create UI Test in Xcode 8 via terminal - ios

Is there a way to actually create UI Tests in Xcode8 via the terminal? I am aware that UI Tests are usually created via Xcode itself but i would like to do it via the terminal and automate the whole process. Thanks!

you can use xcodebuild command to run the test in Xcode.
xcodebuild -workspace ${WORKSPACE_NAME} \
-scheme ${SCHEME_NAME} \
-destination "${DESTINATION}" \
-derivedDataPath "${OUT_PATH}" \
do not forget to set the scheme shared.


Not able to build Xcode project on real device

I am facing a strange issue:
I am trying to build using this xcode command
xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination ‘id={deviceID}' test
But every time I run this command I see an unusual prompt that shows up in the next line --
I am not sure what quote means and what I am expected to enter. I tried entering other device attributes but still it din help me .
Could some one please help me?
As far as I understand your provided information you are trying to start a test on a real device. Tests are executed on simulator only, which is why Xcode tells you it's not able to build your project.
Try something like this instead:
xcodebuild \
-project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj \
-scheme WebDriverAgentRunner \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=8.1' \
As you can see this command tries to build your project on an iPhone 6 simulator with iOS 8.1 installed. You can define this to your liking (e.g. OS=13.0 or another iPhone/iPad).
You can give these reads a try, too, for more examples and a better understanding:

Building and launching app in Simulator from terminal

I wanted to build and launch my iOS app using a shell script and not Xcode. My question is the similar to this question: How to launch an iOS app in the simulator without XCode rebuilding the app, which was asked in 2012.
It says that the IPA file created in build directory within the project directory can be used. I could not find a build directory inside my project folder. Also, I want to build the app from a script.
What is the most latest way of building and running an app on simulator using terminal commands?
I built the app from command line:
xcrun xcodebuild \
-scheme UITestingTutorial \
-project UITestingTutorial.xcodeproj \
-configuration Debug \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=13.6' \
-derivedDataPath \
But how do I launch it now?
Running this script inside your project directory will launch the app programmatically.
xcrun xcodebuild \
-scheme UITestingTutorial \
-project UITestingTutorial.xcodeproj \
-configuration Debug \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=13.6' \
-derivedDataPath \
open -a "Simulator"
# This simulator id has been manually found
# by running 'xcrun simctl list' and searching
# for iPhone 11 under iOS 13.6 under Devices
# A script can be written to automatically find this.
xcrun instruments -w 3100E7BC-0B95-4B3E-B0DC-8743FFCB731A
xcrun simctl install 3100E7BC-0B95-4B3E-B0DC-8743FFCB731A ./build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (
xcrun simctl launch 3100E7BC-0B95-4B3E-B0DC-8743FFCB731A com.codepro.UITestingTutorial
You can refer to Launch apps in iOS Simulator using Terminal for more details. Please note the xctool is deprecated.

xctool test -only TestTarget:TestClass runs tests disabled in the scheme

We have a Scheme (say PhoneRegression) with a couple of test targets in it (e.g. PhoneSearchTests, PhoneCheckoutTests) each with their own classes.
In one of our Jenkins jobs we only want to run the PhoneCheckoutFormValidationTests in PhoneCheckoutTests. Our configuration is the following:
xctool -scheme PhoneRegression \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=latest" \
-reporter junit:build/junit.xml -reporter plain \
test -only "PhoneCheckoutTests:PhoneCheckoutFormValidationTests" -freshInstall
We noticed this works. But it does run test methods that are disabled in the PhoneRegression scheme.
How can we tell xctool to adhere the scheme when specifying our test targets in -only?
Cross posted as an issue on the xctool github page
Update: the github issue has since been solved

Build and run an app on simulator using xcodebuild

I have the following goal to achieve: build and run an .app application using xcodebuild and ios-sim.
I'm using the following script to build the application.
xcrun xcodebuild \
-scheme $XCODE_SCHEME \
-project $XCODE_PROJECT \
-configuration Debug \
-destination generic/platform=iOS \
-derivedDataPath \
Then for running it, I'm using
ios-sim launch --devicetypeid "iPhone-6-Plus, 9.1"
Each time I receive the following message:
Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested
architectures: ?
What is happening, that the app doesn't run?
Note: if I run the second command (ios-sim...) against the .app built from Xcode (the one contained in derived data) the procedure works fine.
Ok. Figured out the issue.
You need to specify the correct destination. For example.
xcrun xcodebuild \
-scheme $XCODE_SCHEME \
-project $XCODE_PROJECT \
-configuration Debug \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6 Plus,OS=9.1' \
-derivedDataPath \
In this way Xcode will create the folder (called build) containing your products (in particular look at Debug-iphonesimulator). The build dir is created within the dir you are running the xcodebuild command.
Now you can point that folder in order to run the ios-sim command (see ios-sim for more references) or simctl (see iOS 8: Building custom simulators and Build And Run iOS Apps In Commmand Line for more info).

Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH for Calabash + Jenkins

I have integrated iOS project with Jenkins. To run the automation test cases I am using the below code in shell script.
export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=`xcode-select -print-path`/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
xcodebuild -alltargets clean
xcodebuild -alltargets
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator \
-project Myapp.xcodeProj \
-scheme Myapp-cal \
clean build
The automation testing is working fine in xcode where as with Jenkins getting the below error.
Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH. Have you built your app for
simulator? Searched dir:
Please build your app from Xcode You should build the -cal target.
Help appreciated
I believe all you need to do is export your APP_BUNDLE_PATH in your script before you call cucumber.
Something like this:
export APP_BUNDLE_PATH="${WORKSPACE}/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/"
To see an example of this in the wild see the briar-ios-example repo. [1]
FYI/BTW APP and APP_BUNDLE_PATH are interchangeable. [2]
Deleting the contents of /Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and compiling again solved this problem for me. I did not wanted to hardcode the APP_BUNDLE_PATH as I have multiple targets.
My error message was Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH.
