Jenkins mesosphere/jenkins-dind:0.3.1 and proxy - jenkins

I am using DCOS and the associated Jenkins.
My company is having a proxy for any external traffic.
Jenkins is running properly and can access the internal network as well as any external network.
I can get jobs to curl a URL on internet if I set the HTTP proxy. I can pass this proxy to mesosphere/jenkins-dind:0.3.1 container as environment variable however, I can't run any docker pull or docker run while being in docker in docker mode.
I managed to reproduce the issue on one of the agent box.
sudo docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!
This works!!
However, sudo docker run --privileged mesosphere/jenkins-dind:0.3.1 "docker run hello-world" will fail with
docker: Error while pulling image: Get x509: certificate is valid for FG3K6C3A13800607, not
This is typically showing that the docker daemon is not having access to the proxy.
Do you know how to ensure that the dind is getting access to the proxy settings?

This error can also manifest itself if the Docker daemon is unauthenticated against your registry but it looks like you're running against the public image, so that's not likely to be the problem.
You could try creating a new Parameter to the Jenkins node (see the instructions here for an example for how to set an environment variable called DOCKER_EXTRA_OPTS:
In this case, we want to do the same (with Name env) but with the contents of Value set to something like HTTP_PROXY=


Jenkins Docker plugin volume/mount what syntax to use

I have a linux vm on which I installed docker. I have several docker containers with the different programs I have to use. Here's my architecture:
Everything is working fine except for the red box.
What I am trying to do is to dynamically provide a jenkins docker-in-docker agent with the cloud functionality in order to build my docker images and push them to the docker registry I set up.
I have been looking for documentation to create a docker in docker container and I found this:
This article states that in order to avoid problems with my main docker installation I have to create a volume:
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
I tested my image locally and I have no problem to run
docker run -d -v --name test /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
docker exec -it test /bin/bash
docker run hello-world
The container is using the linux vm docker installation to build and run the docker images so everything is fine.
However, I face problems when it comes to the jenkins docker cloud configuration.
From what I gather, since the #826 build, the docker jenkins plugin has change its syntax for volumes.
This is the configuration I tried:
And the error message I have when trying to launch the agent:
Reason: Template provisioning failed.
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.BadRequestException: {"message":"create
/var/run/docker.sock: \"/var/run/docker.sock\" includes invalid characters for a local
volume name, only \"[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]\" are allowed. If you intended to pass a
host directory, use absolute path"}
I also tried that configuration:
Reason: Template provisioning failed.
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.BadRequestException: {"message":"invalid mount config for type \"volume\": invalid mount path: './var/run/docker.sock' mount path must be absolute"}
I do not get what that means as on my linux vm the docker.sock absolute path is /var/run/docker.sock, and it is the same path inside the docker in docker I ran locally...
I tried to check the source code to find what I did wrong but it's unclear what the code is doing for me (, from row 884 onward), I also tried with backslashes, etc. Nothing worked.
Has anyone any idea what is the expected syntax in that configuration panel for setting up a simple volume?
Change the configuration to this:
it is not a volume, it is a bind type.
This worked for me

Why doesn't TeamCity recognize docker server properties with the jetbrains/agent image?

I have an ECS Fargate service running the jetbrains/teamcity-agent image. This is connected to my TeamCity Host which is running on an EC2 instance(windows).
When I check whether the agent is capable of running docker commands, it shows the following errors:
Unmet requirements:
docker.server.osType contains linux
docker.server.version exists
Under Agent Parameters -> Configuration Parameters, I can see the docker version and the dockerCompose.version properly. Is there a setting that I am missing?
If you are trying to access a docker socket in fargate, Fargate does not support running docker commands, there is a proposed ticket for this feature.
the issue with "docker.server.osType" not showing up usually means
that the docker command run from the agent cannot connect with the
docker daemon running. This is usually due to a lack of permissions,
as docker by default only allows connections from root and users of
the group docker
I was facing similar issues got them fixed by adding "build agent" user in "docker" group and restarted/rebooted the server.
Where build agent user ==> Means the user with which your TeamCity services are running.
Command to add a user to group
#chmod -a -G docker <userasperyourrequirement>
Command to reboot the server:
#init 6

How to access parent host service while building docker image?

