Max number of textures in WebGL? - webgl

I know that there is a limit of 8 textures in WebGL.
My question is that, is 8 the limit globally, or per shader/program wise?
If it's per shader/program wise limit, does that mean, once I load the textures to uniforms of one shader, I can start reusing these slots for other shaders? Say I used TEXTURE0 for one shape, can I use TEXTURE0 in another shape?

The limit is per draw call. When you make a draw call, and invoke a particular shader program, you are constrained by the limit, but your next draw call can use completely different textures in the same animation frame.
Also, 8 is just the minimum guarantee. Systems are required to support at least eight to be considered WebGL conformant. But nicer graphics cards support more than eight. You can query the max number of image textures for the platform you're on like this:
var maxTextures = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
You can also look for vertex textures:
Or a combination of the two:
You can also use a site like WebGL Report (Disclaimer, I'm a contributor) to look up this stat for the platform you're on (under Fragment Shader -> Max Texture Units).
EDIT: When this answer was first written, there was another useful site called "WebGL Stats" that would show aggregate data for WebGL support in a variety of browsers. Sadly, that site disappeared a couple years ago without warning. But even back then, most devices supported at least 16 textures.


(2d Texture Array) vs (Texture Atlas) vs (Multiple Binds / Draws)

My question pertains to the best way to handle multiple textures. First some context:
I'm using DirectX-11 in a non-gaming application; the gui uses DirectX exclusively. I'm in the process of making the gui skinnable, so the user can customize the gui to their liking.
I've written the code in such a way that the gui layout and the size of each gui element can change based on a configuration file. The gui currently uses only DirectX primatives via DrawIndexedInstanced, but I'd like to support user supplied textures. The size of these textures can vary. There can be as many as two dozen of these different textures.
I can solve this problem by either:
Dynamically putting together a texture atlas, or...
Forcing all of the textures into a 2d texture array (by making all of the textures the same size via padding as needed), or ...
Splitting up the DrawIndexedInstanced calls so that there's one draw call for each of the different textures (i.e. multiple binds / draws).
I spent the afternoon looking for consensus. I didn't find it. Penny for your thoughts?
The approach that runs fastest is the texture atlas. This is why 2d games use sprite maps. Multiple binds / draws is the slowest approach.

