I'm using Reactive form. I want to get Validator of FormControl in view like this:
<span *ngIf="productForm.controls.ProductName.validator?.required" class="required-field">*</span>
My component code is like this :
this.productForm = new FormGroup({
'ProductName': new FormControl('', [Validators.required])
Is there any way to know on view that ProductName have a validator and that is required
Can be checked using
*ngIf = "productForm.controls.Productname.errors.required"
to check if the input has a required validator.
I am using Blazor Text Editor from source below.
Source - https://github.com/Blazored/TextEditor
I successfully integrated it with my create and edit form, however not able to bind-Value to it. Because of this my Data Annotation Validation is failing.
Internally blazor is using Quill Editor, I am not looking for javascript option.
Sample Code of editor
<BlazoredTextEditor #ref="#QuillNative" Placeholder="Enter non HTML format like centering...">
<ToolbarContent>Some editor stuff here</ToolbarContent>
Could anyone please help me. How to bind-Value or correct approach without javascript.
Vencovsky - thanks of you prompt response, I was already aware of these methods however was curious to know if anybody had tried different option.
Below is what I did..
FORM -- This is common form for create & edit. OnValidSubmit will call respective Create/Edit method.
<EditForm Model="Entity" class="contact-form" OnValidSubmit="OnValidSubmit">
//My form fields here
//Commented the validation from that particular field
#*<ValidationMessage For="#(() =>Entity.field)" />*#
<div class="col-sm-1">
<button type="submit" #onclick="***getEditorData***" class="btn"
style="border:2px solid #555555;"><span>Save</span></button>
METHOD -- getEditorData() gets fired before OnValidSubmit()
public async void getEditorData()
Enity.field = await this.QuillNative.GetHTML();
So in my final Entity on OnValidSubmit() I receive all fields along with editor data..
Hope this help if anyone is trying to do so..
Apparently you can't bind a value to it, but you should use the provided methods
GetText - Gets the content of the editor as Text.
GetHTML - Gets the content of the editor as HTML.
GetContent - Gets the content of the editor in the native Quill JSON Delta format.
LoadContent (json) - Allows the content of the editor to be programmatically set.
LoadHTMLContent (string) - Allows the content of the editor to be programmatically set.
InsertImage (string) - Inserts an image at the current point in the editor.
To use these methods you need a reference of it
#* Getting the BlazoredTextEditor reference*#
<BlazoredTextEditor #ref="#BlazoredTextEditorRef">
#* rest of the code*#
And in some code in your class you can do
void LoadData(){
//var html = BlazoredTextEditor.LoadHTML(SomeDataToLoad)
void ValidateData(){
//var html = BlazoredTextEditor.GetHTML()
var text = BlazoredTextEditor.GetText()
// do something to validate text
You can call these methods and use the referece in other methods, this is just an example on how to do it.
here is how I did this:
1- to bind the value on load:
<BlazoredTextEditor #ref="#QuillHtml">
to get value on submit
<EditForm Model="infoBlock" OnValidSubmit="LocalOnValidSubmit">
#code {
[Parameter] public EventCallback OnValidSubmit { get; set; }
BlazoredTextEditor QuillHtml = new BlazoredTextEditor();
private async Task LocalOnValidSubmit()
infoBlock.Description = await this.QuillHtml.GetHTML();
await OnValidSubmit.InvokeAsync(this);//to call event handler passed by parent after the HTML prepared for main bound class
I have an issue related to the existing question
Cannot disable matInput element with this
Suggested answer works just fine:
ngOnInit() {
this.form = this.fb.group({
name: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: this.disabled })
But when I change this.disabled value to true - disabled attribute isn't changed. Is there a way to change the disabled attribute for matInput?
You can't use that form, because when you create a FormControl you are passing that value, in your case the value of this.disabled. You are not binding properties, you are only passing a value to make some checks, this value is not reflecting input properties' changes.
You can't achieve your goal by this way, you need to enable and disable your input manually, like this:
let control = this.form.get('name')
control.disabled ? control.enable() : control.disable();
Obviously you can put it into a click event directly into your template, something like this:
<button (click)="this.form.get('name').enable()">Enable</button>
I have a set of form fields that are in a dynamically created component. The parent Component owns the form tag. However, none of the form fields are being added to the Form. I'm using the ComponentFactoryResolver to create the component:
selector: 'fieldset-container',
templateUrl: './fieldset-container.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./fieldset-container.component.scss'],
entryComponents: ALL_FIELD_SETS,
export class FieldsetContainerComponent<C> {
fieldsetComponent : ComponentRef<any> = null;
#Input() formGroup : FormGroup;
#ViewChild('fieldSetContainer', {read: ViewContainerRef})
fieldsetContainer : ViewContainerRef;
#Output() onComponentCreation = new EventEmitter<ComponentRef<any>>();
constructor(private resolver : ComponentFactoryResolver) {
#Input() set fieldset( fieldset : {component : any, resolve : any }) {
if( !fieldset ) return; // sorry not right
// Inputs need to be in the following format to be resolved properly
let inputProviders = Object.keys(fieldset.resolve).map((resolveName) => {return {provide: resolveName, useValue: fieldset.resolve[resolveName]};});
let resolvedInputs = ReflectiveInjector.resolve(inputProviders);
// We create an injector out of the data we want to pass down and this components injector
let injector = ReflectiveInjector.fromResolvedProviders(resolvedInputs, this.fieldsetContainer.parentInjector);
// We create a factory out of the component we want to create
let factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(findComponentForFieldset(fieldset.component));
// We create the component using the factory and the injector
let component : ComponentRef<any> = factory.create(injector);
// We insert the component into the dom container
// Destroy the previously created component
if (this.fieldsetComponent) {
this.fieldsetComponent = component;
this.onComponentCreation.emit( this.fieldsetComponent );
The template:
<div #fieldSetContainer [formGroup]="formGroup"></div>
The usage of the dynamic component:
<form class="form" #omaForm="ngForm">
<div *ngFor="let fieldset of page?.fieldsets">
<fieldset-container [fieldset]="{ component: fieldset, resolve: {} }" (onComponentCreation)="onComponentCreation($event)" [formGroup]="omaForm.form"></fieldset-container>
I suspect it has something to do with the injector not being hooked up correctly, but from what I can tell it is chained to the parent. I've set a breakpoint in NgModel and it is passed a null for parent which is the problem. I traced that back up into something that looks compiled and it was just hard coding a null. So I'm not sure how that was created with hard coded nulls in there.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Ok it turns out it has nothing to do with the dynamic nature of this component. I removed it and defined all of my components inline and it still had the problem. The issue was that having form controls inside a Component that were nested within a form tag is just not supported by Angular out of the box. Once you nest a form control in a component it can't see the NgForm anymore which is crazy.
