Rails - update multiple active record relations - ruby-on-rails

I am doing an update all to a Model to update several ActiceRecord Relations.
But I want to skip an attribute if its not provided (if its nil or empty I dont want to update that attribute)
def update_numbers(numbers, comment)
numbers.update_all (number_status: Number::STATUS_UPDATED, comment: comment if void_comment.present?)
This obviously does not work as it doesn't like the if condition. Is there a way to not try and update comment if its .blank?

Does this work for you?
def update_numbers(numbers, comment)
hash = { number_status: Number::STATUS_UPDATED }
hash[:comment] = comment if comment.present?
numbers.update_all hash


How to append an array in parameters after Rails form submit?

I have a form with checkboxes that get passed as an array "list_person_ids" on form submit. My models are "Occurance" which has an n:m relationship with "ListPerson" through the Model "Person". "list_person_ids" are saved in Person with the Occurance id and the ListPerson id.
I want to append one or more values to the array before this gets saved. The reason I need to do this is because the user can also add a new value in ListPerson using a textbox with the name "person_name".
def create
#occurance = Occurance.new(occurance_params)
# save
def add_person_id(object)
if params[:person_check] == '1'
object.list_person_ids.push( ListPerson.find_or_create_by(person: params[:person_name]).id )
def occurance_params
params.require(:occurance).permit(:person_check, :person_name, dim_person_ids: [])
find_or_create_by is successful, but nothing gets pushed to the array "list_person_ids". There is also no error message. Do I have to give permission somewhere to append this array? Please let me know if some information is missing.
on your model you can do something like below:
before_create :create_lists
def create_lists
ListPerson.find_or_create_by(list_person_ids: person_name.id)

Displaying from my database

I'm new to rails and I'm working on a project where I'm having an issue. I'm trying to display all the gyms that have the same zipcode. When I tried the code below, it only displays 1 and not the other ones. How can display all the gym that have the same zip code?
def gym
#fitness = Fitness.find_by(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
<%= #fitness.name %>
You're doing this to yourself. By definition, #find_by only returns a single record, or nil. You probably want #where instead:
Fitness.where(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
If that still doesn't work, check both your table data and the content of your params hash to make sure you're creating a valid query.
def gyms
#fitness = Fitness.where("zip_code = ?", params[:zip_code])

How to update an active record in ruby

I want to update status to 1, when user views a message.
i need an active record, to change status to 1 ,where status is 0 and id is current id
Any help is appreciated.
i want to change this query to active record.
UPDATE 'course_queries SET status = '1' WHERE course_queries.id =41 and status=0;
As Nithin mentioned, ActiveRecord is a rails feature. Thus, the following wouldn't work unless you're using the Ruby on Rails framework.
With that said, you could also try:
#course = CourseQuery.where(id: params[:id], status: 0).each do |q|
q.update(status: 1)
If you need it all in one line, you could use:
#course = CourseQuery.where(id: params[:id], status: 0).update_all(status: 1)
You can then change the id or status here dynamically. :)
Since these examples use the update and update_all methods, I'd recommend you read up about them. Here's a great article I've found on the differences: Difference between active record methods – update, update_all, update_attribute, update_attributes
Something like this
Using ActiveRecord.
#course_query = CourseQuery.find(params[:id]) #id is 41 from your comment
if #course_query.status == 0
#course_query.status = 1

Tracking object changes rails (Active Model Dirty)

I'm trying to track changes on a method just like we are tracking changes on record attributes using the Active Model Dirty.
At the moment I'm using this method to check changes to a set of attributes.
def check_updated_attributes
watch_attrs = ["brand_id", "name", "price", "default_price_tag_id", "terminal_usp", "primary_offer_id", "secondary_offer_id"]
if (self.changed & watch_attrs).any?
self.tag_updated_at = Time.now
However the attribute price is not a normal attribute with a column but a method defined in the model that combines two different attributes.
This is the method:
def price
if manual_price
price = manual_price
price = round_99(base_price)
Is there a way to track changes on this price method? or does this only work on normal attributes?
Edit: Base price method:
def base_price(rate = Setting.base_margin, mva = Setting.mva)
(cost_price_map / (1 - rate.to_f)) * ( 1 + mva.to_f)
cost_price and manual_price are attributes with columns it the terminal table.
Ok, solved it.
I had to create a custom method named price_changed? to check if the price had changed.
def price_changed?
if manual_price
elsif cost_price_map_changed?
round_99(base_price) != round_99(base_price(cost_price = read_attribute(:cost_price_map)))
This solved the problem, although not a pretty solution if you have many custom attributes.

How to query many fields, allowing for NULL

I have a Rails site that logs simple actions such as when people upvote and downvote information. For every new action, an EventLog is created.
What if the user changes his or her mind? I have an after_create callback that looks for complementary actions and deletes both if it finds a recent pair. For clarity, I mean that if a person upvotes something and soon cancels, both event_logs are deleted. What follows is my callback.
# Find duplicate events by searching nearly all the fields in the EventLog table
#duplicates = EventLog.where("user_id = ? AND event = ? AND project_id = ? AND ..., ).order("created_at DESC")
if #duplicates.size > 1
The above code doesn't quite work because if any of the fields happen to be nil, the query returns [].
How can I write this code so it can handle null values, and/or is there a better way of doing this altogether?
If I understood this correctly,
some of the fields can be nil, and you want to find activity logs that have same user_id, same project_id or project id can be nil.
So I guess this query should work for you.
ActivityLog.where(user_id: <some_id> AND activity: <complementary_id> AND :project_id.in => [<some_project_id>, nil] ....)
This way you would get the complementary event logs where user_id is same and project id may or may not be present
class ActivityLog
QUERY_HASH = Proc.new{ {user_id: self.user_id,
activity: complementary_id(self.id),
and so on....
} }
How about:
# event_log.rb
def duplicate_attr_map
def duplicates
attribs = duplicate_attr_map.reject_if(&:blank?)
query = attribs.map { |attr| "#{attr} = ?" }.join(' AND ')
values = attribs.map { |attr| self.send(attr) }
EventLog.where(query, *values).order("created_at DESC")
def delete_duplicates(n)
duplicates.limit(n).delete_all if duplicates.size > 1
# usage:
# EventLog.find(1).delete_duplicates(2)
not tested, could be improved
