InternalOAuthError: Failed to obtain access token using passportjs - oauth

I am using as my library to authenticate via Instagram, and everything was working fine until this error spontaneously occurred 2 days ago with no explanation as to why it has failed to obtain the access token.
My client IDs and secrets are correct and my client app is live according to instagram/developers. Is there some known solution to this? I haven't changed my code since I got this error so it can't be on my side especially since the error seems to be from the library but that hasn't been updated in a while either.
Any help? Thanks!


youtube-api on JavaScript backend

After 2 weeks that I was using that API correctly and I have upload a few video on YouTube, today I receive this error when I try to get a new access token:
Error 400: invalid_scope
Some requested scopes were invalid. {invalid=[]}
Also with the old access token that was working yesterday, now I cannot proceed..
Now I can think that YouTube for some reason have blocked me or something like that because I haven't changed the code.. Anyone have experienced something like this? How I can proceed? At least I want to know if I was 'blocked' and for what reason.

What has changed in Microsoft oAuth 2.0 implementation?

I have a web site that has been using Microsoft accounts for authentication for more than three years. It is a Node web app and is using the passport-windowslive package.
Lately, when users return from after logging successfully using their Microsoft accounts, one of two types of errors is received, sometimes:
The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The target '«my web site domain»' does not exist.
The provided value for the 'code' value is not valid. The code has expired.
The error is sporadic. I am unable to reproduce it on my development machine.
As the passport-windowslive package was last changed four years ago and my code has not changed for more than two years, the cause looks like it's at the Microsoft end. What has changed?
Update: The problem is getting worse. Previously, the problem could sometimes be overcome by using an incognito browser session or changing the browser. Now it's happening on all browsers. But I am still unable to reproduce the error when running on localhost (with no http).
Microsoft has changed how its applications can be used for oAuth. They must now be managed from Azure instead of or Microsoft Live.
Existing applications configured in will result in:
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '000000xxxxxxx' was not found in the directory 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
The passport-windowslive module somehow did not bubble up the error response.

Unable to get channels using graph api

while fetching channels from the team using graph API is not working. It is not working from today. I am getting the following exception.
I tried the same with code that worked just fine 3h ago to get channels from a specific team. Now I'm getting the same exception. Same Exception when using Graph-Tester.
Coworker tried it aswell with Graph-Tester, apparently it works just fine for her. Seems like its user related. Propably a bug on Microsofts side.
It seems that it could be a bug. I'm confirming that right now GET /teams/[-groupid-]/channels fails for Delegated permission type requests, both for v1.0 & beta with a 400 Bad Request "Failed to execute Skype backend request GetThreadS2SRequest."
However, it's working for me (200) when I use Application permission type in Postman.
It was fixed by the Microsoft Graph team. Now it's working fine. It's not the only problem with channels. It's a problem with team endpoint API. The graph team is fixed the API related issue.

Unable to be connected to Quickbooks through Intuit App Centre | Playground

Does this link work?
I am trying to get my QB online token secret required for working with a ruby gem. I have a valid QB account and I have entered my app's consumer key & secret. All I am trying to do is follow the instructions required to get the example app working from
Every time I click on the Connect to Quickbooks button, I just get an error message.
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: no_access_to_this_field
Message: Team Intuit IA Application not allowed to get access to QuickBooks
I have changed the urls in my app and I still cannot get past the error message. I am at a loss since this seems to be a very basic step to start working with the gem. Please tell me the newbie mistake I am making.
Is there any other SDK I need to install? I do not have a Desktop version...just the online version.
So if anyone here happens to not figure out this answer already, its because I set the "Access Token Duration:" option on the Intuit Playground to 120 seconds...the default option.
I changed it to 1200 seconds by mistake, and the login works just fine now! I don't understand why that works, so if someone could answer that I could understand it better!
Thanks #William Lorfing
This can happen if you are using the playground to generate Oauth tokens for either QuickBooks or Payments access and you are not setting the correct data source.
See the answer here:

Atempt to access security API

My project was working fine couple of minutes ago,all of a sudden i run the code and i get
the error below,i added a class but then deleted it,this is how i got the error and i cant seem to grt rid of it,ive cleaned the simulator and my project and when i debug this is the error i get
Module 'StreamingPlayer-1' attempts to access a secure API.
[0.0] AM: Error starting StreamingPlayer: Module 'StreamingPlayer-1' attempts to access a secure API.
....please how do i fix this,
You have to sign your application! read this...
Code Signing Keys
module attempts to access a secure API
You get 3 CSI Files from RIM when you ask for signing keys. You have to install all three of them before you can effectively sign your app.
