Creating a link to download whole spreadsheet from Google Drive - google-sheets

I want to create download link for my spreadsheet on google drive and I read about something like that:
But it only downloads first sheet. I've read about GID parameter, but I don't want to spend time developing something that will get all GID's from API, and then download every sheet. Is there any way to have one link that leads to download of whole spreadsheet?

You might want to try suggestion in Labnol's guide:
Open your Google Spreadsheet in the browser, make the sheet Public (or Anyone with a link) and make a note of the shared URL. It should be something like this:
The direct download links use a similar format as Google Documents and will read like:
In addition to that, you may want to also try using the suggested URL in this SO post and see if it will help.${id}/export?format=csv&id=${id}&gid=${gid}


Google Sheet script finding given URL in page source

I'm looking for a Google sheet script which is able to check is given URL in page source or not.
Something similar to this formula "=IMPORTXML(URL,"//h1")" which is exporting headings from page.
I just need something like this but checking given URL
If you know is it is doable, but it will take much time, I can pay for this.
Use this formula
Make a copy of this sheet.
=IF(ISTEXT(IMPORTXML(A2,"//h1"))=TRUE,"Source","Not a source")

Can Google Sheets scrape Google docs for information?

I know it's possible to scrape websites but is it possible to have Google Sheets scrape a Google Doc for data? For example, if I have a bunch of google docs and they all have a line that says last updated: mm/dd/yyyy . Is it possible to have a google sheet with urls to the docs and have them scrape for the date
With the use of a script in your Spreadsheet you can actually retrieve information from any document of your drive. With the DocumentApp class in Apps Script you can actually retrive the body of your document with this method. Moreover, you can make searches using the findText() method of the Body class as shown here.
Therefore yes, with a script you could easily search a document for a sepecific text pattern like yours mm/dd/yyyy.
For more info about the DocumentApp functionallities check this documentation.
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)

Has the Google Sheets Published URL Suddenly Changed to a Different Format?

Normally, when I use the Google Sheets API, I get a very predictable URL structure from the "Publish Sheet" menu option, that I use to extract the Spreadsheet ID with a regular expression and use it for other tasks on the Google Sheets API.
This has worked for years and is the way that Google's documentation recommends getting the Spreadsheet ID - from the URL.
However, as of today, when publishing a spreadsheet, I now get a URL like this:{BUNCH OF RANDOM CHARACTERS}/pubhtml
This breaks my code as the bunch of random characters that appears with 2PAC is not the spreadsheet ID and does not work with the API.
Does anyone know if this is an unannounced change to Google's URL structure or some kind of bug?
I have no idea when or why Google has decided to change their URL structure. The Google Sheets API Documentation states to pull the spreadsheet ID from the editing URL. Google Sheets API Documentation It seems unlikely to me that this is a bug of some kind, since this has been going on for a while, and to me, seems permanent.
The solution to this problem would be to pull the spreadsheet ID from the editing (or the sharing URL) URL itself instead of using the URL of the published sheet.
I hope Google fixes this issue as this affects consistency across their URLs but for now, the only way to retrieve the spreadsheet ID is to get it from the editing or sharing URLs.
Hope this helps! :)

get spreadsheet URL

I have a problem in my reporting, i create every day a google doc tracker where all the stack holders in my department update their work progress in it, so i have plenty of spreadsheets to monitor which is a hassle, here is what im trying to do, I'm trying to create a big google doc tracker where i can have an access over date applied in the normal spreadsheets, all what i need is the spreadsheet's URLs that exist in my google drive to be retrieved in this big tracker, with this i'll be able to drive all the needed data from the normal trackers.
PS: I'm not good with google scripts.
You can use the Drive Service to get a list of files with MIME type "application/" using getFilesByType. This returns a FileIterator, which you can use to individually get each Spreadsheet file. From there, just use getUrl() to find the URL's. The FileIterator link has examples of how to loop through all the matching files.

When to Call Something "Docs" and When to Call it "Drive"

So, a quick background. I make productivity apps (specifically CRM and Project Management). And I love the docs, spreadsheet and presentation products made by Google. Not surprisingly, my products have done a lot of "things" with Google Docs for a long time:
Create "native" (ie. Docs/Spreadsheets/Presentations) documents
Use native documents as templates
Link and modify permissions of any file in Docs/Drive
Upload any arbitrary file
What I'm confused about is what does Google want me to do on the labels on the buttons in my app. Right now, they all say "Google Docs". You're linking any arbitrary file to a presentation, you're linking it from "Google Docs". You're exporting a spreadsheet of time sheet entries, you're exporting it to "Google Docs". You upload a PDF, you uploaded it to Google Docs. Etc.
What I'm confused about is that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it is a complete switch over to "Drive." I still see labels on the Google site for Google Docs. So, this is what I think the breakdown is:
If it is a Google "native" file, then it is Docs, else it is Drive. Thus, if your uploading any arbitrary file, that button should refer to drive. But if you are exporting a spreadsheet of data to the Google Spreadsheets format, then that is Docs.
Is this right at all? Does Google have some information somewhere?
Disclaimer: personal opinion
I would use Drive everywhere, except when specifically talking about the collaborative word processor provided in Google Drive, that is the Google Doc.
I would also make sure that all my integrations use the new Google Drive API.
There is reasonably good guidance here:
Google Docs and Google Drive are two seperate products from Google. They can work together, but they are still their own individual products and should be called their respective names when being used
