I want to generate 5 buttons with different values based on one integer.
For example I've got 30, I want to create buttons with 10 20 30 40 50
value = 30
int1 = value - 20
int2 = value - 10
int3 = value
int4 = value + 10
int5 = value + 20
buttoncode = ""
%w{int1 int2 int3 int4 int5}.each do |minutes|
buttoncode += 'buttoncode'
I can do it in a very bad way, but it could be done a smarter solution I guess.
Is it possible to make something like that?
%w{sum(max-20) sum(max-10) max sum(max+10) sum(max+20)}.each do |minutes|
See Ruby: How to iterate over a range, but in set increments?
So in your case it would be:
(min..max).step(10) do |n|
n += 'buttoncode'
By the way, this is not really Rails specific, but Ruby specific. Rails is a web framework that handles the interaction between browser and the web server that is built on top of Ruby.
If you feel like you aren't that up to speed with Ruby, try https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ and do some exercise on HackerRank or ProjectEuler in Ruby.
I have a panel data set for which I would like to calculate moving averages across years.
Each year is a variable for which there is an observation for each state, and I would like to create a new variable for the average of every three year period.
For example:
P1947=rmean(v1943 v1944 v1945), P1947=rmean(v1944 v1945 v1946)
I figured I should use a foreach loop with the egen command, but I'm not sure about how I should refer to the different variables within the loop.
I'd appreciate any guidance!
This data structure is quite unfit for purpose. Assuming an identifier id you need to reshape, e.g.
reshape long v, i(id) j(year)
tsset id year
Then a moving average is easy. Use tssmooth or just generate, e.g.
gen mave = (L.v + v + F.v)/3
or (better)
gen mave = 0.25 * L.v + 0.5 * v + 0.25 * F.v
More on why your data structure is quite unfit: Not only would calculation of a moving average need a loop (not necessarily involving egen), but you would be creating several new extra variables. Using those in any subsequent analysis would be somewhere between awkward and impossible.
EDIT I'll give a sample loop, while not moving from my stance that it is poor technique. I don't see a reason behind your naming convention whereby P1947 is a mean for 1943-1945; I assume that's just a typo. Let's suppose that we have data for 1913-2012. For means of 3 years, we lose one year at each end.
forval j = 1914/2011 {
local i = `j' - 1
local k = `j' + 1
gen P`j' = (v`i' + v`j' + v`k') / 3
That could be written more concisely, at the expense of a flurry of macros within macros. Using unequal weights is easy, as above. The only reason to use egen is that it doesn't give up if there are missings, which the above will do.
As a matter of completeness, note that it is easy to handle missings without resorting to egen.
The numerator
(v`i' + v`j' + v`k')
generalises to
(cond(missing(v`i'), 0, v`i') + cond(missing(v`j'), 0, v`j') + cond(missing(v`k'), 0, v`k')
and the denominator
generalises to
!missing(v`i') + !missing(v`j') + !missing(v`k')
If all values are missing, this reduces to 0/0, or missing. Otherwise, if any value is missing, we add 0 to the numerator and 0 to the denominator, which is the same as ignoring it. Naturally the code is tolerable as above for averages of 3 years, but either for that case or for averaging over more years, we would replace the lines above by a loop, which is what egen does.
There is a user written program that can do that very easily for you. It is called mvsumm and can be found through findit mvsumm
xtset id time
mvsumm observations, stat(mean) win(t) gen(new_variable) end
I'm in the middle of writing a World of Warcraft addon and I want the addon to be able to perform certain functions based on a key press or a combination of key presses. Most of the key states are protected WoW API functions now but the following are still able to be used by addons:
What I'd like to be able to do is perform a function based on any one of those keys down or a combination there of.
This is what I've got working:
function KeyCombos()
total = 0
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
total = total + 1
if IsControlKeyDown() then
total = total + 2
if IsAltKeyDown() then
total = total + 4
Now my question isn't necessarily about Lua, as the above function is working as I can check if total equals 6 for example to see if Control and Alt are both pressed. My question is more of an algorithmic one. Is there a better way to perform this programmaticly?
If you are going to use a table, in the general case it would be much better to keep the same table.
function KeyCombos()
keys = keys or {}
keys.shift = IsShiftKeyDown()
keys.control = IsControlKeyDown()
keys.alt = IsAltKeyDown()
or, if you rather
function KeyCombos()
if not keys then
keys = {}
keys.shift = IsShiftKeyDown()
keys.control = IsControlKeyDown()
keys.alt = IsAltKeyDown()
The original example in the question, however, is much more performant using integer math.
However these examples all create globals. So:
function GetKeyCombos()
local keys = 0
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 1
if IsControlKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 2
if IsAltKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 4
return keys
would be much better. In WoW all AddOns share the same global environment so its best to keep it clean.
Seems pretty sound to me already.
As an alternative, however, you could use a table:
function KeyCombos()
keys = {
shift = IsShiftKeyDown(),
control = IsControlKeyDown(),
alt = IsAltKeyDown(),
Then you could call keys.alt or keys["alt"] to see if it's pressed.
More readable? Probably. More efficient? Not likely. But I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Lua's performance.
I would just add a comment block above the KeyCombos function stating every possible combination and what it means.
As a side note, it's Lua, not LUA.
I am generating a unique and random alphanumeric string segment to represent certain links that will be generated by the users. For doing that I was approaching with "uuid" number to ensure it's uniqueness and randomness, but, as per my requirements the string shouldn't be more than 5 characters long. So I dropped that idea.
Then I decided to generate such a string using random function of ruby and current time stamp.
