dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib - ios

I've built a Swift framework and now I'm trying to start building a Swift iOS application that will use that framework. I'm getting this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/tdean/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/NFLApplication-ejmafvjrlqgjaabggwvadjarjjlg/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/NFLStatsModel.framework/NFLStatsModel
Reason: image not found
I've scoured SO and found similar reports and tried the fixes listed there, including:
Clearing out my DerivedData folder
Restarting Xcode and the iPhone simulator
Ensuring that Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = YES is set, both in my framework and my application's build settings
Ensuring that Enable Bitcode=NO is set, both in my framework and my application's build settings
Ensuring that Runpath Search Paths is set to #executable_path/Frameworks, both in my framework and my application's build settings
Copied all the libswift files from my Xcode installation into a local copy within my project, and added a custom build phase to copy those files into the frameworks folder.
In every case, I get the same error when I try to run my application.
Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62)
Apple Swift version 3.0.1 (swiftlang-800.0.58.6 clang-800.0.42.1)

I eventually got this working using a mix of fixes. I'm not sure if all of them are needed, but I'm documenting what seemed to work for me here, just in case anyone else can benefit by what I've found.
I have set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to a value of YES in the build settings tab for both my Swift framework and in the Swift application that uses the framework.
I have added Foundation.framework to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section of the general tab for both my Swift framework and in the Swift application that uses the framework.
I have added Foundation.framework to the Embedded Binaries section of the general tab for the Swift application that uses the framework.
With all 3 of these settings in place, I am able to build and run my application without encountering this error.

This might not be the case for everyone, but I solved it by actually writing some code in the main target.
I had an empty project consisting of a framework and a test target, and when running tests I was getting this error. Apparently Swift is pretty smart to detect that you don't actually need this library and does not link to libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib.
The fix is just to add some code, I just added:
class Test {
func a() { print ("something") }
and libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib got linked.

After several days of being stuck with this issue I finally found something that worked for me; hopefully this will help others too.
Turns out that specifically using print() anywhere in the code will somehow force libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib to be loaded and the issue will go away.
I'm using Xcode 10.1, Swift 4.2 and the pod that was giving me this issue was Nimble.
BTW, I am aware of #S2dent's suggestion to "just add some code" but in my case my framework already had several different classes so it didn't help me.

How are you installing your dependencies?
I had a similar issue:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib
Referenced from: <internal framework>
Reason: image not found
It turned out to be related to Swift whole-module optimization.
Using Carthage as a dependency manager, they were being compiled for Release, and thus compiled with whole-module optimization, which Xcode suggested I turn on. Running the app on the simulator compiles it for Debug. I'm guessing that dynamic frameworks cannot be at a different level of optimization from the app running it.
The solution was to explicitly specify the configuration I wanted Carthage to build for. (carthage bootstrap --configuration Debug) Oh, and cleaning my build folder, of course.

I had the same issue, adding the library (my own build one) to Linked Frameworks and Libraries in General tab of the app solved the issue.

You can also provide an Host Application to your test target if you don't want to add Foundation.framework to Linked Frameworks or Embedded Binaries

You can solve this by setting "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries" to "Yes" in the Build Settings of your target.

It is an dynamic linker error which links binary in load or runtime


Using pre compiled dylib in iOS8+ or building dynamic framework out of dylibs?

I'm trying to use a fat dylib I've made that contains the latest version of tbb with code for all architectures I may be targetting (armv7, arm64, i386 and x86_x64)
Since iOS8 using dylib(s) is meant to be possible, in fact one of the error messages I found googling was the following one:
ld: embedded dylibs/frameworks are only supported on iOS 8.0 and later
Which seems to suggest that embedding dylibs is actually possible and we aren't only restricted to the new so called dynamic frameworks, yet, when I try to run my project I get the following:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libtbb.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B4DCFF3E-10B2-4C01-953F-BD26D14300E7/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/8C84A844-97FC-4993-A37E-A456C4E2240F/TestTBB.app/TestTBB
Reason: image not found
I thought it would be due to the dylib not being automagically copied into the app being built so I added it to the "Copy Bundle Resources" section in the projects "Build Phases" and I've since made sure that the libtbb.dylib is in fact being copied into the app and yet I keep getting the message saying that it can't be loaded.
I've tried using the "Embedded Binaries" section under "General" but it seems to be restricted to using only the new framework types.
Is there anything I might be missing?
As you may have noticed I'm trying to use TBB which comes with its own build makefiles that generates dylibs, I'm assuming that if it does it's because dylibs can be used, legally since the iOS8+ update.
I have seen ways of getting dylibs to load, but these aren't the ones that Apple would accept in their AppStore, I'm trying to do this for an app that is currently on the AppStore and I have no plans of getting it removed or not accepted after an update so I'd like to go with whatever the new "legal" way is to get dylibs loaded. My app is targetting iOS9.2+ since the latest update so this shouldn't be an issue.
All I can find are ways to get dynamic frameworks loaded but no info about actual dylibs even though the error message clearly states that they could be used.
Alternatively, is there a way to build a dynamic framework out of existing dylib files?
Thanks in advance.

