ui-grid 'renderComplete' event after rendering rows in DOM - ui-grid

I'm using ui-grid 3.2.1.
Trying for a long time now to find an event that notifies me when rows are rendered in the DOM.
I looked a lot in SO, and in their issues in Github.
My test to see if rows are rendered is basically $('.ui-grid-row').length > 0.
I tried rowsRendered event, modifyRows(data), all sorts of $timeout(0) in almost every spot I could, nothing worked, all callbacks are called when the above jQuery still doesn't have results.
As a last resort I found a very inefficient solution - I $watch the .html() changes of .ui-grid-contents-wrapper, which contains the .ui-grid-row elements, and when I find one, I turn off the watcher and call the callback. It's bad but it works.
Note - The rows/columns somtimes contain inner directives which may take some time to render. I don't think it should influence rowsRendered() event.
Please, can anybody help with this?
No support from ui-grid team sadly.
plunkr that show there are no .ui-grid-row in DOM when rowsRendered() is called:

var rows= gridApi.core.getAllVisibleRows(gridApi.grid);
inside rowsRendered function.


ToolTip Performance in XPages

I have a large XPage with about 170 fields on it. I have tooltips for a fair number of the fields. The tooltip does a lookup into a help DB and returns the related text. They work fine but they significantly slow down the load process because of the number of times the lookup is performed. I put a dBar.info statement in the JS that loads the text and in one load the document and put it into edit mode it would appear to have fired that one tooltip lookup 6 times. If it does that for every one of the tooltips then clearly that is the reason for the slow performance of the XPage. I did it both with the DynamicContent set to both true and false with similar results. I'm tempted to just remove the tool tips but that kind of defeats the purpose.
Is there a way to limit the tooltip to only fire the lookup when called? Like something linked to the MouseOver event. It seems to me the tooltip in the extension Library works OK if there are only a few fields requiring inline help but does not scale well.
Just as a test I removed all the tooltips from the XPage and while the loading is slow it is probably acceptable, but the tooltips slow it to the point of unacceptability.
This is an excellent use case for an ApplicationScope bean. Create a bean that implements Map and uses an internal HashMap as cache. Let's call it tooltip. In your tooltip you define the label as EL e.g. tooltip['Manager']. XPages will call the get function. In it you check the internal HashMap if you have the value, otherwise you look it up. So lookup happens once only.
You could instead of looking up on demand opt for loading when initialized. Using a view navigator that should be very fast. Since it would be an Application scope only loaded once.
Makes sense?
You can use view.isRenderingPhase() to minimise the lookups during a partial refresh. With the tooltip you can also change the showDelay property so the tooltip has a delay before showing. This is a good thing to do for a view, so it doesn't try to load each tooltip as the mouse moves down the page. dynamicContent="true" may also mean it's not loaded with the page, but only when called - I haven't checked this so I'm not certain.

there doesn't seem to be a polymer-layout event

I'm looking for an event fired by polymer-layout when it's finished laying out, similar to the polymer-grid-layout event. Doesn't seem to be one. Am I missing something?
After my attempts at polymer-grid-layout (Autosizing canvas inside a polymer grid layout) I've decided to convert everything to nested polymer-layouts instead. After a few hiccups (e.g. the dart version of polymer-layout doesn't work if you put polymer-layout as an element directly under template, whereas the js version does - don't know which is wrong) the approach seems to be working.
The one exception is that I was previously relying on polymer-grid-layout to tell me when the canvas had been resized properly. But with polymer-layout I have the same timing problem but without the same solution it appears.
Any way around this?
Dart polymer_element/polymer_ui_element are a bit outdated. I'll take a look at what changes were be made in JS polymer-layout since I last revisited Dart polymer-layout (probably Mo/Di).
Can you please create an issue in https://github.com/ErikGrimes/polymer_elements so you get notified when the update is made.
You are right that polymer-layout is missing a layout event. I filed an issue here https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-layout/issues/3
In the meantime, you should be able to capture the timeline in attached.
attached: function() {
this.async(function() {
layoutHappened: function() {
I used nested async because I don't want to worry about whose attached is called first (this one, or the one in the polymer-layout). And yes, this is exactly the kind of fiddly construction that is avoided by having an event.

Bind functions to elements inserted in the DOM? (Implicitly?)

