Image preprocessing mean image subtraction - machine-learning

I have a question regarding the preprocessing step "Image mean subtraction".
I use the UCSD Dataset for my training.
One popular preprocessing step is the mean subtraction. Now I wonder if I am doing it right.
What I am doing is the following:
I have 200 gray scaled Train images
I put all images in a list and compute the mean with numpy:
np.mean(ImageList, axis=0)
This returns me a mean image
Now I subtract the mean image from all Train images
When I now visualize my preprocessed train images they are mostly black and have also negative values in them.
Is this correct? Or is my understanding of subtracting the mean image incorrect?
Here is one of my training images:
And this is the "mean image":

It seems like you are doing it right.
As for the negative values: they are to be expected. Your original images had intensity values in range [0..1], once you subtract the mean (that should be around ~0.5), you should have values in range (roughly) [-.5..0.5].
Please note that you should save the "mean image" you got for test time as well: once you wish to predict using the trained net you need to subtract the same mean image from the test image.
In your case (static camera) the mean subtracted removes the "common" background. These settings seems to be in your favor as they focus the net to the temporal changes in the frame. this method will work well for you, as long as you test on the same image set (i.e., frames from the same static camera).


Deep Learning - How to perform RANDOM CROP and not lose any information in data (change ground truth label)

I have image patches from DDSM Breast Mammography that are 150x150 in size. I would like to augment my dataset by randomly cropping these images 2x times to 120x120 size. So, If my dataset contains 6500 images, augmenting it with random crop should get me to 13000 images. Thing is, I do NOT want to lose potential information in the image and possibly change ground truth label.
What would be best way to do this? Should I crop them randomly from 150x150 to 120x120 and hope for the best or maybe pad them first and then perform the cropping? What is the standard way to approach this problem?
If your ground truth contains the exact location of what you are trying to classify, use the ground truth to crop your images in an informed way. I.e. adjust the ground truth, if you are removing what you are trying to classify.
If you don't know the location of what you are classifying, you could
attempt to train a classifier on your un-augmented dataset,
find out, what the regions of the images are that your classifier reacts to,
make note of these location
crop your images in an informed way
train a new classifier
But how do you "find out, what regions your classifier reacts to"?
Multiple ways are described in Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks by Zeiler and Fergus:
Imagine your classifier classifies breast cancer or no breast cancer. Now simply take an image that contains positive information for breast cancer and occlude part of the image with some blank color (see gray square in image above, image by Zeiler et al.) and predict cancer or not. Now move the occluded square around. In the end you'll get rough predictions scores for all parts of your original image (see (d) in the image above), because when you covered up the important part that is responsible for a positive prediction, you (should) get a negative cancer prediction.
If you have someone who can actually recognize cancer in an image, this is also a good way to check for and guard against confounding factors.
BTW: You might want to crop on-the-fly and randomize how you crop even more to generate way more samples.
If the 150x150 is already the region of interest (ROI) you could try the following data augmentations:
use a larger patch, e.g. 170x170 that always contains your 150x150 patch
use a larger patch, e.g. 200x200, and scale it down to 150x150
add some gaussian noise to the image
rotate the image slightly (by random amounts)
change image contrast slightly
artificially emulate whatever other (image-)effects you see in the original dataset

Training dataset with coloured and grayscale images

I am trying to train a cnn model for face gender and age detection. My training set contains facial images both coloured and grayscale. How do I normalize this dataset? Or how do I handle a dataset with a mixture of grayscale and coloured images?
Keep in mind the network will just attempt to learn the relationship between your labels (gender/age) and you training data, in the way they are presented to the network.
The optimal choice is depending if you expect the model to work on gray-scale or colored images in the future.
If want to to predict on gray-scale image only
You should train on grayscale image only!
You can use many approaches to convert the colored images to black and white:
simple average of the 3 RGB channels
more sophisticated transforms using cylindrical color spaces as HSV,HSL. There you could use one of the channels as you gray. Normally, tthe V channel corresponds better to human perception than the average of RGB
If you need to predict colored image
Obviously, there is not easy way to reconstruct the colors from a grayscale image. Then you must use color images also during training.
if your model accepts MxNx3 image in input, then it will also accept the grayscale ones, given that you replicate the info on the 3 RGB channels.
You should carefully evaluate the number of examples you have, and compare it to the usual training set sizes required by the model you want to use.
If you have enough color images, just do not use the grayscale cases at all.
If you don't have enough examples, make sure you have balanced training and test set for gray/colored cases, otherwise your net will learn to classify gray-scale vs colored separately.
Alternatively, you could consider using masking, and replace with a masking values the missing color channels.
Further alternative you could consider:
- use a pre-trained CNN for feature extraction e.g. VGGs largely available online, and then fine tune the last layers
To me it feels that age and gender estimation would not be affected largely by presence/absence of color, and it might be that reducing the problem to a gray scale images only will help you to convergence since there will be way less parameters to estimate.
You should probably rather consider normalizing you images in terms of pose, orientation, ...
To train a network you have to ensure same size among all the training images, so convert all to grayscale. To normalize you can subtract the mean of training set from each image. Do the same with validation and testing images.
For detailed procedure go through below article:

