Getting data in <tr> with thymeleaf - thymeleaf

This is my code fragment:
<th:block th:each="d : ${items}">
<td th:text="${d.productname}"></td>
<td th:text="${d.quantity}"></td>
<td th:text="${d.price}"></td>
items is an ArrayList.
I can get data if the tr doesn't exist (as you can see I commented it in the code).
If I put them back, my th:text gets null values.
I also tried tr th:each but it didn't help.
How can I solve this problem? Thank you.

I am using thymeleaf-3.0.0 ,It worked for me.
<tr th:each="d : ${items}" >
<td th:text="${d.productname}"></td>
<td th:text="${d.quantity}"></td>
<td th:text="${d.price}"></td>


How to display blank data in Thymeleaf in th:text

I am trying to use Thymeleaf if and unless but it is not working. What I am trying to do is I want to check if the statusNm variable has a value of 'Approved' then it will display the content otherwise it will leave it blank.
But I am not able to achieve it. Please suggest me a solution.
<th>Approved Date</th>
<td th:if="${obj.statusNm}=='Approved'" th:text="${obj.modifyDt}"></td>
<td th:unless="${obj.statusNm}" th:text=""></td>
<th>Approved By</th>
<td th:if="${obj.statusNm}=='Approved'" th:text="${obj.modifier}"></td>
<td th:unless="${obj.statusNm}" th:text=""></td>
As the alternative, you may look at Conditional expressions and evaluate your condition directly in th:text attribute ...
<th>Approved Date</th>
<td th:text="${obj.statusNm=='Approved'} ? ${obj.modifyDt}"></td>
<th>Approved By</th>
<td th:text="${obj.statusNm=='Approved'} ? ${obj.modifier}"></td>
The equals check must be inside the curly brackets like this:
<th>Approved Date</th>
<td th:if="${obj.statusNm=='Approved'}" th:text="${obj.modifyDt}"></td>
<td th:unless="${obj.statusNm=='Approved'}" th:text=""></td>

Parallel loops in Thymeleaf

This is my code, it does not work. I know I can not put the loops that, but how should they be to get the logic done
<tr th:each="max:${top3max}", th:each="min:${top3min}">
<td th:text="${max.getName()}"></td>
<td th:text="${min.getName()}"></td>
As long as both Lists are the same size, you can loop through one and use the status variable to access the other. Like this:
<tr th:each="max, i: ${top3max}">
<td th:text="${max.getName()}"></td>
<td th:text="${top3min[i.index]}"></td>
If you want something more like a traditional for loop, this will work (as long as top3max is a List -- you'll have to use .length instead of .size() if you're dealing with an array.
<tr th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(0, top3max.size() - 1)}">
<td th:text="${top3max[i]}"></td>
<td th:text="${top3min[i]}"></td>

Is commenting faster than th:remove="all-but-first"?

There's an example in the Thymeleaf docs that I'm curious about.
Is commenting out a block using Thymeleaf-style commenting faster than using th:remove="all-but-first"?
<tr th:each="user : ${users}">
<td th:text="${}">Jamie Dimon</td>
<!--/* Hidden from evaluation -->
<td>Jeff Bezos</td>
<td>Warren Buffett</td>
<table th:remove="all-but-first">
<tr th:each="user : ${users}">
<td th:text="${}">Jamie Dimon</td>
<td>Jeff Bezos</td>
<td>Warren Buffett</td>
In both cases, prototyping would show the same HTML, but I am wondering whether the low precedence of th:remove would make it less desirable since it would be removing the tags after evaluating the th:each.

How to apply if condition in table td in thymeleaf

I am new to thymeleaf, I have a little problem. I am successfully getting data from database and displaying to table formate, here i am getting true/false from database. Same thing displaying in table formate.
But i want to show true as yes and fasle as no in front end.
<tr th:each="trn,iterStat : ${trans}">
<td th:text="${trn.txn}">Yes</td>
How to change my code?
Different ways to go about this depending on what you want your html to look like:
<tr th:each="trn,iterStat : ${trans}">
<td th:text="${trn.txn ? 'Yes' : 'No'}" />
<tr th:each="trn,iterStat : ${trans}">
<span th:if="${trn.txn}">Yes</span>
<span th:unless="${trn.txn}">No</span>

i want only published children in umbraco

I want only those children who are publish in content folder.
this is my below code:
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">
#foreach (var item in Model.Children)
<h3 class="vacancyH">#item.jobTitle</h3>
<table class="vaccTbl">
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Salary & Benefits:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailDesc">#item.salaryBenefits</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Employment Type:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Department:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Report to Position:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Location:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle">Date of Description:</td>
<td class="vaccDetailTitle" valign="top">Summary:</td>
<td class="tablep">#item.vacancySummary</td>
<td colspan="2" valign="middle"><img src="/images/wordicon.jpg" alt="" class="docIcon" />Download the Full Job Description</td>
<div class="vaccCloseDate">Application Deadline: #item.applicationDeadline.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy")</div>
<div class="vaccApplyForPosition">Click here to apply</div>
By this i get the all children which are not published..
Now i want the only published children.
What do you mean by published? What you are doing will only display published items, this is how umbraco works. Using where("visible") relies on you having created a property on one of your doc types called umbracoNaviHide and setting it to true in order to hide items. If what you have is not working then there is another reason for it.
Are your unpublished items greyed out in the content tree?
Try right click in top level content node and republish entire site.
Make sure your browser isn't caching something so clear the cache.
Failing all this simply delete umbraco.config in your app_data folder.
Umbraco does not render unpublished items.
