Configure Ghost to use uploaded theme for Markdown preview - ghost

I installed Ghost (0.11.2) on a my own server and uploaded a custom theme. The theme shows up when viewing published content in the blog or when previewing blog posts in preview mode.
However, I have not found a way to enable the theme in the Markdown preview when editing a blog post. Is there a way to enable this, or is this a known issue in Ghost?

The markdown preview is using the theme of the admin section, not your custom theme.


Rails: How to show Web Previews when a link is added into trix

I came across Onebox - A gem for turning URLs into website previews. How can I use/build similar functionality for Trix Editor based rich_text_area?
I would recommend watching Chris Oliver's RailsConf 2020 advanced ActionText talk. The embed mechanism he uses for YouTube is probably the best place to start. You'll need to develop your own WebsiteEmbed model that is added as a TrixAttachment and has a partial that renders a preview of the website to your liking. [I wonder if has a bug, the url now has 2020/2020/ but was formerly just 2020/ -jb]

Alter Vaadin Dashboard theme to show SplitPanel splitter

I am new to Vaadin and created a web application based on the Vaadin Dashboard theme. However, in my application I am using a VerticalSplitPanel but it does not show the splitter! It is impossible to resize the splitpanel.
After doing some research on the web, I found out that the Dashboard theme is limited in terms of styles of components since the theme only implements styles of components shown in the Dashboard demo application.
My question now is, is it possible to modify the Dashboard theme to allow styles for the splitpanel and thus allowing me to view the splitter? If yes, can someone give me a hint how and where I can do this (keep in mind I'm very new to vaadin!)
The dashboard demo is really a nice startup to get some ideas for your app but i wouldn't suggest to use it as template to start your development on.
If what you are looking for is the "graphic look and feel" know that this feel is natively present in the Valo theme. For reference you can browse the Valo-Demo project on github ( ): for exemple the left menu css styles are in the css of Valo, they are only modified in the dashboard demo.
If what you are interest in is the functionality of the "dashboard" page (there you see the sparks, the charts, notes and so on) keep in mind that is made with a CssLayout, which is a powerful way to make custom layouts but of course you have to work out everything.
Probably a SplitPanel inside this layout gets something overwritten or not everything is implemented in the css.
In the end you can try PortalLayout add-on in Vaadin directory to achieve something similar or add the missing styles by yourself.

How to add themeroller custom theme to my website?

I have created a custom theme using themeroller.
A mobile website which i have created using default theme values like .js and .css folders.
Now i want to change that theme of my website to my new custom theme,created using themeroller.
How to include those files to my coding?
When you download the themerolloer that you create, there is a sample index.html file that uses the theme that is enclosed. Look at that to see what files need to be included in your page, but more importantly, look at that code to see what CSS classes are being used - no point in including them in your page if you aren't using using the Themeroller classes
You can see all the steps, and a full tutorial on the Getting Started page

How does fckeditor(grails plugin) store images?

I started to learn grails and now I am trying to develop a simple blog.
I created the domain model(User, Tag, Comment, Category, Post), controllers.
I installed fckeditor plugin(for adding new posts). I want to add ui interface, which will be support wysiwyg editor.
But I do not understand how does fckeditor store images, which will be linked to post.
Advice please some links or code samples.
... the editor stores the images in a folder that you need to specify. If I remember correctly it will insert the photo at point of cursor in the editor panel. There's another way to deal with it also. Upload your images/create thumbnails and where you have the thumbnails displayed on the page (say as links to full blown pixes) drag one onto the fckeditor pane and it will drop the thumbnail/link at cursor.
I'm sure you've been here as well ;-)

how to use tinymce with images on my website like stackoverflow does

i have tinymce embedded in my website, so if users want to edit content, then can click on an "EDIT" link and it brings up the content in tinymce editor. when they click "Save", i save the html to a database. this works perfect and avoids them calling me when they need content changes as they can go in directly and next time they reload the main page, it loads up their changed content.
they now want to be able to add their own images. I see there is some image support in tinymce as seen here, but in my case, the images would be on their computer.
So i am looking for some advice on how to handle image support using tinymce on my mvc website similar to how stackoverflow allows you to upload and include an image in your question all in one step
any suggestions?
I guess you need to take a look here:
Best TinyMce editor Image Manager / File upload for Mvc
it has a list of tinyMCE file browsers/uploaders/managers which work with MVC :)
I had a similar issue and solved it by;
Allowing the user to upload images which i then stored in the file system.
Once the image was saved then you could use tinyMCE to link to it.
It's a round-about way of doing it but it worked. If your images are stored on a users computer then you're going to need to implement something like this me thinks as you can't assume you can link to the image and if you can you can't be sure the computer will be on.
Maybe you can give this TinyMCE-plugin a try (the official Moxiecode plugins are quite expensive):
I haven't tested it yet, but it's a free add on that allows uploading and selecting files.
HTML 5 supports embedded images. You can embed image in html code as a base64 string.
Example Code:
<img src="" alt="Base64 encoded image" width="150" height="150"/>
There is a opensource TinyMCE plugin available in github:
