Rails 4 : Saving value as JSON string object/array in PostgreSQL - ruby-on-rails

I have 1 column called 'message_notification' inside table 'configuration'. I want to produce save result as JSON object in this column:
message_notification: [
"alert" : "how are you doing today?"
"alert" : "where have you been today?"
for the form, i use
<%= simple_form_for(#configuration) do |f| %>
Alert 1: <%= check_box_tag "configuration[message_notification][][alert]", 'how are you doing today?' %><label>Alert 1</label><br/>
Alert 2: <%= check_box_tag "configuration[message_notification][][alert]", 'where have you been today?' %><label>Alert 2</label><br/>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
How to achieve this?
above code will resolve as a ruby hash (not as JSON)
my controller
#configuration.message_notification = {
alert: params[:message][:alert]
message_notification: [
"alert" => "how are you doing today?"
"alert" => "where have you been today?"
In console:
=> a = value.message_notification
=> "[{\"alert\"=>\"alert1\"}, {\"alert\"=>\"alert2\"}]"
=> puts a
=> [{"alert"=>"alert1"}, {"alert"=>"alert2"}]
=> nil

You can use, to_json to convert the ruby hash to JSON object
just require 'json' in your controller.
params = {"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"new", "authenticity_token"=>"txroAHF2+YZOrm48DtBZdVqKzxLYyHFq4+GWQFnM6kNldXgRZJMPv0yfj‌​0/tfZVpuVvh39UVX4Fb66FNkkCZqA==", "message"=>{"name"=>"Dan Murphy Roundabout Test", "company"=>"transtech", "location_id"=>"", "message_notification"=>[{"alert"=>"alert1"}, {"alert"=>"alert2"}], "commit"=>"save", "controller"=>"message", "action"=>"create", "id"=>"1717"}}
Since your params object is above, according to your requirement you can use,
params['message']['message_notification'] = (params['message']['message_notification'].to_json)
this converts the message_notification in the params to a json object, and stores in the DB.

Here's what I did.
def resource_params
).tap do |p|
p[:cvf] = JSON.parse(p[:cvf]) # This is the significant line


Rails 4: Create JSON array in array inside input

For now, i have this inside my form:
<%= f.input :document, collection: #documents, wrapper: false, label: false, input_html: {class: 'fleft mleft5'} %>
which will production in json array:
My Controller under create method:
document: params[:ng_geofence][:document]
My Model
def as_hash(format=:google)
document: document
%w[document].each do |key|
define_method(key) do
value && JSON.parse(value)[key]
my question is how to get the output for something like this:
---- UPDATED ----
If i changed my form to:
<%= select_tag "ng_geofence[driver_notification][document][id]", options_from_collection_for_select(#documents, "id", "name"), include_blank: true %>
I get this error: 757: unexpected token at '{"document"=>{"id"=>"126"}}'
Probably because of "=>" instead of ":"
Solved my own problem. Here what i did:
My Controller under create method:
document: {
id: params[:ng_geofence][:document]
My Model
def as_hash(format=:google)
document: { id: document }

How to pass parameters to autocomplete_source jquery autocomplete?

I'm using Rails 4.0.2 with jquery-rails (3.1.0) and jquery-ui-rails (4.1.1) gems. I'm added autocomplete in order to do a specific search based on what user typed and other fields at form.
The form:
<%= text_field_tag :field , some_value, data: { autocomplete_source: select_path( { :id => #order.Id , :type => #order.type } ) } %>
minLength: 0
source: $('#field').attr('data-autocomplete-source')
select: ( event, ui ) ->
The controller:
def select
# retrieve parameters
id_cliente = params[:id]
retira_entrega = params[:type]
term = params[:term]
# do the query, etc...
When I run the code, everything is OK. The controller receives all parameters and run the query flawlessly.
The parameter type, however, is based on a SELECT control and, in order to change it, I put the following code in the SELECT control.
<%= f.select :type, options_for_select( [['RETIRA','R'],['ENTREGA','E']] , #pedido.RetiraEntrega ) ,{}, { :onchange => "change_type();" } %>
JS Code function:
function change_type()
var e = document.getElementById("type");
var option = e.options[ e.selectedIndex ].value;
var field = document.getElementById("field");
var origem = "type=";
source = field.attributes["data-autocomplete-source"].value;
// pesquisa a string retira_entrega=
index = source.search(origem);
field.setAttribute("data-autocomplete-source", source.substring(0,index+origem.length) + String(option));
The JS function is called, the last line is run, the attribute is set (I put an alert at the end retrieving the attribute).
The problem is that the controller never receives the changed value (it always receives the value when the form is created).
So, the question is: how can I change a parameter passed on to autocomplete in order to use it in rails controller?
Not sure if this is what your looking for but I was struggling with the same issue because I had two input fields that I wanted different lists loaded to in the autocomplete widget. So what I did was pass an extra param to the auto complete source like this:
<!-- /_form.html.erb -->
<%= f.text_field :auto1, :size => "100", class: "form-control", data: { autocomplete_source: root_path(:fieldType => "numerouno")} %>
<%= f.text_field :auto2, :size => "100", class: "form-control", data: { autocomplete_source: root_path(:fieldType => "numerodos")} %>
Then in my controller I used that extra param to determine which list I needed to show:
if param[:fieldType] == "numerouno"
format.json { render :json => #unoList}
elsif param[:fieldType] == "numerodos"
format.json { render :json => #dosList }
flash[:danger] = "Error loading list for autocomplete!"
param[:term] still goes through too!

