I'm migrating an application from Spray to Akka HTTP. In the config, I have:
spray {
can {
client.request-timeout = infinite
What is the equivalent config for Akka HTTP? It appears that request-timeout is now only available on server, and not client.
See https://github.com/akka/akka-http/blob/master/akka-http-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
From Akka-HTTP docs (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/scala/http/client-side/connection-level.html#timeouts)
Currently Akka HTTP doesn’t implement client-side request timeout
checking itself as this functionality can be regarded as a more
general purpose streaming infrastructure feature.
It should be noted that Akka Streams provide various timeout
functionality so any API that uses streams can benefit from the stream
stages such as idleTimeout, backpressureTimeout, completionTimeout,
initialTimeout and throttle. To learn more about these refer to their
documentation in Akka Streams (and Scala Doc).
Essentially the choice is left to the user to add timeout control to their client-side stream. For instance, in the example shown in the docs you could add a completionTimeout stage to achieve this
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] =
Source.single(HttpRequest(uri = "/"))
And note that if you're after infinite timeout (as per your Spray config), that will come for free by not adding any timeout stage.
akka.http {
server {
idle-timeout = infinite
client {
idle-timeout = infinite
host-connection-pool {
idle-timeout = infinite
You can choose client section.
I am currently trying to connect our Kotlin Multiplatform Project to websockets. I would like to use ktor-websockets library to receive some updates from our backend but onfortunately when I run this code, nothing happens:
port = 80,
method = HttpMethod.Get,
host = "https://uat-betws.sts.pl",
path = "/ticket?token=eyJzdWIiOiI0ZmY5Y2E1Mi02ZmEwLTRiYWYtODlhYS0wODM1NGE2MTU0YjYiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTk4MDAwNzgsImV4cCI6MTYxOTgwMzY3OH0.oIaXH-nFDpMklp4FSJWMtsM7ECSIfuNF99tTQxiEALM"
for (message in incoming) {
message as? Frame.Text ?: continue
val receivedText = message.readText()
// Consume all incoming websockets on this url
this.incoming.consumeAsFlow().collect {
logger.d("Received ticket status websocket of type ${it.frameType.name}")
if (it is Frame.Text) {
Does somebody have any experience with ktor-websockets library? There is almost no documentation so maybe I am doing something wrong.
Thank you
As the documentation says
Ktor provides Websocket client support for the following engines: CIO, OkHttp, Js.
This means that it works only on JVM/JS, you're probably targeting iOS. It's not yet supported, you can follow issue KTOR-363 for updates
For sure the team is working on it, but for now you had to implement it by yourself using expect/actual, you can check out official example
An other possible problem in your code: host shouldn't include https://, if you're using ssl, you should add an other parameter:
request = {
url.protocol = URLProtocol.WSS
Or use client.wss(...) - which is just a short form for the same operation
I'm having some issues configuring MassTransit with SQS. My goal is to have N consumers which create N queues and each of them accept a different message type. Since I always have a 1 to 1 consumer to message mapping, I'm not interested in having any sort of fan-out behaviour. So publishing a message of type T should publish it directly to that queue. How exactly would I configure that? This is what I have so far:
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.UsingAmazonSqs((context, cfg) =>
cfg.Host("aws", h =>
h.Scope($"{mtSettings.Environment}", true);
var sqsConfig = new AmazonSQSConfig() { RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(mtSettings.Region) };
var snsConfig = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig()
{ RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(mtSettings.Region) };
cfg.ConfigureEndpoints(context, new BusEnvironmentNameFormatter(mtSettings.Environment));
The BusEnvironmentNameFormatter class overrides KebabCaseEndpointNameFormatter and adds the environment as a prefix, and the effect is that all the queues start with 'dev', while the h.Scope($"{mtSettings.Environment}", true) line does the same for topics.
I've tried to get this working without configuring topics at all, but I couldn't get it working without any errors. What am I missing?
The SQS docs are a bit thin, but is at actually possible to do a bus.Publish() without using sns topics or are they necessary? If it's not possible, how would I use bus.Send() without hardcoding queue names in the call?
Publish requires the use of topics, which in the case of SQS uses SNS.
If you want to configure the endpoints yourself, and prevent the use of topics, you'd need to:
Set ConfigureConsumeTopology = false – this prevents topics from being created and connected to the receive endpoint queue.
Set PublishFaults = false – this prevents fault topics from being created when a consumer throws an exception.
Don't call Publish, because, obviously that will create a topic.
If you want to somehow establish a convention for your receive endpoint names that aligns with your ability to send messages, you could create your own endpoint name formatter that would use message types and then use those same names to call GetSendEndpoint using the queue:name short name syntax to Send messages directly to those queues.
URL .../SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/default returns data
What is the Java API to return this data? Apparently there is no getMsgVpnsDefault(...) method
Generally speaking what is the translation of URL's into API calls? This doesn't seem to be addressed in the documentation.
What is the Java API to return this data? Apparently there is no getMsgVpnsDefault(...) method
There's no API provided by Solace.
SEMP(v2 in your case) is a series of REST commands to be executed over the management port to manage the configuration of the Solace routers.
This is not to be mistaken for the Java API that's provided for messaging over the messaging port/interface.
Generally speaking what is the translation of URL's into API calls?
The complete list of URL's is documented here:
In the Solace Samples repository on GitHub there's a gradle file which uses Swagger CodeGen to generate a POJO wrapper around SEMP v2.
This then gives you a Java API to interact with Solace routers.
