Jenkins blueocean beta not available - jenkins

I am trying to install the blueocean beta plugin for my Jenkins server.
The first thing I saw is that I was not getting the proper plugins so I have updated my plugin url to:
Currently did a clean install without any other plugins, maybe there are some other plugins that are required for the blueocean plugin?
I am using version 2.19.4, so far my experience with Jenkins has been terrible and there does not seem to be a proper support forum so I am asking here.
Hopefully somebody can help me out.

I executed the update (, restarted Jenkins (v2.19.4) so "Blue Ocean Beta" showed up at Manage Plugins > Available and I was able to install.


Jenkins plugin updates are unavailable

I have updated my jenkins server and see the following message for some plugins. I am not sure how to fix this. I looked at the dependencies section for that plugin and I see they are already installed. Not sure what else is missing so I can see the update available. Dependency for this is Mailer which is already installed on my server.
That is frustrating but you can try uploading plugins manually.
You can download plugins from here link to plugin storage.
Of course you have to roughly see what version of the plugin goes with your jenkins version.
Once you downloaded 'proper' plugin version, you go to manage plugins, advanced tab and there you can upload the plugin file. After that restart jenkins and check changes. You should really go to manage plugins, updated plugin tab and update selected plugins...
It could be guess work, but I'm sure after a couple of guesses you'll get to the version of Jenkins you have.
You might need to upgrade jenkins.. here are all jenkins war files:
Last but not least... don't try to fix all dependencies.. fix those you use, rest is optional.

Has the TFS plugin for Jenkins been removed?

I have been using Jenkins with the TFS plugin for several years but after installing Jenkins on a new machine, it seems that the TFS plugin cannot be found in the update center. All the other plugins that I could search for seem to work but not TFS, as if it had been deleted from there. I have tried using both jenkins-lts and jenkins weekly on two separate machines (both macs).
This is the plugin I am talking about:
The old wiki page for it also seems to have been removed (I get a HTTP 403 Forbidden reply when trying to access that): and the newer plugin index doesn't seem to know about this plugin:
I have tried to look on the Jira issue tracker but couldn't find anything that seemed relevant.
Could anyone assist?
Okay so after struggling with this for a while, I figured out what had happened.
There was a security issue for the TFS plugin that hasn't been fixed:
On top of that, it was found that the TFS SDK that is bundled with the plugin is not open source, which goes against Jenkins policy (see INFRA-2751 for more details).
This means that the plugin has been removed from the update center in this commit at the end of October 2020.
If the security issue is acceptable, the plugin can still be installed by downloading the .hpi from Github and then manually install the plugin in Jenkins: Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced > Upload Plugin and select the plugin file downloaded previously (Make sure to have git-plugin installed normally first so all additional dependencies are in place).
Thanks to the people on Jenkins Gitter that reminded me of the security issue as well as #ian-w on here that pointed at the actual problem.
Edit: I edited my answer to include Ian's comment.
2021-08-31: See additional details in this S/O response.

Cannot install plugins on Jenkins

I'm new to Jenkins and am trying to get a simple pipeline setup and struggling with the plugins page. I want to install the Azure credentials plugin but in the Plugin Manager page, when I select the plugin checkbox, there is no "Install" button so I don't know what to do next.
Tried on latest Chrome and Firefox with same issue. No errors in the console.
I looked at the documentation and it does not describe any reasons why the buttons won't appear. I am unsure if this is a bug or a problem with the documentation.
I am running v2.249.1 LTS version on Windows Server 2016.
Because this issue seems to be present in both 2.235.1 as ell as 2.260, the weekly release, I would recommend using the Jenkins CLI in the meantime. You can find the documentation here: - I just used it and it works well. Do not forget to download the jenkins-cli.jar file as well as generted an API token.
wget https://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
I have the same bug here, try Jenkins 2.249.1 fresh installation using ubuntu 20.04 and cannot install plugin from web UI
So I downgrade jenkins to older version to version 2.235.1, now I can install plugin from web ui
sudo apt-get install jenkins=2.235.1

Jenkins plugins for old versions

Fore some reasons I have to use Jenkins 2.32 and I need to install some plugins there. Machine with it has no internet, so I only can upload plugin file to install it from file.
So, the problem is there any easy way to obtain required plugin for required Jenkins version with all it's dependencies?
I can't update Jenkins - it's out of my power.
I find only way to download old versions of plugin, but by this way I can't check dependencies and required jenkins version before loading.
I had such an environment before.
Warning: it's an annoying process.
Because there was no internet, we uploaded all plugins manually, i.e. looking at the plugin page (e.g. and then downloading from the archive (e.g. the .hpi file. As you have to use a relatively old version of Jenkins you may want to check the changelog of the plugin, if you have to use an older version.
In addition on each plugin page the dependencies are listed and you have to repeat the above steps for each dependency.
The only good thing is that usually Jenkins gives you hints, which dependencies are missing after you uploaded a plugin.
You can probably extract the information out of the plugin-versions.json in the Jenkins Update Center.
For more information about the layout of update center, see this document.
You may also find my previous response on jenkins failed to install plugins - docker image (with groovy scripts) helpful

Where I can find old pipeline plugins and its related dependencies for Jenkins 1.658?

We are in the process of migrating to Jenkins 2 (we anticipate to get migration done in the next 2 months). But Unfortunately our current Jenkins 1.658 stopped working while we tried to installed Clean-up Workspace plugin, which upgraded the pipeline plugins and made it in-compatible with the Jenkins 1.X core.
Unfortunately rolling back/removing the plugins didn't fix the problem. The pipeline is still not working.
Trying to manually find those plugin and replace them in the JENKINS_HOME/plugins.
Is there by any chance can you pls help me with the following:
Where can I find the pipeline plugins and its related dependencies that is compatible with the older version of Jenkins(Jenkins 1.658)?
Possibly are you able to provide a the list of pipeline plugins and its related dependencies along with its version.
Or if you have a better suggestion to fix my problem please do let me know.
Any help is really appreciated!!!
