Why doesn't Xcode have a Event/Arguments when linking an object with an IBAction - ios

I'm a complete newbie with Objective-C, Xcode, and the design itself. I have had a bit more experience developing iOS on Xcode, and when you wanted to link an action (i.e Slider changing value), you could select from many options unlike OS X.
How can I get around this with the same results, as using a pre-generated (control-drag slider to ViewController.h and .m) only fires an action at the mouseUp action.
EDIT #1: Sorry for making my question quite confusing. I am wondering how to receive actions while dragging.
Here's whats happening in picture form:
Most likely something very easy that I'm not getting at all.

I think you did not set controller from Storyboard. Please verify your controller class is properly set by following the image below

Your question is very confused. Are you trying to ask how to make a slider send its message while dragging, instead of just at the end?
On Mac, controls only have one target/action, there are no multiple actions. Objects have other properties that control when the actions are actually sent, if needed. In case of NSSlider, you probably forgot to set its 'continuous' property.


iOS - Unexpected VoiceOver behavior on customized UIPickerView

I have a somewhat customized UIPickerView in my app. Basically I use pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView returning a simple UILabel. As I started working on making the app more accessible, I noticed that VoiceOver reads label and adds, say, "3 of 300" (i.e. row number "of" total rows). This is not a desired behavior.
While trying to troubleshoot this, I found that if I use pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent instead of pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView, without any other changes, then I get the desired behavior of VoiceOver simply reading the "title" of the selected row. I tested this on iOS 9.
Question is: how do I get UIPickerView back to the "normal" VoiceOver behavior, while still using pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView? Thanks for any help!
I asked Apple support for help on this. The official reply was: "Our engineers have reviewed your request and have concluded that there is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the currently shipping system configurations". (For posterity - this was when the newest iOS version was 9.4). They suggested to file a request for new functionality, which I may do.
To solve this problem I went with the following workaround.
Created a base class almost identical to the class I had, but implementing only pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent and not pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView. This class presents vanilla non-customized picker.
Created a subclass of that base class, now implementing pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView. This class presents a fully customized picker.
In my code elsewhere used UIAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning() to create an object of base class when VoiceOver is on, and an object of the subclass otherwise
Thus when a user is running VoiceOver, they get a visually ugly picker, but one that is perfectly well-behaved in terms of accessibility (i.e. no row number announcements). Which is a perfectly reasonable "compromise" I think, since the user is basically guaranteed not to care about the visual appearances.
One fix will be to check if voice over is running
If so use titleForRow otherwise use viewForRow. That way you don't degrade normal experience.

Customising the Decimal pad in my app

So I've got an existing app and I'm working on its appearance. The current task is customising the decimal pad that pops up when the user hits a textField.
I've looked around on how to make it but it always seems that you have to go into the iPhone/ipad settings and add the custom keyboard.
eg. This StackOverFlow Question
and they all seem to point to this same tutorial..
iOS 8: Creating a Custom Keyboard
My problem is that I don't want the user to have to go into settings.
So the question is....IS THIS POSSIBLE?
The following pic is what I want to use. I have made this in an XIB file through adding a target keyboard which makes the new folder with KeyboardViewController.swift , info.plist and NumPad.xib. Though i think I'm on the wrong track, can someone point me the right way please.
Also anyone know the exact dimensions this view should be.. assuming what I'm asking is in fact possible. Let me know if I'm not being clear enough!
Many many thanks,
SOLUTION: Thanks to Andrea for correcting my search keywords. It led me to this Stack Question which hopefully sends some others to the correct end of the internet that have mistakes custom keyboard with custom input views!
Sure it is possible without going into settings, but they are called custom input views.
You should look into inputViews here what Apple says about them Custom views for data input.
Basically when the user press a text field instead of loading the usual keyboard it loads an inputView that you specify, pay attention that custom keyboard term is misleading. If you google for tutorial you'll find most probably link like the ones that you found.
For a practical example check this tutorial or this, is a little bit old, but the principle are still the same

iOS: How to make the CADisplayLink's event called BEFORE actual screen draw?