This is probably jquery basics, but I can't find a solution after much googling.
How do you attach "non-events" to elements inserted in the DOM?
For events, like click, we can use live() or bind().
How would you, for instance, initialize tabs() or addClass() to a new element?
Specifically, I'm trying to get tabs() to work in the content of an ajax loaded dialog, but I think the correct solution should be applicable to any situation.
I did see a trick that involved $('body').mousemove() which did work, but that is still binding to an event and obviously a hack.
For instance, how would you get addClass() to fire on a newly inserted table row?
I mean to do this implicitly, meaning that I don't want to write out specific instructions for every event that adds nodes to the dom, I just want it to "run in the background".
Let me know if this needs clarification, I see many similar questions on SO but no answers that have helped.
EDIT: Simple example: A page calls $('a').addClass('highlight') which works on all anchors in the page. A new anchor is then added to the page dynamically by jQuery, but does not get the class added.
EDIT: I have tried all kinds of bind(), trigger() and change() methods but I'm afraid I'm barking up the wrong tree.
you need to look at livequery it will allow you to apply things to newly added elements
also if your adding the element you can do
$('body')append('<div>some content</div>').tabs();
or something like that
I know that I may contradicting your "non-event" rule here, but just by saying that you want something "triggered", you're already implying some kind of event.
In that case, may I suggest jQuery custom events? You may want to create a custom event, then trigger it manually somewhere in your code. It's not automatic (like when you add a row, BOOM, it fires™), but that's the closest thing I can think of with what you were describing.
Specifically, you may want to look at jQuery's .bind() and .trigger() methods.

auto_complete_for: prevent the first item from being auto-selected

The auto_complete_for dealio from script.aculo.us is great an all, but is there a way for me to selectively disable the fact that it always auto-selects the first item in the list?
The problem is that, if I want to type my own entry that is new, and novel, I don't want the first item in the list to be auto-selected. The reason is because when I TAB out of the field, it selects, and fills the text box with that first item.
I got around that, somewhat, by making the first item in the list the same as what I'm typing, but that's not perfect either, because the auto_complete list doesn't always update with every keystroke, depending on how fast I type. I've tried setting the list refresh rate to the lowest value (1 millisecond) but no go.
What I really want is an option in "auto_complete_for" that doesn't select that first item at all - the same way that Google Instant doesn't automatically select the first suggested search phrase - you have to arrow-down to select one.
Maybe I can do this via an HTML option that I'm missing?
Looking at the source, there doesn't appear to be an option for that, but I bet if you changed line 284 of controls.js to this.index = -1; it would do what you want.
Otherwise, it might be time to look for a different autocomplete widget.
If your requirements are too far away from the available plugin, then I guess there is no point in tinkering around. Its best to write your own JS code.
You might want to consider this: https://github.com/laktek/jQuery-Smart-Auto-Complete
or this : https://github.com/reinh/jquery-autocomplete
I'll add another alternative that works great with Rails 3:
I recently implemented auto complete for more than a field for Rails 2.0.2.
The plugin I used is:- https://github.com/david-kerins/auto_complete . Not sure if it supports Rails 3.
I have also encountered issues on implementing the above scenario and have posted questions( Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails ; Implementing a OnClick kind of functionality and formatting wrt Rails Partial-Views ) on stackoverflow for the same, I have been lucky on getting things working for me based on my requirement.
Kindly refer to these questions, they might have relevance to your requirement.

Hpricot CSS Class search

I am working on some code that scrapes a page for two css classes on a page. I am simply using the Hpricot search method for this as so:
webpage.search("body").search("div.first_class | div.second_class")
...for each item found i create an object and put it into an array, this works great except for one thing.
The search will go through the entire html page and add an object into an array every time it comes across '.first_class' and then it will go through the document again looking for '.second_class', resulting in the final array containing all of the searched items in the incorrect order in the array, i.e all of the '.first_class' objects, followed by all the '.second_class' objects.
Is there a way i can get this to search the document in one go and add an object into the array each time it comes across one of the specified classes, giving me an array of items that is in the order they are come across in on the page i am scraping?
Any help much appreciated. Thanks
See the section here on "Checking for a Few Attributes":
You should be able to stack the elements in the same way as you do attributes. This feature is apparently possible in Hpricot versions after 2006 Mar 17... An example with elements is:
Ok so it turned out i was mistaken and this didn't do anything different to what i previously had at all. However, i have come up with a solution, wether it is the most suitable or not i am not sure. It seems like a fairly straight forward for an annoying problem though.
I now perform the search for the two classes above as i mentioned above:
However this still returned an array firstly containing all the divs with a class of 'first_class' followed by all divs with a class of 'second_class'. So to fix this and get an array of all the items as they appear in order on the page, i simply chain the 'add_class' method with my own custom class e.g. 'foo_bar'. This then allows me to perform another search on the page for all divs with just this one tag, thus returning an array of all the items i am after, in the order they appear on the page.
Thanks for the tip. I hadn't spotted that in the documentation and also found another page i hadnt seen either. I have fixed this with the following line:
This now adds an object into the array each time it comes across one of the above classes in the document. Brilliant!