Unpermitted parameter for array with dynamic keys

I'm trying to permit an array with an arbitrary number of values, but Rails throws Unpermitted parameter: service_rates every time. I tried a lot of things (Rails 4 Unpermitted Parameters for Array, Unpermitted parameters for Dynamic Forms in Rails 4, ...) but nothing works.
The field's name is service_rates and it's column type is jsonb.
I want to create a JSON object from an arbitrary number of input fields:
<%= f.hidden_field :service_ids, value: #services.map(&:id) %>
<% #services.each do |service| %>
<% value = #project.service_rates ? #project.service_rates["#{service.id}"]['value'] : '' %>
<%= text_field_tag "project[service_rates][#{service.id}]", value, class: 'uk-width-1-1', placeholder: 'Stundensatz' %>
<% end %>
So my POST data looks like this:
project[service_rates][1] = 100
project[service_rates][2] = 95
project[service_rates][3] = 75
Currently service_rates is permitted via whitelisting with tap:
def project_params
params.require(:project).permit(:field1, :field2, […], :service_ids).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:service_rates] = params[:project][:service_rates]
At least, I'm building a JSON object in a private model function (which throws this error):
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :assign_accounting_content
attr_accessor :service_ids
def assign_accounting_content
if self.rate_type == 'per_service'
service_rates = {}
self.service_ids.split(' ').each do |id|
service_rates["#{id}"] = {
'value': self.service_rates["#{id}"]
self.service_rates = service_rates
I've also tried to permit the field like that …
params.require(:project).permit(:field1, :field2, […], :service_rates => [])
… and that …
params.require(:project).permit(:field1, :field2, […], { :service_rates => [] })
… but this doesn't work either.
When I try this …
params.require(:project).permit(:field1, :field2, […], { :service_rates => [:id] })
… I get this: Unpermitted parameters: 1, 3, 2
It's not really clear what service_rates is for you. Is it the name of an association ? Or just an array of strings ?
To allow array of strings : :array => [],
To allow nested params for association : association_attributes: [:id, :_destroy, ...]
# For an array (of strings) : like this (AFTER every other "normal" fields)
:service_rates => [],
# For nested params : After standard fields + array fields
service_rates_attributes: [
As I explained in the comments, the order matters. Your whitelisted array must appear AFTER every classic fields
Your form should use f.fields_for for nested attributes
<%= form_for #project do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :service_rates do |sr| %>
<%= sr.text_field(:value, class: 'uk-width-1-1', placeholder: 'Stundensatz' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Passing dynamic subject to Rails mail_form

