Mnesia in 2 separate IEx sessions on the same node - erlang

I'm learning Erlang's mnesia DB and trying to use it in Elixir app. According to documentation while creating a schema by default mnesia creates a directory with the name "Mnesia.#{node}". Here is the code for mnesia preparation:
attributes: [:name, :email],
disc_copies: [node]
When I'm starting 2 separate IEx sessions and make some transactional queries it seems they are only happened in one of the session. I infer this from output.
How can I synchronise them, or is it an expected behaviour?

When one starts a shell without an explicitly specified node name, it’s started as nonode#nohost:
$ iex
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.1] [source-e7be63d] ...
Interactive Elixir (1.5.0-dev) ...
iex(1)> node()
Mnesia itself is node-aware. So, you need to explicitly remote-connect to the node, that is aware of running mnesia. Let’s start a named shell:
$ iex --sname mnesia # the node name is arbitrary
Now, let’s start the second shell and connect to the firstly started shell remotely. To do so, just start a shell, then press CtrlG to enter User switch command mode and type:
User switch command
--> r 'mnesia#localhost' 'Elixir.IEx'
--> c
Now you have two shells, connected to the same node, that handles a mnesia instance.
More info in the IEx docs on remote shells.


How to ban ban ctrl+c in erlang

I use run_erl to start an erlang application, just like this
run_erl -daemon /tmp/erl_pipe /tmp/erl_log "erl -name 1# -setcookie 123456"
Then I Attach to erlang shell like this
to_erl /tmp/erl_pipe
And the question is, I used to quit erlang shell with 'ctrl + c', in this situation, 'ctrl+c' will quit the main node, I have seen my lead to ban this command by modify erlang/OTP source code, how to do that?
Start Erlang as erl +Bi. Note that you'll have to use init:stop() (shortcut q() in the shell) or halt() to stop the node if signals are ignored. Also, the Ctrl-G menu will not have the q option if you use this flag.
It is also possible to use +Bc, which makes Ctrl-C abort the current shell command instead of stopping the whole node. In this case, you can still use q from the Ctrl-G menu.
See for the full documentation on runtime system flags.

Docker - Handling multiple services in a single container

I would like to start two different services in my Docker container and exit the container as soon as one of them exits. I looked at supervisor, but I can't find how to get it to quit as soon as one of the managed applications exits. It tries to restart them up to three times, as is the standard setting and then just sits there doing nothing. Is supervisor able to do this or is there any other tool for this? A bonus would be if there also was a way to let both managed programs write to stdout, tagged with their application name, e.g.:
[Program 1] Some output
[Program 2] Some other output
[Program 1] Output again
Since you asked if there was another tool... we designed and wrote a powerful replacement for supervisord that is designed specifically for Docker. It automatically terminates when all applications quit, as well as has special service settings to control this behavior, plus will redirect stdout with tagged syslog-compatible output lines as well. It's open source, and being used in production.
Here is a quick start for Docker:
There is also a complete set of tested base-images which are a good example at:, but these might be overkill and the earlier quickstart may do the trick.
I found solutions to both of my requirements by reading through the docs some more.
Exit supervisord on application exit
This can be achieved by using a custom eventlistener. I had to add the following segment into my supervisord configuration file:
supervisord will start the referenced script and upon the given event being triggered (PROCESS_STATE_EXITED is triggered after the exit of one of the managed programs and it not restarting automatically) will send a line containing data about the event on the scripts stdin.
The referenced shutdownhandler-script contains:
while :
echo -en "READY\n"
read line
kill $(cat /
echo -en "RESULT 2\nOK"
The script has to indicate being ready by sending "READY\n" on its stdout, after which it may receive an event data line on its stdin. For my use case upon receival of a line (meaning one of the managed programs has exited), a SIGTERM is sent to the supervisord process being found by the pid it leaves in its pid file (situated in the root directory by default). For technical completeness, I also included a positive answer for the eventlistener, though that one should never matter.
Tagged output on stdout
I did this by simply starting a tail process in the background before starting supervisord, tailing the programs output log and piping the lines through ts (from the moreutils package) to prepend a tag to it. This way it shows up via docker logs with an easy way to see which program actually wrote the line.
tail -fn0 /var/log/supervisor/program1.log | ts '[Program 1]' &

How can I build an Elixir escript that does not halt the Erlang VM after execution (like elixir --no-halt)

I have a program that starts the application and then adds (children) workers to a supervisor. Obviously after doing only that it has nothing more left to do and it halts (exits). So making it not halt the VM would allow the workers to work.
The only solution I have came up was to add:
IO.gets "Working... To finish hit <Enter>."
at the end...
I want to build an escript that after running will not halt the Erlang VM just like:
elixir --no-halt -S mix run --eval 'MyApp.CLI.m
mix run --no-halt --eval 'MyApp.CLI.m
Is there a way to do this with escript?
Or should I use a different solution to pack and distribute my program that is actually more like a server/daemon than a command line tool?
A typical approach to packaging such systems is an OTP release. You can use exrm for that.
If for some reasons, you still want to use escript, you can just call :timer.sleep(:infinity) after you start all the applications and processes.
NOTE: Starting from Elixir 1.9
We can use System.no_halt(true) to allow script to never stop.
Here is simple script example:
defmodule Mix.Tasks.NoHalt do
use Mix.Task
def run(_) do
IO.puts("Never die!")

