then it will show up as exited with appropriate exit code.
entrypoint/cmd directive will specify what script/service container will execute when run with no user override.


How to avoid service dependencies from being stopped in Docker Compose?

Given the following Docker Compose file....
version: '3.8'
image: producer
container_name: producer
depends_on: [db]
context: ./producer
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
image: some-db-image
container_name: db
When I do docker-compose up producer obviously the db service gets started too. When I CTRL+C both services are stopped. This is expected and fine.
But sometimes, the db service is started before, on a different shell and so doing docker-compose up producer understands that db is running and only starts producer. But when I hit CTRL+C, both producer and db are stopped even though db was not started as part of this docker compose up command.
Is there a way to avoid getting the dependencies services stopped when stopping its "parent" ?
When running just docker-compose up, the CTRL+C command always stops all running services in the current compose scope. It doesn't care about depends_on.
You would need to spin it up with detach option -d, like
docker-compose up -d producer
Then you can do
docker stop producer
And db service should still be running.
As I understand your question: You want to stop a container A which depends on another container B. But when stopping A, you don't want docker-compose to stop B.
Docker-compose stops the dependent containers ('B' in this case) when 'A' is stopped.
How I would approach this:
Split up the docker-compose files into A and B
In docker-compose for A create a health check testing (and waiting) for container B to be alive.
Since this is a database, you could do this with a dummy query.
Then you still have dependency, but not the docker-compose connection of stopping dependant containers.
You can't simply do that with CTRL+C.
Your docker-compose file and the services defined in it are treated as a project. You may notice that all containers, networks and volumes are prefixed with the name of the directory where the docker-compose file is located by default. This is the project name. It can be changed via an environment variable or the -p flag of the docker-compose command.
What docker-compose does is it keeps track of all the resources for a given project.
In your case there are two services: db and producer. Whenever you run docker-compose up, both of them start up. They both end up being part of the same project. The same applies when you only start one of the services (e.g. with docker-compose up db). You can later start the other service and it will still be part of the same project.
One more thing to note here: Whenever you run docker-compose without the -d (detached) flag, you get attached to the whole project, meaning whenever you hit CTRL+C, you'll stop all services. It does not matter if the last compose command started only one of the services or if they depend on each other. Attaching to the project and hitting CTRL+C will stop them.
A possible solution to your problem would be the following:
Start up your services via docker-compose up -d (both db and producer will get created). They are now in detached mode. If you still want to check the logs in real time (kinda like attaching), use docker-compose logs -f. Now, however, if you want to stop only one of the services you can simply do docker-compose stop $SVC_NAME (where $SVC_NAME is either db or producer) and this will keep the other one running. This way, whatever happens to your terminal session, your services won't stop, unless you explicitly tell them to.
Is there a way to avoid getting the dependencies services stopped when stopping its "parent" ?
Using the new version docker compose instead of docker-compose might solve your problem Reference.
Simple example
Assuming now you are using the new version, your process could be something like this.
version: "3.8"
build: .
build: .
depends_on: [db]
build: .
FROM node:alpine
COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh", "" ]
while :; do sleep 1; done
Suppose db has started before with
$ docker compose up -d db.
Then later,
$ docker compose up -d producer.
Now you can stop only producer with
$ docker compose stop producer.
You can check if db is still running with
$ docker compose ps.
Notice the use of -d flag for detached mode, as pointed out in another answer, so you don't need to kill the process with CTRL+C. Also, using detached flag allows you to check the services that are running with docker compose ps.
A similar issue as yours was reported and fixed a while ago, as you can see here.
I was not able to reproduce the behavior you observe with a complete minimal example. Namely, when running docker compose stop producer, the underlying db is not stopped AFAICT.
Anyway, you may be interested in an alternative command that is a bit more flexible than docker compose up, regarding how to run "one-off commands": docker compose run.
The typical use cases are as follows:
docker compose run db bash → run the db service, replacing the default CMD with bash
docker compose run -d db → run the db service in the background (detach mode)
docker compose run --service-ports producer → run the service producer and its dependencies (unless they were run with docker compose up), enabling the ports mapping.
So for your specific use case, you could run:
docker compose up -d db
docker compose run --service-ports producer

Don't create containers twice with docker-compose up and running docker run containers

I'd like docker-compose to use an already running container for imageA and not create it a second time when calling docker-compose up -d. The original container was run using docker run.
I started a container with docker run, eg.
docker run --name imageA -d -p 5000:5000 imageA
I then call docker-compose up -d with a docker-compose.yml file that includes a service with the same name and image as the first container.
version: "3"
image: imageA
- "5000:5000"
image: imageB
- "5001:5001"
What happens:
docker-compose tries to create imageA and fails when it tries to bind port 5000 since container imageA has it bound already.
Question: How can docker-compose "adopt" or "include" the first container without trying to create it a again?
I don't believe this is currently possible. If you compare the outputs of docker ps and docker-compose ps, you should notice that docker-compose ps does not show the imageA running, if it was started with docker run.
Docker-compose is only interested in the services that are defined in the docker-compose files, and it does not seem to use only the container names for that, but labels too, and you cannot add labels to running containers currently.
Other than that, the container started with docker run will also not be (at least by default) in the same internal network as those that are started with docker-compose.
So your best option would be either:
a) Removing the already running container from the compose-file.
b) Calling docker-compose up -d imageB to run only the individual service, so that the compose updates only that or
c) just stopping the already running container and starting it again with compose.
Docker containers should anyway be created in a way that it is easy and acceptable to just restart them when needed.
Adding --no-recreate flag will prevent recreation of the container, if it already exists.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-example.yaml up -d --no-recreate

