Is there any way to extend blog plugin to import xml file - laravel-5.1

Just been looking at October cms and I would like to extend the import function to include xml files is this possible in October I have looked on the October forum but unable to find any info on this, I like the way the blog section imports csv file and would like to do something similar but with xml.
I noted that the ImportExportController uses League\Csv\Reader namespace is there something similar for XML


Best way to migrate single project from Jira 5.0 to Jira 8?

I want to move a single project from a Jira 5.0 instance to a new Jira 8.0 instance being already used for other projects - so the process must not bring in configurations, workflows, etc. nor should alter existing projects.
I'm only interested in importing issues and related data:
title, description, etc (obviously)
attachments (images, files, whatever)
issue links
issue type (with mapping to new types in case they don't match)
... (other properties that I'm forgetting right now)
I've just started searching for the topic and already found several options - and it's not clear if they're all available to be, mosly due to the starting Jira version, they are:
Export to CSV and import to CSV
Export to XML
Import from JSON (though I've yet to find a JSON export)
Rest API
Import project from backup
... and surely others
Of course I'd like the most complete yet less error-prone method, though if resorting to the REST API will be the only way to be sure to import all I want, I'm ready to write a script / program.
So, what should I choose?
P.S.: I'm not sure if this fits this community, is there a more proper one?
The easiest way is to get csv export, get all attachments (jira_home/data/attachments). Then copy attachments to a new instance to jira_home/import. You'll need to edit export file to match names and paths of your attachments in order to import them successfully.
And last step is import csv to your Jira 8 instance.
I suggest trying this on dev/stage environment first because there are many small details that can affect import.
Some useful data is here:

Grails 2.4.4 How do I export excel file?

I've looked at some plugins but no success.
I tried Export Plugin 1.6 as well but the view doesn't recognize r:.. and export:.. tags.
What is the best way to export rows of data from postgresql database into an excel file from a click of a button?
Thank you.
you could create a gsp which renders a .csv-file and set the content-type of the response to application/ within the controller.
that's the easiest way, but you will not be able to control the format of cells.
Apache POI - as mentioned by Abincepto - is another solution which is more complex but gives you full control over the generated excel file
Did you try directly with apache poi ?
From the website:
The Apache POI Project's mission is to create and maintain Java APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon the Office Open XML standards (OOXML) and Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format (OLE2). In short, you can read and write MS Excel files using Java. In addition, you can read and write MS Word and MS PowerPoint files using Java. Apache POI is your Java Excel solution (for Excel 97-2008). We have a complete API for porting other OOXML and OLE2 formats and welcome others to participate.
Here is a tutorial: Read / Write Excel file in Java using Apache POI
and a quick guide
I just found another link using Grails that could help you. The example use another library: jexcelapi
The export plugin is dependent on the resources plugin. You can add the resources plugin and try again. I use resources 1.2.8. Also you need to add this to your dependencies:
dependencies {
// Needed for the export plugin?
compile 'commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.8.3'
plugins {
runtime ":resources:1.2.8"

Convert automatically Google Sheets docs to .txt tabular text file

I want to import Google-SpreadSheet data to lotus notes but not do no support the import from .gsheet filo so i want to automatically convert .gsheet doc to .txt file and after that import it using LotusNotes Script to create a doc with informations contained in that doc.
I must have to start form a .gsheet file.
Which are my options?
Can i use windows scipt ?
The first step is, to get the csv from the spreadsheet. Accoring to responses to this post in stackoverflow this is simply a matter of using the right url.
As soon as you have the url you can use LotusScript- Functions to call that URL and import the csv- data to your documents / database.
Just google for the right starting point (e.g. "lotusscript read web site") and come back if you have concrete questions in your created script.

Troubleshooting "call to undefined function" when adding Markdown to project

I'm trying to add some Markdown capabilities to my Symfony project (Symfony version 1.3.3).
To accomplish that, I had already included the Markdown library into lib/vendor directory. Also, I added the need configuration in the autoload.yml for the previous library.
However, I'm getting a fatal PHP error:
Call to undefined function Markdown()
How can I resolve this problem?
The symfony autoloader loads classes from php files named like <classname>.class.php. If you're using the markdown.php file from, it does not follow the naming scheme, nor does it contain a class called Markdown, as a matter of fact: it has a function called Markdown.
Symfony isn't even trying to load it, for reasons I described above. You will have to include it manually. I suggest you have a look at
I do NOT suggest installing a plugin for such a simple feature. It is not hard for you to figure it out if you have some real examples.
There is an open source project based on symfony named Bookeet. It has embedded MarkDowm feature. It uses markitup as the markdown editor. And it uses php markdown to convert markdown code to html code.
To save your time, go directly to changeset 29f0ba1807 of the Bookeet project(I am sorry that I can't post the hyperlink because SO doesn't permit new user to post more than one hyperlink). You could see clearly what should be done in order to add markdown feature to your website.

Strategy in exporting to Excel with formatting from ASP.NET?

So this is another exporting to Excel question.
I have a page that has a table with formatting by stylesheet.
When I export the page by setting the ContentType to application/excel and Content-Disposition to attachment, I can export the table to Excel (not CSV). However, it loses all formatting. I think it's because Excel does not load CSS and I guess that's reasonable.
So, in a scenario where I have to show the table on the web and also export to Excel, both with similar (even if not exact) formatting, what would be the best approach without using something like NPOI?
I am trying to minimize the work and keep the single template if possible. Is it necessary for me to create two separate templates: one with stylesheet, the other with embedded style in the table itself for Excel?
Having a single template with conditional formatting inside would be very messy.
Any ideas?
If you not yet solve the problem I'll recommend you to use Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office (see With this way you will be able create an XLSX file without installing Excel on the server. XLSX file is compressed (like ZIP file) collection of xml files. Open XML SDK 2.0 helps you create and change XLSX file as pure xml files. At the first time if you look at Open XML SDK a lot of things look like strange, but it's only at the beginning. There are so named "Open XML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool" (a part of Open XML SDK 2.0) which can generate a lot of useful code for you. Moreover you can create a nice Excel document which you can use as a prototype (template) of the document which you will create. So you can solve the problem of complex formating without writing of a lot of code.
Look at for some examples and on See also Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 as a start example. You can find also a lot of good stuffs on about Open XML SDK
there are several aproach
you could instantiate a excel object on your server using VSTO, and then write the document on memory and write to response the native file, but this aproach could be a litle expensive if you create a excel object per request, so you could try to do a singleton object that wraps the excel object instance
You can create a report (rdlc file) with a similar look to the grid. Then, you can have an action where you instantiate a LocalReport, pass the data you want to it and call its Render method. You then return the byte array returned by the Render method.