Haar Classifier positive image set clarification

Could you please help understand several points related to Haar Classifier training:
1) Should positive image contain only the training object or they can contain some other objects in it? Like I want to recognize some traffic sign, should the positive image contain only traffic sign or it can contain highway also?
2) There are 2 ways of creating samples vector file, one is using info file, which contains the detected object coordinates in positive image, another just giving the list of positives and negatives. Which one is better?
3) How usually you create info file, which contains the detected object coordinates in positive image? Can image clipper generate object cordinates?
And does dlib histogram of adaptive gradient provides better results than Haar classifier?
My target is traffic sign detection in raspberry pi.
the positive sample (not necessarily the image) should contain only the object. Sometimes it is not possible to get the right aspect ratio for each positive sample, then you would either add some background or crop some of the object boundary. The final detector will detect regions of your positive sample aspect ratio, so if you use a lot of background around all of your positive samples, your final detector will probably not detect a region of your traffix sign, but a region with a lot of background around your traffic sign.
Afaik, the positive samples must be provided by a .vec file which is created with opencv_createsamples.exe and you'll need a file with the description (where in the images are your positive samples?). I typically go the way that I preprocess my labeled training samples, crop away all the background, so that there are only intermediate images where the positive sample fills the whole image and the image is already the right aspect ratio. I fill a text file with basically "folder/filename.png 0 0 width height" for each of those intermediate images and then create a .vec file from that intermediate images. But the other way, using a real roi information out of full-size images should be of same quality.
Be aware that if you don't fix the same aspect ratio for each positive sample, you'll stretch your objects, which might or might not be a problem in your task.
And keep in mind, that you can create additional positive samples from warping/transforming your images. opencv_createsamples can do that for you, but I never really used it, so I'm not sure whether training will benefit from using such samples.

Poor performance on digit recognition with CNN trained on MNIST dataset

I trained a CNN (on tensorflow) for digit recognition using MNIST dataset.
Accuracy on test set was close to 98%.
I wanted to predict the digits using data which I created myself and the results were bad.
What I did to the images written by me?
I segmented out each digit and converted to grayscale and resized the image into 28x28 and fed to the model.
How come that I get such low accuracy on my data set where as such high accuracy on test set?
Are there other modifications that i'm supposed to make to the images?
Here is the link to the images and some examples:
Excluding bugs and obvious errors, my guess would be that your problem is that you are capturing your hand written digits in a way that is too different from your training set.
When capturing your data you should try to mimic as much as possible the process used to create the MNIST dataset:
From the oficial MNIST dataset website:
The original black and white (bilevel) images from NIST were size
normalized to fit in a 20x20 pixel box while preserving their aspect
ratio. The resulting images contain grey levels as a result of the
anti-aliasing technique used by the normalization algorithm. the
images were centered in a 28x28 image by computing the center of mass
of the pixels, and translating the image so as to position this point
at the center of the 28x28 field.
If your data has a different processing in the training and test phases then your model is not able to generalize from the train data to the test data.
So I have two advices for you:
Try to capture and process your digit images so that they look as similar as possible to the MNIST dataset;
Add some of your examples to your training data to allow your model to train on images similar to the ones you are classifying;
For those still have a hard time with the poor quality of CNN based models for MNIST:
Normalization was the key.

Caffe predicts same class regardless of image

I modified the MNIST example and when I train it with my 3 image classes it returns an accuracy of 91%. However, when I modify the C++ example with a deploy prototxt file and labels file, and try to test it on some images it returns a prediction of the second class (1 circle) with a probability of 1.0 no matter what image I give it - even if it's images that were used in the training set. I've tried a dozen images and it consistently just predicts the one class.
To clarify things, in the C++ example I modified I did scale the image to be predicted just like the images were scaled in the training stage:
img.convertTo(img, CV_32FC1);
img = img * 0.00390625;
If that was the right thing to do, then it makes me wonder if I've done something wrong with the output layers that calculate probability in my deploy_arch.prototxt file.
I think you have forgotten to scale the input image during classification time, as can be seen in line 11 of the train_test.prototxt file. You should probably multiply by that factor somewhere in your C++ code, or alternatively use a Caffe layer to scale the input (look into ELTWISE or POWER layers for this).
After a conversation in the comments, it turned out that the image mean was mistakenly being subtracted in the classification.cpp file whereas it was not being subtracted in the original training/testing pipeline.
Are your train classes balanced?
You may get to a stacked network on a prediction of one major class.
In order to find the issue I suggest to output the train prediction during training compared to predictions with the forward example on same train images from a different class.
