Geocoder and rails - wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) - ruby-on-rails

I read all posts but don't find solution. I make a .near request with geocoder, and It work for one controller but doesn't work for another one with this error : Wrong number of arguments (3 for 1).
Here is the two same lines :
This one doesn't work in my school_controller.rb
#schools_premium = School.where(:subscription.exists => true)
#schools_aside = #schools_premium.near([params[:latitude], params[:longitude]], radius, units: :km).limit(3)
I try too with : #school.coordinates.reverse instead of params[:latitude] ..
But this one does (in home_controller.rb) :
#schools = School.near([params[:latitude], params[:longitude]], radius, units: :km).limit(30)
I have the geocoded_by and reverse_geocoder on my School model.
Does someone have the same issue ?

You can achieve by this way also:
#schools = School.near([params[:latitude], params[:longitude]], radius, units: :km).limit(30)
#schools_aside = #schools.premium_school
School.rb (model)
scope :premium_school, -> {where("subscription = ?", true)}


How to use geoNear for List of Articles, when Addresses are in separate table?

I need a RoR mongoDB query to list articles within a given radius, sorted by created_at.
The challenge is that addresses are saved in separate table and referenced by key/id out of articles. Don't know how to make query with geoNear for this scenario.
Also pagination needed and performant query desirable.
Currently approaching like:
Get addresses within defined radius
Get articles associated to address results out of 1.
sort_by address (geoNear default)
Pagination is making usage of last_address_id. Also here have an issue, as last page is in loop.
def index
#addresses =
#address_hash = #addresses.group_by{|a| a['_id'].to_s}
#articles = Article.includes(:gift, :category)
.where( transaction_status:
'$nin' => ["concluded"]
:$in =>{|a| a['_id'].to_s}
a['_id']}.index(m['address_id']) }
def self.get_addresses_with_radius(params, additional_query={})
#raw query for aggreegate with geoNear
last_maximum_distance = params[:last_maximum_distance] || 0 # in
radius = params[:radius] || 5000000 #In Meters
query_params = additional_query
if params[:last_address_id]
query_params[:_id] ||= {}
query_params[:_id] = query_params[:_id].merge({ '$ne' =>
(BSON::ObjectId(params[:last_address_id])) } )
addresses_in_radius =
type: "Point",
coordinates: [ params[:lat].to_f, params[:lon].to_f ]
distanceField: "distance_from", #GeoNear Will atomatically distance as distance_from_field
minDistance: last_maximum_distance.to_f,
maxDistance: radius,
query: query_params,
#query:{ 'location.0': {'$ne' =>
params[:last_lat].to_f},'location.1': {'$ne' => params[:last_lon].to_f}},
spherical: true
{"$limit": params[:per_page].to_i}
Currently I'm getting the list of articles sorted by addresses/distance, as per default geoNear behavior => should be by created_at.
Pagination is somehow based on addresses => should ideally be based on articles.
Pagination is buggy, as last page is loading in loop => loop-bug to go away.
Not sure if best is to first search for articles and then addresses, or first addresses and then get the articles; relevant note: all within defined radius.

How do I set a default value for a parameter in Rails?

def index
markers = Marker.nearby(params[:lat], params[:lng], params[:radius])
def self.nearby(lat, lng, radius)
approved.near([lat.to_f, lng.to_f], radius, units: :km)
resources :markers
In the URL below we have 3 paramaters(lat, lng and radius). and i want the radius value equal to 1 (1 km). so when the user open (http://localhost:3000/markers?lat=11.111111&lng=104.1010101) it'll get the default value with radius=1 (http://localhost:3000/markers?lat=11.111111&lng=104.1010101&radius=1).
I'd suggest setting the default value for radius in the model method. That ensures a consistent behavior even if you run it from the console or not using request parameters.
def self.nearby(lat, lng, radius)
approved.near([lat.to_f, lng.to_f], radius || 1, units: :km)
Then Marker.nearby(11.111, 104.010101, nil) should set radius value to 1. Please notice this will only work when radius is nil, will fail for empty strings. if that's a concern you should check for present? like:
def self.nearby(lat, lng, radius)
radius = radius.present? ? radius : 1
approved.near([lat.to_f, lng.to_f], radius, units: :km)
You can use fetch.
Marker.nearby(params[:lat], params[:lng], params.fetch(:radius, 1))

Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]