Webgl Upload Texture Data to the gpu without a draw call

I'm using webgl to do YUV to RGB conversions on a custom video codec.
The video has to play at 30 fps. In order to make this happen I'm doing all my math every other requestAnimationFrame.
This works great, but I noticed when profiling that uploading the textures to the gpu takes the longest amount of time.
So I uploaded the "Y" texture and the "UV" texture separately.
Now the first "requestAnimationFrame" will upload the "Y" texture like this:
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, yTextureRef);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.LUMINANCE, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, gl.LUMINANCE, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, yData);
The second "requestAnimationFrame" will upload the "UV" texture in the same way, and make a draw call to the fragment shader doing the math between them.
But this doesn't change anything in the profiler. I still show nearly 0 gpu time on the frame that uploads the "Y" texture, and the same amount of time as before on the frame that uploads the "UV" texture.
However if I add a draw call to my "Y" texture upload function, then the profiler shows the expected results. Every frame has nearly half the gpu time.
From this I'm guessing the Y texture isn't really uploaded to the gpu using the texImage2d function.
However I don't really want to draw the Y texture on the screen as it doesn't have the correct UV texture to do anything with until a frame later. So is there any way to force the gpu to upload this texture without performing a draw call?
I mis-understood the question
It really depends on the driver. The problem is OpenGL/OpenGL ES/WebGL's texture API really sucks. Sucks is a technical term for 'has unintended consequences'.
The issue is the driver can't really fully upload the data until you draw because it doesn't know what things you're going to change. You could change all the mip levels in any order and any size and then fix them all in between and so until you draw it has no idea which other functions you're going to call to manipulate the texture.
Consider you create a 4x4 level 0 mip
0, // mip level
4, // width
4, // height
What memory should it allocate? 4(width) * 4(height) * 4(rgba)? But what if you call gl.generateMipmap? Now it needs 4*4*4+2*2*4+1*1*4. Ok but now you allocate an 8x8 mip on level 3. You intend to then replace levels 0 to 2 with 64x64, 32x32, 16x16 respectively but you did level 3 first. What should it do when you replace level 3 before replacing the levels above those? You then add in levels 4 8x8, 5 as 4x4, 6 as 2x2, and 7 as 1x1.
As you can see the API lets you change mips in any order. In fact I could allocate level 7 as 723x234 and then fix it later. The API is designed to not care until draw time when all the mips must be the correct size at which point they can finally allocate memory on the GPU and copy the mips in.
You can see a demonstration and test of this issue here. The test uploads mips out of order to verify that WebGL implementations correctly fail with they are not all the correct size and correctly start working once they are the correct sizes.
You can see this was arguably a bad API design.
They added gl.texStorage2D to fix it but gl.texStorage2D is not available in WebGL1 only WebGL2. gl.texStorage2D has new issues though :(
TLDR; textures get uploaded to the driver when you call gl.texImage2D but the driver can't upload to the GPU until draw time.
Possible solution: use gl.texSubImage2D since it does not allocate memory it's possible the driver could upload sooner. I suspect most drivers don't because you can use gl.texSubImage2D before drawing. Still it's worth a try
Let me also add that gl.LUMIANCE might be a bottleneck as well. IIRC DirectX doesn't have a corresponding format and neither does OpenGL Core Profile. Both support a RED only format but WebGL1 does not. So LUMIANCE has to be emulated by expanding the data on upload.
Old Answer
Unfortunately there is no way to upload video to WebGL except via texImage2D and texSubImage2D
Some browsers try to make that happen faster. I notice you're using gl.LUMINANCE. You might try using gl.RGB or gl.RGBA and see if things speed up. It's possible browsers only optimize for the more common case. On the other hand it's possible they don't optimize at all.
Two extensions what would allow using video without a copy have been proposed but AFAIK no browser as ever implemented them.
It's actually a much harder problem than it sounds like.
Video data can be in various formats. You mentioned YUV but there are others. Should the browser tell the app the format or should the browser convert to a standard format?
The problem with telling is lots of devs will get it wrong then a user will provide a video that is in a format they don't support
The WEBGL_video_texture extensions converts to a standard format by re-writing your shaders. You tell it uniform samplerVideoWEBGL video and then it knows it can re-write your color = texture2D(video, uv) to color = convertFromVideoFormatToRGB(texture(video, uv)). It also means they'd have to re-write shaders on the fly if you play different format videos.
It sounds great to get the video data to WebGL but now you have the issue that by the time you get the data and render it to the screen you've added a few frames of latency so the audio is no longer in sync.
How to deal with that is out of the scope of WebGL as WebGL doesn't have anything to do with audio but it does point out that it's not as simple as just giving WebGL the data. Once you make the data available then people will ask for more APIs to get the audio and more info so they can delay one or both and keep them in sync.
TLDR; there is no way to upload video to WebGL except via texImage2D and texSubImage2D

OpenGL-ES iOS DrawText on screen drops FPS dramastically

Our team has developed an OpenGL application which draws different polygons on the screen. Additionally we want to create about 1000 different strings to print on the screen. If we do this with the Texture2D class the FPS drops down under 3.
I've already tested Bitmap fonts, which doesn't improve the performance.
Which is the best way in OpenGL iOS to draw a lot of text without loss of performance and without losing quality (text should be scalable)?
Allocating 1000 textures takes up a huge amount of memory and will slow down your app, especially if they are at a high enough resolution for readable text. You should generate these textures as they are needed and free them once they are no longer being displayed. Make sure that you aren't generating and freeing textures each frame, but only as needed.
If you are drawing all 1000 strings in the same scene, you should combine as many as you can into like textures. This will allow you to leverage Cocos2D's TrueType rendering system to keep text high-quality. On the other hand if this is not an option and all 1000 strings need to be distinct from each other, consider building a font rendering system that renders each character as a glyph image. This will reduce the number of textures used from 1000 to about 100 to represent all standard English characters and punctuation. I had to do something similar for a video game with lots of dynamic text in an OpenGL environment, and got good performance out of it. However, I do not recommend it unless it's absolutely necessary since it limits your text to only the glyphs you define and you have to program the formatting yourself.

What format for #greyscale' render targets in directX?