After reading solutions on the web and seeing that no one had a good solution I designed 2 of my own directives that registered the Form into the DI container up at the NgForm, then using DI hierarchy I could inject that into another Directive that would perform the registration below.
Parent Component Template:
<form nested>
<my-component .../>
Child Component Template:
<input name="street" [(ngModel)]="address.street" required nest/>
<input name="city" [(ngModel)]="address.city" required nest/>
<input name="state" [(ngModel)]="address.state" required nest/>
<input name="zip" [(ngModel)]="address.zip" required nest/>
Once I had this in place then I could bring back my dynamic component and it worked perfectly. It was just really hard to get there.
It's really elegant and simple and doesn't require me to pass the form instance down through the layers like so many suggestions on the web show. And the work to register a form control whether it's 1 layer or 999 layers removed is the same.
IMHO NgForm and NgModel should just do this out of the box for us, but they don't which leads to complicated architecture design to accomplish moderately advanced forms.
I have this code HTML:
<a class="tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" href="...."><i class="entypo-menu"></i><span>Page Example</span></a>
And I would use this:
#Html.ActionLink("Crea mensilizzazione " + s.nome, "CheckCredentials", "giornaliero", new { #class= "tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" , id=s.id, isScuole = false},null)
How can add the <i class="entypo-menu"></i> in this #HTML.ActionLink???
I don't think the ActionLink helper can accomplish this. but you can use #Url.Action() in custom markup to accomplish the same thing:
<a class="tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" href="#Url.Action("CheckCredentials", "giornaliero")"><i class="entypo-menu"></i><span>Page Example</span></a>
Url.Action basically just creates the URL for the link, not any of the markup related to building the link itself. So it can be used in all sorts of custom client-side code. (For example, another common use is to embed it in some JavaScript code to define an AJAX service URL.)
Edit: You can add route values exactly the same way as you do with #Html.ActionLink:
#Url.Action("CheckCredentials", "giornaliero", new { id = s.id, isScuole = false })
I'm making a test page for a project I'm working on and I've made desired progress so far but I'm trying to create TextBoxes from a model of List being passed to the view, however, the it seems to just ignore anything I have tried.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<input id="btnsubmit" type="submit" name="Submit" onclick="Submit" />
<div id="divControls">
<% foreach (TextBox control in (this.Model as List<TextBox>))
Html.Label("lblLabel", control.Text);
Html.TextBox(control.ID, control.Text, new { id = control.ID, style = "width:50", name = "txt" + control.ID });
} %>
The List isn't null in the Controller on return. I don't have a clue at what the problem could be. If I throw a Something in the for loop it executes the appropriate number of times so why isn't it creating the labels or textboxes?
At first I thought it was that I'm adding them inside a form but I removed the form tags and it still didn't work so I really have no Idea, any help would be much appreciated. I'm relatively new to MVC.
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form)
List<TextBox> controls = new List<TextBox>();
foreach (String Key in form.Keys)
if (Key.Contains("txt"))
TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
textBox.ID = Key;
textBox.Text = form.GetValues(Key)[0];
return View("Index", controls);
Here's my Action encase it's helps.
Also encase I wasn't clear enough, I am adding controls to a form at runtime using JQuery and then that Action will be part of the submit so it must send the textboxes back to the view so they are not deleted.
Like I said I'm new to the whole MVC and Asynchronous thing so If there's a better way to do this, advice would be much appreciated.
Your not printing the html
<% foreach (TextBox control in (this.Model as List<TextBox>))
<%=Html.Label("lblLabel", control.Text)%>
<%=Html.TextBox(control.ID, control.Text, new { id = control.ID, style = "width:50", name = "txt" + control.ID })%>
<% } %>
Your code is looping through the controls and the Html.whaterever is returning a string but your not doing anything with it, just discarding it.
you also don't need to return a whole TextBox object. This is probably inefficient. Just return an struct or a class containing your data
Html.Label returns a string containing a <label> tag.
You're discarding that string.
You need to write it to the page by writing <%= Html.Whatever() %>.