I am using gem mail_form to handle contact in a Rails app, and I have 6 different contact forms.
I put a hidden_field_tag in the form and pass the desired subject as a variable. In the html, the value is there but the email arrives with (no subject). What can I be doing wrong?
In controllers
def where_to_buy
#contact = Contact.new
#the_subject = "Where to buy"
In contact form
= form_for #contact do |f|
= render "form", f: f
= f.text_area :message
= f.text_field :nickname, hint: 'Leave this field empty!'
= hidden_field_tag :mail_subject, #the_subject
= f.submit "Send Message"
In model
class Contact < MailForm::Base
attribute :mail_subject
attribute :first_name, validate: true
attribute :last_name, validate: true
attribute :message, validate: true
attribute :nickname, captcha: true
def headers
subject: %(#{mail_subject}),
to: "jorge#email123.com",
from: %("#{first_name} #{last_name}" <#{email}>)
Output html in chrome:
<input type="hidden" name="mail_subject" id="mail_subject" value="Where to buy">
Instead of:
= hidden_field_tag :mail_subject, #the_subject
You will want to use:
= f.hidden_field :mail_subject, value: #the_subject
If you inspect the parameters that are logged into your development.log you will see why.
When you use hidden_field_tag the mail_subject is defined as its own independent parameter and will not be included in the contact hash. You'll have something like:
params = { "contact" => { "message" => "text here", ... }, "mail_subject => "Where to buy" }
But when you use f.hidden_field the mail_subject will be included in the contact hash. You'll have something like:
params = { "contact" => { "message" => "text here", "mail_subject => "Where to buy", ... } }
And then when you call Contact.new(params[:contact]) the new contact object will get the mail_subject value.

how can Arrange rails params order

when i look at my console after submitting a form i can see like
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"l0dqmb95MydzCWMugWdYt/2bGYyRyDF5ZfOGjrKhjfc=", "project_id"=>"second", "esthour"=>{"nonmodulhours_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"nonmodul_id"=>"61", "nonmodul_est_hours"=>"1"}, "1"=>{"nonmodul_id"=>"62", "nonmodul_est_hours"=>"9"}, "2"=>{"nonmodul_id"=>"63", "nonmodul_est_hours"=>""}}, "modul1hours_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"modul1_est_hours"=>"8", "modul1_id"=>"25"}, "1"=>{"modul1_est_hours"=>"", "modul1_id"=>"26"}**, "2"=>{"modul1_est_hours"=>"88", "modul1_id"=>"27"}}**, "ecommerce_est_hours"=>"", "modulhours_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"modul_est_hours"=>"8", "modul_id"=>"53"}, "1"=>{"modul_est_hours"=>"1", "modul_id"=>"54"}, "2"=>{"modul_est_hours"=>"8", "modul_id"=>"55"}}, "cms_est_hours"=>"", "nonmodul1hours_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"nonmodul1_id"=>"25", "nonmodul1_est_hours"=>"2"}, "1"=>{"nonmodul1_id"=>"26", "nonmodul1_est_hours"=>""}, "2"=>{"nonmodul1_id"=>"27", "nonmodul1_est_hours"=>"5"}}, "rfp_id"=>"35"}, "commit"=>"Add Todo", "utf8"=>"✓"}
here how can i arrange the attributes like line
"2"=>{"modul1_est_hours"=>"88", "modul1_id"=>"27"}}
"2"=>{ "modul1_id"=>"27","modul1_est_hours"=>"88",}}
**mean modul1_id before modul1_est_hours
<% #m1.map(&:id).each do |id|%>
<%= modul1(id) %> <%= f.hidden_field :modul1_id, :value => id %>
<%= f.number_field :modul1_est_hours, :size => 30 %>
<% end %>
def get_issue_attribute_param1(u)
u.each do |key, value|
value.is_a?(Hash) ? get_issue_attribute_param1(value) : update_issue(key,value)
def update_issue(q,p)
if q.include?("_")
q1 = q.split("_")
q0 = q1[0]
if q1[0].include?("modul") && q1[1] == "id"
$id_map = p
puts $id_map
Here you go(in irb):
a = {"modul1_est_hours"=>"88", "modul1_id"=>"27"}
=> {"modul1_est_hours"=>"88", "modul1_id"=>"27"}
Hash[a.sort{|x,y| y.first <=> x.first }]
=> {"modul1_id"=>"27", "modul1_est_hours"=>"88"}
But, as everybody pointed out. If you could tell what you're trying to do, or what do you want with this? Then maybe what you're looking for maybe little more easy to understand and answer. :)
Here are the updated methods:
def get_issue_attribute_param1(params)
ids = []
params["esthour"].select{|hour| hour.include?('modul') }.each_pair do |key, value|
ids << update_issue(value)
end unless params["esthour"].nil?
ids # will have array of array like this: [["61", "62", "63"], ["25", "26", "27"], ["53", "54", "55"], ["25", "26", "27"]] for which you can do: `.flatten`
def update_issue(id_with_hours)
id_with_hours.values.map{|m| m.select{|v| v.include?('id') } }.map(&:values).flatten
Though I am not clear for what purpose you're using $id_map and hence I had to leave that scenario for you to handle. :)
I hope it helps.