How to see Erlang application Console which is running in backgroud?

I am using rebar for release build of erlang application, when I use start option to start the application it is running fine in background and It returns me the command prompt. I don't want to see all the background output, so I did not run using console option. But If I need any time what is going in background, to check the console due to any error, how do I get that running application's console?
I guess that you have made a release using Rebar and that you have started the node with the generated start script.
So the best way would be to use the start option 'attach':
./bin/mynode attach
It will connect to the shell through pipes so you will be in the actual node that are running so be careful with using Ctrl-c. (add the option "+Bi" to your vm.args file to restrict that..)
You can connect a remote shell to the node, provided it's been set up for distribution. Use the following command:
erl -sname rem -remsh node#host -setcookie the_cookie -hidden
Ctrl-G to enter JCL mode, then 'j' to list, then 'c' followed by a number to connect to the chosen job. See the eshell docs, specifically the JCL section.
Oh, or if by 'command prompt' you mean an OS shell rather than an Erlang shell, IIRC you need to start an Erlang node that is appropriately -name'd or -sname'd (whichever the node you want to connect to uses), then connect to that node ('r' in JCL mode), then connect to the job.

How to run Erlang from unix shell with complex params?

I need to run complex Erlang module function from unix shell
rpc:call('', mnesia, dirty_first, [mytable])
how can i do it?
i make test.escript
chmod +x test.escript
%%! -name ''
main(_Args) ->
R = rpc:call('', mnesia, dirty_first, [mytable]),
and receive {badrpc, nodedown}
but when run
erl -name
1> rpc:call('', mnesia, dirty_first, [mytable]).
{my, data}.
I mean it works, but howto make escript work proprely?
I think escript might be something worth looking into.
Some examples.
First for all examples: Start the remote node somewhere, somehow.
dannib#duval:~:> erl -sname bar
(bar#duval)1> erlang:get_cookie().
1: Create a file named hello.escript with content
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%%! -sname foo#duval -setcookie KNKKCFPYMJUPIOLYPOAA
main(_String) ->
Node = 'bar#duval',
Mod = 'erlang',
Fun = 'node',
Args = [],
R = rpc:call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args),
io:format("Hello there ~p~n",[R]).
Notice that the %%! -sname foo#bar identifies the node on the host (instead of creating nonode#nohost), allow setting the same cookie %%! -sname foo#duvel -setcookie KNKKCFPYMJUPIOLYPOAA as target host which solves the problem of getting {badrpc,nodedown}. Notice that the same statement holds for the following examples (erl_call, and -eval) where both the node name and cookie is set.
2: Set the execution bit and run
$ chmod +x hello.escript
$ ./hello.escript
Hello there bar#duval
1: run
$ erl_call -c 'KNKKCFPYMJUPIOLYPOAA' -a 'erlang node' -n bar#duval
1: run
$ erl -sname foo -setcookie 'KNKKCFPYMJUPIOLYPOAA'
-eval 'io:format("Hello there ~p~n",[rpc:call(bar#duval,erlang, node, [])])'
... Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
(foo#duval)1> Hello there bar#duval
This creates a shell which might not be what you want in this case.
I might mention that if both nodes are on the same host and using the same cookie default value, the cookie value for foo and bar don't have to be explicitly set like in the examples.
After doing these examples and reading your question again I think what I GIVE TERRIBLE ADVICE said will be your best choice, erl_call. I fell for the word "complex" in question title where imho escripts allow much more "complex" setups in a easy-to-read manner. The variable _String in the escript example holds the arguments to the script which allows you to both access input through shell and perform complex erlang operations in the EVM. But erl_call might be more straight forward if you already have logic in some other application and just need to make this simple call to an erlang node.
The erl_call application is exactly what you need:
erl_call makes it possible to start and/or communicate with a distributed Erlang node. It is built upon the erl_interface library as an example application. Its purpose is to use an Unix shell script to interact with a distributed Erlang node. It performs all communication with the Erlang rex server, using the standard Erlang RPC facility. It does not require any special software to be run at the Erlang target node.
The main use is to either start a distributed Erlang node or to make an ordinary function call. However, it is also possible to pipe an Erlang module to erl_call and have it compiled, or to pipe a sequence of Erlang expressions to be evaluated (similar to the Erlang shell).
See the examples for more details
You can use -eval flag of erl:
$ erl -eval 'io:format("Hello, World!~n")'
You can parse complex arguments with escript:
#!/usr/bin/env escript
main(String) ->
{Node, Mod, Fun, Args} = parse_args(String),
R = rpc:call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args),
If your problem is how to set the Erlang node in network mode (i.e. turn the node into a distributed node), you might want to do something like
EPMD = code:root_dir() ++ "/bin/epmd &",
net_kernel:start([Sname, shortnames])
where Sname is your wanted node name. Only after this can you start communicating to another node with e.g. rpc.