I'm building a cross platform UI library's iOS implementation using UIKit, one of the library's primary function is allow user to change the child control's size freely, and the parent control's size will automatically adapt.
Since refresh the parent's size everytime when a child's size changed is inefficient and unnecessery, so I designed the UI system to refresh all "dirty" control's position, size, and a lot of things before actual device draw/render happen. On iOS, I use CADisplayLink to call the refresh method, then I discovered the event was called AFTER everything has presented onto screen, that caused the following problem:
User will see a "crashed" layout first. (The render happens first)
After a short period (CADisplayLink's event triggered), everything will return to normal.
At first I thought my way of using CADisplayLink is wrong, but the solution cannot be found anywhere, so I'm quite despaired right now (I'm going to hang my self!!)
Or maybe I shouldn't use CADisplayLink at all?
Please Help me!
PS. Since I'm building a cross platform thing I'm actually using MonoTouch, but I believe the basic concept is same.
PS2. And since I'm using MonoTouch, which is C#, so the description above may not fit in the Objective-C world (like the word "event", I think the Obj-C relevant is selector, or something ^_^)
PS3. Also please pardon my poor English, feel free to ask me any questions if my description isn't clear enough.
Codes here:
CADisplayLink _displayLink = CADisplayLink.Create(Update); //Update is my refresh method
_displayLink.AddToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.Current, NSRunLoop.NSDefaultRunLoopMode);
Should be easy enough to understand ^_^
From all the information of what I can gather, is that basiclly there is no way of doing that. So I have modified my layout code, which now apply the properties immediatly after a value is set. Some optimization still required, but no need to rely on CADisplayLink anymore.
Thanks anyway!

iOS 5 Storyboard comments

Is there a way to add a comment on the iOS storyboards? Currently we have a project in which several people are working on the same interface and it would be very helpful to be able to write in the storyboard itself, so you can leave a note to others or to put stuff to remember later.
Something like a bubble with a message on it like "Mark, please fix the logout button, change it to red". Is there something like this? I can't found it.
Not that I have heard of. My suggestion is to use a View Controller that isn't connected to the other scenes and have a textview in there that you write on.
The other thing you can do in the implementation file is to use a
#warning Mark, please fix the logout button
This would show up as a warning whenever the project is built or run.

iPhone OS Utility App - Flipside View and Main View communication

I am currently working on an iPhone 2.1 application. I am new to Objective C, coming from a Java background.
My application has as a base the Utility Application template available in Xcode with the iPhone SDK. Currently I have some controls, such as an UISlider and text box, in the FlipsideView. The UISlider already has a method which is being called when the value changes, using targets and selectors. However, I would also like to be able to read, from the MainView, the current (or last) value of the UISlider and textbox.
Keep in mind I am new to development on a Mac, and would appreciate any guidance as to where I should look up such information, be it through the use of delegates or perhaps I am missing something obvious in the structure of the template.
I am taking a look at the structure and have some more details: The UISlider is being created in FlipsideView.m. I noticed that the Done button is created from RootViewController.m and probably I should move the UISlider code over there. I may incorrectly be using the View to keep code that would be more appropiate in a Controller.
Ultimately you should be updating some underlying object with the values from the controller. In general, the slider belongs in the view layer - it's a display element. The action that adjusting the slider produces, however, is a component of the controller and it should fire back into your model to update a value. I highly recommend drawing boxes on a sheet of paper and trying to produce a clean a separation as possible for your application's layers - doing so in this case would produce two views for each "side" of the utility which would, via a controller, relate to a model. Then, the act of moving the slider would "instantly" update the model on the back. The Cocoa Fundamental video on the iPhone developer site demonstrates this to great effect.
I'm in exactly the same situation: first iphone app, new to mac programming, creating a utility, sliders on the flipside.
By following the example and the free tutorial here (http://www.bestechvideos.com/2008/11/13/writing-iphone-app-free-episode) I determined that the sliders and other controls should be declared on the flipsideviewcontroller. (Which leave the view pretty empty - I guess the use of the Nib resource file for the UI leaves the ...View.m class pretty much redundant?)
Wisequark's answer is a bit to general to help me though.
In terms of specifics:
- I can't find that video is there a link?
- Could we see some code showing the Controller-Model code?
- How do I persist the values set on the slider without having to build UI to go in the system settings?
(BTW is an Answer the right place to add to the question?)
