Let me start by saying I've just started using maxima, so I don't know
much about it.
I've defined an expression
(%i77) f: 1 + exp(x(i,1) + x(i,2));
x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o77) %e + 1
which I want to evaluate in various contexts, for different values of
x(i,1) and x(i,2).
(%i78) ev(f, x(i,1)=0, x(i,2)=0);
(%o78) 2
The problem is inside a product expression, ev does not do
(%i79) product(f, i, 1, n);
! ! x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o79) ! ! (%e + 1)
! !
i = 1
(%i80) product(ev(f, x(i,1)=0, x(i,2)=0), i, 1, n);
! ! x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o80) ! ! (%e + 1)
! !
i = 1
(%i81) ev(product(f, i, 1, n), x(i,1)=0, x(i,2)=0);
! ! x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o81) ! ! (%e + 1)
! !
i = 1
How does one go about assigning numerical values to variables inside a
Use subst, instead of ev.
(%i1) f: 1 + exp(x(i,1) + x(i,2));
x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o1) %e + 1
(%i2) subst([x(i,1)=0, x(i,2)=0],f);
(%o2) 2
(%i3) subst([x(i,1)=0, x(i,2)=0],product(f, i, 1, n));
(%o3) 2
Maybe you have to add intermediate function:
(%i1) f: 1 + exp(x(i,1) + x(i,2));
x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o1) %e + 1
(%i2) g:product(f, i, 1, n);
! ! x(i, 2) + x(i, 1)
(%o2) ! ! (%e + 1)
! !
i = 1
(%i3) ev(g,x(i,1)=0,x(i,2)=0);
(%o3) 2
In Maxima I put:
q_d: 1000-5*p_d;
q_s: -250+2*p_s;
p_d: (1+t)*p_s;
eq:q_d = q_s;
EC: 10*q_d + 0.01 * (q_d**2);
get the result
How do I further simplify EC in term of 't' only?
One way to go about this is to express all the relations you listed as equations, and then solve the equations for the variables you want to eliminate, then you get expressions in terms of t which you can substitute into EC to get a result only in terms of t.
(%i2) e1: q_d = 1000-5*p_d;
(%o2) q_d = 1000 - 5 p_d
(%i3) e2: q_s = -250+2*p_s;
(%o3) q_s = 2 p_s - 250
(%i4) e3: p_d = (1+t)*p_s;
(%o4) p_d = p_s (t + 1)
(%i5) e4: q_d = q_s;
(%o5) q_d = q_s
(%i6) solns: solve ([e1, e2, e3, e4], [q_d, q_s, p_d, p_s]);
1250 t - 750 1250 t - 750
(%o6) [[q_d = - ------------, q_s = - ------------,
5 t + 7 5 t + 7
1250 t + 1250 1250
p_d = -------------, p_s = -------]]
5 t + 7 5 t + 7
Now in %o6 I have a list of equations for the variables to be eliminated.
(%i7) EC: 10*q_d + 0.01 * (q_d**2);
(%o7) 0.01 q_d + 10 q_d
I'll substitute into EC to get a result in terms of t only.
(%i8) subst (solns[1], EC);
0.01 (1250 t - 750) 10 (1250 t - 750)
(%o8) -------------------- - -----------------
2 5 t + 7
(5 t + 7)
I'll use ratsimp to simplify the result.
(%i9) ratsimp (%);
rat: replaced 0.01 by 1/100 = 0.01
46875 t + 68750 t - 58125
(%o9) - --------------------------
25 t + 70 t + 49
We have an online platform where we use maxima on the backend to give feedback on the answers that the student give.
Say that the solution of a polynomial long division is the following function:
sol: 3+(2+4*x)/(3*x^2+2*x+8);
Let's say that the student gives the answer:
ans: 3 +(3-5*x)/(3x^2+2*x+8)
We then want to give feedback along the lines.
Your answer is indeed of the following form:
The constant s is correct, but you didn't choose the right linear function r(x).
I try to implement this feedback in the following way:
ans: 3 +(3-5*x)/(3x^2+2*x+8);
matchdeclare([a,b,c,d], constantp);
defmatch(match, d+ (a*x+b)/(3*x^2+2*x+8));
However, defmatch doesn't seem to be able to match this. Is there any other function I can use for matching quotient function like this?
It does work in more simple scenarios:
ans: (3-5*x)/(3*x^2+2*x+8);
matchdeclare([a,b,c], constantp);
defmatch(match, (a*x+b)/(3*x^2+2*x+8));
If the problems are all polynomial division, maybe you can use the divide function which returns the quotient and remainder and then verify that the student's input is the same as quotient + remainder/divisor.
As to matching quotient + remainder/divisor, defmatch might not be powerful enough because it is mostly (although not entirely) looking for formal matches, and it can't, in many cases, detect expressions which are equivalent but formally different.
Let me think about how to implement a match function for this problem. Perhaps others have a suggestion too.
EDIT: Here's a way to match such expressions. I'll separate a ratio of polynomials from other terms. If there is one ratio term, and all the other terms are a polynomial, then the pattern you want is matched.
I've made use of at least one obscure but useful and even comprehensible feature of matching of "+" expressions. Since "+" is commutative, the pattern matcher sweeps up all the arguments which match the first predicate that is attempted, then sweeps through with the second, and so, if there are more than two predicts. If any pattern matching variable is declared to match all, it matches all arguments and there are none left. The pattern variables will be attempted in reverse order, so aa will be processed last. The effect is to divide a "+" expression into terms which match a stated predicate and a catch-all for everything else. This is made use of in %i7.