I have two queries, I need an or between them, i.e. I want results that are returned by either the first or the second query.
First query is a simple where() which gets all available items.
#items = #items.where(available: true)
Second includes a join() and gives the current user's items.
#items =
.where(orders: { user_id:})
I tried to combine these with Rails' or() method in various forms, including:
#items =
.where(orders: { user_id:})
.where(available: true)
But I keep running into this error and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:references]
There is a known issue about it on Github.
According to this comment you might want to override the structurally_incompatible_values_for_or to overcome the issue:
def structurally_incompatible_values_for_or(other)
Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS.reject { |m| send("#{m}_value") == other.send("#{m}_value") } +
(Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:eager_load, :references, :extending]).reject { |m| send("#{m}_values") == other.send("#{m}_values") } +
(Relation::CLAUSE_METHODS - [:having, :where]).reject { |m| send("#{m}_clause") == other.send("#{m}_clause") }
Also there is always an option to use SQL:
.where("orders.user_id = ? OR items.available = true",
You can write the query in this good old way to avoid error
#items = #items.joins(:orders).where("items.available = ? OR orders.user_id = ?", true,
Hope that helps!
Hacky workaround: do all your .joins after the .or. This hides the offending .joins from the checker. That is, convert the code in the original question to...
#items =
.where(orders: { user_id:})
.where(available: true)
.joins(:orders) # sneaky, but works! 😈
More generally, the following two lines will both fail
A.joins(:b).where(bs: b_query).or(A.where(query)) # error! 😞
A.where(query).or(A.joins(:b).where(bs: b_query)) # error! 😞
but rearrange as follows, and you can evade the checker:
A.where(query).or(A.where(bs: b_query)).joins(:b) # works 😈
This works because all the checking happens inside the .or() method. It's blissfully unaware of shennanigans on its downstream results.
One downside of course is it doesn't read as nicely.
I ran into the same issue, however the code was defined in a different place and was very difficult to change directly.
# I can't change "p"
p = Post.where('1 = 1').distinct # this could also be a join
And I needed to add an or statement to it
p.or(Post.where('2 = 2'))
The following code won't raise an error, because it has distinct like the initial relationship.
p.or(Post.where('2 = 2').distinct)
The problem with it it that it only works as long as you know the relationship. It may or not have a join, or distinct.
This works regardless of what the relationship is:
p.or(p.unscope(:where).where('2 = 2'))
=> SELECT DISTINCT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE ((1 = 1) OR (2 = 2))
It occurs when you try to combine two multi-active records of the same type, but one of them has a joins value or an includes value, or in your case a reference value, that the other does not.
Therefore we need to match the values between them, and I found a general way to do this without knowing the actual values in advance.
items_1 = #items.joins(:orders)
.where(orders: { user_id:})
items_2 = #items.where(available: true)
#items = items_1.or(items_2)
just solve it!
def exec_or_statement(q1, q2)
klass = q1.klass
key = klass.primary_key
query_wrapper_1 = {}
query_wrapper_1[key] = q1
query_wrapper_2 = {}
query_wrapper_2[key] = q2
query_1 = #items.where(available: true)
query_2 =
.where(orders: { user_id:})
exec_or_statement(query_1, query_2)

using hashes to create a class

when trying to create a class with a single argument, I am getting the following error: NameError: undefined local variable or method radius' for #<Circle:0x007fdcda2b75c8> from circle_constructor.rb:13:ininitialize'
class Circle
def initialize(circle_constructor = {})
circle_constructor = {#radius => radius, #diameter => diameter}
#radius = radius
#diameter = diameter
if i understand you correctly you try to initialize #radius and #diameter with the hash you got as a parameter so try the following:
class Circle
def initialize(circle_constructor = {})
## circle_constructor = {#radius => radius, #diameter => diameter}
## you are inserting wrongly values to local variable inside constractor wothout doing nothing with it so remove it or do this:
## #circle_constructor = { radius: radius, diameter: diameter }
## make sure you populate radius and diameter local variables before.
#radius = circle_constructor[:radius]
#diameter = circle_constructor[:diameter]
Ruby doesn't support this out of the box, but you can use Hashie library for this. It has several hash variants and dash would work well for this.
require 'hashie/dash'
class Circle < Hashie::Dash
property :radius, required: true
property :diameter, required: true
# USAGE 10, diameter: 5)
(On a side note, it's odd that your circle accepts both a radius and a diameter. Unless it's user input such as a quiz, you should be able to derive one from the other, so it would normally only have one constructor param and the other would be a method.)

RubyOnRails: Cannot convert a string to a float in my controller

I'm trying to make an active record that involves location. I get the longitude from the params, and try to use the Float() method to convert the locationLongitude and locationLatitude from a string to a float, and I get the following error:
undefined method `call' for #<Class:0x007ffead288530>
Here are the params that the method has access to:
And this is the method in my controller that attempts to convert the strings into floats and make the query:
def local
radius = 10;
#sort = "local"
#locationName = params[:locationName]
#locationLongitude = Float(params[:locationLongitude])
#locationLatitude = Float(params[:locationLatitude])
#musings = Musing.(:longitude => (Float(#locationLongitude) - radius)..(Float(#locationLongitude) + radius))
Hope you can help. I also tried doing params[:locationName].to_f and that also didn't work.
Thanks, Paul.
I'd say it's better to move the processing from within your local method to the Musing (or other) model.
In your form - try to namespace your parameters such that it'd have a musing as an outer most one.
<input name='musing[locationName' ...>
In the controller
def local
# set some vars
#musings =[:musing])
In the model
radius = 10
long = params[:locationLongitude]
lat = params[:locationLatitude]
return self unless long and lat
self.where(:latitude => lat.to_f-radius).where(:long => long.to_f-radius)
I can see you resolved the issue - but this might help
Please, change
The issue was in this line:
#musings = Musing.(:longitude => (Float(#locationLongitude) - radius)..(Float(#locationLongitude) + radius))
I wrote Musing.(...) instead of Musing.where(...)
What a scrub.