Embedding frameworks inside closed-source Swift framework

Our company wants to distribute a closed-source SDK for iOS to our clients. I've been using Cocoapods to build the framework and built an example app making use of it. Previously the app worked fine on the simulator as well as when deployed on the device. However, I was also embedding the Pods.framework file in the app itself. One other piece of information that may be of interest is that the framework is written in Swift, the included cocoapods dependencies are both Swift and Objective-C.
I wanted to make the pods requirements easier to manage so the user doesn't need to be concerned with them and tried to embed the Pods.framework file inside of the SDK we're building - so I removed the steps to Embed Pods Frameworks and Copy Pods Resources from the example app, leaving them only in the framework, I also removed Pods.framework as a dependency of the example app, leaving it only in the SDK. This seemed to work in the simulator, but the app now crashes on mobile device with dyld: Library not loaded error.
Upon researching it, I stumbled into a few related discussions:
https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/344 https://objectpartners.com/2014/06/25/developing-private-in-house-libraries-with-cocoapods/
However, the suggested solution of using private pods does not look like it would work for us, it's my understanding that the source code in the private pod would still be open, and we can't share it with our clients.
Could someone advise on a solution that would work in this case?
OK, I finally have a more durable solution. It's a modified, cleaner version of my old one now that I understand how Xcode links in my Swift sub-frameworks better
Problem that makes distribution/compilation a bit ugly:
Since Swift standard libraries aren't bundled on the device like Obj-C, nor are they guaranteed to be stable between versions yet (stable binary interface promised in Swift 3: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution#development-major-version--swift-30) we have to make sure the entire project is compiled against the same version of Swift. That means the guy using your closed-source framework has to be using the same version of Swift in their Xcode for their project as you did for compiling the library, even if he's not using Swift in his code because ultimately it's his version of Swift that gets bundled into the app and your SDK runs against. This is only an issue for closed-source frameworks because open-source ones will always be compiled against the same version as final project. Possible workaround is to restrict clients to same version you use or distribute multiple compilations (i.e. Swift 2.1 and Swift 2.0). To remedy this, you could provide users with copies of binaries compiled against multiple versions of Swift.
Aside from that, here is what I had to do during compilation/distribution to make a binary framework that works in Swift:
When building the framework:
In project target, make sure to add Pods.framework to Linked Frameworks and Libraries (make sure this is a pre-compiled RED version of Pods.framework, I had a black compiled Pods.framework in the same directory which built fine but then resulted in a framework that would cause the project to complain about missing armv7 architecture during linker phase in later project)
In Build Settings, under User-Defined section, add a field called BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE and set it to bitcode
DO NOT #import any frameworks in your bridging header, all instructions telling you to do that are leftover from Swift 1.0-1.2 days, you don't need it anymore and it does more harm than good (the later project will complain that it can't find these headers that aren't even exposed to it)
Change build target to Generic iOS Device, Archive and Export the framework
When building the project using the framework:
Drag and drop the framework into the project, in General tab add it to Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries (you only need to add the framework itself, not the sub-frameworks or the pods file)
In Build Settings tab, add a new path to Framework Search Paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)/MyFramework.framework/Frameworks
Build the project

How to build iOS framework with XCode 6

I know of familiar tutorials on this, but introduction of framework XCode 6 template has changed the game.
I already watched WWDC 2014 video about building modern frameworks but it talks more about building extensions, framework & app all inside single project. It does not specify if the framework I make with it is truly reusable across any project.
I am building framework the XCode 6 way (File->New Project->Framework and Library->Cocoa Touch Framework), but when I import it inside my test app project (separate from framework project) - I keep getting various errors.
Example: Include of non-modular header inside framework, and so on.
I know this is not what it says, and there are quite some missing steps in whatever I am doing. The older tricks may have worked for everyone, but I simply don't find which way to follow after XCode 6.
For example, there is some folder structure that a framework needs, but XCode 6 doesn't comply to it while building it. Is it right? If not, how can I change the way the XCode builds framework folder hierarchy?
Do I go back to old school or am I screwing some tiny thing in XCode 6 that I am unable to create a reusable framework?
I am not sure if you are trying to build a framework with Objective-C or Swift as your question doesn't state it. I've encountered errors you are mentioning with Swift so I'll give you my method to build Swift frameworks.
I found the process for Objective-C to be very straightforward and well documented, so I'll skip this.
As for Swift, there are a few things to consider. First, Swift static libraries are not supported, so you must exclusively use a framework (aka dynamic library) when linking an app to a library.
Here are the steps:
Create the Framework using New > Project under IOS > Framework & Library, select Cocoa Touch Framework
To avoid the "ld: warning: directory not found for option..." goto Library Search Paths in Build Settings for your target and delete the paths.
You can't mix Objective-C with Swift so don't even consider adding the Swift-Header bridge file in your code.
There are some cases in swift where you need to import code from unexposed Frameworks. I've successfully used the module-map inside the framework to deal with these case.
I also select CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES = YES in the Build Settings to solve 'include of non-modular header inside framework module'. That seems to work
I make sure that the header file that gets generated is marked as Public (not Project). Click on the file and you'll see the selection in the inspector under 'Target Membership'
You may run into some bizarre error messages when building. Xcode has a tendency to report linker errors when your code can't compile correctly resulting in missing files the linker needs to output its binaries. Sometimes XCode won't show the errors in the files you are compiling and you need to go manually on the build output and go back to the files. Some other time, you'll get a problem where you need to delete the cache. Those issues I call XCode blues and deal with it constantly. I found this type of problems happens more often when building libraries. The rest should work as expected.

dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath with iOS8

I'm creating an iOS framework with Xcode6 and iOS8. When I link this with an iOS app and try running it on the device I get this error
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/FrameworkName.framework/FrameworkName
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0F2C2461-A68B-4ABA-A604-B88E6E9D1BB1/AppName.app/AppName
Reason: image not found
The 'Runpath Search Paths' build setting for the framework is set by default to
'#executable_path/Frameworks', '#loader_path/Frameworks'
I could not find any documentation related to this. This was something new introduced with Xcode6 and I would expect it to just work by simply including the framework into any app that needs it.
To make this work
In the framework project settings change the install directory from
'/Library/Frameworks' to '#executable_path/../Frameworks'
In the project that includes this framework, add a copy files phase and copy this framework to the 'Frameworks' folder. Once you do this ensure that this framework is listed under the 'Embedded Binaries' section.
Issue resolved using this answer. According to #vladof81:
In the target's General tab, there is an Embedded Binaries field. When you add the framework there the crash is resolved.
Reference is here on Apple Developer Forums.
I also had same kind of problem where I was not able to launch the app & app was crashing with above message :
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/FrameworkName.framework/FrameworkName Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reason: image not found
Here is my approach that helped me to resolve this error:
From General Tab
Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
add the framework and make sure to make it Embed & Sign
From Build Phases
add the framework to it
Check if you can find framework in context under :
Build Phases > Embed Frameworks >
If not just add that framework in "Embed Frameworks" after adding that framework in your project directory's "Frameworks" section.
I was getting this error on a library installed through CocoaPods. Cleaning the build folder (cmd + option + shift + k) and then doing a clean (cmd + shift + k) was what ended up resolving this issue for me.
If you are using Carthage
Run carthage update on terminal
Go to Project Settings -> Build Phases -> Carthage Copy Frameworks
Add line in Inputs files:
Add this line to Output files:
For me it was because of the SSL issue, I had set my developer, distribution certificates on my Mac(Keychain) to 'Always Trust' for one of my other project. I had to change them back to 'Use System Defaults'. it was working for me then!!
Made the library which shows not loaded changed from required to optional in Linked binaries and frameworks. It is working perfectly now
I also had same kind of problem where I was not able to launch the app & app was crashing with above message :
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/FrameworkName.framework/FrameworkName
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reason: image not found
Here is my approach that helped me to resolve this error:
1.Please delete your app from device, Clean the build and and rebuild and run on the device.
2.If above steps does not help you, then please check for below settings :
From "TARGET">"Build Settings">"Runpath Search Paths" & then check for values "$(inherited)" & "#executable_path/Frameworks", Feel free to add incase they don't exist.
Build your app and run it on device
In addition to the above solutions, recheck the paths of frameworks included in your application under
Build Settings --> Search Paths --> Framework Search Paths
When non of those solution works:
(Optional) Get a clear knowledge from here on different search path type
Make sure that your .framework file paths are added in Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths. You can keep all framework files somewhere in App/libs/ and add this folder and enable recursively.
Make sure that your .a files paths are added in Build Settings -> Library Search Paths.
I installed third party libraries using Cocoapods. Got the same error, tried everything but finally realised I havent had use_frameworks! in my pod file.
So removed the currently installed library, added use_frameworks! line in pod file, reinstalled the libraries and all worked for me.
The way tested by me is well.
In "Linked Binary With Libraries" change the missing framework to "Embedded Framework".
Because, "Do not Embedded" do not copy to the App, but Embedded Framework will copy into it.

Validation Error: The bundle contains disallowed nested bundles

As a followup to my other question, I'm continuing to have issues submitting my iOS 8 app (which includes a Sharing Extension and a framework target). On a submission attempt I receive the above error message. Others with my issue (as pointed out in the afore-linked question) have the same issue, but resolved it in ways that aren't relevant to my case.
The error message implicates my Sharing Extension target, which links to a framework that I wrote, which is shared between the Extension and the app. I'm pretty sure Apple was clear that I'm allowed to use frameworks in Extension targets (in fact, it's preferred!). So what other causes might there be for this error?
Well, the answer seems simple enough: in the Extension target I was embedding the framework (Build Phases > Embed Framework). Once I removed that setting, everything works fine.
I had to remove
(Build Phases > Embed Pods Frameworks)
From the today excitation.
Was able to upload to appstore but this bring other problem the today excitation is not working
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/AFNetworking.framework/AFNetworking
For me, Aaron's answer was only half the answer.
After removing my framework from my extension's Embedded Binaries, I had to add it to my extension's Linked Frameworks and Libraries.
(Both can be found in the extension's General tab.)