I have a directx9 game engine that creates its normal adaptor with this format:
I have a system where I render some objects to an offscreen render target, as lightmaps. I then use that lightmap data to composite back to the back buffer where they act as a full screen 'mask' and let me get the effect of torches or other light sources on a dark scene.
Everything works just great.
The problem is, I'm aware that my big offscreen lightmap render targets are 16MB each, at a large res, and I only really need 8 bits of data (greyscale) from them, so 75% of the 32 bit render target memory is a waste. (I'm targeting low spec cards).
I tried creating the render targets as
But directx silently fails on that (if I add CheckDeviceFormat() I see it happen) and creates 32 bit anyway. I use the D3DXCreateTexture function
My question is, what format is best for creating these offscreen buffers?
Thankyou for your help, I'm not good at render target related stuff :)
D3DFMT_L8 is 8 bit luminance. I believe it's supported on GeForce 3 (i.e. the first consumer card with shader 1.1!), so must be available everywhere. I think the colour is read as L, L, L, 1, i.e. rgb = luminance value, alpha = 1.
Edit: this tool is useful for finding caps:
Ontopic: If you are targeting lower spec cards, you are very likely to be running on systems where 8-bit single channel render targets are not supported at all.
If you are using shaders to do the rendering and compositing, it should be possible to use the rgba channels for 4 alternating pixels of your lightmap, packing your information. Perhaps you can tell us a little bit more about your current rendering setup?
Offtopic: AWESOME to have you here on StackOverflow, big fan of your work!

iOS: playing a frame-by-frame greyscale animation in a custom colour

I have a 32 frame greyscale animation of a diamond exploding into pieces (ie 32 PNG images # 1024x1024)
my game consists of 12 separate colours, so I need to perform the animation in any desired colour
this I believe rules out any Apple frameworks, also it rules out a lot of public code for animating frame by frame in iOS.
what are my potential solution paths?
these are the best SO links I have found:
Faster iPhone PNG Animations
frame by frame animation
Is it possible using video as texture for GL in iOS?
that last one just shows it is may be possible to load an image into a GL texture each frame ( he is doing it from the camera, so if I have everything stored in memory, that should be even faster )
I can see these options ( listed laziest first, most optimised last )
option A
each frame (courtesy of CADisplayLink), load the relevant image from file into a texture, and display that texture
I'm pretty sure this is stupid, so onto option B
option B
preload all images into memory
then as per above, only we load from memory rather than from file
I think this is going to be the ideal solution, can anyone give it the thumbs up or thumbs down?
option C
preload all of my PNGs into a single GL texture of the maximum size, creating a texture Atlas. each frame, set the texture coordinates to the rectangle in the Atlas for that frame.
while this is potentially a perfect balance between coding efficiency and performance efficiency, the main problem here is losing resolution; on older iOS devices maximum texture size is 1024x1024. if we are cramming 32 frames into this ( really this is the same as cramming 64 ) we would be at 128x128 for each frame. if the resulting animation is close to full screen on the iPad this isn't going to hack it
option D
instead of loading into a single GL texture, load into a bunch of textures
moreover, we can squeeze 4 images into a single texture using all four channels
I baulk at the sheer amount of fiddly coding required here. My RSI starts to tingle even thinking about this approach
I think I have answered my own question here, but if anyone has actually done this or can see the way through, please answer!
If something higher performance than (B) is needed, it looks like the key is glTexSubImage2D
Rather than pull across one frame at a time from memory, we could arrange say 16 512x512x8-bit greyscale frames contiguously in memory, send this across to GL as a single 1024x1024x32bit RGBA texture, and then split it within GL using the above function.
This would mean that we are performing one [RAM->VRAM] transfer per 16 frames rather than per one frame.
Of course, for more modern devices we could get 64 instead of 16, since more recent iOS devices can handle 2048x2048 textures.
I will first try technique (B) and leave it at that if it works ( I don't want to over code ), and look at this if needed.
I still can't find any way to query how many GL textures it is possible to hold on the graphics chip. I have been told that when you try to allocate memory for a texture, GL just returns 0 when it has run out of memory. however to implement this properly I would want to make sure that I am not sailing close to the wind re: resources... I don't want my animation to use up so much VRAM that the rest of my rendering fails...
You would be able to get this working just fine with CoreGraphics APIs, there is no reason to deep dive into OpenGL for a simple 2D problem like this. For the general approach you should take to creating colored frames from a grayscale frame, see colorizing-image-ignores-alpha-channel-why-and-how-to-fix. Basically, you need to use CGContextClipToMask() and then render a specific color so that what is left is the diamond colored in with the specific color you have selected. You could do this at runtime, or you could do it offline and create 1 video for each of the colors you want to support. It is be easier on your CPU if you do the operation N times and save the results into files, but modern iOS hardware is much faster than it used to be. Beware of memory usage issues when writing video processing code, see video-and-memory-usage-on-ios-devices for a primer that describes the problem space. You could code it all up with texture atlases and complex openGL stuff, but an approach that makes use of videos would be a lot easier to deal with and you would not need to worry so much about resource usage, see my library linked in the memory post for more info if you are interested in saving time on the implementation.
