Coloring cells based on numbers in string - google-sheets

In my sheet, on column A I have a string of numbers divided by commas. Then there are 12 numbered columns, each with its own hour. How can I shade the cells if their column's number is listed in column A?
Here is an example of what I am hoping to achieve.
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
2 | 1,2,4 | (shaded) | (shaded) | | (shaded)
3 | 2,3 | | (shaded) | (shaded) |

Select the whole range
Apply conditional fofmatting
select custom formula: =MATCH(B$1,SPLIT($A2,","),0)>0


Create column taking number of values from one column and actual value from another column

I have two columns, A and B, where A contains the number of values for corresponding value in B. I want to create column C that contains the number of values from A but with the value from B. So for example:
| A | | B |
| 2 | | 40 |
| 3 | | 60 |
Should produce:
| C |
| 40 |
| 40 |
| 60 |
| 60 |
| 60 |
So 2 of 40 and 3 of 60. This could be in memory (I only want to use C in a formula, don't really need it as an actual column) or as its own column.
Give a try on below formula-

Google Sheets - Conditional Formatting a dynamically resizing `Total` Row

I am trying to conditional format a dynamically resizing Total row of multiple tables stacked one above the other. The number of cells in the Total row may change depending upon the selection in a Year dropdown.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
<Year dropdown>
|Issues|2020-Jan|2020-Feb|2020-Mar|2020-Apr|2020-May|2020-Jun| | | | | | |
| abc | 9 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 8 | | | | | | |
| def | 1 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 5 | 3 | | | | | | |
| ghi | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | | | | | | |
|Total | 12 | 6 | 12 | 3 | 9 | 13 | | | | | | |
I am using this formula to highlight the Total row. However, it is highlighting the entire row depending upon what range is set in the Conditional Formatting > Apply to Range box. I want to highlight only the numeric cells i.e. exclude blank cells.
This highlights the entire Total row including any blank cells. I modified it to exclude any blank cells in row, but no joy!
=AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("total",$B1)), SEARCH("total",$B1)<>""))
You can also do it like this, relying on relative addressing to modify the formula as it's effectively dragged across the formatted area:
Use formula:

How to add the content of a certain number of rows just below the VLookup output (Google spreadsheet)?

For instance:
1 | Mouse | 1 | a |
2 | Keyboard | 2 | e |
3 | Headset | 3 | i |
4 | HDD | 4 | o |
=Arrayformula(VLOOKUP("Mouse",A1:C4,{2,3},FALSE) --would return "1" & "a".
Is there a way to make it return the content of 1 row below as well, that "2" & "e" along with "1" & "a"? i.e., the desired final output should look like :
1 | | 1 | a |
2 | | 2 | e |
Try offset:
Offset in Google sheets is an arrayformula, so it can return multiple rows and columns.
Match function gives the number of row with matched name.

Googlesheets - Get the sum of a special string column

How can I sum up a sheet with many columns looks like below (list 3 column for example):
| 1 | HKD 2,010 |
| 2 | HKD 1,010 |
| 3 | HKD 2,020 |
| Total | HKD 5,050 |
Try in B1:
=ARRAYFORMULA(sum(value(REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "[^' ']*$"))))

Count occurrences of words from multiple columns

I have a spreadsheet like this, where the values A-E are the same options coming from a form:
| Opt1 | Opt2 | Opt3 |
| A | A | B |
| B | C | A |
| C | C | B |
| A | E | C |
| D | B | E |
| B | E | D |
I want to make a ranking, showing the most chosen options for each option. I already have this, where Rank is the ranking of the option and number is the count of the option:
| Rank | Opt1 | Numb |
| 1 | A | 2 |
| 1 | B | 2 |
| 3 | C | 1 |
| 3 | D | 1 |
+------+------+------+ (I have 3 of these, one for each option)
I want to do now a summary of the 3 options, making the same ranking but joining the options. It would be something like:
| Rank |Opt123| Numb |
| 1 | B | 5 |
| 2 | A | 4 |
| 2 | C | 4 |
| 4 | E | 3 |
| 5 | D | 2 |
The easiest way to do this would be getting the data from the three ranking tables or from the original three data columns?
And how would I do this?
I already have the formula to get the names of the options, the count and ranking, but I don't know how to make them work with multiple columns.
What I have (the F column is one of the data columns):
Column B on another sheet:
=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F)))); RANK(COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F))))); COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F))))); TRUE); FALSE)
Column C:
=ArrayFormula(COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; FILTER(B2:B;NOT(ISBLANK(B2:B)))))
Column A:
Merge cols:
merges 2 cols, not very clean, but works. (Same as here Stacking multiple columns on to one?)
Full formula:
=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")))))); RANK(COUNTIF(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")); UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","))))))); COUNTIF(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")); UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","))))))); TRUE); FALSE)
The transpose could be done after the sort.