WRT your original question about getMsgVpnsDefault(...) I believe you'd use
MsgVpn defaultVPN = sempApiInstance.getMsgVpn("default", null);
Or you could grab the list of all VPNs
MsgVpnsResponse resp = sempApiInstance.getMsgVpns(1000, null, null, null);
List<MsgVpn> allVpsn = resp.getData();
then iterate over the list checking until you find one whose name is "default"
Environment: Mac osx lion
Grails version: 2.1.0
Java: 1.7.0_08-ea
If I start up vertx in embedded mode within Bootstrap.groovy and try to hit the same websocket endpoint through multiple browsers, the requests get queued up.
So depending on the timing of the requests, after one request is done with its execution the next request gets into the handler.
I've tried this with both websocket and SockJs and noticed the same behavior on both.
BootStrap.groovy (SockJs):
def vertx = Vertx.newVertx()
def server = vertx.createHttpServer()
def sockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(server)
def config = ["prefix": "/eventbus"]
sockJSServer.installApp(config) { sock ->
function initializeSocket(message) {
console.log('initializing web socket');
var socket = new SockJS("http://localhost:8088/eventbus");
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log("received message");
socket.onopen = function() {
console.log("start socket");
socket.onclose = function() {
console.log("closing socket");
BootStrap.groovy (Websockets):
def vertx = Vertx.newVertx()
def server = vertx.createHttpServer()
server.websocketHandler { ws ->
println('**received websocket request')
socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8088/ffff");
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log("message received");
socket.onopen = function() {
console.log("socket opened")
socket.onclose = function() {
console.log("closing socket")
From the helpful folks at vertx:
def server = vertx.createHttpServer() is actually a verticle and a verticle is a single threaded process
As bluesman says, each verticle goes in its own thread. You can span your verticles across cores in your hardware, even clustering them with more machines. But this add capacity to accept simultaneous requests.
When programming realtime apps, we should try to build the response as soon as posible to avoid blocking. If you think your operation can be time intensive, consider this model:
Make a request
Pass the task to a worker verticle and assign this task an UUID (for example), and put it into response. The caller now knows that the work is in progress and receive the response so fast
When the worker ends the task, put a notification in event bus using the UUID assigned.
The caller check the event bus for the task result.
This is tipically done in a web application vía websockets, sockjs, etc.
This way you can accept thousands of request without blocking. And clients will receive the result without blocking the UI.
Vert.x use the JVM to create a so called "multi-reactor pattern", that is a reactor pattern modified to perform better.
As far as I understood is not true that each verticle has its own thread: the fact is that each verticle is always served by the same event loop, but more verticles can be binded with the same event loop and there can be multiple event loops. An event loop is basically a thread, so few threads should serve many verticles.
I didn't use vert.x in embedded mode (and I don't know if the main concept change) but you should perform much better instantiating many verticles for the job
As mentioned before Vertx concept is based on reactor pattern which means the single instance has at least one single-threaded event loop and processes events sequentially. Now the request processing may consist of several events, the point here is to serve the request and each event with non-blocking routines.
E.g. when you wait for Web Socket message the request should be suspended and in the event of message it is woken back. Whatever you do with the message should be also non-blocking thus asynchronous, like any file IO, networking IO, DB access. Vertx provides basic elements which you should use to build such async flow: Buffers, Pumps, Timers, EventBus.
To wrap it up - just never block. The use of sleep(10000) kills the concept. If you really need to halt the execution use VertX's Timers instead.
We have an app that invokes various remote methods on MBeans using MBeanServerConnection.invoke.
Occasionally one of these methods hangs.
Is there any way to have a timeout on the call? so that it will return with an exception if the call takes too long?
Or do I have to move all those calls into separate threads so they don't lock up the UI and require killing the app?
See http://weblogs.java.net/blog/emcmanus/archive/2007/05/making_a_jmx_co.html
===== Update =====
I was thinking about this stuff when I first responded, but I was on my mobile and I can't type worth a damn on it.....
This is really an RMI problem, and unless you use a different protocol, there's not much you can do, except, as you say, move all those calls into separate threads so they don't lock up the UI.
But.... if you have the option of fiddling with the target server and you can customize the connecting client, you have at least 1 option which is to customize the JMXConnectorServer on your target servers.
The standard JMXConnectorServer implementation is the RMIConnectorServer. Part of it's specification is that when you create a new instance using any of the constructors (like RMIConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL url, Map environment)), the environment map can contain a key/value pair where the key is RMIConnectorServer.RMI_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE and the value is a RMIClientSocketFactory. Therefore, you can specify a socket factory method like this:
RMIClientSocketFactory clientSocketFatory = new RMIClientSocketFactory() {
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) {
Socket s = new Socket(host, port);
This factory creates a Socket and then sets its SO_TIMEOUT using setSoTimeout, so when the client connects using this socket, all operations, including connecting, will timeout after 3000 ms.
You could also checkout the JMXMP connector and server in the jmx-optional package of the OpenDMK. (links are to my github mavenized). No built in solution, mind you, but they're super easy to extend and JMXMP is simple TCP socket based rather than RMI, so this type of customization would be trivial.
# Nicholas : The above code is not working.I mean request is not getting timeout after 3000. ms.
map.put(RMIConnectorServer.RMI_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE , new RMIClientSocketFactory() {
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled() ){
logger.info("JMXManager inside createSocket..." + host + ": port :" + port);
Socket s = new Socket(host, port);
return s;
cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url,map,mbeanServer);
As I answered on: How to set request timeout for JMX Connector the RMI properties can help you. All the properties are on Oracle documentation site:
For example: -Dsun.rmi.transport.tcp.responseTimeout=60000 is a client side tcp response timeout. There are also properties for connect timeout and for server side connections.
I also am not happy how the JMX/RMI/TCP stack hides important settings from lower level protocols, and makes it not available for a single connection.