Docker-compose --exit-code-from is ignored

Supposed I have multiple containers deployed
The init container runs into completion and then shutdowns by itself. That is his job, which is to do some
pre-configuration stuffs then exit.
When running locally, I dont have any issues running this in my desktop work environment.
My issue is when it is deployed in my CI pipeline. When my init container finished shutdowns the whole
docker-compose network.
Even if I explicitly set the --exit-code-from into my test container.
docker-compose up --exit-code-from test
The end result is that I am not able to run my test cases to its completion because everything is being shutdown by the init container that exits.
Anybody has hints what can I do?
This is interesting. Is it possible to include the compose file? Maybe you have a depends_on defined, and the version of docker used by your CI pipeline handles it differently from the one on your dev environment.
At any rate, you'd want to stop using --exit-code-from, it apparently implies --abort-on-container-exit.
--abort-on-container-exit Stops all containers if any container was
stopped. Incompatible with -d.
--exit-code-from SERVICE Return the exit code of the selected service
container. Implies --abort-on-container-exit.
I ran into the same issue when trying to run Cypress together with MongoDB seeding container and a replica set starter container. The 2 mongo-related containers would exit quickly after doing their job, thus triggering the unintuitive --abort-on-container-exit implied by --exit-code-from cypress.
For me the simplest solution was to use the tail -f /dev/null hack. The idea is that if you run this command after whatever the containers that you don't want to exit are finished with their actual jobs, they will hang until another container triggers the --abort-on-container-exit and pulls with it the entire docker-compose setup down.
Note that this is not a univsal answer: the downside of this approach is that you have to find out what the original CMD is in containers that you don't have control over.
For example, let's take the mongo-seeding project and their Dockerfile. In order to keep the container alive after doing its job, I'd like to make my own Dockerfile in which I'll pull that image and define a custom ENTRYPOINT that will first run the CMD from the original definition of the mongo-seeding image and then run tail -f /dev/null to keep the container alive. In their Dockerfile I can see that the CMD is simply seed and I can assume it won't change in the future (good design) so my ENTRYPOINT script can just look like this:
tail -f /dev/null
And my Dockerfile:
FROM pkosiec/mongo-seeding:3.6.0
ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/scripts/" ]
Plus the relevant service in docker-compose with volumes mount for completeness:
context: ./mongoSeed
- ./mongoSeed/data:/app/data
- ./mongoSeed/scripts:/app/scripts
working_dir: /app/data
- mongodb
Which makes the container do its job and then hang until Cypress exits and causes the entire docker-compose setup to stop.

container exit with code 0 while using docker compose file

I have a dockerfile to install httpd. When i run this dockerfile using the command
docker run -dit /bin/bash,
the container is started and it is running in the background. when i perform docker ps i could see the container running.
I have created a docker-compose.yml file as below,
version: '2'
context: ./web
dockerfile: Dockerfile-apache
image: web:1.0
container_name: web
- "80:80"
command: service httpd start
i have build this compose file using the
docker-compose build.
Once after that i started the containers using
docker-compose up -d.
The containers are getting exited. i am not sure how to make the containers run at background.
Also i want to make the services running inside the container. For example i need to run the command like service httpd start inside the container and how to do it ?
This is because a Docker container only lives as long as its command runs.
Your command service httpd start will start httpd in the background and then exit. This will terminate httpd and the container.
You will have to run the httpd process directly and in the foreground, see the official image's start script:
You can't run docker with -dit options together. -d means to run it in background mode and -ti means an interaction with terminal. So, have to run with -d OR with -ti and not both

How does one close a dependent container with docker-compose?

I have two containers that are spun up using docker-compose:
image: personal/webserver
- database
entrypoint: /usr/bin/
image: personal/database
In this example, is a script that runs for a few seconds, then returns with either a zero or non-zero exit code.
When I run this setup with docker-compose, web_1 runs the script and exits. database_1 remains open, because the process running the database is still running.
I'd like to trigger a graceful exit on database_1 when web_1's tasks have been completed.
You can pass the --abort-on-container-exit flag to docker-compose up to have the other containers stop when one exits.
What you're describing is called a Pod in Kubernetes or a Task in AWS. It's a grouping of containers that form a unit. Docker doesn't have that notion currently (Swarm mode has "tasks" which come close but they only support one container per task at this point).
There is a hacky workaround beside scripting it as #BMitch described. You could mount the Docker daemon socket from the host. Eg:
image: personal/webserver
- database
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
entrypoint: /usr/bin/
and add the Docker client to your personal/webserver image. That would allow your script to use the Docker CLI to shut down the database first. Eg: docker kill database.
Third option. If you want to stop all containers when one fails, you can use the --abort-on-container-exit option to docker-compose as #dnephin mentions in another answer.
I don't believe docker-compose supports this use case. However, making a simple shell script would easily resolve this:
docker run -d --name=database personal/database
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/usr/bin/ personal/webserver
docker stop database
docker rm database