(%i2) matchdeclare (pp, lambda ([e], polynomialp (e, [pvar]))) $
(%i3) matchdeclare (qq, lambda ([e], diff (e, pvar) # 0 and polynomialp (e, [pvar]))) $
(%i4) defmatch (match_pratio, pp/qq, pvar) $
(%i5) matchdeclare (aa, all) $
(%i6) matchdeclare (rr, lambda ([e], match_pratio (e, pvar) # false)) $
(%i7) defmatch (match_pratio_plus_remainder, rr + aa, pvar) $
(%i8) match_foo (e, pvar) :=
block ([aa, pp, qq, rr],
if match_pratio (e, pvar) # false
then [0, pp, qq, pp/qq]
elseif match_pratio_plus_remainder (e, pvar) # false
then if polynomialp (aa, [pvar]) and op(rr) # "+"
then [aa, pp, qq, rr]) $
Here are some examples that match:
(%i9) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 + (u - 1)/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 u - 1
(%o9) [-- - 3 u + 1, u - 1, u + u - 1, ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i10) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 - 2*(u - 1)/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 2 (u - 1)
(%o10) [-- - 3 u + 1, - 2 (u - 1), u + u - 1, - ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i11) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 2
(%o11) [-- - 3 u + 1, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i12) match_foo (1 - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
2 2
(%o12) [1, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
u + u - 1
(%i13) match_foo (- 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
2 2
(%o13) [0, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
u + u - 1
Here are some examples that don't match: two polynomial ratio terms, no polynomial ratio, and a nonpolynomial term.
(%i14) match_foo (1/u - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
(%o14) false
(%i15) match_foo (1 - (u^2 + u - 1)/2, u);
(%o15) false
(%i16) match_foo (sin(u) - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
(%o16) false
SECOND EDIT: I think I've misnamed match_pratio_plus_remainder, it should probably be match_remainder_plus_quotient. Oh well.
I want to display the partial derivative df/dx of f(x,y) = ln(y-1-x^2)-xy^2.
A comparable example for what I want is:
(%i0) f(x) := x^8$
(%i1) diff(f(x),x);
(%o1) 8*x^7
I've tried:
(%i1) f(x,y):=ln(y-1-x^2)-xy^2$
(%i2) g(x,y):=(diff(f(x,y), x));
(%o2) g(x,y):='diff(f(x,y),x,1)
(%i3) g(x,y):=''(diff(f(x,y), x));
(%o3) g(x,y):='diff(ln(y-x^2-1),x,1)
But it doesn't work (the summand -xy^2 got deleted?).
I want the derivated function. Something like this:
g(x,y):= ——————————— - y^2
(1 + x^2 - y)
the problem with your funciotn is that xy^2 instead of x*y^2for maxima is a variable you should write it as follows:
(%i5) f(x,y):=ln(y-1-x^2)-x*y^2;
(\%o5) f\left(x , \linebreak[0]y\right):=\mathrm{ln}\left(y-1-x^2\right)-x\,y^2
(%i6) diff(f(x,y), x);
(\%o6) \ifracd{d}{d\,x}\,\mathrm{ln}\left(y-x^2-1\right)-y^2
When I try to do this:
(%i1) declare (z, complex);
(%o1) done
(%i2) eq1: z^3 + 3 * %i * conjugate(z) = 0;
(%o2) 3 %i conjugate(z) + z = 0
(%i3) solve(eq1, z);
1/6 5/6 1/3 1/3
(- 1) (3 %i - 3 ) conjugate(z)
(%o3) [z = - -----------------------------------------,
1/6 5/6 1/3 1/3
(- 1) (3 %i + 3 ) conjugate(z)
z = -----------------------------------------,
1/6 1/3 1/3
z = - (- 1) 3 conjugate(z) ]
conjugates are not simplified. And the solution for z in terms of z isn't very useful. Is there a way to simplify it?
Also, how can I simplify out the (-1)^(1/6) part?
Also, this equation clearly has 0 as its root, but it's not in the solution set, why?
I don't think solve knows anything about conjugate. Try this to solve it with the real and imaginary parts of z as two variables. Like this:
(%i2) declare ([zr, zi], real) $
(%i3) z : zr + %i*zi $
(%i4) eq1: z^3 + 3 * %i * conjugate(z) = 0;
(%o4) (zr+%i*zi)^3+3*%i*(zr-%i*zi) = 0
(%i5) solve (eq1, [zr, zi]);
(%o5) [[zr = %r1,
zi = (sqrt(9*%r1^2-%i)+3*%r1)^(1/3)-%i/(sqrt(9*%r1^2-%i)+3*%r1)^(1/3)
[zr = %r2,
zi = ((sqrt(3)*%i)/2-1/2)*(sqrt(9*%r2^2-%i)+3*%r2)^(1/3)
[zr = %r3,
zi = ((-(sqrt(3)*%i)/2)-1/2)*(sqrt(9*%r3^2-%i)+3*%r3)^(1/3)
Note the variables%r1, %r2, and %r3 in the solution. These represent arbitrary values.
In Maxima I have an equation that is like:
eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r
Is there a command that allows me to arrive at:
(c0 + d0)*a + c1*b = c2*p + c4*q + c5*r
In short, I want to choose which variables end on either the left or right hand side and I want to write it such that there is only one occurence of the variables I select (in this case a, b, p, q, r).
Perhaps coefmatrix is useful for this.
(%i1) display2d : false $
(%i2) eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r $
(%i3) vars : [a, b, p, q, r] $
(%i4) coeffs : coefmatrix ([eq], vars);
(%o4) matrix([d0+c0,c1,-c2,-c4,-c5])
(%i5) coeffs . vars;
(%o5) (-c5*r)-c4*q-c2*p+a*(c0+d0)+b*c1
Note that both arguments of coefmatrix must be lists.