The code for my random string goes like this:-
temp=temp + rand(DateTime.now.to_i)
temp= hash.abs.to_s(36)
What I did is that I stored the current DateTime in a temp variable and then I generated a random number passing the current datetime as parameter. Then in the second line actually added current datetime and random number together to make a unique and random string.
Soon I found,while I was testing my application in two different machines and send the request at the same time, it generated the same string(Though it's rare) once after more than 100 trials.
Now I'm thinking that I should add one more parameter like mac address or client ip address before passing to_s(36) on temp variable. But can't figure out how to do it and even then whether it will be unique or nor...
SecureRandom in ruby uses process id (if available) and current time. You can use the urlsafe_base64(n= 16) class method to generate the sequence you need. According to your requirements I think this is your best bet.
Edit: After a bit of testing, I still think that this approach will generate non-unique keys. The way I solved this problem for barcode generation was:
barcode= barcode_sql_id_hash("#{sql_id}#{keyword}")
Here, your keyword can be time + pid.
If you are certain that you will never need more than a given M amount of unique values, and you don't need more than rudimentary protection against guessing the next generated id, you can use a Linear Congruentual Generator to generate your identificators. All you have to do is remember the last id generated, and use that to generate a new one using the following formula:
newid = (A * oldid + B) mod M
If 2³² distinct id values are enough to suit your needs, try:
def generate_id
if #lcg
#lcg = (1664525 * #lcg + 1013904223) % (2**32)
#lcg = rand(2**32) # Random seed
Now just pick a suitable set of characters to represent the id in as little as 6 character. Uppercase and lowercase letters should do the trick, since (26+26)^6 > 2^32:
ENCODE_CHARS = [*?a..?z, *?A..?Z]
def encode(n)
6.times.map { |i|
n, mod = n.divmod(ENCODE_CHARS.size)
> 10.times { n = generate_id ; puts "%10d = %s" % [n, encode(n)] }
2574974483 = dyhjOg
3636751446 = QxyuDj
368621501 = bBGvYa
1689949688 = yuTgxe
1457610999 = NqzsRd
3936504298 = MPpusk
133820481 = PQLpsa
2956135596 = yvXpOh
3269402651 = VFUhFi
724653758 = knLfVb
Due to the nature of the LCG, the generated id will not repeat until all 2³² values have been used exactly once each.
There is no way you can generate a unique UUID with only five chars, with chars and numbers you have a basic space of around 56 chars, so there is a max of 56^5 combinations , aprox 551 million (Around 2^29).
If with this scheme you were about to generate 10.000 UUIDs (A very low number of UUIDs) you would have a probability of 1/5.000 of generating a collision.
When using crypto, the standard definition of a big enough space to avert collisions is around 2^80.
To put this into perspective, your algorithm would be better off if it generated just a random integer (a 32 bit uint is 2^32, 8 times the size you are proposing) which is clearly a bad idea.
I'm trying to generate random data in my rails application.
But I am having a problem with decimal amount. I get an error
saying bad value for range.
while $start < $max
$donation = Donation.new(member: Member.all.sample, amount: [BigDecimal('5.00')...BigDecimal('200.00')].sample,
date_give: Random.date_between(:today...Date.civil(2010,9,11)).to_date,
donation_reason: ['tithes','offering','undisclosed','building-fund'].sample )
$start +=1
If you want a random decimal between two numbers, sample isn't the way to go. Instead, do something like this:
random_value = (200.0 - 5.0) * rand() + 5
Two other suggestions:
1. if you've implemented this, great, but it doesn't look standard Random.date_between(:today...Date.civil(2010,9,11)).to_date
2. $variable means a global variable in Ruby, so you probably don't want that.
UPDATE --- way to really get random date
require 'date'
def random_date_between(first, second)
number_of_days = (first - second).abs
[first, second].min + rand(number_of_days)
random_date_between(Date.today, Date.civil(2010,9,11))
=> #<Date: 2012-05-15 ((2456063j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
random_date_between(Date.today, Date.civil(2010,9,11))
=> #<Date: 2011-04-13 ((2455665j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
How do I add/subtract/etc. time values in Ruby? For example, how would I add the following times?
00:00:59 + 00:01:43 + 00:20:15 = ?
Use ActiveSupport, which has a ton of built-in date extensions.
require 'active_support/core_ext'
t1 = "#{Date.today} 00:00:59".to_time
t2 = "#{Date.today} 00:01:43".to_time
t3 = "#{Date.today} 00:20:15".to_time
or, if you don't care about the date, only time:
For a full list, check out http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#extensions-to-date
Kind of ugly, but you could use DateTime.parse(each_interval) & calculate the number of seconds in each. Like this:
require 'date'
def calc_seconds(time_string)
date_time = DateTime.parse(time_string)
hour_part = date_time.hour * 60 * 60
minute_part = date_time.minute * 60
second_part = date_time.second
hour_part + minute_part + second_part
...which gives you your result in seconds, assuming valid inputs. At which point you can add them together.
You could reverse the process to get the interval in your original notation.
I really think there ought to be an easier method, but I don't know of one.
One way would be to convert everything to seconds and then performing the operations... Then you would need to convert it again to a time object with
And you would get the time nicely formatted (as a string).
I am trying to find a gem that does this, and other operations.
You probably want to use a gem that does not concern itself with the actual day. You could perform acrobatics using DateTime and or Time, but you would constantly be battling how to handle days.
One gem that may be useful is tod (TimeOfDay), https://github.com/JackC/tod
With that you could directly do TimeOfDay.parse "00:01:43", add the values, and print the result using strftime("%H:%M:%S").