while building a docker image I would like to access a service hosted on the parent host. For instance, suppose I need to access a npm private repository that's running on the host machine xpto:8080. On xpto I'm also building a new image that on Dockerfile calls
RUN npm set registry http://xpto:8080
RUN npm install
When I try to docker build -t=my_image . I always get
failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
Also tried RUN wget xpto:8080 and got
failed: No route to host.
Tried to use the --add-host parameter but it didn't workout.
The strange part is that when I try to access the parent host service from another container it runs ok, but had to add the --net="host" parameter like this:
docker run --it --rm --net="host" my-test-image sh
wget xpto:8080
The thing is that this --net parameter isn't supported by docker build!
For some, unknown reason, the centosOS firewall was only blocking the connection while building and not while running.
The solution was to add an exception to the firewall and problem was solved.

Private Docker Registry Not Connectible to Shell & Web Management UI?

To setup a private docker registry server at path c:\dkrreg on localhost on Windows 10 (x64) system, installed with Docker for Windows, have successfully tried following commands:
docker run --detach --publish 1005:5000 --name docker-registry --volume /c/dkrreg:/var/lib/registry registry:2
docker pull hello-world:latest
docker tag hello-world:latest localhost:1005/hello-world:latest
docker push localhost:1005/hello-world:latest
docker pull localhost:1005/hello-world:latest
Push and Pull from localhost:1005/hello-world:latest via command line succeeds too.
If i use my IP address via docker pull it gives following error in command shell:
Error response from daemon: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
When using 3rd party Docker UI Manager via docker run --detach portainer:latest it also shows error to connect as:
2017/04/19 14:30:24 http: proxy error: dial tcp [::1]:1005: getsockopt: connection refused
Tried other stuff also. How can I connect my private registry server that is localhost:1005 from LAN using any Docker Management UI tool ?
At last find solution to this which was tricky
Generated CA private key and certificate as ca-cert-mycompany.pem and ca-cert-key-companyname.pem. And configured docker-compose.yml to save both files as :ro in these locations: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates, /etc/ssl/certs/, /etc/docker/certs.d/ But I also tried only copying certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates was enough as docker will ignore duplicate CA certificates. This extra copying is because at many placed docker fellow recommended the same. I did not executed command: update-ca-certificates this time in registry container but was doing earlier as against what is suggested by many.
Defined in docker-compose.yml: random number as REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET, and server's chained certificate (CA certificate appended to end of it) to REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE amd server's public key to REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY. Had disabled HTTP authentication. Especially used some naming for file names as found with other certificates in container folder as mysite.com_server-chained-certificate.crt instead of just certificate.crt.
V-Imp: pushed certificate to trusted root in windows using command certutil.exe -addstore root .\Keys\ca-certificate.crt followed with restarting Docker for Windows from taskbar icon and then creating container using docker-compose up -d. This is most important step without this nothing worked.
Now can perform docker pull
You need to specify to your Docker daemon that your registry is insecure:
Based on your OS/system, you need to change the configuration of the daemon to specify the registry address (format IP:PORT, use rather than localhost:1005).
Once you have done that, you should be able to execute the following:
docker pull
You should also be able to access it via Portainer using in the registry field.
If you want to access your registry using localhost:1005 inside Portainer, you can try to run it inside the host network.
docker run --detach --net host portainer:latest

Docker pull or Docker run doesn't actually do anything

I'm trying to run something called Traildash via it's docker container on a VM via chef (once I get it running I'll move it to an AWS instance). So I've installed docker onto the VM and so I tell chef to run
docker run -i -d -p 80:80 \
or even
docker pull appliedtrust/traildash
on the VM and all it does is:
Unable to find image 'appliedtrust/traildash' locally
Pulling repository appliedtrust/traildash
2015/03/16 12:40:38 Get x509: certificate is valid for, *
m, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *.jl, *, *, *, *, *, *, *,, astrubba,,,,,,,,,,
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and then nothing, the container won't actually start nor do I see any files pulled unless docker pulls the files into a different directory?
What do I do to get this running?
You doing everything right. But if you running it outside of EC2 (with IAM Role setted up), you have to explicitly pass AWS creds and optionally other parameters. For more information take a look at
